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  • Dog really won't house break?

    Last may we rescued a dog from the shelter. They knew nothing about her except she had been wandering the streets of a city in another state. They thought she was four years old, but we've come to decide that she was actually just a puppy, or at least 1 year old or younger. Also all last year she was teething and now that's stopped on it's own. She's grown about two sizes longer and taller. She appears to be a yorkie / other terrier mix. She was obviously abused previously because when you approached her would cower.

    Here is the problem. She won't house break. We have tried all of the basic advice. We've tried kenneling, which was fine for about 6 months then suddenly turned into her screaming and trying to chew and dig her way out of kennel for no apparent reason, not doing that to her again. We've tried taking her out ever 30 minutes - 1 hour. We've tried a feeding schedule. We've tried taking her out at the same time every day. We are doing this things continuously for a year. For example, I let her out every night at 11:30 when I go to bed. Then I let her out first thing in the morning at 6:45. This doesn't matter to her. So now she has starting pooping at 6:43 instead on the carpet, I know because it is nice and warm for me. We have had to block off the stairs to our basement because we discovered that, when we thought our efforts were working, she was going down into the basement and pooping instead.

    She both poops and urinates and once we get her to stop going in one area, she starts going in a different area.

    So what's the deal? Can dogs behave like defiant teenagers? We love her but this is driving us crazy.

    Oh, and we can't have a dog door because we have a 3 inch thick steel back door. We obviously can't leave the door open all night for her because we live in a neighborhood that requires such a door.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Assassins Creed 2 Codex pages?

    Okay, so I see the codex page locations on the map. I go to the locations and there is nothing there. I climb up and down, kill guards, use eagle vision. No pages. I have only found the pages for the quest at the Mario's Villa, so I know they look like glowing gold things. But, once I get to the location, nothing. I have the markers but no pages. Please help.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Yahoo Administration asking for user names a passwords?

    I'm not about to fall for this. Has anyone else received this e-mail? It says it is from Yahoo Administration asking for your e-mail address, user name, and password. The title of the e-mail is Termination of you Yahoo Web mail Account. I thought it was common practice of good companies not to ever ask for your user name and password, this seems like a scam. I've copy pasted the message below.

    Dear Staff/Subcribers


    We are currently carrying out an upgrade on

    our system due to the fact that

    it has come to our notice that one or more

    of our subscribers are

    introducing a very strong virus into our

    system and it is affecting our

    network.We are trying to find out the

    specific person.

    For this reason all subscribers are to

    provide their USER NAME AND PASSWORD

    for us to verify and have them cleared

    against this virus.

    Failure to comply will lead to the

    termination of your Account in the next

    48 hours.

    Information to send;




    Hoping to serve you better.


    YAHOO mail Support



    This is an Administrative Message from YAHOO

    Mail server. It is not

    spam. From time to time, YAHOO mail server

    will send you such messages

    in order to communicate important

    information about your subscription.


    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In1 decade ago
  • Trade old clothes for other clothes in Denver?

    A co-worker gave me a bunch of her old clothes because she lost weight. It is mostly suits and dresses or skirts. Some of the clothes fit me but a lot of them did not. She said I can do whatever with the clothes. I can't afford to buy new clothes for work, so I was thinking if I could trade them for things that fit then me and someone else could benefit.

    These clothes are not the top of fashion trends but not completely out of date. They are very nice and lightly used. They would be good for someone who works in an office or in business. Where is a good place to trade clothes for other office clothes?

    1 AnswerDenver1 decade ago
  • Extremely Picky Dog What to Do?

    We adopted a terrier mix a week ago, she's small probably a yorkie mix or a Norfolk mix. We're not sure how old she is. The woman that showed her to us said she was 4 years old, but on the receipt from the shelter it says she's 1.5 years old.

    We purchased a bag of the food from the shelter plus another type of food since the food they feed them there is extremely expensive. We bought a good healthy brand. Not only will she not eat a mix of the old and new food, she won't eat the new food or the old food separately, either. We also bought her some healthy treats, but she won't touch them.

    After she was fully recovered from spaying surgery we were beginning to worry. The first two days we thought she was just not hungry due to surgery, they said to expect that. So, I went and bought some canned food for her. I bought a healthy brand in several flavors. She turns her nose up at all of them except one! And if we mix dry food into it she won't eat.

    Well, we run out of the wet food she liked so we decided to try cat food since we also have a cat. She won't eat the cat food either! I've never seen a dog turn down cat food.

    Well, so I'm going to buy more of the one flavor of food she liked. We know she is hungry because when we go into the kitchen she gets excited. She will sit and beg for table food, but we don't want her to eat table food since it isn't good for her.

    We don't know who owned her previously from the shelter. She was a stray. But we fear they neglected her and only fed her table food. We don't mind feeding her only one flavor of canned food but it would be nice to mix in dry food to save some money.

    Any advice on what to do about a picky dog? And I fear she is stubborn because two days is a long time for a dog to hold out eating, even after surgery.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can I transfer a credit card balance with fair/low credit?

    A few years ago I went through a jobless period, a divorce, and some problems that caused my credit score to be low. I currently pay all my bills on time with no late fees, but I can only afford the minimum. My big problem is I have a Premier Credit Card and it is maxed and I can't pay it down due to their stupid fees. I just learned I will be charged my annual fee which is $50! That will put me over the limit.

    I want to transfer my balance, ($300) to a good credit card company, but all the applications say you need Very Good to Excellent credit. Is there a credit card that helps people who are trying to rebuild their credit transfer away from high fee cards?

    1 AnswerCredit1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to give a used book for Christmas?

    At my work sometimes people leave lightly used items on the break room table for free. There is a book that is in perfect condition. It doesn't even look like it has been read one time. I don't have any money to buy Christmas gifts for my family, and it is the kind of book someone I know would really enjoy. Would it be wrong for me to give it to them for Christmas?

    7 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Have you shopped at Sunflower Farmer's Market?

    My family is not rich. We cannot afford to go shopping at even a regular grocery store. We have to shop at Wal-Mart due to their cheaper prices. There is a Sunflower Farmer's Market only 2 miles from our home, which is better than the 10 miles we have to drive to get to Wal-Mart. However, my husband is worried that they advertise "low prices" because they get their merchandise from shady vendors. Or their food is about to spoil. When they say the store isn't fancy does that mean they have poor food cooling systems or what?

    We need to add better food to our diet but we are unable to afford a lot of actual food. (Such as real chicken instead of chicken nuggets.) If you have shopped at this store please give me your honest opinion, because I cannot waste one penny on food that will spoil in one day.


    1 AnswerDenver1 decade ago
  • drive by shootings in my neighborhood

    Last night, just before we were going to bed, there was a drive by shooting at the house diagonally from my house. I didn't realize it was a shooting last night. I heard two bangs from where I was in the house. My husband was the one who realized what was going on, but he didnt' say anything to me until this morning. Now I'm really scared because we have small children, and if the shooters were traveling north, then the people at the house shooting back would be shooting directly at our house! We have large windows in the front of our house.

    What should I do? We can't afford to move, but I am really scared for the safety of my family.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What Graphics Card can I upgrade to with this system HP Pavilion Elite m9040n PC?

    I don't know much about Graphic Cards but I was looking into the Nvidia Geforce 8800 series and was wondering if anyone knows which card would work with my PC. I need a better graphics card for gaming, and the 8400 series that came with my pc isn't good. Also I will need to know if I would have to upgrade my PCU I think its called. Thanks in advance.

    Here is the link to the specs of my PC..

    1 AnswerAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Unexpectedly Pregnant...?

    I am unexpectedly pregnant due to birth control failure. I just started a new job this week. I will be getting group health insurance in 90 days with Anthem HMO. Until that time, however, I am uninsured and since I'm pregnant already, without insurance, I'm guessing even HIPAA can't protect me and it will be considered pre existing. I make $500 per month too much for Medicaid in my state. I don't have enough money to pay for an OB out of pocket. I know about midwives and had my first child naturally, but my second child was a difficult labor and there is a 90%+ chance I will need a C-section this time around, (so I need to go to a hospital to have my baby.) Abortion is not an option, do not suggest.

    How do people with no money and no insurance have their baby? I can take care of the baby once it is born, but I just can't afford the price of OB visits and hospital stays, especially with a c-section. Anyone who has been in a similar place please respond.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I received a letter from a Credit Union Test Market?

    Basically it says that I have been pre qualified for a loan for a car, and I have $1000 in an account. The dealership is a very reputable and well known in my area, and it has been here for years. My family has bought cars from this dealership in the past and uses them for repairs, etc.

    I am to go to the dealership and speak with the credit union people about a car. The cars for the test market people will also be discounted, suposedly. Also, this is supposed to be a good monthly payment/interest rate. The letter was one of those kinds with the anti-tamper envelope with the carbon paper inside so it can't be read. But, in this day and age I'm just not trusting of anything. A car would be a boon for me at the this time, but I don't want to get scammed. I'm so confused because I know the dealership.

    Is this really a loan for a car or some sort of ploy? Any suggestions would help.

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • I am a temp employee and have an interview tomorrow?

    I am a temp employee for a small company, and I have a sudden interview tomorrow with a different company. My current company knows I was updating my resume, but I don't know if I should tell them I have an interview. I am going to have to leave for lunch about an hour and a half early to make sure I have enough time for this interview plus travel time. Should I tell my boss I have an interview? Or should I tell them something else? I've never been in this situation before. Also, this new company wants me to provide contact info for my last two supervisors, but my current job and my recent schooling are the only supervisors I have. Would that be good enough information?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What type of socks are best for work?

    I have just recently started a new job in an office. For the first time in my life I need to dress for work. That has been easy until now because it is starting to get cold. I don't know what type of socks to wear to work and I know none of the socks I own would look right. I know with pumps I'll wear nylons or tights, but what about with ankle boots? Do you wear the same thing with those?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between Pentium and Athelon processors?

    I want to buy a new computer that will be good for gaming, especially on-line MMORPGs. I want the computer to last a long time. I heard that Athelon is a good gaming processor because it devotes the whole processor to one task, however; I don't know anything about Athelon, or if the guy trying to sell me a computer was just telling me what I want to hear. Is it really a good processor? I've always had Pentium processors and have never been let down by them. Is the Athelon brand just as reliable and powerful? I want to make sure I get the best computer for my money, so it is really important to me to get the best I can afford.

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Garage Sale?

    I need to make $30 and was thinking of having a garage sale. I have some old clothes, but nothing really stylish. I also have some old books, (fiction novels and a couple of old college text books,) glass candle holders, a large painting in a frame, 2 large panes of glass, canning jars, some shelving paper in the original packaging, and a Casio Keyboard that I never use but is in perfect working condition. I also have some old VHS tapes, mostly kids movies, but I don't know if anyone would buy them. I'm sure I could come up with a few other things from my basement. All of my things are in good condition because I take good care of my stuff, (even my old stuff.) The question is, would this be a good garage sale? Do you think I could make $30 and how much would you charge for these items?

    I was thinking of charging $20 for my keyboard. I really did love that thing, I just don't have any space for it anymore.But would that be too much? I have the stand and power cord and everything

    7 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • What is the tax precent in Colorado?

    Basically what is the percent taken each month for Federal, State, Social Security, and Medicare in Colorado?

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion question?

    Okay, I'm doing the Mage Guild quests and I'm on the quest called "Necromancer's Moon" I'm supposed to talk to some one named Bothiel who is located in the Orrary. The problem is, the door is locked and requires a key and it won't let me in! I don't have a key for the Orrary and no one seems to be giving me one. I've talked to everyone in the Arcane University, and no key. I'm getting really frustraited. I waited outside the door for a whole day, but this person never leaves the Orrary. What can I do other than start over, (I'm not starting over, I'm too far along for that.) If there is any way I can open that door, even by way of a cheat, it would really help.


    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Direct T.V. sound but no picture?

    I have Direct t.v. For the last few days we kept losing signal, it kept blinking off an on. We thought maybe some tree branches were in the way. Then today, it was working fine. Suddenly, the picture went black but we have sound. It is on the correct input channel, it was working then just blinked off. The t.v. is working fine, (picture with DVD player and video game consoles,) and the cables are all hooked up correctly. The picture has been off for about an hour, but the sound is perfect. Is it possible for a home system such as Direct t.v. to pick up sound but not picture? What could be wrong?

    4 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Footnote Question?

    I am writing a research paper and need to use footnotes. My paper uses multiple sources and I have a lot of information that needs to be cited. My question is, do I need to use a footnote after each scentance in a paragraph of reworded information by one author, or can I put one footnote at the end of the "clump" of information? I really want to do this correctly because I don't want to plagerize anything. thanks

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago