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I'm 34 years old and enjoy reading and politics. I have debated Politics for 15 years and have never lost. I am open to any debate, anytime.

  • Is Tressel and Ohio State the embarrassment of the big ten.?

    Looks like the old boring, predictable offense of tressell fails again. Seems like whenever State plays a team worth a damn they get their butts kicked.

    Is the fact that tressel can't beat good teams giving the big ten a bad name? Michigan and Iowa own the SEC (Michigan is like 23-6 against SEC teams) are they the only hope for the big ten?

    20 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Reps have no problem spending Trillions on a bullcrap war but have a problem spending on healthcare, why?

    The election losing party which brung you the trillion dollar Iraq war now has a problem with spending for affordable healthcare. The Republicans (aka the "i got mine" crowd) didn't have a problem spending money too kill brown colored people who never attacked us,so why deny Americans money for affordable healthcare.

    Does the fact that the Iraq war was a trillion dollar Republican war make you wanna look a Republican in the face and say "shut the hell up you hypocrite"?

    And isn't the real truth Republican politicians are against this reform is because they just happen to be the party who accepts a vast majority of bribes and kickbacks from greedy insurance companies (see Jack Abrimoff").

    15 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Bush says we maybe attacked if a Dem like Obama gets elected. But who was in charge when 9/11 happened?

    Bush and the boys claim "we maybe attacked" if Dem's like Obama take command. But didn't 9/11 happen on Bush and the Republicans watch?

    Didn’t Bush say “I don’t think about bin Laden, I don’t care about him”

    Didn't the head of the C.I.A beg Bush to look into terrorists who wanted to learn how to fly not land an airplane, but Bush ignored him?

    Didn’t Bush admit to ignoring the Presidential Daily Brief which said on the front “Bin Laden determined to attack U.S?”

    Didn't Bush Sr, the C.I.A and Reagan arm, train, finance Bin Laden in the 80's? (C.I.A warned them not to trust Bin Laden so don't use the "we were fighting the Russians" excuse)

    Didn't Bush and Reagan give chemical weapons to Saddam?

    Didn't Reagan give arms to Iran and the Contra's after being blackmailed by Iran?

    And why did Reagan CUT AND RUN from Hezbollah after they bombed a Marines barrack killing 249 Marines (this was after Nixon CUT AND RAN from Vietnam).

    Aren't the Bush's close friends with the Saudi Royal family, the same family that's financed terrorism for over 2 decades?

    Didn't Dubya want to hand over our port security to Dubai, a country linked directly to terrorism?

    Didn’t Rumsfelds Company admit to selling nuclear reactor parts to N. Korea?

    In fact does America have any enemies who didn’t have help from the Republicans? With this sort of national security history won’t we be attacked if we vote republican (again)?

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Have Conservatives already lost the Presidential election? and is conservatism dead?

    Republicans call John Mclaim a "loser" or a "Republican in name only". Conservatives say he's more liberal then half the liberals in Washington (see Coulter, Limbaugh, Hannity and all the other inbreds).

    With Conservatives getting crushed in the last elections and red states turning blue, is conservatism in it's last breath?

    With the most popular Republicans being moderates and not Conservatives (John Mclaim and Arnold) and Bush recieving a lower approval rating then Hitler did when Berlin was burning, is this the sign of the times.

    Is it a fluke that the people of America don't even want a conservative to represent them in the Republican party?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Jim Tressel another Loyd Carr (except Tressel runs a dirty program)?

    Loyd Carrs first six seasons were great. Won a national title, rose bowl, and beat a few SEC teams and Ohio State while he was at it.

    After six years he stunk the place up and couldn't win against the new coach in Ohio State, (see boring offense and predictable defense).

    But now after six years Michigan has the new coach. They run the spread offense, the same offense that Tressel can't beat.

    And tressel has his horrible record against the SEC. Michigans new coach gets a lot for his limited resources from West Virgina.

    Loyd Carr gets the least out of his players. Now that a great coach and a great staff are in Michigan with better recruits and more resources, is this it for tressel?

    With his horrible record against spread offenses and mobile Q.B's (both now in Michigan) will things go back to the normal which is Michigan using Ohio State as their punching bag?

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Since Republicans armed, trained, financed our enemies will we be attacked if the republicans win?

    Wasn't it Reagan and Bush Sr. who armed, trained, financed Bin Laden and his boy's in the early 80's?

    Didn't 9/11 happen under the Republicans watch?

    Wasn't it Reagan and Rumsfeld who gave Saddam chemical weapons?

    Wasn't it contractors linked to Rumsfeld who sold nuclear reactor's to N. Korea?

    Wasn't it Bush who wanted to hand our port security to Dubai, a country with links to Hezbollah?

    Wasn't it reagan who called Bin Laden a "great man and a hero" (after Reagan cut and ran from Lebanon after Hezbollah bombed a marine's barrack killing almost 300 marines".

    Aren't the Bush's closes friends and business partners the Saudi Royal Family? The same family who have bank rolled terrorism for decades?

    Wasn't it Bush who said " I don't think about Bin Laden, he is not important too me."

    With the track record of the Republicans can America take the risk and vote Republican?

    13 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is this proof that when it comes to national security neo-cons are about as bad as it gets?

    Republicans and or conservatives have the worst record for our national defense . Nixon CUTS and RUNS from Vietnam. Iran blackmails Reagan with hostages (Carter got tough and sent in special forces until chopper was shot down) so Reagan arms Iran and the Contras.

    Reagan CUTS and RUNS from Hezbollah in Lebanon when they bomb a marines barracks. Reagan and Bush arm, train, finance Bin Laden and his boys in Afghanistan (the CIA operative who was the go between said on p.b.s that he warned Reagan and Bush to stop dealing with Bin Laden, but they ignored him thus ending any excuse of “we were helping him to destroy the Russian occupation”.

    Reagan, Bush, Rumsfeld give Saddam chemical weapons. Hundreds of thousands die during this long ordeal (including an estimated 90,000 infants and toddlers which is more in that time span then abortions for a decade) Saddam runs out and then we stop arming him. That’s why we knew there were no WMD’s in Iraq.

    Reagan, Bush arm and finance the Taliban. Bush’s go into business with the Bin Ladens (Carlyle Group). Bush’s become great friends with the Saudi Royal family, the same family which has financed terrorism for years. Dubya ignores Presidential Daily Brief which says “Bin Laden determined to strike U.S.”. George Tenant Begs Bush to be on alert for airplane hijackings from Arab students who are being trained to fly aircraft, but not how to take off or land. Congress wants a budget of 3 million to combat terrorism, Bush squashes this and gives zero, that’s zero dollars to terrorism. Richard Clark constantly warns Bush about terrorist attacks that will be coming soon, Bush ignores him. 9/11/01 We are hit on Bush’s watch and Bush looks like an idiot on TV when he finds out we are under attack, and operation blame Clinton because Bush is an idiot begins.

    Bush protects the Bin Laden family before 9/11 when the FBI was told to back off Bin Ladens brother who was funneling money to Al-Qaeda 9/11. Bush tries handing over port security to countries linked to terrorism. Bush cuts a deal with Pakistan, a country to be well known to be a safe haven for terrorism. Now Pakistan has cut a deal with Al-Qaeda.

    Bush tries handing over our ports to countries linked to terrorism. Bush is opening up our borders to Mexico and Canada soon allowing terrorists free reign in America, and handing over a hundred thousand jobs to Mexicans to be in charge of our cargo security, and all importing and exporting (this one is from Conservative Republicans )

    People start making excuses “we haven’t been attacked in five years. Experts then ask “what about five years and one month, this shuts up Republicans.

    Americans invent a new drinking game called “if in doubt blame Clinton”. Whenever a nut case Republican or conservative tries to put blame on Clinton to divert attention away from the Republicans terror record (see above, or read your high school history books) take one shot of whiskey.

    Rumsfeld sells nuclear reactors to N. Korea. Bush sells parts for fighter jets to Iran. The question is do you still feel safe? And will Republican conservatives quit arming, training, financing all our enemies?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this proof that when it comes to national security neo-cons are about as bad as it gets?

    Republicans and or conservatives have the worst record for our national defense . Nixon CUTS and RUNS from Vietnam. Iran blackmails Reagan with hostages (Carter got tough and sent in special forces until chopper was shot down) so Reagan arms Iran and the Contras.

    Reagan CUTS and RUNS from Hezbollah in Lebanon when they bomb a marines barracks. Reagan and Bush arm, train, finance Bin Laden and his boys in Afghanistan (the CIA operative who was the go between said on p.b.s that he warned Reagan and Bush to stop dealing with Bin Laden, but they ignored him thus ending any excuse of “we were helping him to destroy the Russian occupation”.

    Reagan, Bush, Rumsfeld give Saddam chemical weapons. Hundreds of thousands die during this long ordeal (including an estimated 90,000 infants and toddlers which is more in that time span then abortions for a decade) Saddam runs out and then we stop arming him. That’s why we knew there were no WMD’s in Iraq.

    Reagan, Bush arm and finance the Taliban. Bush’s go into business with the Bin Ladens (Carlyle Group). Bush’s become great friends with the Saudi Royal family, the same family which has financed terrorism for years. Dubya ignores Presidential Daily Brief which says “Bin Laden determined to strike U.S.”. George Tenant Begs Bush to be on alert for airplane hijackings from Arab students who are being trained to fly aircraft, but not how to take off or land. Congress wants a budget of 3 million to combat terrorism, Bush squashes this and gives zero, that’s zero dollars to terrorism. Richard Clark constantly warns Bush about terrorist attacks that will be coming soon, Bush ignores him. 9/11/01 We are hit on Bush’s watch and Bush looks like an idiot on TV when he finds out we are under attack, and operation blame Clinton because Bush is an idiot begins.

    Bush protects the Bin Laden family before 9/11 when the FBI was told to back off Bin Ladens brother who was funneling money to Al-Qaeda 9/11. Bush tries handing over port security to countries linked to terrorism. Bush cuts a deal with Pakistan, a country to be well known to be a safe haven for terrorism. Now Pakistan has cut a deal with Al-Qaeda.

    Bush tries handing over our ports to countries linked to terrorism. Bush is opening up our borders to Mexico and Canada soon allowing terrorists free reign in America, and handing over a hundred thousand jobs to Mexicans to be in charge of our cargo security, and all importing and exporting (this one is from Conservative Republicans )

    People start making excuses “we haven’t been attacked in five years. Experts then ask “what about five years and one month, this shuts up Republicans.

    Americans invent a new drinking game called “if in doubt blame Clinton”. Whenever a nut case Republican or conservative tries to put blame on Clinton to divert attention away from the Republicans terror record (see above, or read your high school history books) take one shot of whiskey.

    Rumsfeld sells nuclear reactors to N. Korea. Bush sells parts for fighter jets to Iran. The question is do you still feel safe? And will Republican conservatives quit arming, training, financing all our enemies?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do neo-cons want to invade Iran when it's the Saudis who are arming and financing most of the insurgents

    A military report released shows that only 8% of attacks against our troops are Iran related.

    However 25% of coalition casualties are linked to the Sunni controlled Saudi govornment.

    So why not attack Saudi Arabia? They are the one's most responsible for the carnage in Iraq.

    Or does Bush want to attack Iran because his family is best friends with the Saudi family (same family that has funded terrorism including Al-Qaeda for decades) ?

    Does Bush and Cheney stand to make more money by invading Iran (see Halliburton and the Carlyle Group)? Does Iran have more oil?

    Or is it because Bush has investments with the Bin Laden family? I mean if it's the sunni Saudi's who are funding most of this crap, then why invade Iran?

    Sounds like Conservatives doesn't it? Bin Laden attacks us so let's invade Iraq. Saudi Arabia is funding the insurgents so lets hit Iran.

    I think I remember why conservatives lost the elections, and why red states are now blue.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Though the season is over who do you think will college footballs national championship next year?

    The experts have said Michigan, Usc, Florida, Auburn are the front runners. Michigan has a Q.B recruit named Ryan Mallette coming to Michigan next year. They say he's actually the best Q.B in the country.

    They claim he's much better then the #1 ranked Clausen kid that's going to Notre Dame. In the army all - american game his numbers were twice as good as Clausens though they both played for the same team.

    10 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • CONSERVATIVES!!! What will be your New Years resolution?

    Besides arming, training, financing the next generation of America's enemies (see Reagan, Bush and Iran Contra, the Taliban, Bin Laden in the 80's, Saddam, Bush and the Saudi's).

    Or to keep teenagers from buying birth control so they won't have sex.

    To continue to provide Iraqi's with free healthcare, but American's can go to hell.

    To give us family values while Conservative Catholic Priests molest alter boys, and Mark Foley flirts with young pages.

    To tell people that drug abuse is a moral failing crime, unless your Rush Limbaugh. Then it's an illness and they need our prayers for a full recovery.

    To praise the troops while slashing veteren benefits, not arming humvee's with the correct armor. And discontinue paying for soldiers medical care who have certain head trauma's.

    Or to watch the Simpsons all year because you think "that Flanders guy makes a lot of sense".

    Or watch as more Red states turn Blue in the Presidential elections.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I notice most people agree Michigan got screwed. Florida doesn't deserve too be in the title game. correct?

    Why is it that every college football expert including ex-Buckey Kirk Herbstreet, and lee Corso agree that Michigan is the real # 2 team in the country.

    Why did Ohio State agree that Michigan is the real #2? Florida losses by double digits to a team thats not even in the top ten!!! They fluke a win past hopeless Florida State, and have a few close calls against lesser teams.

    Michigan played a #1 ranked team, a # 2 ranked team, they crushed the #7 ranked team. Plus had 3 rivalry games, and lost to the #1 team only by three points and that was away (they didn't lose to a team not in the top ten).

    Even ex-buckey Kirk Herbstreet said "if Michigan doesn't get called for roughing the passer late in the fourth quarter, Michigan wins.

    Everybody after that game agreed that those were the two best teams in the country. And if Michigan had their chance then so did Florida. All's they had to do was beat a team thats not in the top ten and argument over. But they lost by double digits.

    16 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Does Ohio State have the dirtiest program in the country. And will Ohio State raise their salery cap?

    Of course Wisconsin would have beat the crap out of the Luckeyes if we played them. I mean god forbid they play a real defense.

    But with cheater Tressel as coach, will the NCAA lay down sanctions against Ohio State?

    Tressel was being investigated for paying players when he was coaching Youngstown State. He got out of dodge when they were questioning him.

    Mo Claurette claims he was payed to go to Ohio State. Mangold and Carpenter claimed to have thousands of dollars stolen from them last year (wonder how they got that)

    Troy Smith shows up to an interview sporting a diamond ear ring and Armani suit.

    Is this what it comes down to in Ohio. Does the fact that Michigan is killing Ohio State in the overall series put pressure on Ohio State to cheat?

    7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Is conservatism dead? Is this why Red states are blue? And who will be the next conservative to go down?

    When I say conservatism I mean the nutcase conservatism you see now. The Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Gingrich, etc.

    Real old school conservatives say they hate this new idiot class of neo-cons. Joe Scarborough and other conservatives have actually signed petitions trying to get these nutcases out.

    The days of Barry Goldwater conservatism has been hijacked by nutcase conservatives and incompetent idiots.

    If I had a dime for every old school Goldwater - Reagan like conservative who has spoke out against the new era conservatives, I'd have a new house.

    Since the elections has America said "Hell No" to Bush conservatism? Is this conservatism dead. And will common sense conservatism be back? Or has Bush ruined it for them too.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do Rep's hate our troops?

    Forget the fact that Rumsfeld said "we unfortunatly have to run with what we got" (about our armed forces).

    Forget the fact that Bush didn't want to fund hardware that would protect our troops in Humvee's.

    Forget the fact that Bush cut funding for injured troops who had brain injuries.

    When this country needed these Republicans the most they said "go to hell".

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • New polls show Middle Class Americans agree that Republican love the Rich, but hate the working class. True?

    Americans have long speculated that Republicans hate the middle class and poor, but love the rich. The head of the small business owners department claims that "Bush and the Republicans have given out 75% of small business funding to big business like Boeing, Pepsi, Ford and a few hundred other".

    These small business owners claim that Bush and the Republicans have given less money each year to small businesses. This association claims that "Bush and the Republicans openly admit that they are working to choke out the small business association".

    Now polls done by pollsters including the conservative Republican fox news show huge numbers of middle class Americans feel like Bush and the Republicans are actually trying to eliminate the middle class.

    The middle class in this country have said that they have been screwed by Republicans, in favor for the rich

    Are Republicans looking to destroy the middle class?

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago