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Done a lot of things, mastered a couple. Life is too interesting to just sit back and let it go by. Check it out, explore and lean all you can. Most of all enjoy it to the fullest.

  • Looking for the best ever recipe for pickled bologna?

    My daughter loves pickled bologna so I thought I'd make her some for Christmas. When I was a child my dad used to bring some home after work that he bought home from the meat market. They made it with spices in the brine.

    Does anyone have or know of a tried and true, to die for recipe that they would be willing to share with me?

    My daughter loves the pickled taste but nothing with a bite of heat to it.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • TV Antenna confusion, need help.?

    Since everything went digital we only receive two stations, ant that is only some of the time. We re;placed the antenna, wiring, TV (went digital) everything brand new about two years ago. (From Radio Shack, our first big mistake.)

    Now we are saving up for and preparing to change everything again in an attempt to get better TV and a few more channels. We have looked at Clear TV and read the reviews, it doesn't sound like it would be an improvement to what we have already.

    We looked at LAVA HD-2605 ULTRA - Outdoor TV Antenna and it sounded like it would solve our problems until we read the reviews.

    We live in a very rural area, plenty of hills, trees, distance from towers. Our zip code is 49730 and the nearest tower is 10 miles away and the only tower we can currently receive from (if the weather is perfect. If it rains, snows, or blows we loose all signals and have to shake the rain/snow off the antenna before it will receive a signal again.)

    We have a 20' tower with a 4' pole above that. We are looking to replace the antenna and cable to the best we can find and afford on our very small budget. We are saving money up for this project.

    We also are using a cheap end 24" DTV and want to upgrade to a 30" - 40" DTV.

    Money is extremely tight and wife is terminally sick and has days where she needs to stay in bed all day. We really need to find an affordable and workable solution to situation.

    Can any of you out there help us find a way to do this and have any equipment suggestions for us?

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersTVs8 years ago
  • Problems with Dodge 1500 van?

    We have a 1999 Dodge 1500 full size van that we can't figure out what the problem is that it is having. It is a 6 cylinder engine automatic. It has only 90,000 miles on it.

    What it is doing is coughing, sputtering, back firing and looses power. Also some times it strongly hesitates to shift when it is acting up. We have ruled out fuel pump, it is registering 50. We have ruled out catalytic converter. Pretty much decided it isn't sensors.

    Now here is the odd part... It does this when it is first started after we let the engine warm up and we take off. If we get on the gas it will continue running but also sputtering. If we don't get on the gas than it will eventually stall out on us. When it stalls out and when we pull over and shut the engine off and restart it... no more problems, it runs smooth and like it doesn't have a problem at all.

    Can anyone help us figure out what we need to fix on it and how to fix it?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Problems with Dodge 1500 van?

    We have a 1999 Dodge 1500 full size van that we can't figure out what the problem is that it is having. It is a 6 cylinder engine automatic. It has only 90,000 miles on it.

    What is doing is coughing, sputtering, back firing and looses power. Also some times it strongly hesitates to shift when it is acting up. We have ruled out fuel pump, it is registering 50. We have ruled out catalytic converter. Pretty much decided it isn't sensors.

    Now here is the odd part... It does this when it is first started after we let the engine warm up and we take off. If we get on the gas it will continue running but also sputtering. If we don't get on the gas than it will eventually stall out on us. When it stalls out and when we pull over and shut the engine off and restart it... no more problems, it runs smooth and like it doesn't have a problem at all.

    Can anyone help us figure out what we need to fix on it and how to fix it?

    1 AnswerDodge8 years ago
  • Wood for smoking meats on the grill...?

    I have been told that nut trees and berry trees are the best choices for wood for smoking meats on a grill. Short of that your next choice would be maple wood.

    Thanks to the wild birds I have a couple of hawthorn trees I'd like to cut down because they are crowding my plum tree and where we park our camper. The hawthorn trees grow an abundant crop of hawthorn berries every year. Would this wood classify as a good source of wood to use for smoking meats in the grill or smoker?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • How to file a dispute on EBay?

    I bid on an item and won it for a VERY low price. I immediately paid for the item and the seller refunded my money and refuses to sell it to be because he states he is uncomfortable with the winning price. He didn't put a reserve on it and the auction lasted for ar least 4 days, so he could have canceled the auction and relisted it with a reserve but he didn't.

    How do I file a dispute with EBay so they can make him send me the item since I won it fairly?

  • Raised bed gardens questions...?

    I am wanting to build raised bed gardens this spring. I was wondering if it would do any harm if I built them on top of my drain field.

    Also, does anyone have any ideas they can offer to build these with a very tight budget? I can get the dirt for free and clean the fowl coop for my fertilizer. I need to find free or almost free framing materials.

    I will welcome all ideas and solutions.

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Problems with state assistance program...?

    I am disabled and dying. I am receiving state assistance to supplement my medicare. For a year now my husband was getting millage reimbursement (nothing else, just millage) to assist me to all my medical appointments and there are a lot of them, plus sometimes I am required to travel over 300 miles to the hospital that is in charge of all organ transplant tests, surgery, and basically everything in that area of my medical.

    We are living on my disability checks which are $840 a month. My husband has zero income, he had to quit his job and become my care giver. (we don't tell the state that is why he quit, it was less expensive for him to be my care giver than for me to pay someone else to do it.) Now they send us a letter telling us he will no longer get millage reimbursement checks because they don't reimburse millage to someone who is providing the service for free.

    I have to put gas in his car because he doesn't have an income. So I am paying for the gas we use. Without these millage checks, I can not afford to go to my treatments and Dr's visits. We barely stretch our money through as it is, in fact a friend has bought us tires and paid for car repairs we needed. Than our car was dying and we were told it was a death trap and could kill us almost any time. We looked around and found a very good deal on a better car in good condition and very low millage. It should last us a few years if we take really good care of it. We got it for 1/3 of its value. The only problem is we have to make payments of $100 a month, for a year until it is fully paid off.

    We figured if we really tightened our budget a lot tighter and with the millage checks we could barely afford it and the need was too great to not try. Plus the asking price was so low that we could not have purchased anything in that good of condition for that price. All cars in that price range come with plenty of problems.

    Now we have a new case worker. Our old case worker worked with the social worker and the hospitals to work out a way for me to get to my treatments. If I don't get to my treatments 3 times a week, I will be dead in 2 weeks. The new case worker cut us off cold and we had just turned in over 1,000 miles that we will not be paid for. I plan to file an apeal on this new decision.

    Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on what I could write and how I should appeal this ruling? I can use all the help I can get. I live in the state of Michigan in a very rural area.

    I really appreciate your replies and help. For those who like to pass judgement, I worked hard all my life and never took any help or assistance even when it was offered to me, until now. I paid into this system while I know so many who get this assistance and never worked a day in their lives. So please don't judge me until you have walked in my shoes.

    5 AnswersPeople with Disabilities8 years ago
  • Problems with state assistance program...?

    I am disabled and dying. I am receiving state assistance to supplement my medicare. For a year now my husband was getting millage reimbursement (nothing else, just millage) to assist me to all my medical appointments and there are a lot of them, plus sometimes I am required to travel over 300 miles to the hospital that is in charge of all organ transplant tests, surgery, and basically everything in that area of my medical.

    We are living on my disability checks which are $840 a month. My husband has zero income, he had to quit his job and become my care giver. (we don't tell the state that is why he quit, it was less expensive for him to be my care giver than for me to pay someone else to do it.) Now they send us a letter telling us he will no longer get millage reimbursement checks because they don't reimburse millage to someone who is providing the service for free.

    I have to put gas in his car because he doesn't have an income. So I am paying for the gas we use. Without these millage checks, I can not afford to go to my treatments and Dr's visits. We barely stretch our money through as it is, in fact a friend has bought us tires and paid for car repairs we needed. Than our car was dying and we were told it was a death trap and could kill us almost any time. We looked around and found a very good deal on a better car in good condition and very low millage. It should last us a few years if we take really good care of it. We got it for 1/3 of its value. The only problem is we have to make payments of $100 a month, for a year until it is fully paid off.

    We figured if we really tightened our budget a lot tighter and with the millage checks we could barely afford it and the need was too great to not try. Plus the asking price was so low that we could not have purchased anything in that good of condition for that price. All cars in that price range come with plenty of problems.

    Now we have a new case worker. Our old case worker worked with the social worker and the hospitals to work out a way for me to get to my treatments. If I don't get to my treatments 3 times a week, I will be dead in 2 weeks. The new case worker cut us off cold and we had just turned in over 1,000 miles that we will not be paid for. I plan to file an apeal on this new decision.

    Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on what I could write and how I should appeal this ruling? I can use all the help I can get. I live in the state of Michigan in a very rural area.

    I really appreciate your replies and help. For those who like to pass judgement, I worked hard all my life and never took any help or assistance even when it was offered to me, until now. I paid into this system while I know so many who get this assistance and never worked a day in their lives. So please don't judge me until you have walked in my shoes.

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • In The Attic Flexlooms (knitting looms)?

    I am looking for a set of In The Attic Flexlooms. It seems that they quit making them or something. I like these looms because I have carpel tunnel and they are so easy for my hands to use.

    Does anyone know where I can buy a set of these, I don't mind used in good condition even.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Antifreeze leak and we can't locate it..?

    I have a 1998 Plymouth Voyager that has an antifreeze leak and we can not locate it. It started out slow at first but now we are going through a gallon of antifreeze a day and the temps here are getting down to the teens at night. We are afraid of cracking the block, not to mention the antifreeze is eating all our money, what little we have.

    We have checked all hoses and they appear to be fine. Where ever it is leaking from, the antifreeze is all over the top of the engine. There isn't water in the oil. We have tried stop leak in the radiator and the problem suddenly got a lot worse, fast. After using the stop leak the heater that worked right, now only works on the highest setting, and only puts heat out for 15 minutes before turning cold.

    We had a mechanic look at it and he could not find the problem either. There is a sound coming from somewhere but I can not locate it.

    We live on $700 a month and wife is dying, we need this car to get her to appointments and dialysis. If this car dies, we are in big trouble.

    Can anyone please help us track down the problem and the cost to fix it? We do have a couple of people who may be able to do the repairs for a small fee instead of a garage that we really don't have that kind of money to pay.

    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Television signal problems?

    When we first moved here we got really good TV reception. We used to get some channels from as far away as about 300 - 400 miles. Than people started getting satellite TV and when the satellite dishes went up in our area our signal went down, the more dishes, the more our reception went down. Now we get just 2 channels, sometimes 4. Who wants to watch nothing but PBS and Create???

    We dumped the converter box when we needed to replace it for the 4th time, the cost was killing us and the boxes wouldn't last 6 months even.

    We bought a new TV (Digital) and the best antenna that Radio Shack sold (Our old antenna was over 30 years old and broken). We had been getting 8 channels until we went digital, than we went down to 4 and often just 2. We bought a signal booster, the one recommended by Radio Shack. It didn't help, so we returned it.

    We live in a very rural area and have to pull a signal from about 100 miles away. We have been told the new set-up for TV has a range of 50 miles. We are on a very tight budget and can't afford satellite. I am disabled and dying, some days I need to spend all day in bed and without good TV it gets pretty boring.

    Before we waste any more money, we would like to find a workable solution to our problem. Can anyone help us find something that will bring in a signal from far away? All we have locally is Radio Shack, so if it is something we would have to buy, it would have to be bought on the Internet.

    All help would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersTVs9 years ago
  • Rotten smelling dog, can anyone help?

    I have a 6 year old male chihuahua that smells bad, like an old dirty gog smell. We can give him a bath with vinegar and baking soda to try and remove the oder, we can spray cologne on him, but nothing will remove the oder. It appears to be coming from his skin.

    Can anyone tell me what is causing this oder and how to get rid of it perminately?

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Where can I buy nylon pegs for making my own knitting loom?

    I want to make my own knitting loom because no one makes anything like what I want and need to easily create the type of projects I have in my mind.

    My problem is that I have searched every where I can think of and Googled every combination of words I can think of and just am not able to find a supplier of the nylon pegs. I want nylon. I can use other things if I want to use metal. I can find wooden dowels, but I can not find nylon.

    Does anyone out there know of any sellers or manufacturers of these pegs?

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts9 years ago