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  • Calculating Customs Tax to the UK?

    So we're out of the EU now.. and my friend in Italy wanted to send me some books but she refrained because her post office said I'd have to pay customs on my end.

    I kinda expected that, and I've paid up to £20 for stuff from America (so I make buying abroad very rare...) and I was wondering if there was a website where I could calculate how much her books would cost me?

    I was going to offer to pay the shipping regardless! It was three books, absolutely max weight of 2kg being generous. 

    Buying foreign books is expensive enough already so I wondered if paying customs would be cheaper for us both anyways.. TIA!

    United Kingdom2 months ago
  • Should I Give Up Learning Italian?

    I bet some people are still using this hellsite so here we go. I have been friends with someone Italian for over a year, we write fiction together and that's how we met. About a month ago I decided learning Italian would probably be kind and since I'd love to visit her one day it would obviously help and we could talk in it. (She is more fluent in English than most idiots on the internet).

    However. Italian is SO DAMN DIFFICULT, that's reason 1. I was already trying German and having fun with it, and ngl I miss it a bit. I still do it as well but only in my free apps (I use Babbel but OOF to paying for two languages). 

    Second reason, my friend is... annoying. Very big victim blamer and I kinda lack in empathy, completely, and that does annoy her lol. But I'm too stubborn to change for one person, I can fake it to an extent cus I'm not an asshole but day after day is hard. Maybe I am an ***? Answer that question too

    Anyway, third reason is that out of all the languages in Europe... Italian is probably near the bottom of the usefullness list. I'm never going to live there, I actually don't really like how it sounds, for some reason the word 'prego' annoys the heck out of me.

    So thoughts?! Do I drop it and somehow break that to my friend (who has been helping when I have questions), keep it quiet, or keep going..?

    3 AnswersLanguages9 months ago
  • Hey girls (or guys), got a question about something my ‘friend’ did.?

    So this guy and I ‘dated’ for a couple trial days and I was just like ‘yeah no’ at the end of it and this was one of the main reasons.

    Finally had a hot day in the U.K., I went out with a friend and when I got back I texted him saying I was so damn sweaty from being outside. He says the same from being outdoors and sends a selfie to prove it (???) (it’s just his face) and then after a few moments he asks for one back and I say no, but then he says that’s unfair and he wants to see me (if he bothered coming to college we’d see each other three times a week) and eventually he just sent a sad face when I got more pissed at him.

    Was that a f**kboy move of him or am I in the wrong here??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • What happens during a uni room inspection?

    The wires to be exact.

    At the beginning of the year they did their tests to y’know check they’re not gonna explode but since then I’ve brought stuff to uni like my old PlayStation and an ancient tv to play it on. They’re obviously not tested, and it’s a bit hard to pretend I bought them in the last twelve months.

    What happens to them?? I’ve been told they take them away but do they just test everything and then give them back? I know you can do the old ‘hide everything in your wardrobe’ trick but that’s like every electronic in my room.

  • Anyone who knows how to use HTML and CSS?

    I’m trying to rotate my image in CSS but it’s not working!!

    I’ve written in html: < img id=“cpen” src=“cpen.jpg” alt=“cartoon drawing”>

    In css, I assumed you write: #cpen {rotate(90deg); }

    Please tell me what I’m doing wrong!!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design3 years ago
  • Book plot!?

    My main character has a really bad heart condition (dilated cardiomyopathy) and it’s mostly what the book is based on. After having a crappy childhood of bad health, he gets to meet his big idol and by chance they get to start dating and his life becomes super duper amazing.

    He has a couple close calls, but he does get healthier dating this celeb and things are doing really cool. Do you think it’s better if I end the book super sweet or is it a better plot if I kill him..?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • Strange question for a book I’m writing?

    Two dads, three kids, 13, 11, and 3. Boy, then two girls.

    The 13 year old is really jealous of all the attention his 3yo sister is getting, so when he and his dad are walking back from the park (youngest being carried) he pushes them into the road and they get hit by a car, as a result the 3yo is permanently blind (not completely, she can distinguish some shapes and colours).

    How would you punish him? Like what would you do?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler3 years ago
  • Can a rumbling stomach mean you don’t eat properly?

    My friend’s stomach is always making those bubbly noises or like trickling water- you know the sounds i mean.

    She’s not hungry, Cus she eats PLENTY. She’ll cook pasta and have some biscuits while she’s waiting. After every meal her stomach bubbles like crazy throughout the evening. She doesn’t feel sick.

    Is it because she doesn’t eat fruit or veg? I’ve lived with her three months (uni) and I can’t actually remember when she last ate a vegetable, it must have been a good couple weeks or more by now.

    2 AnswersOther - Health3 years ago
  • What happens if a bullet stays in someone’s body?

    It’s a story, don’t worry.

    My character has got shot in the side but the bullet is still in them and there’s no way of getting it out. He’s got a first aid kit to clean it up, but will the bullet do anything while inside?

    Will he get an infection just not at the wound?

    13 AnswersHunting3 years ago
  • Anybody good with C#?

    I have this fish that is swimming back and forth with speed increasing at random times.

    Once it s traveled 450 pixels, it s supposed to return to its original speed. How do I measure the distance??

    I ve tried doing speed*time but it won t let me. Please help, it s for my assignment!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design3 years ago
  • What happens in rehab?

    It’s for a book I’m writing, but I haven’t got the faintest idea what they do. Any help? Thanks!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • I don’t have ID what do I do?

    I got a new bank card sent near me Cus I’m an University and am 5 hours from home. They said to collect it I need to bring a driver’s license or passport as ID.

    I have neither! I don’t drive because I’m epileptic so I don’t have any form of licence, and my passport is back home! Help!?

    12 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • What do these expressions mean?

    At uni, got a letter through the post about tv license as ysual.. but some of it doesn’t make sense.

    1. “Use TV receiving equipment that is powered solely by its own internal batteries”

    2. You’re not connecting tv receiving equipment to the mains

    So I just never plug something in or what!?

    TVs4 years ago
  • My bottom teeth hurt?

    My gums are absolutely fine, but my two bottom teeth feel like they’re being squeezed!

    They cross over because my mouth is crowded though. Am I feeling them pressing against each other? Are they crossing over more?

    1 AnswerDental4 years ago
  • If you’re in a mental health centre, can your kids visit?

    It’s for a story. This single dad hasn’t taken care of himself so he’s really depressed, anorexic, bulimic and other **** (it’s a long story as to why) so he’s put into a clinic that is basically rehab.

    Can his kids visit? They’re with his parents since his partner died in combat so obvs can’t have them.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • How to get rid of stinky feet for a few hours?

    I know it’s not a good idea but I really need to sleep so I’m choosing sleep over shower for now, how do I get rid of stinky feet for a few hours tomorrow morning when I go to a lecture?

    Will spraying them with deodorant do anything?

    3 AnswersOther - Health4 years ago
  • Does scar tissue heal crazy quick?

    I had my ears pierced when I was 13 but they went wrong, so they were taken out and both got scarred (my right ear the most).

    Now I got them redone in August, course it’s now October and I got them done with a needle and everything, proper boutique place, and kept them in nine weeks, cleaned as always!!

    THREE TIMES I’ve had to repierce the back of my right ear! It hurts like crazy but this morning I only had an earring out less than five minutes and it still closed. What the hell do I do? Just keep one in permanently for longer in my right ear??

    I just want to sleep a night without a damn earring in

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body4 years ago
  • Does this count as five pages?

    I need to make a website with a minimum of five pages and I don’t know if that includes sub ones.

    So if I had a Home page, About Me, and a Products which had a page/section for Men, Women, Kids, does that count as five altogether??

    I’m actually doing an art technique website but I don’t know if having three, then Artists splitting into three groups is four or six pages

    1 AnswerHomework Help4 years ago
  • Re piercing my ear?

    I waited the general eight weeks for it (it was just a normal cartilage one) and even an extra week Cus they were really hard to get off (screw on).

    Now a couple weeks on, TWICE, I’ve had to repierce the back of my right ear. One was a couple days after I took them out the first time, so I panicked and slept with them in for a week or so. This morning, I had to do it again!

    My left ear is fine though, is it because I have scar tissue on my right? I had them pierced when I was 13 but they went wrong. Does it heal up super quick? Just wondering when I’ll be able to sleep comfortable again or if I’ll forever repierce my right ear everyday

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body4 years ago
  • Is he flirting with me?

    This is probably a stupid question, isn’t it? I have autism though, so I’m bad at this stuff.

    A guy friend of mine (I’m a girl) just offered a movie night at mine or his (we’re at uni, he commuted I’m in halls) and I’m just wondering if he’s being a cool friend or attempting something datey.

    He hasn’t said it is, but he also hasn’t said it is- which he probably wouldn’t do anyway. Idk, movie night with snacks sounds like fun, but I want to know what the situation is going to be.

    Don’t wanna lead him on, yknow? I’ve.. done that before

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago