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I'm always interested in meeting people from all over the world.

  • Come scaricare gratis Outlook?

    Ciao, qualcuno sa dirmi come fare per scaricare gratuitamente Microsoft Outlook? Uso la posta elettronica ma vi accedo da e vorrei appunto outlook.

    Grazie a tutti.

    2 AnswersInternet - Altro3 years ago
  • Could you advise me on some good dvds to buy, please?

    Hello from Northern Italy. I like to watch movies in English also as a way to master my English. I want to order some second-hand dvds through Amazon and am wondering if you could suggest some good ones. I just don't like science fiction and too romantic movies. Apart from that I like almost everything. Among my favourite ones are The silence of the lambs, Flawless which I saw yesterday and usually crime and drama ones. Thanks a lot for any reply in advance.

    1 AnswerMovies5 years ago
  • Can you explain this grammar rule, please?

    Well, fish is uncountable. But what about when you need to mention the number of fish like in this sentence : I have an acquarium with 3 red fish and 4 yellow.

    Thanks a lot for your replies and greetings from Italy.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • Can you advise me on an educational trip to Edinburgh for an 11 year old child?

    hello, from Italy. I've been asked by the parents of this 11 year old student of mine to take him for a some 2 week educational holyday to Edinburgh. The child is iper-active and doesn't want to attend a course of English having just finished school here in Italy? What could we do apart from being tourists there so that the child can learn some English and possibly have fun?

    Thanks for any reply in advance.

    4 AnswersEdinburgh5 years ago
  • Can you help me with some grammar, please?

    Hello from Italy. I have a doubt. When you ask a question you use the word any. Is it always followed by a plural or not? Example: do you have any book or books? Do you have any friend or friends? Thanks a lot for any reply.

    7 AnswersLanguages5 years ago
  • Aiuto con la tastiera, non riesco a scrivere la chiocciola.?

    Ciao, da due giorni non riesco piu' a scrivere la chiocciola con la tastiera quando devo scrivere un indirizzo e-mail. Sapete dirmi cosa posso fare? grazie molte.

    8 AnswersComputer - Altro5 years ago
  • What's your favourite foreign English accent?

    Talking about people that don't speak English as their first language, what' s your favourite one? Thanks in advance for any answer and if you want, try to guess where I am from. I give you a clue, I'm European.

    4 AnswersLanguages5 years ago
  • Can you help me with this grammar doubt, please?

    Hello from Italy. Today I had a job nterview for a post as an English teacher. Well, my first language is Italian but have always been told that am pretty fluent in English. The person I had the interview with was a Canadian and she kept saying this... "often times"... I noticed it because I've never heard it before and am wondering if it is correct or just a sort of every day English way of speaking. Thanks a lot.

    2 AnswersOther - Education6 years ago
  • Mi aiutate con un allegato PDF?

    Ciao, mi è arrivato un allegato PDF via e-mail che devo compilare e reinviare, veramente dovrei anche firmarlo ma riesco ad aprirlo ma non so come fare per compilarlo. Potete dirmi come sifa? Grazie mille.

    1 AnswerComputer - Altro6 years ago
  • E' vero che con il nuovo job act le agenzie interinali verranno eliminate?

    Non so se ho capito bene ma spero sia cosi', sapete dirmi di piu'? Sarebbe ora che eliminassero ste incompetenti e false agenzie dove trovi persone incompetenti e senza professionalità.

    2 AnswersLavoro e carriera - Altro6 years ago
  • Mi dite come fare per mettere whatsapp sul cellulare per favore?

    Ciao, oggi preso uno smartphone il Samsung Galaxy Wonder e vorrei mettere whatsapp ma non so da dove iniziare. Se avete la pazienza di scrivermi passo a passo come fare già vi ringrazio in anticipo!

    3 AnswersCellulari e piani tariffari6 years ago
  • Aiuto con un file scarico per favore?

    Allora, ho scaricato Songr per scaricare musica, fatto tutto, cioè installato etc. Sul pannello di controllo risulta fra le applicazione ma non mi è comparsa nessuna icona sul desktop e non so dove sia finito. Come faccio a trovare il file e a creare un icona sul desktop? Grazie mille x l aiuto. Ho windows 8.

    1 AnswerSoftware6 years ago
  • Mi potete suggerire un software dove poter scaricare musica?

    Ciao,vorrei scaricare e installare un software tipo e-mule che pero' non riesco ad aprire perchè mi chiede di inviare un sms ad un numero strano, o altro software perchè serio e semplice. Se per cortesia mi date il link diretto o mi spiegate brevemente come fare perchènon sono molto tecnologico. . .Grazie mille a tutti

    7 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • In what state of the USA is Washington DC?

    Hi, I'm Italian and am a bit confused about this. i know that there are 50 states in the USA and that one of them is called Washington and is located in the north-west coast of the continent. i just wonder in which state is located the capital Washington DC.Thanks and greetings from Italy.

    9 AnswersGeography6 years ago
  • If you could pick any, in what country would you want to spend the rest of your life and why?

    Hello everyone. Just a simple survey. It's said that the neighbour's green is always greener, isn't it? Well, I'd like to know your choise if you could move anywhere you would like and why you would pick that country. Please, also mention where you live now, just the state I don't need your full address. . .Lol. . .By the way, greeting from Italy and please don't say you would move to my country just to please me. Thanks for your interest in this question.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Agenzie interinali, qualcuno sa spiegarmi. . .?

    Ciao, sono anni che sono alla ricerca di impiego e spesso mi sono rivolto a delle agenzie interinali o loro mi hanno chiamato per delle posizioni per le quali avevo inviato il mio CV. Mi chiedo, trovare lavoro è difficile, mai mi sono state d' aiuto, spesso vedo gli stessi annunci assurdi pubblicati a distanza ormai di anni e ho pertanto poca fiducia in queste agenzie. Io abito in una cittadina piccola e solo qui ce ne sono ben 11 di agenzie interinali. Ma come fanno ad andare avanti? pagare il personale, gli affitti dei locali etc? Dovrebbero riuscire a collocare almeno 10 persone al giorno per avere un guadagno loro stesse.Sapete dirmi di piu'? Come si finanziano e tutto quello che sapete.

    P.S. menzionate anche se conoscete qualcuno che ha trovato lavoro tramite un' interinale.

    Grazie a tutti.

    3 AnswersLavoro e carriera - Altro7 years ago
  • Come procedere coi virus messi in quarantena?

    Ho fatto la scansione del PC con Avira dopo che mi aveva avvisato della presenza di virus. Al termine sono stati rilevati 5 virus che ho messo in quarantena. Cosa devo fare ora? grazie mille!!!

    6 AnswersSicurezza7 years ago
  • Can you advise me on a trip to Ireland?

    Hello from Italy. I'd like to visit Ireland and am planning to go there next Autumn. Well, I would like to visit Dublin but also some of those beautiful places where there are such breathtaking cliffs near the ocean. I will be there on my own and have no problem visiting Dublin but can you help me with how to get to those cliffs? Please name some places and tell me how I could get there if there are daily guided trips or whatever.Any help will be highly appreciated. thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - Ireland7 years ago