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  • need help in rehoming my dog, can you help?

    It saddens me terribly, but the dog we adopted from the shelter 4 months ago, I must now find a good home for. It breaks my heart, I've never understood how/why people do this and I find myself in the same position now. My older son has an anxiety disorder and the presence of this particular dog is causing him more stress. He has even had to up his meds to deal with the stress. We love dogs very much, so it's not that. I have studied all alternatives and simply must put my son's health above the dog, therefore I am stuck in this horrible dilemna (first and last time in my life) of having to find a dog a home. Any sincere good, non-judmental suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The dog rescue groups are over burdened, and I"m nervous to advertise on Craigslist, and don't know of anyone who would like this heart as a mother is breaking no matter what I choose.

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • I can't seem to copy and pasted directly onto my yahoo email like used to...has something changed?

    It's the same on all our computers so I know its not the computer, did Yahoo change something that I missed? Know how to get it back?

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • Is is legal to not pay an employee who forgets to clock in or out?

    I work for a small company of about 15 employees, I do the payroll for them. It is frustrating trying to remind all these "adults" to write in their time on their time sheets. We are going to be getting a timeclock but what I'm concerned about is having the same problem, they will forget to punch in or out and we will be right back where we started from. I want everybody to get paid fairly, but I'm tired of baby sitting irresponsible adults, I have too many other duties. Our we allowed by law not to pay for time not punched in? We will be giving each employee a memo to sign stating company policy, but I don't know what the law is. We have had this problem for a long time and I really think the only way to MAKE employees clock in is to hit them where it hurts.....on their paychecks. If they are not responsible to clock in then maybe they don't need to be here. Legal advice please


    Footnote I am reposting this because everyone is saying you can't pay employees for time "you know" they worked.....that is my point I wont know exactly when they worked that's 15 employees time 4 clock in and outs each day = 60 time punches a day times a 6 day work week = 360 time clock punches, I couldn't possible begin to know who punched in when.....that's what the timeclock is for....I have other duties other than sitting in front of the timeclock all day making sure all clock in or out, so please read all before giving advice.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is is legal to not pay an employee who forgets to clock in or out?

    I work for a small company of about 15 employees, I do the payroll for them. It is frustrating trying to remind all these "adults" to write in their time on their time sheets. We are going to be getting a timeclock but what I'm concerned about is having the same problem, they will forget to punch in or out and we will be right back where we started from. I want everybody to get paid fairly, but I'm tired of baby sitting irresponsible adults, I have too many other duties. Our we allowed by law not to pay for time not punched in? We will be giving each employee a memo to sign stating company policy, but I don't know what the law is. We have had this problem for a long time and I really think the only way to MAKE employees clock in is to hit them where it hurts.....on their paychecks. If they are not responsible to clock in then maybe they don't need to be here. Legal advice please

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • what does an asp sting look like?

    been trying to figure out what stung me today while gardening, I have ruled out many things, might be an asp? what does it look like?

    2 AnswersFirst Aid8 years ago
  • what insect leaves a burnlike row?

    It does not look like a spider bite, ant bite, scorpion etc... but something bit me while I was working in my flower garden today and it has left my thumb swollen, burning and with 4 small rows of a burnlike raised red marks on my thumb, it really hurts, I did get an ant bite today on that hand but it was not at the site of the now raises burning rows. Any ideas as to what this could be?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Where can I find 2013 gov forms?

    I do the payroll for a small company and as of today 1-9-12 there are still no 2013 W4's or the 2013 Circular E pub. 15 employee tax guide on line or available? I was told last week by an IRS agent to continue using the 2012 forms for now....has anyone heard differently, I am checking the website daily and see no new forms for 2013 added as of yet. Help!

    3 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • Why do Muslim people think Christians are "misguided" in regards to Jesus?

    Why can't they see it is they who have attempted to "re-write" history by changing almost everything about Jesus, from his own claims to be the one and only son of God?

    I just don't understand how someone can come in 630 years after Jesus and basically say.....No No No....everything you know about Jesus is wrong......let me tell you how it happened.....although we were not there to witness what we are now saying is true. Help me understand the logic and thinking in that.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why does Islam change everything about who Jesus was, when Islam itself came almost 620 after Jesus died?

    I'm trying to understand how a religion such as Islam can come after Jesus, but then change much of what is known about Jesus, from his birth, his own claims to be the son of God etc..... From what I have read, Islam gives a very different interpretation of Jesus. How....why.... can they do that, it's like re-writing history to fit in with something that came long after the event? The birth, life, miricles and death of Jesus is the most documented event in human history with thousands of eyewitnessess telling the same story of Jesus. How can someone who was not even alive during that time frame come in later....approx. 630 years later!!! and say the events of Jesus did not happen the way it was told. I really need to understand how Islam can justify rewriting history to suit their cause and religion.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Help, can't find the reason my dog keeps on itching!?

    My Pug has been seen by the Vet numerous times over the past 6 weeks and we can't find a solution. We have tried anal gland cleaning, anti-itch cream, a round of antibiotics....a round of anti-inflammatory meds, anti-itch shampoo, anti-itch spray, round of benadryl, round of zyrtec, no fleas, no ticks. We can't find any reason she is itching. Whatever the reason, can anyone offer a solution to my sweet Pugs itching problem, it breaks my heart watching her going in circles trying to reach some itchy area she can't reach. We are at our wits end. Any help or tips would be appreciates.


    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • I need a simple payroll software for a small company that does not require online fees or services, any ideas?

    Everything that I am seeing, like quickbooks payroll etc... require that I pay a monthly service fee.

    Isn't there simply a program that I can buy, install and do it myself. Why do I have to have a monthly service fee? I don't want to do direct deposits etc... just payroll for about 15 people a week. Any advice appreciated Thanks

    1 AnswerSmall Business9 years ago
  • What is the best payroll software for a company with about 15 employees?

    What is user friendly, can be used with duplicate business checks/stubs attached and a non computer expert like myself could learn fairly quickly? We are currently handwriting all payroll, it is a very time consuming task. I'm looking for a way to set up a simple system where I simply plug in the weekly info and the software does the calculating. It's very important that I can use this program in conjunction with the specific type business duplicate/top stub attached checks we use. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

    3 AnswersSmall Business9 years ago
  • Care Dealer help needed with question.?

    I'm trying to locate written material on a government website etc.. that states exactly what the rules are for Texas in a car repossession. Trying to figure out what is the legal timeframe for when we can resale the car and get rid of personal possessions. I've heard 20 days, 30 days etc...but can't find it in writting for legal purposes, any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    1 AnswerBuying & Selling10 years ago
  • Do you think UHC or Cigna is better for an individual health insurance plan?

    I'm trying to decide between United Health Care and Cigna for my son's new individual health care plan. He will be turning 26 soon and can no longer be on our group family plan. Your input as to which company might be better would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, A Mom trying to make the best choice for my son.

    7 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Why do people in famine stricken countries continue to have babies?

    I love children and understand the deep desire to have children like most women, but I have never understood why couples in extremely poor, starving countries keep having sex/babies, especially when they already have other children that are starving too. I might understand it if a country was doing well, someone had a child and then some unforeseen disaster happened and suddenly the country is in a famine. But I don't understand how anyone could even risk the chance of bringing a new baby into a world when they live in a starving country to begin with. I have heard some say, "oh they have so many kids because there is such a high mortality rate and that way maybe one will survive". That is insane, part of the reason for the famine is because there are so many people to begin with. I've just never been able to wrap my head around this whole hideous concept. I understand there will be some cases of rape or a women being forced to have sex with her husband even if she doesn't want to risk a pregnancy, but I don't think this is true in all the cases of pregnant women in starving countries. I would literally kill a man if he tried to force me to have sex, knowing that if I got pregnant, my baby would almost certainly die of starvation.Shed some light for me please. In the meanwhile I will keep praying for God to bless and protect and provide for all of his precious children everywhere.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why was there an autopsy done on Lee Harvey Oswald at the time of his death?

    Wasn't it apparent he died from the gunshot would inflicted upon him from Jack Ruby?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • what will recovery be like for my friend who is having a kidney removed?

    My friend went to the ER with a back spasm and while running test they discovered he has a cancerous tumor on his kidney. They will be removing it soon. How will his recovery go?

    4 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • What type of snake is this?

    Don't have a picture but it was is my sister's backyard today, it was about 9 inches long (probably not full grown) it was about the color of a clay planter, sort of coral or orangish, with a beige sort of zig zag line down it's back. We thought it was a baby copperhead but I can't find a picture of one that looks like this. Any help would be appreciated.

    5 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago