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Hey, I am Dylan. I am 20 years old, and I use this sight to offer some of my self proclaimed knowledge.. haha. I also like to offer help, and give advice to people with issues in the LGBT community, relationship problems, and other random areas of life.

  • When are you "too old" to wear Aeropostale clothing?

    I am a 22 year old male and I mainly shop for clothing at Aeropostale and American Eagle. I have been wearing these brands since I was about 17 and I still do. Lately, I have been feeling like I am outgrowing this style of clothing, it looks a little teenager-ish. I look young for my age and my friends have told me it looks good on me, or like I can pull it off but I am still not sure. Would you recommend I switch to another brand of clothing, and if so, what are some suggestions you might have? Thanks!

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Confused about my sexuality? Fear of becoming straight?

    I am a 21 year old gay male. Recently, I have been having some really confusing thoughts and I am not sure where to go with them.

    I have been openly gay since I was 14 and I have always had thoughts about guys as long as I could remember. I have always been comfortable and happy with my sexuality and never really had any problems about it.

    I was in a long term relationship with someone and it ended pretty badly in October 2013 when he left me for someone else. I started talking to another guy but it ended on a pretty negative note and I have been single since. I have pretty turned off by guys- emotionally and sexually.. I find guys attractive but I just don't get turned on by them or really have any desire to be with one.

    I thought for a while I was attracted to women but my feelings really aren't any different for them either.Maybe I am just tired of getting played with and something has just turned off in me? I am insecure and I have problems feeling attractive enough. I try to convince myself that I am just going through a time where I just need to focus on me and not give any thought to having a relationship of being with anyone, but that fear of me no longer being gay overwhelms me. Any personal experience or advice to deal with this?

  • Ways to make tomatoes?

    I am making a vegetarian alfredo for dinner tonight and I know I want to use spinach and cherry tomatoes. I normally don't make vegetarian dishes or cook with tomatoes very often, so I am wondering how I can incorporate these in the dish.

    I was thinking about cutting them in half and searing them in olive oil or butter, and then add it to the alfredo? Any other suggestions? Thanks!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Is he making me the side guy?

    I recently got out of a rocky relationship a few weeks ago after my boyfriend of a year broke up with me, and it was pretty bitter. During our relationship, he constantly cheated on me, talked to other guys, and even stayed in contact with his exes. We stopped having a lot of contact in the past couple weeks as I found out he started to talking to another guy within a few days after we broke up. He admitted that he was talking to another guy but told me we shouldn't be friends and that I need to leave him alone- he was very rude and standoffish towards me. I left him alone and went about my business and I started taking steps to get over him.

    Last week, he started being nice and doing favors towards me. I told him I wasn't comfortable with him doing things for me and he said he wanted to be friends with me. Him and I had a meeting to attend together for school the other day, I was not able to make it and I told him I would not be attending the meeting and he got very upset about it. He said it was important for me to be there and that he would really like it if I came. During the meeting, I would catch him looking at me for a couple seconds. I don't want to say that I am jumping to conclusions about him having feelings for me again, but how can you go from one extreme to the other? He did this exact same thing in our relationship with his previous ex boyfriend. I think he has a serious problem with being faithful. Would you be suspicious? Should I stop contacting him? I don't want to be some side guy and if he is crossing boundaries, I don't want him doing that to his current boyfriend- even if I don't approve of their relationship, I don't approve of cheating either. Opinions? Advice? Thanks!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Returning panic attacks after break up?

    I'm a 21 year old male and I have struggled with anxiety and depression for years. A few years ago, I suffered from panic attacks that were so constant, I dropped out of high school. Since then, I have managed my anxiety and depression and I was free from panic attacks for over two and a half years.

    Recently, I went through a breakup with my boyfriend who I already had a rocky relationship with. It was not really a good breakup, and it has left us on fairly bad terms. We barely speak, and I don't see him as much anymore.

    The past few days, my panic attacks have been returning. I have been so exhausted and depressed because I can't seem to shake this off. I am trying to move forward with my life, but I am currently living over six hours away from my friends and family, because my ex-boyfriend asked me to drop everything and move there to be with him. It has been really hard to move forward and let go of my anxiety and depression because everything I do at school reminds me of us. I have considered leaving school, and moving back home but I really do not want to do that. I want to work things out, but he has no interest in that. I don't know what to do with managing my panic attacks, and now that I don't have any access to healthcare, and my friends and family are so far away- I am left to deal with this alone.

    Any experience, or advice? Let me know. Thanks!

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Am I wrong for wanting to be selfish?

    I have been in a relationship with a guy for about a year. We met while living in the same state, and he moved to another state to attend college. Our relationship started off great, but we were afraid of distance getting in the way of our relationship. I was living in my hometown and attending a local community college when he asked me to move in the middle of the semester, and go to where he was. I was hesitant at first, but nonetheless, I dropped out of school, left my friends and family behind, and moved out there to be with him. Our relationship has been rocky, but we are both settled out here and attending the same school. He accepted a job with our school that causes him to be busy a lot, and he recently informed me that he was applying for a program to study and work on the other side of the country, and it would cause him to be away for seven months. I wanted to be supportive of his life decisions, but part of me felt upset and kind of angry. I have made many sacrifices for him, and he has never made one. He has always made decisions that have put strain on our relationship, and I wish he would do one thing for us, but it is always about his wants and selfish gains. When I told him how I felt, he told me that I made the choice to come out here for him, but he is out here for school, and that he is taking whatever opportunities come to him. I know I should be supportive, but I am tired of always being put second to everything he wants to do. I am not stopping him from achieving his goals, but I'm tired of feeling neglected and left out. Am I wrong for thinking this way? What should I do?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Would you stay with someone who wasn't "in love" with you?

    I'm a 21 year old male. I have been in a serious relationship with someone for about one year, and it has been a pretty rocky relationship. He has had problems in the past with cheating, and I have problems with controlling my temper.. no I do not abuse him, but I do let things frustrate me easily and causes for a lot of tension between us. The other night, we probably got into the worst fight ever and it almost ended our relationship. He told me that he loved me but was not "in love" with me because my attitude pushed him away. This was very crushing to hear as I have taken his cheating and lies, and I even dropped everything to move six hours away to attend the same college as him. The obvious thing to do is leave him, but I really hate investing time into a relationship, only to let it fail. But at the same time, I know I don't deserve this kind of treatment.. Is it probably easier to just to walk away or prove to him that I can be the guy he fell in love with? Opinions, advice, or personal experiences are helpful! Thanks!

  • Odd symptoms, I am not sure what exactly it could be?

    During the past year, I have been having some odd symptoms that really have me concerned. I have tremors- my hands and legs will twitch on their own, and sometimes it's hard to write. I also get numbness in my hands and feet, and it will last for a few minutes up to an hour. I also experience some light headedness, chest pains, and some days I am really fatigued- even after a full night's sleep, I can find myself being so exhausted, I will stay in bed throughout the entire day. Lastly, I have been having some problems with pronouncing words- it is almost like I have a stutter, or I pause in between words because I can't say it right, or forget what I was going to say mid-sentence. I am a 21 year male, and I am fairly healthy. I have tried doing things such as adjusting my diet, staying away from stress, and exercising- but it really doesn't help at all. I have spoken with my doctor, but I can not get an appointment for about one month.

    I am trying to get some an idea of what this could be. I understand these are a broad list of symptoms, and could be anything- but anyone who has experienced this, might have some information or advice on what to lookout for, or ask my doctor? Or even if someone knows what it might be from personal experience? Thanks!

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • I really can't stop hiccuping?

    For the past eight hours, I have been having long hiccuping spells. They will start every couple of hours and last from 30 minutes, up to an hour. I will hiccup so long, and they are so hard- I will start having chest pains, and I start to feel winded.

    This is really odd, and I have never had this problem- I understand that everyone hiccups, but this is a little excessive. Is there anyone who has had this experience, if so- what did you do to subside these hiccups? Is this something that I should seek medical attention about? Any advice or suggestions are much appreciated. Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • How to deal with constant headaches?

    My boyfriend has been experiencing persistent headaches for the past week. He will have a minor dull headache, then it will get worse and turn into a migraine. They have been really on and off, and nothing seems to help. We went to the emergency room the other night, they seemed to think he did not have anything majorly wrong with him, because he did not show any other symptoms, except for a constant headache. They gave him a shot and sent him home. The headache subsided that night, but came back the next day. He has tried taking prescription medicine, tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Excedrin- but nothing helps. He is going to see his doctor next week, but we can not seem to think of any solutions to help his headache in the mean time.. Medication, fresh air, a cold towel over his head, eating, drinking water and caffeine do not help. Anyone who has dealt with his problem, or who knows how to get rid of it or help it, let me know. Thanks!

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Crossing boundaries in my relationship?

    I am a 21 year old male, and I have been with my current boyfriend for about six months. A couple months back, him and I had went through a fight. We resolved it, and moved forward but a little over a week later, I found out he had messaged a guy on a social networking site during this fight- my boyfriend had exchanged numbers with this other guy, and told him he was very cute.

    My boyfriend confessed this, and I told the other guy to leave my boyfriend alone. Earlier this week, this guy messaged my boyfriend apologizing for any tension that might have been caused in our relationship, and wanted to hang out with both of us this weekend. I told my boyfriend I was not comfortable with this, because he was flirting with this guy earlier on, and it is not appropriate to still communicate with this person. He thinks I am being stubborn, and can not let the past go. I have forgiven him, but given the past circumstances.. I do not think it is right. Am I wrong for this? What would you do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Can you bread pork chops with a corn meal mixture?

    I am making baked breaded pork chops. I know a way of making them, is by dipping the pork chop in egg, flour, and then coating it with bread crumbs, or crushed crackers- so the pork chops will come out crispy, and browned. However, I wanted to try using corn meal.. I use corn meal for frying chicken, so it comes out crispier, but I have never baked with it. Can you use corn meal as a breading for baked pork chops, and if so, is there anything I need to do with it? Thanks :)

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • What would be the definition of a break?

    Okay, so I am just wondering. I have heard people who takes "breaks" in relationships. I have never understood that. My boyfriend, and I have kind of hit a rough patch in our relationship- he went off to college, and since then, he has been very stressed. We argued a couple of times, and he thinks a break would be good, because of the stress of college, and to see if our feelings are genuine.

    I am confused. He said he still loves me, we are still together, and that we can have some contact, but that a break for a couple days, to a week would be good. What the hell is a break? I think it is a bunch of childish nonsense- because in my opinion, you are either together, or NOT together. He said it would be a mutual agreement.. So I am confused. Can anyone really tell me a good explanation of what a break is? Thanks.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is 21 too old to go off to college?

    I am about to be 21 years old this June. I am enrolled at a college in my hometown, and I am going to be starting next week for spring classes. I am starting college late, because I chose to work for my employer full time out of high school, and so I put college off for a couple years. However, I recently entered a relationship with someone, and he lives 6 hours away in the next state. He goes to a college out there, and we have been talking about me possibly transferring out there this summer, to start classes there in the fall.

    The only difference- is here in my hometown, I can live at home, and go to school. If I were to transfer out there, I would be living in a dorm. I know this sounds dumb, I feel kind of weird going off to college, and moving into a dorm, and getting into this whole college life at 21. You usually start that at 18, or 19- so I feel I would not fit in, or that I would be starting a little late. I know college is about bettering yourself, and getting your education- but is it normal for a 20/21 year old to go off to college, and go through that. Do people start that late? Any personal experiences, or advice would help. Thanks.

  • Opinions on long distance relationships?

    I am 20 years old, and I have recently started a relationship with a guy around last month. We met on a dating site a few months ago, and hung out a bit. We seemed to really hit it off, and get along really well. The only problem- is we are about five hours apart. He lives in the next state over from mine, for college, and even though we have seen each other before, we are only able to see each other once a month because of our school schedules.

    We talk every day by text, we talk for about 3-4 hours on the phone a couple times a week, talk on Facebook, and Skype a few times a week as well. Some of my friends have said this is not a "real" relationship, and that I need to find someone who is a little bit closer.

    I feel like it is real.. We have met, and we make trips back, and forth to spend a couple days with each other, each month- so I know who he is, and what he does. We contact each other every day, and on a regular basis. How is this not real, or a good relationship? What is your view on long distance relationships- do you like them, or would you ever have one? Would you consider our relationship real, because of the distance? Just curious.. It kind of has me down. Thanks!

  • How do I upload a picture to YouTube?

    I have a YouTube account, that I have used for the past 5 years. Well, I am going to start doing videos soon, but first, I would like to upload a picture as a profile pic for my channel..

    I have no idea how to do that.. And yes, I know that I am pretty slow when it comes to technology, so please, do not judge me too harshly. But what do you do to add a picture (not a video) to your YouTube to use a profile picture?

    Thanks again!

    1 AnswerYouTube9 years ago
  • Buying textbooks for college?

    Hi. I am starting college in the spring, and I am currently in the process of buying my books. I get financial aid, and I have money left over to buy them- however, I do not have a lot, and I might not be able to purchase all four books that I need. However, when I went on the school's online book store, there was a "rental option" for books.. it is significantly cheaper than purchasing the books. Now my counselor, and the financial aid office never recommended, or brought up renting out books, instead of buying them.

    Is it better to buy books, or is it okay to just rent them, and turn them back in at the end of the semester? Tell me what you think. Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Education9 years ago
  • I haven't found the right one?

    I am a 20 year old gay male. I have been single since May of this year, after going through a bitter break up with my boyfriend of two years. I have not really been involved with more than a couple guys since then, but it wasn't serious, and only lasted a month or so. Not to give tmi, or be graphic- but I had not been sexually active since I was with my boyfriend. However, last week, I met a guy and long story short, we ended up having sex at his house. Later that same evening, I felt so wrong, and just really upset because I got carried away and basically let someone use me, and then the thoughts of my ex and our issues started overwhelming me, and I just was tired and went to bed upset. Since then, I have had little to no sex drive. I have just lost my physical, and emotional interest in men- I thought maybe something snapped in me, and I realized I wasn't gay- but, I am not attracted to women. I have no feelings for women, and that has never changed. Could this be depression, or low sex drive? Could I be asexual, or even just emotionally overwhelmed by not finding the right person? Idk, it feels so weird, and I don't feel like myself, and it is upsetting. Anyone with similar experiences, or advice on how to handle this is appreciated. Thank you.

  • Why am I constantly hungry every few hours?

    I am a 20 year old male, 6'0'', and 215 lbs. Recently, I have been getting constantly hungry. For example: I will eat a meal around 8pm, then at 1am- I get hungry again, so I will eat something, then within a few hours after that- my stomach is upset, and growling, and I am hungry again. It feels like I can not keep my appetite satisfied. I have never had this problem before- I used to eat 3-4 times per day, then I went down to eating only once a day. Now this constant hunger problem has been going on for about a week. I am making an appointment to see a doctor, but has anyone had this problem? And if you have, did you receive any medical help, and find out what is causing it? Thanks.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Question for those with Borderline Personality Disorder?

    I am going to make this as short as possible- I am a 20 year old male, and I was diagnosed with BPD in January of this year, I saw a psychologist who explained it to me, and how it is a disorder that comes, and goes. Do those of you who have BPD, go through days where you wake up, not really feeling all there? Feeling cloudy, and weird, and aggressive. I wake up some days, and I just feel angry, and irritated, where things get to me much easier. Examples- When I got out of the shower today, I was getting dressed after drying off- and I started sweating and it pissed me off. Other things, such as, the way the ends of my jeans bunch up around my shoes, and it just all makes me angry. Some days, like today, I just feel frustrated, and angry, and other days- I am fine. I have done some research on BPD, and saw that you can have frequent mood swings, and can go through extreme moods like this. And the reason, I am not talking to a psychiatrist about this, is because at this point in time, I can not afford that kind of counseling. Anyone with BPD, or knows first handed about this disorder- if you have gone through this, or know that it's related to it, what are things you do to deal with it? Thanks.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago