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  • So i'm interested in this guy but...?

    I barely know him. He's in one of my classes and i'm strangely attracted to him. He's not the best looking but he's got this cool guy attitude and he's got the same sense of humor as I do, but I feel like some of my friends and family wont approve of him since he smokes and drinks, and I don't... am wasting my time trying to pursue this guy? And if not, how do I approach him? I'd at least like to be friends with him...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Why do I always catch this guy staring at me?

    I don t even know him like that. He s just in my class but I always seem to catch him looking at me. It s hard for me to believe if he is attracted to me because I m black, and he s white and the school I go to is majority white and I ve never had a white guy approach me in that way. Maybe he thinks I m weird looking? lol I m not sure, any suggestions? It s been really bugging me

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Cold or something else?

    Well all week i had a runny nose, but i thought it was just my normal seasonal allergies. Thursday Morning, I had a sore throat but again, i just blamed it on my allergies. Throughout the day I felt tired and cold. After school i had practice and i just felt hotter than how i usually would get just after a half an hour. after practice, i had this really bad headache and as soon as i got home, i ate some food and slept for some hours. I felt cold so I would wrap myself with the covers, but then id get hot so id take them off. And that repeated maybe twice.. I woke up around 12 and my mom asked if i was feeling any better and I wasn't really... She gave me the normal fever check a mom would give then took my my temp with the thermometer and it was 100.9, after that i took some medicine and went back to sleep, I didn't go to school Friday. When I woke up that morning I felt better and my temp was 98.4, now today my temp was 97.6 and my throat feels a little dryish and i tend to cough every now and then, but that's it, i also have a little runny nose but yeaa, I'm sure its just a cold, I just need some more opinions!

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases7 years ago
  • Good suspense Movies to watch at15th Birthday?

    My 15th birthday is coming up and I'm most likely gonna have my two Best friends over to stay the night after the main events.

    I was wondering what are some good suspense/horror movies to watch? You know, movies like Scream, Jason, Your Next.... nothing paranormal though.... my mom thinks those movies are too "devilish" lol, but I agree with her. And also, can it be a movie that is a bit new, so we can just go to a RedBox and rent it. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Tumblr hover drop down menu?

    Does anyone know the code or a tutorial that lets you have a hover drop down menu in the upper right hand corner that displays image links???

    I have this blog as an example. In the upper right hand corer it has her favorite stores.

    link -

    Any ideas????????

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Why do people hate on Bleach (Anime and Manga) so much? Whats so great about Fairy Tail?

    Honestly I love bleach to the core but so many people say it sucks. They say the artwork is horrible and looks too old and I know, In the beginning it was kinda crappy but after Ichigo defeated Aizen, the artwork started getting way better. When the fullbring arc started, I thought the graphics were amazing. I can kinda understand everyone when they say the fillers were unnecessary but Bleach is one of my favorite Anime (and manga). I have watched all 366 episodes and am still reading the ongoing manga, and I haven't gotten tired of it.

    ALSO, I don't Understand whats so great about Fairy Tail?? I watched the first episode but really don't feel that appealed... I feel that it;s a bit dry and I don't think their abilities are all that great, Now I know, I know, I've only watched one episode but I really don't feel... interested in continuing.

    I also think I like bleach more because it seems a bit more realistic and imaginable. Like, I can imagine Shinigami and Spirits walking around without us knowing and soul society and blah blah blah.

    4 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Who is your fav Bleach character and least favorite, and why ^__^?

    MY favorite would be Hollow Ichigo. Hes crazy and the way he fights is wild. I just love the laugh he always does. If it isnt Hollow Ichigo, then its Urahara, or Hisagi...Idk! My least fav would be Mayuri. He just agitates me....

    6 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • In School suspension?

    Got Iss for texting in class. Thug life. Basically she gave me a sheet and i have to go to all my homeroom teachers tomorrow to get some work to do while I'm in there. BUUUT what else do you do besides classwork?

    BTW: I'm a girl in middle school in the eighth grade, this is my first AND LAST time getting iss

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • First ISS (In School Suspension)?

    Well today I was in 3rd bell and I realized I left my notebook at home so I took my phone and text my sister to bring it to school for me. I didn't do it in the open or get caught. My sister brought it up then they called me back down saying the assistant principal wanted to talk to me. She kept questioning me like how did your sis know to bring your notebook and I made up this lie, then they sent security to get my phone and show her the time i sent it then i was found out and she gave me ISS.... ON A FRIDAY. How do I deal with iss. What do I do in there? How will it effect me? OH and I'm a girl in the eighth grade.

    2 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • Break up songs and Backstabbers?

    Well my "Bestie" Now goes out with my Ex after she knew I had some feelings for him. I need some songs for break ups and backstabbing friends like Me myself and I - Beyonce' or Backstabber - Ke$ha

    3 AnswersLyrics9 years ago
  • Designing a teenage room?

    I'm 13 and my room is very small (and I mean veeeerrrry small). Its almost the size of an office that you find in a house, but a little bit bigger. I want to personalize it in a way that I would want to stay in my room all day. My favorite color is turquoise(which is the color of my walls), fav artist is Drake, and I loooove fashion. Any tips?

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago