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My name is Dan! I live in Canada and am a Canadian. Some of my interests are music (I play two instruments and sing), hockey, the world and hanging out with my friends. If you look at my avator and picture it in real life that's me pretty much what I look like. I'll answer any questions about anything as long as it's not stupid and/or gross.

  • I would love to travel to the Deep South, where and how should I start?

    I'm most interested in getting a feeling for the attitudes predominant in the Southern United States as well as the culture, cuisine, and prevelent lifestyles.

    2 AnswersOther - United States8 years ago
  • How would the US Capitol Building have held up had United 93 hit it on 9/11?

    Architectural and engineering details would be outstanding.

    1 AnswerEngineering8 years ago
  • Why are there two or more vowel markings for the same vowel in Hebrew?

    I'm just starting to learn Hebrew because I'm taking a class in it at the Rothberg International School next year. I'm starting to learn the letters, and I'm noticing that for every way a letter can be pronounced (da, deh, dee, do, doo, and a flat d for when its followed by a consonent for the letter dalet for instance), it has two or more vowel markings. (Nothing and two vertical dots beneath the consonent d, for instance). Why is this the case?

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • I'm thinking of becoming a vegetarian. Are there any good guides for starting?

    I wanted to get a healthier diet, so I was thinking of at least experimenting with giving up junk food and becoming a vegetarian. Giving up junk food is the easy bit, but what about the vegetarian part? Are there any decent guides either online or in a book store?

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • A Quick Critique on My Writing?

    1)This was something I wrote, possibly the beginning of a novel, but I'm interested to hear anonymous opinions on this.

    2)I've been struggling finding something really intriguing and witty for the opening words from Bill. I don't want you to write it, but some ideas would be great. Anyway.....

    I look back at Bill's words a year later and realize even more how they perfectly summed up that evening. He whispered it in my ear during my high school graduation, which was just a total ******* bore from beginning to end. It was held in a convention centre just outside the downtown of the suburb I grew up in. Big deal. They get you into a suit and a tie with a grand looking ceiling and make you feel real old-fashioned. There were hundreds of middle aged parents in there, sitting in folding gymnasium seats, and dressed very much the same,which only made me feel more stuffy and uncomfortable. The place is probably used as some ritzy dancehall floor. It was an arched roof with yellow brass chandelliers hanging from it, the roof was painted gold, and white pillers came down every so often. It was enough to make you wonder about what parties were like in the Tsarist court about 150 years ago, except these working stiffs were nowhere near as fascinating as 19th century Russia.

    The only redeeming aspect of that celebration was that we were playing the marching music in my school’s band, and we didn’t have to walk down the aisle in a straight line with a bunch of queer looking navy blue robes and hats which mislead in that it showed intelligence. Bill and I knew that 90% of them were nitwits.

    I remember the speech our vice principal gave. Vice Principal Ashcroft, if I remember correctly. Real important guy, or so he thought he was. He must’ve taken up twenty minutes of speaking time that night, filling up the open, gold chandeliered ceiling with the most contrived and convoluted drivel I’ve ever heard. He completely kissed the asses of all the teachers and students and administrative people with a bunch of empty praise that could have applied to Hitler if you thought in the right ways. For us "young adults" he gave a bunch of phony advice in the form of quasi-symbolic, cliché metaphors about how we’re the salt of the Earth, the light of world, and all that typical, pre-written Catholic school crap.

    I remember the valedictorian was Krystal during my graduation year. Fantastic grades, probably got the damn valedictorian thing by being the teacher's best friend. She said very much the same bullshit, except only worse because it's always worse to hear a student kiss the *** of the staff than the other way around. Teenagers are supposed to be rebelling, questioning of authority, and daring, and even the stupid ones could see through the staff, who were mostly in it for their own interest. Here was someone who at 17 was already sold themselves out and became a complete and total pawn of the system, someone who would probably recommend cheap asbestos in some overseas sweatshop if she thought it could get her a promotion.

    If you judged her as a person from up on the podium, you'd have thought she was real nice and clean, but I knew her in person for four years, and she was about as much of a gossipy party-hardy type as anyone else. I went with her on some band trips with her, as she used to sing backed by the band, and she'd get smashed off her *** at midnight worse than even the notorious drinkers in band. And musicians can handle their liquer, it was no small feat.

    But as I was thinking about this I came back to the graduation ceremony in front of my eyes. I kept thinking that if this night was any indication of how my adult life would be, I might as well have put a gun to the back of my shaggy, dirty blond haired head right on stage, blowing out my pale blue eyes and shattering my glasses as all the soccer moms gasped in horror. I smile just thinking about what that would’ve been like. I’m sure even something as traumatic as the public suicide of a young kid wouldn’t deter those control freak helicopter parents from taking attention off of their own kids.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • In baseball, what happens to the runner if either a ball shatters during the play or a player is injured?

    Not much of a baseball fan, but it was kind of a quirky question that just randomly popped in my head.

    8 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • What is the biggest epic fail which really became an epic win ever?

    My vote goes to Christopher Columbus thinking he found India when he really found the West Indes and the New World!

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • How healthy would this person be?

    Say you have a person who constantly drinks pop and eats junk food between meals, smokes a pack a day and drinks on the weekend.

    But at the same time, they jog twenty blocks to work every day and goes to the gym a couple times a week, during breakfast, lunch and dinner they eat some of the healthiest foods one could possibly find.

    Not taking into account other factors such as stress levels and things like that, how healthy would this person be?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Che is fine but not Fidel?

    If you wear a pendant or t shirt of Che Guevara, it's considered a sign of rebellion and is commonly worn in western society, but what of Fidel Castro? Here is a guy who was his counterpart, both sharing very similar ideologies and goals, both were violent revolutionaries and both committed atrocities and yet if you wear something with the an image of Fidel, your not looked at as a rebel but as an evil communist.


    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What are your religious beliefs?

    I know this is a very personal question, but I was wondering, as specifically as possible what your beliefs about is there a God and how did the universe begin and etc, etc.

    The Yahoo Answers crowd overall seem have different opinions than other websites (people on Yahoo Answers tend to lean more towards republican or democrat where most other sites are independent, that kind of thing). So I'm wondering what the results will be here.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • This is my follow up to "just a question".?

    I got a pretty good answer for my first question. But the next part is even more confusing for me. If the money is borrowed from the banks, this obviously creates debt. But if the banks are the only place you can get the money, how is it possible to repay these debts?

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • Just a question.?

    This has to do with economics. I'm just getting into the subject. How does money go into circulation? After it's printed by the mint, how does the money actually go into circulation and what are some of the after effects of it?

    4 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Crosby or Malkin?

    10 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • How do Biblical literalists believe that the world was created?

    There are two different creation stories in Genesis. I know it probably depends on the literalist.. But how do some literalists think the world was created?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who played the guitar line that was sampled in "Hope" by Twista?

    I don't really like the song, but I love that guitar line. I looked it up and I heard I saw it was sampled, but it didn't tell me by who. Can anyone tell me?

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Travelling from Canada, do you have to be 18 to leave the country without an adult?

    For a long time I thought that you had to be 18 or older to leave the country unsupervised. But I've also heard that you can be 16 as long as you have your parents permission. What are the rules regardding travel to other countries?

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • How did the United States print it's money before the Federal Reserve?

    The Founding Fathers never wanted a central bank, but they instituted one anyway. Canada (where I live) also has a central bank. So what did they do? Were there individual mints in different states or counties or what?

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago