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I'm 22 years old, female obviously by my avatar. I live in the great white north here in Canada(no we dont live in igloos). Eventhough I've been a member of yahoo Answers for a while I only recently started being active in answering questions. I mostly answer in the mental health section because I've been a mental illness sufferer for 14 years. I have depression, general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder. I'm a hypchondriac, a recovering drug addict and past agoraphobic(dont think its totally gone but I can leave my house now!) Thats just a small summary of me, and I love to hear from people, and I've made many great contacts here on YA from people who say I've helped them in some way, so feel free to email me if you want!

  • Medications stop working days after taking them...?

    Basically I've noticed a pattern with myself for a few years now...most medications that I take, whether they are prescriptions or over the counter stop working or work to a lesser degree after a few days or so of me taking them. It feels as though my tolerance for them increases very quickly and I'm usually left with a lot of side effects from the drug but no benefit. Even something simple like Tylenol...I cant take it too often or I know it wont work anymore. I'm wondering could there be something wrong with the way my liver metabolizes foreign compounds?

    Although I'm not sure how relevant this may be I did use to take a lot of drugs(street drugs) and abuse prescription drugs(60 pills a day average)...haven't done those in 5 years now though. And I don't drink.

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Please help! Having problems burning DVD from downloaded files?

    I'm using utorrent for downloading the files, Any video converter for converting them and to burn them I'm using either burn aware free or the program that comes on my laptop(have tried on 2 computers.)

    It sorta worked at first but the quality of the dvd when I watched it on my tv with my dvd player was really bad, so I figured it was a bad quality torrent...downloaded another. I got the better quality except the movie was split up into many different files....I converted and burned it like that anyway...then the audio turned out to be out of sync.

    Anyways another problem I'm having now with other movies is that I download them, convert and burn them but they wont play on my dvd player at all now. sometimes it says that the dvd is dirty or that it can play in this region. I could've sworn they weren't PAL downloads though....anyways I'm really frustrated and honestly I feel like such an idiot because I cant get it right and yet so many people do this everyday and have no problems and get great quality on dvd player from burns. What am I doing wrong? Please help me, thanks.

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Eye dizziness or weird sensations in and around eyes?

    I'm not even sure if eye dizziness is an official term or not. lol but thats the best way I cant describe whats been bothering me for the past 4-5 days. I get regular head dizziness but this is a new weird feeling thats concentrated around my eyes. I thought maybe it was something to do with my sinus' or this massive headache i was getting over...but im not sure. I guess I just want reassurance that its something somewhat normal. The "eye dizziness" does get worse when I move suddenly, and my pupils seem to be smaller than usual. I just recently started taking Accutane and I have several mental illness': depression, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive complusive disorder, social anxiety. (not sure if that matters but just thought i'd put it out there. Oh and I very recently stopped taking my antidepressants(slowly and with psychiatrist approval and supervision) its only been 5 days since i stopped taking them completely(but id never heard of eye dizzines as being a withdrawl symptom.) anyways id really appreciate any input from anyone! Thanks :)

    3 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • What kind of withdrawal effects have you experienced in coming off an SSRI?

    I'm taking Cipralex aka lexapro and i went from 15mgs now im down to 5mg. And yes of course im having withdrawals. the worst ones are the paresthesia(sometimes painful), muscle spasms, jaw pain, some nausea etc.. so i was wondering what kind of withdrawal effects other people have experienced while coming off or reducing the dosage of an SSRI med. Thanks to people who answer!! :)

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What kind of withdrawal effects have you experienced in coming off an SSRI?

    I'm taking Cipralex aka lexapro and i went from 15mgs now im down to 5mg. And yes of course im having withdrawals. the worst ones are the paresthesia(sometimes painful), muscle spasms, jaw pain, some nausea etc.. so i was wondering what kind of withdrawal effects other people have experienced while coming off or reducing the dosage of an SSRI med. Thanks to people who answer!! :)

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Accutane and pre existing mental illness?

    I asked this question just recently but only got one answer..and not from someone whose taken it before so please take the time to answer! :) ok so this is a last resort treatment for me..tried everything else and nothing works. Been trying for years and years, i'm 21 now. The main reason why I havent been prescribed Accutane before it because of my mental illness'. I have depression, OCD, general anxiety, social anxiety and panic disorder. So i've had my reservations about taking it. I'm also currently in the process of coming off my antidepressant Cipralex(an SSRI). My derm assured me theres no interaction with the meds and hes given me full clearance to take accutane. I know about the potential side effects but I guess my main question is whether anyone out there has taken accutane with having a pre existing mental illness like depression. and what thats like. And also im not sure whether maybe i should wait till im off my antidepressant meds fully to start taking accutane..eventhough my doc says its fine i dont want to be having withdrawls from the cipralex while getting new side effects from the accutane at the same time. Thanks for anyone who answers!

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • About to start Accutane....mental illness?

    ok so this is a last resort treatment for me..tried everything else and nothing works. Been trying for years and years, i'm 21 now. The main reason why I havent been prescribed Accutane before it because of my mental illness'. I have depression, OCD, general anxiety, social anxiety and panic disorder. So i've had my reservations about taking it. I'm also currently in the process of coming off my antidepressant Cipralex(an SSRI). My derm assured me theres no interaction with the meds and hes given me full clearance to take accutane. I know about the potential side effects but I guess my main question is whether anyone out there has taken accutane with having a pre existing mental illness like depression. and what thats like. And also im not sure whether maybe i should wait till im off my antidepressant meds fully to start taking accutane..eventhough my doc says its fine i dont want to be having withdrawls from the cipralex while getting new side effects from the accutane at the same time. Thanks for anyone who answers!

    Mental Health1 decade ago
  • side effect/l Uncontrollable movements on body and face while taking cipralex(an SSRI)?

    Hi guys...I totally forgot to mention this side effect that I`m pretty sure i`m experiencing to my psychiatrist last week. And I dont see her till next week again so I`m hoping i`ll get some answers on here. :-)

    I`ve been taking Cipralex since the end of march and its the first anti-depressant I`ve ever taken. i`m pretty sensitive to side effects and since I started the medication i`ve had some eye twitching problems, but more recently i`ve been having the uncontrollable movements of body and face...its weird. Its sorta like a twitch except instead of it being a specific muscle its like an entire body part. Like my leg will just move a little bit inward randomly. And I can feel it when it happens but I have no warning so theres no way to stop it. Has anyone else experienced these kinds of side effects on these types of meds? I`d appreciate any feedback. Oh and it happens on my face like mouth and with my neck too. Basically just all over :( its pretty much freaking me out. lol -Thanks!

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Side effect: Uncontrollable movements of body or face while taking Cipralex(an SSRI)?

    Hi guys...I totally forgot to mention this side effect that I`m pretty sure i`m experiencing to my psychiatrist last week. And I dont see her till next week again so I`m hoping i`ll get some answers on here. :-)

    I`ve been taking Cipralex since the end of march and its the first anti-depressant I`ve ever taken. i`m pretty sensitive to side effects and since I started the medication i`ve had some eye twitching problems, but more recently i`ve been having the uncontrollable movements of body and face...its weird. Its sorta like a twitch except instead of it being a specific muscle its like an entire body part. Like my leg will just move a little bit inward randomly. And I can feel it when it happens but I have no warning so theres no way to stop it. Has anyone else experienced these kinds of side effects on these types of meds? I`d appreciate any feedback. Oh and it happens on my face like mouth and with my neck too. Basically just all over :( its pretty much freaking me out. lol -Thanks!

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Mental Health system in the U.S?

    Ok I live in Canada so I dont need information on where to get help in the states cause I have my own doctors here and everything. But I do have a question that I was hoping some Americans can answer. I often see people on here asking questions on how they can get help for their mental illness without going to the doctor because they can't afford it, dont have insurance etc... That bothers the hell out of me!! I mean isnt there a system in the U.S for mental health that gets people that help they need for free? I have a psychologist, psychiatrist, group therapy, nutritionist etc... all to help me with my mental illness(depression, OCD, GAD, SAD and panic disorder) and I dont pay a cent for any of it. Its all covered by health care.

    I just find it so hard to believe that there arent free services like that offered in the U.S. someone please tell me that there is! I know there are mental health associations in the states just like there are over here...dont they provide free services? I'd appreciate any answers cause its just bothering me! Thanks :)

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where i can download TV episodes for FREE??

    I've been searching for a while now and there is a site that i know of but it doesn't have everything i want!! So please help!!

    7 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know anything about Eragon 2?

    I was just wondering if anyone had any useful information about the sequel! like a website address explaining anything about Eragon 2.

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Do you know the song titles on Much dance 1995 the cd?

    its a Cd released in 1995 with hit songs of that year

    2 AnswersMusic1 decade ago