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Lv 614,553 points

Grandpa Homer : 74 Not out !

Favorite Answers8%

I am a retired English teacher. I am 74 years young. I'm a lover of nature, children, pups, kittens and the humanity. I love love and hate hatred. I feel indebted to my teachers who gifted me with a great boon, namely, Positive Thinking. I firmly believe : 'Love' and 'Respect' are to be bartered. I must never hurt or manipulate anyone, in any way. And ... I must not allow anyone to hurt or manipulate me in any way. If someone hurts me for the first time, he / she is at fault. If he / she hurts me the second time, I'm a fool. If it's third time - I'm a consummate fool ! Life is too short. We ought to be wedded to the concepts 'Progress', 'Benevolence', 'Equianimity', 'Magnanimity', 'Happiness'. I'm happy to see many well-informed, cultured folks offering balanced views at Yahoo.

  • By God - Transliteration of Tamil - Would you please offer your views ?

    Please read the following, and say if my method of 'Transliteration' could be of value.

    (mother) annai, tha:i, amma: / (arrow) ampu, pa:Nam / (drink) pa:nam / (money) paNam, ka:su /

    (place) idam / (house) vi:du, illam / (husband) kaNavan / (wife) manaivi / (food) uNavu (pillar) thu:N

    (what) enna / (why) e:n / (breeze) thenral / (search) the:du / (time) ne:tam / (knowledge) arivu

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • God, Yahoo - To be or Not to be ... ?

    Yahoo is an effective, useful International Forum.

    But some folks do not conduct themselves properly,

    and many well-informed, cultured contributors

    are leaving Y - Answers in understandable disgust.


    Please give Positive Suggestions in large numbers.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who helped this young man ? - God ? or he himself + his friends ?

    For all my Love's meagre span

    You made me "a wiser and a sadder man"

    Who was called upon to learn

    To be stern,

    To mend his heart that was torn,

    To train his mind not to mourn,

    To keep his Soul away from scorn,

    To cause a New Man be born

    Out of the wreckage you had caused and thrown ...

    Your unwarranted unkindness

    killed my Soul ;

    The Love of my friends

    made it resurrect whole !

    The above is the true story of an undergrad.

    What do you think of the young guy, his friends and the girl concerned ?

    I think the heroine of a Tamil Novel by the famous T. Janakiraman was like the girl in this story. I wonder if the novel was 'Malar Mancham'.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would you please comment on my Prayer?

    Every day I find myself praying :

    'God I keep away from the evil-minded, and have no trouble from them.

    But my friends are often putting me on the wrong track despite their good intentions.

    Please save me from my friends.

    You gave me my brain and conscience to guide me in life.

    But often I find myself going on the wrong track while knowing the correct track.

    Please redeem me from myself !'

    "video meliora proboque, deteriora sequir !" (Latin)

    "I know the better course, and I approve it ; But I follow the worse !"

    GOD, Please help !

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • On humans - Agree / Disagree ? Your comments ?

    Humans can be broadly classified into 5 groups :

    (a) They who know not, and know not that they know not.

    (b) They who know not, but know that they know not.

    (c) They who know, but know not that they know.

    (d) They who know, and know that they know.

    (e) They who know not, but think they know a lot and that others know not.

    Do you agree with the above classification ?

    What are your comments ?

    I hope many Y friends would share their views with others.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • me's plight ! what u thinks?

    me lover of Y / Q-A.

    me's old woman hates it.

    woman says : don't waste time.

    me says : this is me's hobby. u fool. u knows nothing about good hobby.

    woman says : thank ur stars me was a fool. if not u wouldn't have got a wife.

    me's children rolling in laughter.

    me - on the floor !

    what u folks thinks ?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Right / Wrong ? Why do you say so ?

    You read a well-written answer. U give a thumb up.

    Then u try to become a fan to that person so that u can read his / her answers at leisure.

    U find their Q/A are private. How do u feel ?

    I think "Q / A - Private" is wrong for more than one reason.

    What do u think ?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Right / Wrong ? Why do you say so ?

    You read a well-written answer. U give a thumb up.

    Then u try to become a fan to that person so that u can read his / her answers at leisure.

    U find their Q/A are private. How do u feel ?

    I think "Q / A - Private" is wrong for more than one reason.

    What do u think ?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Some of u block ur Questions / Answers - Why?

    Q / A is a forum to be of use to others. Yet some block their Q / A.

    This baffles me. I wish to know what others think of this.

    I wish many Y - friends would care to answer.


    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do u agree that humans need morals, not religions?

    Why do you agree or disagree ? Ur thoughts are bound to benefit many people.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hindus, may I ask one more question ?

    Lord Shiva as Dhakshinaamoorthi is believed to be facing the south.

    Yamadharmarajan is believed to be facing north.

    Lord Shiva is called Maha Kaalan.

    Yamadharma is called Kaalan.

    Is by any chance, Yamadharma (besides being a devotee and servant) a disciple of Lord Shiva ?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • May I ask a sincere question from Hindus ?

    What was Yamadharmarajan's answer to Nachiketa's question : 'What happens to one after death ?'

    Could you please give a short summary of the answer.

    'Thanks' in anticipation.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would u say : 'I will.' or 'Go to Hell !' ?

    What we think

    That we become !

    Buddha said this.

    Jesus said this.

    Psychology says this.


    Not u and I

    Follow this

    And 'ask', 'seek','knock'

    For the Best

    For ourselves, and all the rest ?

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Ready for 'Yes' / 'No' with / without ur comments ?

    Our thoughts result in actions.

    Actions repeated become habits.

    Thoughts + actions + habits determine our character.

    Our character becomes our second nature and gets entrenched in our subconscious.

    Our subconscious commands us + enters our genes to be carried forward to our descendants.

    So we must take immense care over our thoughts + actions + habits ...

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would u care to ask urself 3 questions ?

    The answers you give your own questions must be able to guide you throughout your life.

    The questions must spur you into action.

    I suggest you ask your questions first, and then read what others have written.

    I hope many Yahoo friends would respond.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What thoughts run through your mind?

    What thoughts run thru ur mind, when u see an undeserving answer getting the 'Best Answer' Award ? ( Reward ?)

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why, and how believers challenge the will and wisdom of God ?

    Why and how do intelligent folks gulp everything found in their religions? Why don't they care to accept the 'grains' and throw away the 'chaff' ? And why do they try to convert followers of other religions who were born into those religions as determined by God ? Aren't conversions an open rebellion against the wisdom of God who chooses the parents to children, and children to parents ?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Am I right or wrong ?

    I know what is right, but I often do the wrong. Now, am I right or wrong in having decided not to bother about ' Right & Wrong ?

    If possible give your reasons. Thanks.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago