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  • Should I inform my professor that my classmates are cheating?

    Hi, This is very hard to talk about and I am in a programming class and it requires a lot of work. I have received help from one particular student and in class, however, I was accused of cheating because my work was like his. so after that, I did my own work and everything. without any help. unfortunately, my other classmates on GroupMe are receiving help and much more. meaning that this guy is doing their program and fixing for them. one particular girl in the class admitted that she will be doing her assignment on the last minute and ended up having someone do it for her on GroupMe. I feel like this is not hard work and I am trying not to let this bother me anymore but its eating me inside every day now. Plus, they all gave this guy money at the end as a gift for money I find it very odd. I have always been taught that hard work goes along way. should I inform my professor about this. 

    4 AnswersEtiquette2 days ago
  • How do I know I got the job?

    I did an interview today ,however I feel like I did not do a great job. However , after finishing he said that he will have someone call me.

    what does that mean?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating12 months ago
  • what is a client support in tech?

    I am currently looking for work, I found a job and that caught my attention at a local university. The position is in the tech department and the job title is a client support. does anyone know what client support does and is it like a help desk.

  • I was dismissed from a university?

    I was academically dismissed,no explanation needed. I. am currently back in community college. Trying to choose a suitable university that's fits with me. Do universities accept dismissed students even though my gpa is around 3.4. weird,but true I was dismissed because I required not to drop, or make a D or an f. I chose drop. Any advice..

  • i bought a CD-R but i will not play in my car?

    i bought a cd-r and i downloaded music unto it, but it will not play in my car and weird enough its recognized as a dvd-rw on my laptop. I downloaded music before did not have any issues. its a Verbatim cd-r.

    5 AnswersMusic & Music Players3 years ago
  • I have an academic suspension 2nd time?

    I had a suspension the first time but i did not appeal and i changed my major,after a semester was over.

    since then i have been making average on all my grades only 1 D. still i managed to make a 2.0. during this time my mom was on dialysis,i was working more than 12 hours in a meat factory,and one semester i even took classes at both colleges,i live away from the university. I have done alot since my first semester and i learned alot. now i am scared, i quit my job during the semester i did not do good(second suspension )October 4,2012) i did alot but i do not want to say that it all affected me but i sacrificed for my education. but i failled the first suspension long time almost 2 1/2 years ago. does anybody think that they will accept me back. I have alot of supporting documents such as medical reports for my mom,my check stub that shows the hours,and my transcripts that shows taking classes at both colleges.

    thank you sorry for the long story.

    1 AnswerTeaching8 years ago
  • do regions bank give free check book?

    i recently misplaced my checkbook and now i am worried that it may be in the wrong hands.

    anyways how to i get a free checkbook.

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago