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Mom of 2

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  • Blended Family Challenges?

    I moved in with my boyfriend about a year ago. We both have kids (mine are 8 and 11 and his are 6 and 9) Before I moved in he seemed to try to discipline his daughter. Once I moved in he let me take over (which I didn't want). He struggled knowing what to do with his daughter. She's out of control. She is unkind to other kids (a lot of smack talk like kiss my butt and you are a looser) She yells ALL THE TIME. She is rude to me and expects to be the center of attention at all times. She rolls around the floor in unsafe ways (running and sliding down the hall and has taken out other kids). She even is physical with other kids. She wines ALL THE TIME. I don't have many issues with his son, just normal kid stuff. But I've raised 2 girls and my girls never behaved this way. I know it's terrible but I am beginning to dislike the child. I have talked to my bf many times about the need of him to get her tested for ADHD and the need to be more involved with discipline. He says he likes me handling it. He never has to get involved with disciplining my kids but he refuses to say much of anything to his. He thinks it's easier to ignore the problem. The challenge I have is she's driving me a little nuts and more importantly she doesn't have hardly any friends. At this age my kids had loads of friends always being invited to play dates. Big part of the issue is that her mom passed away when she was 2. I think there are some emotional issues going on there but he refuses to seek help.

    2 AnswersParenting6 years ago
  • My partner is a widow. How to handle the holidays?

    My partner (who I live with) is a widow. We both have 2 kids and about a year ago blended our families. This is our first holiday living together and he wanted me to go to his late wife's family's house for Thanksgiving (6 hour drive and would require a few over nights). I'm not comfortable with it. I have no problem him taking his kids down there and just doing our own thing for Thanksgiving but he seems a bit upset. Am I off base? To me I think it's not appropriate for me to go. I want him to take the kids down there so they stay connected but I don't feel it's my place to be involved (especially since the kids have started calling me mom, their choice not mine). I know it's not exactly the same but I don't ask him to hang out at my ex-husbands family, why should it be different? Anyone have any thoughts on/experienced this?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Help me over analyze my ex, LOL?

    I recently kicked out my husband. I caught him an embarrassing 7 times having inappropriate conversations with other women. Some of the content I caught was what he wanted to do to them. The latest and greatest is he texted his ex girlfriend 144 in a month. I don't believe he had a physical affair, yet. He was always home unless he would go "other" places instead of work. To me he still had emotional affairs which I continually expressed was a deal breaker for me. He would always "act" sorry and say he was an idiot but the behavior never changed.

    So I asked him to leave but told him I was willing to work on it once he moved out. I actually was hoping I would kick him out and he would realize what he had lost. We've been together for 10 yrs and we have two kids. Once he got out he refused to speak to me. He is acting very angry toward me. One of the few conversations we had he said that I was in a "hurry to kick him out". I honestly don't get it. I am not going to let him back in I just am trying to understand where he is coming from so I can try to find a middle ground for our children. It's been 2 months and I started to get some of his bills out of my name and he lost it. He's angry at me for trying to separate our finances. I don't get it it's been two months. What does he want from me?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • I just don't know what to do anymore - Sorry Long?

    My husband and I have been rock bottom here lately. Through out the course of our marriage he struggles with working everyday. There is always an excuse. His stomach hurts, he has a headache; the list goes on and on. We have been together for 8 years/married for 5 yrs. On average he normally only works 3 out of 4 weeks a month. We obviously can not survive on this with the two kids we have.

    Over the course of our 5 year marriage I have caught him on 4 different occasions having sexual conversations with other women either over email/text messaging. Yes I checked his phone because he was getting text messages at 2 am. Each time I caught him he assured me he knew he was wrong and would never do it again.

    The third time this happened (6 months ago) we went to marriage counseling. The marriage counselor was really good. He asked him why he did this and if it was worth his marriage to continue having emotional affairs. He said no of course. Now it hasn't even been a year and he is telling another woman that "I love you. I hate it when you are mad at me. I just want to be with you". He assures me nothing is going on physically. I don't know what to believe.

    We agreed to separate last week but over the weekend he begins saying how he will do whatever it takes yada yada. If it was just me I would leave but I have two little girls. 2 and 6 I have to think about. All of our friends and family say how much he obviously loves me and the girls but he is just a selfish fool. I know I can't live like this anymore but am I the fool for thinking there is any chance for change?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Preparing my daughter for our separation?

    I also posted this in the parenting section but I haven't had any responses yet so I figured I would try here.

    My husband and I have decided to separate. We have two amazing little girls; 2 and 6. Our separation is not going to be immediate because we have to both find a cheaper separate place to live and moving, etc. I am at a loss on how to prepare my daughter for this. Obviously it will be hard on my youngest but she is too young to really grasp anything. My eldest, however, is very attached to her daddy. I am not sure if it is best to hold my tongue until we are ready to make the change or slowly start to prepare her over the next month.

    Any words of advise?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Preparing my daughter for our separation?

    My husband and I have decided to separate. We have two amazing little girls; 2 and 6. Our separation is not going to be immediate because we have to both find a cheaper separate place to live and moving, etc. I am at a loss on how to prepare my daughter for this. Obviously it will be hard on my youngest but she is too young to really grasp anything. My eldest, however, is very attached to her daddy. I am not sure if it is best to hold my tongue until we are ready to make the change or slowly start to prepare her over the next month.

    Any words of advise?

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Just so I understand correctly?

    Let's say there was a child molester and a murderer then one day he/she "found" god. Are you telling me the christian god would welcome this person into heaven above myself an atheist that lived a good life.

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Preparing myself - Might be a single mom.?

    My husband and I have been struggling financially for some time now. He has told me he does not want to be involved in our finances but I have refused. I tell him where we stand even if he says "You have it under control". This has been a battle I have been loosing for about 2 yrs.

    Recently, he missed 7 days of work because he was sick which caused us not to have the money for rent. We (for the first time) were presented with an eviction notice. We did come up with the money but now he says he blames me for our situation. We discussed moving from our townhouse into an apartment to save money.

    Here is my problem - he blames me and now wants to find separate apartments. I honestly was hoping we would work this out together. He threatens to leave every time we have a fight and I am tired of it. I have two girl 2 and 6. Guess I don't really have a question I just need to vent and cry on your shoulder. I am not sure what tomorrow is going to bring.

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Good Grief Charlie Brown!?

    I don't normally venture away from the Parenting and Marriage sections but today I felt like I wanted to explore Y/A. I had to share with you guys. I went to the Society and Culture and woo dogie is it rough in there. We get your occasional mean spirited person in here but I was just amazed on how many racist and crude people were in there.

    If you are in the mood to fight put on your thick skin and take a look. I know it is not related at all but I just had to share with someone.

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Need some Healthful, Easy and Yummy Recipes?

    Hi everyone,

    I am a working mom of two small children and I am looking for some healthful, quick, easy and yummy recipe ideas.

    I would love to hear quick dinner ideas but I am more at a loss of ideas for me to take into work so I don't "cheat" on my diet. I normally do a nutrigrain bar and a yogurt for breakfast and tuna for lunch. I am just bored with that.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Birthday Party for a 6-yr-old girl?

    Hello everyone, I am drawing a blank and thought I would get your thoughts. My daughter's birthday party is this weekend. I have been able to come up with a ton of craft ideas. I am just stuck with game ideas. It is going to be a make over party so water balloons and water guns are out. Does anyone have any good ideas for some games?

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Tell him now or wait until after?

    Alright I have a quandary. My husband and I have not really been on the same page and he has been out of control. I am not the type to yell or act silly when I am upset. I tend to take my time, sort out what I want to say and then when I am ready I'll discuss how I feel.

    I want to tell him we need marriage counseling. I made an apt today but he doesn't not know the extent of how unhappy I am. Some of you may remember an earlier post but in a nutshell I am tired of being married to a 14-yr-old boy (he is actually 30). I still love him dearly but if we continue on our current path I know we will just grow apart.

    Here is my challenge. This weekend is our Anniversary. Do I tell him now or keep this bottled up until after this weekend? What would you do?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Atheists - Do you believe in ghosts?

    I am an atheist that does believe in spirits which I guess is kind of weird. Just wanted to get other atheist views.

    I believe a ghost is residual energy left behind not actually someones "soul"

    38 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Overreacting? Would you be upset?

    Okay so I will prelude this with I love my husband and one of the things that attracted me to him is his sense of humor. However, this week I feel he has crossed the line. I would like to get others opinions because he does not feel he has done anything unwise.

    Over the weekend we saw Zack and Miri make a porno. If you have not seen it there is a scene where a guy make Zack give him a dutch rudder (where another person guides your arm to masturbate. My husband thought this was hilarious. So much so that he tricked one of his buddies into doing it to him. Not long enough to actually masturbate but certainly long enough to be disturbing.

    I tried to laugh this off while I told him it was extremely inappropriate. Well today he called into a radio station and told them that we had sex all the time on our 5 yr old's bed. Of course this is not true, he was "just trying to be funny". Not only did he not tell the radio station it was not true but I received several phone calls asking me if I heard him on the radio. He has a very distinctive voice.

    So would you be upset if your spouse acting this way?

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • God presented himself?

    Today I was feeling anger in my heart and finally decided to give myself to god and all his glory. So much peace and love is now in my heart and I will start attending church tomorrow. I am no longer a scientifically misguided atheist.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 401k to invest or not to invest?

    My company has suspended all 401k matching until further notice. I haven't been loosing a lot but I am not gaining on my current contributions right now. Many of the folks that I work with have suspended all of their 401k contributions. Right now I am in a blended program with only 4% of my pay going in. My question to you is it wise to bail out or continue to contribute and hope for the best. While it is a small amount of my paycheck going into this fund every little bit helps during times like these.

    2 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Inspired by another question if you could change anything?

    If you could change anything about your spouse what would it be?

    Mine would be I wish he had a bit more ambition and I wish he pitched in more around the house.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Need a new computer what is best Rebuilt vs New?

    I am not the greatest with hardware. I have had the same computer, no upgrades, for 6 yrs and it is just about dead. I do not need a "gaming" computer. I am just looking to go online, download games from iwin and maybe play a game like Sims. Right now my computer can't even handle Sims or some of the games on IWin.

    Here is my question - I have been looking at new computers which will run me about 600 - 650 USD. My mom suggested that I go to a mom and pop computer shop and buy a rebuilt computer. I am very hesitant to do this for a few reasons. I feel that I am less likely to be taken advantage of at a larger chain like Dell or BJ's. Any thoughts?

    Also, what if the thing breaks down. In this economy these mom and pop places are going out of business left and right. Is it true that I could probably get a rebuilt computer for 200 dollars?

    7 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • downloading games from the internet?

    I hope this is okay to ask (probably not). Someone told me that there is a way to extend the play on those 60 minute free trail games that you download from the internet. Does anyone know how?

    Other than purchasing the game, that is. I purchased a game once online and it would work on my computer. The company I purchased it through said it wasn't their problem if it didn't work on my computer and would not refund my money -- I will never do that again.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Keep getting not connected to the internet?

    When I try to play games on sites like IWin and Big Fish games. I have changed my security settings to allow the sites and I have also disabled my firewall. I have even unplugged and plugged back in my router. Does anyone know why this is still happening?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago