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Jack L
Does anyone know a cheap no-thrills mp3 player?
I'm looking for the cheapest mp3 player with high capacity. I don't want to pay Apple prices for the iPod classic, but I really want something that will carry my whole CD library around without breaking the bank. I don't want games or anything, really just a way to play albums in the car through my aux port or through any stereos I may come across. I have my whole CD library ripped on my computer's hard drive already, ready to go, and it takes up about 40gb in FLAC. Really a 60 gig music player that supports FLAC or another lossless audio format that won't suck $200 out of my bank account (I have a thing against Apple and recently I finally got rid of my last Apple product). They have cheap alternatives, but they never seem to hold more than 8 gigs at a time.
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players7 years agoIs there a way to use component cables in the composite plugs?
I'm house sitting my sister's dog and she has a CRT tv without HDMI inputs for my Playstation. I don't have a composite cable on hand but I do have a component cable. I hooked it up with the audio in the normal places and substituted the green cable for the yellow video. I got audio and video but it's in black and white. I realize component cables transmit split video, but I also know that the plugs are almost the same. Is there a way to change the PS3's output to fit all the video into that one plug or will I just have to deal with the black and white until I can find a different cable?
1 AnswerHome Theater8 years agoLooking for a fish bowl decoration?
Our dorms only allow fish to be kept as pets so a lot of people in our hall got fish. I'm trying to have my tank kind of suit my major (History) so I want to find a cool decoration to fit in a small tank (6" x 6" x 6" cube) I was looking for some roman columns or ancient ruin type decorations but most seem to be way too large to fit the space. A link would be nice, and preferably for it to be on amazon for free shipping
7 AnswersFish8 years agoHow do I get rid of the people app on windows 8?
I don't ever use MSN messenger, I did way back in the early days of the service, but now I can't even remember who half the people are. Unfortunately it still puts all of their birthdays on my calendar and puts a reminder for it on my lock screen. Tomorrow is desiree.michelle05's birthday apparently and I don't have any f****** clue who that is. I checked the calendar and I have a birthday at least three times a week I'm going to be reminded about. I tried to uninstall the app but it said that if I did that I would also uninstall the calendar AND the mail app, both of which I use. Is there a way for the people app to never bother me again?
2 AnswersSoftware8 years agoWhat will I lose if I install Windows 7 in place of Windows 8?
I would really hate myself if I caved in and forced myself to work on a new laptop running Windows 8. I know the still sell a few computers online with Windows 7 loaded by default, but generally these computers really don't have the specs I would prefer. I have a disk with Windows 7 home premium ready to go, and all the programs I would need as well so if I did do a complete hard drive wipe and reformat to change Windows 8 to 7 I would lose absolutely nothing of value to me. But if I did try and do this to a brand new computer running windows 8, is there anything this would prevent me from doing? Like take away some program I have no idea is amazing or even make my computer just stop functioning?
1 AnswerSoftware8 years agoWhat does the dutch word kolf mean?
I learned about a very strictly Dutch sport named kolf reading about the history of hockey and when I googled it pretty much nothing but pictures of breast pumps came up. I put it into google translate and it came out as "flasks" I assume there's some kind of slang or mistranslation going on but I'm not sure. Searching something like "jugs" wont come up with **** all the time in English so can anyone inform me?
2 AnswersLanguages8 years agoWould Windows 7 run well on a brand new computer?
I'm looking at a new laptop, but Windows 8 seems to grind on every fiber of my being. Ok maybe not that bad, but geez it irks me. I actually have a Windows 7 disk that came with our not-so-old PC and it seemes like a decent idea to buy a laptop and then install the older OS. I realize that computers are built to fit an operating system's little quirks and whatnot, but Windows 7 should be fairly close in terms of hardware requirements. Would a brand new Dell or HP or whatever run Windows 7 just as well as Windows 8? Or am I just going to have to suck it up and kill myself before I have to look at a single start screen box on my laptop's screen?
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoWhat are the contribution ratings on wikipedia edits?
Ok so I have no clue what they are, but when you make a contribution to a wikipedia page and you view them later, next to your contribution will be a rating like thing. Green for pluses and red for minuses. Can someone explain them to me? What they are, how they are determined, and who is making these judgements.
3 AnswersWikipedia8 years agoWhat is the most common audio recording software for professionals?
I want to know the most common used by people who work in major recording studios and the like.
3 AnswersSoftware8 years agoHo can I make my old game start working on my computer again?
I have this old game that I used to love playing when I was younger called Marble Drop, and I have the original CD (just not the original case or anything), it's just that windows 7 seems to not support it at all. I have no idea how to even begin emulating it, the only CD emulator I understand is scummvm, and this is not compatible. The game was made in 1997 and wasn't well known so it's just kind of swept under the carpet in terms of figuring out how to run it from google searches alone.
1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years agoCan I get an older version of photoshop really cheap?
I want photoshop because it is certainly many times easier to use than other free programs. At school I used to use CS2 and CS3 so I don't guess I would really be missing out on much if I don't use CS6 since I understand those. The newest version is some $600 and I'm not a fan of piracy (not like I could find it online anyways). Can I get old versions of the software for a giant price slash? I mean, I can buy almost everything else in the world's older versions for much less than the newest versions, why not photoshop?
5 AnswersSoftware8 years agoTips for making your essay stand out?
I am writing essays for college applications, and they gave me a question on what decade I would like to grow up in aside from my own. I know that they will get absolutely tons of essays saying the exact same things. Does anybody have any tips on avoiding generic essays about being in a time of great change or culturally relevant things. I don't want to get lost in the masses of applications
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years agoWhat classic horror movie is this?
I don't remember much about it, I saw it when I was a kid because my dad recorded it from some AMC Halloween special back in the day. It was a black and white movie where this guy wants to get revenge on all the doctors who had a hand in trying and failing to save his wife, and he does it based on some wheel thingy with a different kind of death printed all around it. One guy ends up dying from being strangled slowly from a special mechanical mask that slowly squeezed more and more. I used to think it had Dr. somewhere in the title, but I am not really sure anymore. It had to have been popular at some point because it was in with some other recordings of the invisible man and dracula and it was hosted by either Whoopi Goldberg or Elvira based on the other tapes that I actually can find (we used to record a lot of movies)
3 AnswersMovies9 years agoDo I use who or that when refering to characters?
I am writing a paper and I wrote "...a group of characters who don't appear..." but I don't know whether or not I should have used who or that. I know that characters are really a thing, but they represent people so really I just am unsure.
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years agoWhere can I read the original batman comics for free?
I really like the old Batman comics but you cant just walk to the nearest book store and grab a copy of detective comics #27 that's just not happening. Where can I read these comics then? How do they expect to let anyone read these things if they just remain old artifacts hidden away in a closet? All I'm saying is they aren't sold and I want to find them for free for some "entertainment" (yes in quotations)*
*yes that did require parenthesis**
**and of course the asterisk and double asterisk
1 AnswerComics & Animation9 years agoHow much will gravel cost me?
I'm wanting #9 gravel to build a path, what is a rough estimate of how much #9 gravel costs per ton?
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years agoDoes anyone know an italian internet proxy that I can use?
I'm trying to watch episode 9 of WWII in HD on youtube and it tells me that some images in the video are blocked in all countries except for Italy and I need to trick it into thinking I'm in Italy
2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years agoCan three banded armadillos survive in the southern United States?
I already know that the most common nine banded armadillos can survive almost anywhere, but I would want the armadillos that roll up to survive here. Is it at all possible for three banded armadillos (who live in central South America) to live in the southern US? I live in Kentucky and I just wondered if it was a feasible idea for an exotic pet (which I doubt I will ever have)
1 AnswerZoology9 years agoHow do I open a plain no frills E*trade account?
So I want to invest using etrade since I'm fairly certain I can trust them to not cheat me out of too much money (although I'm sure everyone does eventually) but basically when I click open an account there are like 30 choices. I think I narrowed it down to "general investment" but when I click more info it just tells me how I have access to brokers and all this stuff. All I want is to be able to buy stocks and sell them at will (I'm ok with trading fees). I don't need to pay a broker to make decisions about my money for me when I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions. I also see this junk about earning up to $500 or some **** on the left side along with the free trades. Can somebody please tell me a way for me to just buy a stock and sell it easily and hassle free?
2 AnswersInvesting10 years agoCan this case be appealed?
Ok so for this paper Im writing, Im arguing that the case of John Moore (Moore vs. The Regents of the University of California) would have had a much different outcome today had modern science been applied to the case as opposed to the DNA technology of 1990. Something that would really make or break my paper is, can the decision be appealed. Could the trial be reevaluted or looked at again today using todays standards of science as opposed to the science that was applicable in 1990?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago