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  • GOOD pranks to use on my friend?

    Alright, so here's the deal. I need a LOT of good pranks, deadline is until January 30th, since the sleepover is on the 31st. This is exactly a week from when I'm posting this. Two of my cousins are going to be there, one stepcousin who is the stepdaughter of my uncle and she's turning 10 on the 31st and so we're having a birthday sleepover, and his real daughter, who is 4. I need some pranks for both of them, harmless pranks for the 4-year old, and some NON-MESSY pranks for the older one. My uncle is fun, but can be strict, and I don't want to upset him. I don't want to upset his gf either because I want to make a good first impression and not some brat that messed up their house and did some horrible 'joke' to their child. XD

    So, any really good ones? I'm not doing any that are like the saran wrap toilet one. I want stuff more like the saran wrap doorway prank or the orajel on toothpaste, etc. I want some that are harmless and not messy, so that I don't end up leaving with a 'I hate you so much you're so mean!", but the mischievous side of me is coming out, hehe!

    Here's a list of my main ingredients, cause I don't have much.





    Nail polish


    Food items

    That foil you use on cookie sheets, tin foil I think it's called?

    Backpack (To carry pranking and sleepover items)

    Lip balms




    Body wash




    Bengay (Can't use more than a little bit because it's my grandmas)

    Foot repair cream (Can't use more than a little bit because it's my grandmas)

    Those are the items I might require.

    Let me know, and I have more stuff too I'm too lazy to name it all, so just post whatever you want, or stuff you can use with those, and I'll let you know if I can use them. I'll choose a random best answer for whoever has the LONGEST answer with the best/most pranks!

    Thank you! :)

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles7 years ago
  • Will this guy know I like him?

    I really like this guy named Alec at the park, and I saw him yesterday. He looked at me and then I didn't even realize it but I looked deep into his eyes for a few seconds, then I awkwardly looked away. Before I saw him there, I was thinking about him all day and awkwardly smiling. What if he saw me there and I didn't see him?

    Will he know I like him because we locked gazes. I'm starting to fangirl to myself because he looked at me too for a while and like.. what if he likes me back! :DD

    Plus, I don't want to have ANOTHER Single's Awareness Day. I know it seems sad but I've never had a valentine, and I've only had one boyfriend. My problem is I'm too shy to make a move, I'm too scared he won't like me anymore if I ask him. I'm scared that he'll say no... Should I just not be such a baby and just ask him to be my valentine? Should I walk up to him, shyly give him a card I made and run away, or wait until he does something? WHAT DO I DO. D*:

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can cats fur darken if they are burned?

    I'm a warrior cats roleplayer, and was planning for my silver cat with one white spot over her eye to be dark grey with a light grey spot over her eye from being burned. Can this happen? I don't want to look like an idiot. :P Thanks.

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • I forgot my Minecraft Email! D:?

    Hello, my name is Katie and I play Minecraft. Unfortunately, I have forgotten my Minecraft Email (I upgraded it to Mojang account) D: I don't know what to do, no one else has had this problem it looks like, and support doesn't have anything. I can't remember anything about it so I am stuck on the steve skin and cant log in to the website. I can still log in because of a glitch where when I log in it says "Use email instead of username because u upgraded" then click log in again and it lets u in.. thank god for that glitch but i want to be in permanently not having to fear that sometime the glitch will be fixed and I will never be able to play again. I cannot currently buy another account, so I am screwed. Oh god help me! D;


    12 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • I want to call my crush/best friend?

    I want to ask him what his number is so I can call him when I am going places. But I don't want to sound weird and give away that I like him (Plus he has a girlfriend, thats the main reason why I don't want to ask him :S) Help?

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Is there a way that a zombie virus is possible?

    I need someone to tell me if it is actually possible, scientifically, that a zombie apocalypse is possible?

    I have studied, and it says there actually IS a virus that controls rats and stuff.. and who knows? maybe a scientist will study this same thing, and tested it on a rat. Then, it ends up getting him somehow, and it spreads.

    I need to know because if so, I can prepare if it does happen (e.g. Gather lots of food, get a shovel or something to fight zombies with, etc.)

    xD I do feel nerdy today. For now, I'm going to research some more, and check the question in a bit, for new answers.

    (and yes, I am serious about this. -_-)


    Sincerely, Kate

    7 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • My crush has a girlfriend now?

    One day I was taking a walk and I met a guy and his friend.

    We were kinda like best friends, though I did have a little bit of a crush on him. but then I was hanging out with my other bestie for a while, and when we started hanging out again (Bigger crush on him now) I found out he has a girlfriend. Right when I was contemplating telling him how I feel too. We're still best friends, and I go over to his house everyday.... I hope he doesn't see me look at him :S but I mean it hurts that I can't be with him, and it's so awkward whenever his gf comes around....

    What should I do? I'm thinking of just waiting it out, and (sorry if this sounds mean, I don't intend it to) if they break up, should I tell him?

    What really bugs me, though.. is that I met him first. Not to mention his gf is way older then him. and its like they are always having fights.. im not sure if its a playfight or not..

    I am so confuzzled....

    Ughh.... I don't have the heart :'(

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why won't steam open?

    I wanna play Skyrim again but Steam won't open when I click on it :(

    1 AnswerPC9 years ago
  • Does the Gamecube turn off automatically when I leave Animal Crossing on and give me Mr. Resetti?

    I wanna sleep while my char is sleeping in a bed, but will it give me mr. resetti and auto-turn-off?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Can people sense if you stole something when you talk to a guard/person you stole from in Skyrim?

    Ok, so I was playing Skyrim on the PC, and I came across a farm right next to Whiterun, and I decided to lockpick the door because it was only novice and so I got it in first try and went inside, I stole all the books, all the food, a few knick knacks etc, and I was about to exit until I realized, if you talk to a guard or walk into a town/city do they sense that you stole and take you to jail?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Why does Yahoo! Answers limit you to 20 answers a day?

    I love answering people's questions, and I love helping people, why do they have a limit on how many questions you answer?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • I'm really lazy atm, how do i get myself not lazy?

    I don't want to make food but im hungry and i dont want any of the instant foods. If apples tasted like sausage i wouldn't mind but i really want to eat but i'm too lazy >< help?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Is it just me or is IMVU down right now?

    It's August 2012 and its the 20th on Monday, is IMVU down or is it just me? :/

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • HELP PLEASE!!! unfindable music!?

    I just got on the computer, and I share it with my mom and dad. Right now they are taking a nap and this dubstep music keeps on playing and its coming from NOWHERE! They don't have any game open, my mom has nothing open atm, all my dad has is search tabs and facebook. I CAN'T STOP THIS MUSIC! It goes on repeat and I'm about to break something! I love watching PewDiePie in the morning and I CANT WHEN THIS DAMN MUSIC IS PLAYING!!!! Help!!!

    1 AnswerR&B & Soul9 years ago