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  • Is it normal to HATE your father more then anyone on the planet? Like for real hate.?

    I am a grown man now and I am just now realizing that I absolutely loathe my father. I'm honestly wondering if this is a normal feeling alot of ppl have. It's becoming unhealthy how much i hate him. I'm the type of person who generally confronts his problems, and I know in this particular situation it will do me no good to confront this man. He will not listen, no epiphany by him will be made by me telling him, he will just continue being a f***tard. Maybe I'm being harsh, but I doubt it. He went to prison when I was 12, and again when I was 26, both times for around 3-4years. He has money but is other worldly selfish, except to spend money on himself. He has 3 half black children under the age of 13, two of which he has no relationship with. This last time he got out of prison I let him come stay at my house, because he had nowhere else to go not because i in any shape or form wanted him to, and he has never thanked me or helped me back out since I've fallen on hard times. He is a judgemental c**ksucker despite all these facts, and I think thats what bothers me the most. And there is just so much more stuff i could list, i was very much happy in my old life before he called asking to stay at my house...Ignorance is bliss. I'm telling you ppl like this all you can do is keep them out of sight. Like I hate this mf more then anyone in the world but I can't just treat him like anyone else. Fml.

    7 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Job recruiters what do you look for on pre-employment background checks?

    I am asking this question to people who work in either a human resources dept of a company, or at an employment agency..I have had many different responses from employment agencies regarding my criminal background check when applying for jobs. For the record I have 4 misdemeanor charges spaced between a 12yr time frame, non theft or violence related, and none in the past 3yrs. Havent been arrested since 2007, but last time i pled guilty to crime was july 2009. Anyway the last 3 warehouse positions I have applied for thru employment agencies have denied me employment due to my criminal background check. I was hired at time of interview then called and told I could not start after the screening. This last time I waited 3weeks for the position then went to orientation only to be told i couldnt work w the company due to bk check. I'm just wondering what disqualifies me to work in a warehouse if there is no theft or violence on my background check? What jobs should I be applying for? I have a college degree, I apply for warehouse jobs specifically because I know I can't work in my field of study w my background as is, but I can not understand for the life of me why you ppl won't let me even work in a warehouse! I understand the need for background checks in your profession, but I think alot of you guys misuse them,and have forgotten the real original purpose of them and started just lumping anyone w anything on their bk check as a criminal element who shouldnt be allowed to work. I think the misuse of these background checks should be considered criminal. Me waiting 3 weeks for a job I'm over qualified for, and honestly didn't even want and being told my criminal background check bars me from employment should be criminal! I'm at my wits end. My confidence to apply anywhere has been broken. I don't know if I should apply at McDonalds or Microsoft lol.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Can you cut small solid steel bar with high tension hacksaw?

    I need to cut small steel bar, it is solid all the way through. I'm wondering if I can you use non electric saw or I'm going to have to pay more for electric saw. I'm gonna ask around at lowes tomm but would like to get opinions on here.

    6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • Is it "racism" if what you say is true?

    If I say blacks make up 12percent of the countries population, but 60+percent of the jail population is that racism? If I say black ppl make up 12 percent of the population but account for 70percent of violent crimes in this country is that racism? I would just consider these facts, others call it racism...

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • When did dui/dwi offenders start being looked at as actual criminals?

    I have 3 dui's. Dating from 2002-2007, age 20-25.God I know in todays society im just as bad as a child molester, or someone who goes around stealing, or assaulting people. I never damaged anyones property, wrecked, all I did was hurt myself. I went to jail for 180 days, was forced to sell my car, and lost my liscense for 2years. Yet after 5+ years since my last dui I still can't get a job at even a warehouse through a temp agency because these stupid duis show on my criminal background check. I understand all the what ifs w dui, but the what ifs didn't happen to me . I don't drink or do drugs anymore. I never was an alcoholic I just liked hanging out w my friends and going out alot back then. I understand the need for pre employment background checks, but I can't understand why I'm being lumped in as a criminal offender who's offenses are so bad me can be allowed around other ppl to work.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Was the USA a better place pre-womens, and pre-black civil rights movements?

    I hate what the world has become for the average white male in this country. There's no pride, no classes, every one is on the same level. We can't even leave America unless we become rich,we are trapped lol. The world is so messed up.

    17 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • What changed for women emotionally after sex?

    I'm talking about normal non slut women. For me as a man I just get more relaxed around the other person, I feel alot more like myself. I do understand why girls being used for straight booty try and wait but I don't understand why the girls I always really like make me wait for sex. If anything sex brings me closer to the other person. I would never wait til marriage for sex, I think that's the most ridiculous idea ever, for the man and the woman.

    1 AnswerGender Studies8 years ago
  • Do you think this generation is the biggest whining babies ever?

    I was just reading an article on nbc news that said 18-33yr olds are the most stressed out, and it made me laugh and think about why. Our generation has been babied and woosyfied w our smart phones, awesome video games, text messaging, massive welfare system, and mainly I blame the internet. There is not a minute in the day our generation doesn't feel like it should spend not feeling good. I was more content and happy when I was a kid and didn't have this massive amount of options for instant gratification. Hard times make hard people, and I don't care what the status of "the economy" is young ppl these days have it better then any have before them, and most are not equipped to handle stresses of everyday life because they have had it way to easy always achieving instant gratification in a few moments notice. And the sad part is its only going to get worse and worse. You almost think the chinease are giving us all this great technological stuff to soften are ppl up to tk over the world someday from a bunch of softies lol....

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Isn't Facebook just a little creepy?

    The whole purpose is to post pictures, and things so others can unanimously look at them. I think it's mad creepy.

    4 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • How many times was the "N" word used in Django Unchained?

    Approxiamatley? I think I would've walked out had I been in a theater full of black ppl. I thought Jamie Foxx was great,and I don't even like him usually, but I thought the overall movie was disrespectful to black ppl. I'm not black, and I'm not overalls sensitive to black ppls feelings, but dam it seemed like tarantino went out of his way a but to make the movie disrespectful.

    5 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Is a $50 gift certificate to Tj Maxx, and 10 suntan visits a good enough bday present?

    It's for my on again off again girlfriend of about 4years..also is tj maxx a good womens clothing store? Also anyother gift ideas around same price range are welcome.

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • What does "yolo" mean?

    I honestly have no idea, none. I have no idea when I got so old either..

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Serious Red Bull addiction question?

    I have drank atleast 4 cans of 8.4oz red bulls everyday since sunday pretty much to keep me going for work. Today is finally my day off and I have drank no red bull, and I feel like sh#t! I have a headache, I can't concentrate, I feel horrible. I mean what do they put in that stuff? Crack? Seriously the urge to go buy a few is very strong just to feel normal again. Has anyone else ever had this problem with drinking specifically red bulls?

    5 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • Why is Mexico so messed up?

    With drugs and cartels and very few major cities with normal people and no real economy..It seems like it could be an awesome place if someone would just build a good infrastructure. Even mexican people seem great. I dont get it..Im not trying to be rude but seriously.

    10 AnswersOther - Mexico9 years ago
  • How many gb to install Halo 4 disc 2 (multiplayer)?

    It does not say how big the download is...I cleared 6.9 gb and it finally started downloading, so it is not 8 gb like some people have said.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Why does cold weather make people sick more often then warm weather?

    I hate cold weather only because I get sick a hundred times more often then when it's warm. And I never really thought about it, but why is it cold weather makes me and others sick, and also just tired feeling, more often then in warm weather?

    3 AnswersWeather9 years ago
  • Do I get my money back if I buy something on ebay through paypal and it never comes?

    Ive bought from ebay before from like top seller store types, but I won an auction from a user who has a 145 rating and has nothing else listed. I have tried contacting the user since yesterday afternoon before I send payment and i havent gotten a response. I really want the item so I almost just want to send payment and see what happens. One comment on his rating read "no communication with seller, but item came in mail" or something like that. Im just not sure. Has anyone ever dealt with this before?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • If you lie to a woman and say you have a huge p*nis to pick her up is that wrong?

    I use this trick all the time and it works more times then not. If I am at a bar/club and I get a little drunk I start flirting w women and always tell them about my huge p*nis. I usually say it in kind of a funny way, but i make sure they know I am being serious about having a huge p*nis. The problem is I dont have a huge p*nis, it is just an average size p*nis. By the time we are back at my place,or their's doing it it is kind of to late for them to change their mind's and it's not that small anyway so they just go ahead w it and never say anything about me lieing about having a huge p*nis. In my mind this is the greatest trick in the book, but is it wrong?

    8 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago