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29, living in Texas, and married to my best friend. I have one charming daughter and two kitties that I spoil (I spoil the cats, not the daughter lol). I love my video games and hanging out with my man on the couch watching netflix movies.

  • Using natural progesterone cream to help battle hypothyroidism?

    Are there any cons to using this cream even if your hormone levels are normal? I had the doc check my hormone levels last year and everything was normal range. I have been on synthroid for over 2 years now but my doc is still trying to get my dosage right, last checked TSH came back at 4.8 a couple months ago - down from 6.9 just a few years ago though. I used to love my body, never had any problems but now I hate my body and would like to do something more to help myself than diet, exercise and daily medication...I want to lose weight and stop experiencing all this crap that happens to you when your thyroid isnt working right; acid reflux, weight gain, being tired, pimples, period problems, not being able to get pregnant, ect...

    I found the progesterone cream possible treatment from this website: (I know that this is not guaranteed to work but if it doesnt hurt, then I figured maybe I should try it)

    Within weeks of using adequate natural progesterone cream, symptoms of hypothyroidism may disappear. This is because natural progesterone increases sensitivity of estrogen receptors, and can therefore redirect estrogen activity and inhibit many of unopposed estrogen's undesirable side-effects, which include interference with thyroid hormone activity.

    Women's Health9 years ago
  • Soaker hose question!?

    I live in North Texas and bought my first house this year. When should I pull up my soaker hoses up? (they are being used for the foundation). I don't want to take them down too soon but I want to keep them in good shape so I can use them again next spring. We are getting our first cold front of the season tomorrow. The overnight low temps will be in the upper 30's to lower 40's in the morning. I know this isn't frost weather yet but should I wait just until the first actual freeze or before? Our first freeze generally doesn't happen until December or January but in the last couple years Texas seasons haven't been as predictable as they used to be. Any advice is appreciated!

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • Antidepressant/medication for my cat?

    My male cat turned 8 this month. For the last 6 1/2 yrs he has battled with an illness that has baffled veterinarians. I am 110% sure that it is a very rare illness called feline hyperesthesia syndrome "rolling skin syndrome". He has been self mutilating himself daily, randomly lays in his litter box for hours, seems to be annoyed by lots of things (mainly his own body and tail), and has recently started to pee in his food and water dish. I am at the end of my rope after years of failed vet visits and countless hundreds of dollars down the drain in conventional treatments.

    Not under a vets supervision - since the 6+ different vets I have taken him to can't figure out whats wrong with him - I am going to start giving him anxitane today and give it the recommended 2 months of treatment. If that doesn't work I am going to bump it up to prozac (fluoxetine). After that, even though it pains me, the only option I have left is euthanization.

    Sorry for the long description but I felt it necessary, my question is how many of you have seen success with these drugs for symptoms like self mutilation or peeing out of the litter box?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My period is 2 days late?

    I had a cervical biopsy on Monday. Could that cause my period to be late? I am not stressed or anything like that. Last period was on 11/1 and on average I have a 29 day cycle.

    If its not related to the biopsy when should I test? I mean, I don't want to test too I would love to find out I was pregnant but I don't want to be let down if I test too soon. Do you think a week late is a sufficient amount of time?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My period is 2 days late?

    I was due on Tuesday and as of today it still doesn't even feel like its coming.

    I had a cervical biopsy on Monday. Could that cause my period to be late? I am not stressed or anything like that. Last period was on 11/1 and on average I have a 29 day cycle.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Hypothyroid/High Cholesterol/weight loss plateau?

    I know that being hypothyroid causes weight gain and high cholesterol (I am on medication for both as of the Jan 2010)...I gained 50 pounds in less than a year before I was diagnosed. After diligently going to the gym starting in August (4-5x a week) eating on average 1200 calories a day, and having a calorie deficit of 500-1000 a day I began losing about 1-2 pounds a week and my waist dropped from a 35 to a 30. But since 10/27 I haven't lost a pound, no inches lost, and I haven't changed my routine. The only thing that changed was I had a problem with my cholesterol medication between the doctor and the pharmacy and wasn't able to take it for about 3 weeks - around the same time I noticed the scale wasn't budging. I was still taking the thyroid meds.

    Can stopping your cholesterol meds prevent you from losing weight? I have a doctor appt next week for something unrelated but I am sure I can ask him about it. Until then, can anyone help?

    36 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Cervical biopsy - a mess of problems - infertility?

    I am 29 and had my first abnormal pap earlier this year where my family doctor said that HPV was present in the pap results. I went back this month for my second pap of the year and today I got a call from my doc who said that the problem is progressing to the point I need to get a biopsy. I am worried though my doc told me not to be. :( He gave me the number to a gyno and told me to call him. Of course, gyno's office is closed today so I have to wait until tomorrow to ask questions.

    My biggest concern is that I have never been pregnant and I want to be soon. I was with my ex for almost 8 years before I met my now husband and we never used protection aside from 1 year that I was on the pill. I have been with my husband for 4 years and same thing. I was only on the pill for the first year we were together. Somehow in all this I have never gotten pregnant. It wasn't until the last couple years that I started getting concerned. I am wondering now if I ever will be able to have a baby of my own. I know something is wrong but I don't know what. I was also diagnosed hypothyroid this year and I have started wondering if I should get my progesterone levels checked too as I seem to have all the symptoms of that being low as well. Basically, I am a mess...anyone else out there with a similar situation who beat the odds and was able to conceive??? Did you have to see a fertility specialist? I mean, I haven't been actively trying to get pregnant but I haven't been actively not trying to either. But almost 10 years of unprotected sex and not even one "oops"? Seems crazy to me. :(

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Consignment shops in DFW?

    Anyone know of any consignment shops I can SELL things to instead of just donate? I am all about helping people in need but I have needs too - so if you know of a place (aside from Ebay) where I can sell goods for money please let me know. Thanks!

    3 AnswersDallas1 decade ago
  • Cooking for your pet?

    Anyone know any good cookbooks for cats? I have recently been thinking of cooking for my cats instead of risking buying unhealthy dry foods for them at the pet store/grocery store. They are both 7 years old and I want to make sure they live another 10 plus years. Suggestions? I don't need suggestions on cat food brands as I have tried many. I just want to know if someone out there has used an actual cookbook or if you know of a few easy, nutritional recipes for cats? Thanks!

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What causes the bite feeling when an aphid lands on you?

    I have heard that aphids (plant lice, greenflies) don't bite...however when they land on me it feels like a bite. What is it in or on this insect that causes this itchy bite feeling? They are all over the break area outside at my work and its annoying!

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome?

    Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome (FHS) also known as rolling skin disease, is a rare illness in domestic cats that causes episodes of agitation, self-mutilation, and a characteristic rippling of the skin when touched. It is often described as a seizure disorder but the cause is unknown.

    Anyone out there familiar with this disease or have seen it before? My kitty has it...he has an appointment for Tuesday. I just want to know anything from treatment to long term affects of treatment. He has been dealing with it for 6 years now.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome?

    Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome (FHS) also known as rolling skin disease, is a rare illness in domestic cats that causes episodes of agitation, self-mutilation, and a characteristic rippling of the skin when touched. It is often described as a seizure disorder but the cause is unknown.

    I am absolutely certain this is what my kitty has. Thanks to YA someone told me about it I was able to find this disorder or disease and research it. Problem is there isn't much information on it that I have been able to find - probably because of the rarity of the disease. He has been dealing with it for the past 6 years.

    My question is anyone out there familiar with FHS and possibly can tell me what kinds of medications or treatments I should expect to give my kitty for this? He has an appointment for Tuesday with the vet.

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Question about fart bubbles?

    When I say fart bubbles, I don't mean the kind in a bathtub or pool.

    Have you ever had a fart cause what feels like a bubble going up against your back until it releases out of your clothes? I am wondering because this happens to me every once and a while...and I just think its weird but its kind of fascinating. Is it possible that my farts are just so powerful that they don't seep through my clothing rather "escape" quickly out of the top of my jeans??? They have never left marks on my clothes so its not a wet fart or a shart or whatever (I have checked after its happened to make sure)

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Infertility but beating the odds...?

    I was diagnosed hypothyroid in January. I had plenty of symptoms for it for the past 4 years without even knowing or having a clue that something was wrong with me due to the slow nature of the symptoms appearing.

    My doctor started me on 50mcg of Levothyroxine that I have been on since mid-Jan. My next appointment less than a month from now. I know that infertility is a symptom of thyroid issues and I am fairly certain that is a problem with me - my doc is ready to send me to a fertility specialist. My husband and I haven't exactly been very careful to prevent pregnancy - though we aren't exactly trying either - since we have been together (going on year 4 this year!) but I have never gotten pregnant. (I was also in a relationship for 8 years before I met my husband and we used the withdrawal method and never had a pregnancy).

    I guess I just want to feel better about myself. I would prefer not to get pregnant right now, like in the next few months, but in the next year would be fantastic. Please tell me your success stories with having fertility problems but beating the odds anyway...I would love to hear some success stories to give me hope...Thanks!!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • On medication...could this cause mid-cycle spotting?

    I just started taking Levothyroxine for my thyroid about 2 weeks ago. I am due for my period in one week from today (regular 29 day cycle). I started spotting today. Anyone know if this is normal with this drug? I am not on birth control so its not that. Any answers are appreciated, even better if you are familiar with this med.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Hypothyroidism - taking Levothyroxine?

    I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism yesterday. I just started taking the medication today (Levothyroxine). I am overweight (5'3" at 165 pounds - 28 years old) and have been struggling with losing this weight for about 2 years - I gained about 50 pounds within a year back in 2007 (my heaviest reached weight was 172). It now makes sense to me why I gained the weight so quickly and why all the exercise I have tried has failed. I eat the right foods so that was never an issue.

    I would just like to hear some success stories out there for you on losing weight after taking medication for your thyroid. How long did it take to start losing weight and how much weight did you lose a week/month on average? What kind of exercising did you do? While its very important for me to lose weight for my health - I am also just tired of being uncomfortable in my own skin. I am not looking for there is no need to tell me that its healthier for me to lose weight slowly as I am only hoping for - though 2 would be great - 1 pound a week in weight loss and back down to 130 would be great, 125 would be amazing!

    I am just so excited that its going to finally be more probable for me to lose weight that I just want to make sure I go about it the right way. Thanks in advance for all your answers!

    Women's Health1 decade ago
  • Laser declawing for Cats?

    Before you judge me let me explain. I have a 6 year old cat that has been dealing with a sickness that no one can seem to help me with. He continuously stratches himself to the point where he has had open sores on his neck, side, and back for going on 4 years. This has required me to put a cone on him every day. The only relief he gets from the cone is when I can sit with him for about an hour a day (I really have a hard time doing more as I don't have time to cook dinner, time to myself, time with my husband, ect). If he leaves me lap...he immediately scratches and reopens the wounds. I have spent thousands of dollars on my poor kitty only to hear the vets call him a "medical mystery". So please, spare me the grief for asking this question. I am only looking for these sores to heal so I can see what else can be done for him. I understand that declawing him may not solve the issue of him being so "itchy" all the time but at least he won't have open, bloody sores all the time.

    With that aside, have any of you used this procedure (laser declawing) and what were the side effects on your kitty?

    15 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What is a good rate to lose inches?

    I have been doing mostly of cardio and changing my eating habits as well as working on my muscles/strength training...its working but I want to make sure I put off the weight for I am trying to do this slowly. I have been focused on this for going on 3 weeks.

    I want to know what is a "normal" amount of inches you can expect to shed off the waistline? I may have measured incorrectly but I am thinking I did it right. (Right at the top of the bone on the waist underneath the ribcage across the top of the belly button area) and the first measurement was 36.5 inches...that was 3 weeks ago. Today I am in around 35.5 - 36. Is that a good progression? I am losing around a pound a week right now. 3 weeks ago I was at 166, today at 163. I am not focusing on the measurements...I will probably only measure once a month or less going forward since these small numbers probably wont motivate me much but I would still like to know.

    It would be great to hear from someone who does this for a living but I know this is yahoo answers so before I go to my next doc appointment and ask I just want to get some advice from those of you out there who may have done similar things have more experience with this.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Spotting 5 days away from period?

    Can this be a symptom of endometriosis something else like that? Or do you think I am just getting my period early?

    Last period 11/17, ovulated on 12/1 or 12/2, light brown spotting wiped on tissue only (10 DPO today - well if I did ovulate). - cycle is normally 29 days long with spotting occuring the first 2 - 3 days of period before heavy flow comes.

    Little history, I have used the withdrawal method for 10 years with no pregnancy...which is why I tend to think endo - however at the end of November we had unprotected sex without withdrawal. We aren't necessarily ttc right now but we aren't actively preventing it either.

    Has this happened to anyone else? Did you find out what caused it?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago