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First ISS (In School Suspension)?

Well today I was in 3rd bell and I realized I left my notebook at home so I took my phone and text my sister to bring it to school for me. I didn't do it in the open or get caught. My sister brought it up then they called me back down saying the assistant principal wanted to talk to me. She kept questioning me like how did your sis know to bring your notebook and I made up this lie, then they sent security to get my phone and show her the time i sent it then i was found out and she gave me ISS.... ON A FRIDAY. How do I deal with iss. What do I do in there? How will it effect me? OH and I'm a girl in the eighth grade.

2 Answers

  • Dylan
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Well, the ISS at my school- we had to sit in a huge room all day, and copy the school's code of conduct for the entire day.

    You had two supervised group bathroom breaks. One at 10:30 (advisory/ study hall time), and one right after ISSP lunch.. You ate lunch in the ISS classroom, and did not get to talk to anyone. You had the whole lunch period, to rest, or eat.. but as soon as lunch was over, you get back to writing the code for the remainder of the day.

    If you sat, and obeyed the rules... did not talk, did what was told of you.. You would be allowed to work on any homework, instead of the conduct.. but you had to present what assignments you had, to the ISS supervisor- or you would be left writing the code of conduct. If you broke the rules, and had to be sent to the office, or kicked out of ISSP- you had to go back and repeat the whole day.

    It won't effect you, but it could put you behind for any classes you miss that day.. because your teachers most likely will not bring your classwork down to the room, unless they had special instructions to, or if they felt you needed to have something done that day. Otherwise, you will have to make up all that classwork, and anything you missed for that day... other than that, it is no big deal, but it is extremely boring, and the time passes by so slow, it is pure torture. This was high school, but it is all about the same.

    Source(s): I practically lived in ISSP lol. It was absolutely miserable.
  • 8 years ago

    You shouldn't ask anyone online what ISS is like because some people have it bad. However in my strict school the best thing about it is ISS because we play games all day and no one cares. So you should probably ask someone in your grade that has had it before. It wont affect you that much unless you were in high school. You should get your parents to call the school and tell them that the phone was for academic use.

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