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Lv 611,485 points

Ray M

Favorite Answers13%
  • For Obamacare tax purposes, what is a medical device?

    I was thinking pace maker and breathing machine. More recently I've heard people say it's latex gloves and shoe insoles. Seriously? Has anyone made a list of what has to be taxed and what doesn't? If you can use it for a medical purpose is it automatically a device?

    5 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • LDS following up on number of Gods/gods?

    I'm just looking for more information. Not any sort of attack, I just want to understand the beliefs.

    A previous question:;_ylt=AisW0...


    How many Gods exactly are there in the LDS faith?

    The answers all said there is only one God. So where does the concept of attaining your own divinity come in? Do these not count as Gods? Or are you separating those a (for lack of a better term) lower case gods?

    I know that in the King Follett Discourse, Joseph Smith said, "My Father worked out his kingdom with fear and trembling, and I must do the same. And when I get to my kingdom [godhood], I shall present it to my Father, so that he may obtain kingdom upon kingdom, and it will exalt him in glory. He will then take a higher exaltation, and I will take his place, and thereby become exalted myself."

    So what is the answer? I'm just looking for an explanation so I can more fully understand your faith.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For non-Trinity believers?

    OK, just looking for some information from those who do not believe in the trinity. I want to understand your views/theories. Just for my own purposes to understand where some of you are coming from.

    I'm hoping for some information from you on the topic. Such things could be from below or it could be something else. Thanks for your help.

    a) Do you believe Jesus is God? Why not?

    b) Do you believe the Father is God? Why not?

    c) Do you believe the Holy Spirit is God? Why not?

    I just want to know your reasoning. To me it is clear that all three have been said to be God in the New Testament. Then when Jesus said to baptize in the name of all three, it seems even clearer. But I want your thoughts. Thanks!

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do people hide their answers?

    OK, I'm trying very hard to not make assumptions on the reasons, but I can't come up with a good reason why people would hide their answers, other than they want to hide what they have said in the past?

    This seems to be particularly true for those who are more "aggressive" in being anti-<something>. People who repeat the same question over and over, etc... I can't remember who it was, but there was one person who asked some nasty question and in my answer I quoted a lot of their previous questions and answers, showing how THEY were constantly attacking others. Soon after that, the person had their questions/answers private.

    I've seen atheists, muslims, Christians and others do this. I know I usually only go to look at someones previous items when

    a) they are someone who is attacking another belief a lot and doesn't seem to care what anyone actually SAYS in response

    b) I'm wondering if they are always rude or if this is just a bad day. (I've seen a rude question before, then noticed in their questions/answers that they are usually not like that, so I hope it was a bad day or something)

    I can understand the need for privacy, but it smacks of just not wanting your own words to come back and bite you.

    So maybe you all can give some good reasons other than trying to hide what they've done?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So what's with all the deleting questions?

    OK, if yahoo deletes a question, fine. I can understand that. But if you post a question and delete it later, what gives? The only reasons I can come up with (admittedly after only 3 hours of sleep) are

    a) you didn't like the responses

    b) someone gave a response that totally pointed out the fallacy of your thoughts and you deleted it to keep others from seeing.

    c) you like deleting?


    d) you realize it was an inappropriate question.

    Am I missing something?

    Situations like this have happened to me a lot: Someone posted a LONG question that is really a lot of questions combined. I answer as best I can, although with limited character allowances, you can't answer 20 questions fully.

    I don't get that. If you post a question, at least have the moral strength to leave it there.

    Not trying to rant here, actually trying to understand. Is it just some form of cowardice? Afraid of leaving your question up? I'm seriously looking for an answer. And it doesn't have to do with a particular person/faith/whatever. I've seen it done by many people of many different views.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why does McDonald's (and other fast food places) HIDE their prices?

    Seriously, a lot of the items on the menu aren't listed up on the board. Try to find out how much a 6 piece nugget costs? It ain't up there.

    I have MY theory. Looking to see if anyone else has one.

    10 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • Why do they call if FREE when you have to pay shipping and handling?

    I don't care WHAT one says, that isn't free! Money has to leave my pocket. So they should call it CHEAPER or something like that.

    Of course, there are similar things to this: I remember on ebay seeing swords for $1, plus $80 shipping and handling! LOL trying to get around the way ebay charges, I suppose.

    While I have pretty firm opinions about this, I thought maybe some of you might have similar thoughts or an explanation for me not to call them liars when they say this.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Looking for an explanation of pre-big bang existance?

    I am looking for a link that can explain the universe in a pre-big bang situation. Some reason for me to see the science of a universe that has existed forever. So far, in my readings, I've found nothing that gives me a plausible reason to belive anything existed before the big bang. I'm looking for a link that lets me read up. This is a serious question, not some attack thread. Anyone got anything? I'm asking because as I search, I mostly find junk. I was hoping someone had a good link already.

    note: stupid one line answers not needed. I really an looking for a link to learn more. Thanks.

    My previous answer to another question if you care:

    My question comes from a different question and my response to it:

    Creationism. Part of what leads to the idea of God is that there eventually has to be a beginning. Thomas Aquinas (spelling?) lists several reasons to lead to this: the unmoved mover, etc..

    If the universe has existed FOREVER

    why isn't everything an even temperature due to entropy?

    I mean, we are talking about forever. With all my reading, I have yet to see a scientific reason for what happens before the big bang without resorting to theory without real evidence to back it up. I'm not saying there ISN'T one. I just haven't seen it yet. I've read about collapsing, expanding cycles, etc... but still... where does the energy to keep it from eventually having become dead come from?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For believers of different faiths: do you have a book (other than your holy text) that lists your beliefs?

    I know that the Catholics have the Catechism, but I was wondering if anyone else has created a book that lists your beliefs. The bible and the Koran (and other books) can obviously be interpretted different ways (which shows in all the denominations of Christianity and how some Muslims use it for violence, etc). I know that there are lots of different denominations in Christianity, even some that use the same name (several types of Methodists, Lutherans, etc). So how are we to know your church's views?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Please list all the questions that have been asked WAY too many times and should NOT be asked again. THANKS!?

    Just for a little fun, list the questions that have been asked over and over and over and should just receive a link to a previous question when they are posted. I'm not asking about the answer or anything. Just looking for ones that we've all seen a LOT. Realize that it may be in a slighty different form.

    examples of the two I hate seeing the most:

    Why don't you atheists realize you're going to hell unless you accept Jesus as your personal savior?:

    Why won't you Christians realize you're worshipping an imaginary sky daddy/zombie/whatever?

    PS: please try to be non-insulting. Stating a question that's been asked before, but adding on something like "Stupid <group name> don't know anything."

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For Muslims: Is it really a crime punishable by death to convert?

    Please Muslims only:

    I know I have heard this said by extremist branches, but I was just wondering what the view is of normal Muslims. Ones that live in places like the US where radicalism doesn't hold sway.

    I'm not trying to be racist/prejudiced in any way. I'm really wondering about your view of conversion.

    reasons I ask:

    I realize that much of this sort of information is given/reported by groups that aren't exactly friendly to Muslims - the reasons I'm asking.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to NOT use the yahoo browser when links are clicked?

    I have explorer set as my default, but sometimes links still pop up using Yahoo's browser. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Why does yahoo answers remove extra spaces when you type?

    Let's say i'm trying to answer a math question...;_ylt=Ar4cU...

    .5A = BC + BD + CD

    .5A - BC = BD + CD

    .5A - BC = D(B + C)

    divide both sides by (B + C) and you get

    .5A - BC = D (B + C)

    (B + C)........(B + C)

    NOTICE I had to put dots to move the (B + C) over to the right side. If i didn't,

    .5A - BC = D (B + C)

    (B + C) (B + C)

    even though I typed in enough spaces to move it over. YAHOO REMOVES THEM. Hard to help with yahoo's "help"

    I also wish you could underline things.. I mean I can do this

    .5A - BC = D (B + C)

    ------------- ---------------

    (B + C)........(B + C)

    But it still doesn't work well.

    To help with math (and other areas) Yahoo answers needs to fix their editing area.

    Any additional thoughts/comments?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why do people feel the need to attack other's views?

    This goes for all sides.

    I have seen non-Christians (of all types) attack Christians for their beliefs.

    I have seen Christians attack for other's non-belief.

    I have seen similar behavior in just about all areas.




    Television choice

    I just wonder if this is the reason our government can't seem to work together - too busy having each side attack the other to actually work together or solve issues that need real attention.

    I see it's extreme example in questions that aren't really interested in the answers others give. And if answers don't match up with the asker's views, follow up questions mock them in some way.

    Seriously - why do people find it difficult to actually discuss an issue rationally/logically. In any area?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What are the best on-line comics?

    I'm looking for comics with GOOD art and good storylines. I don't care of the style of the art as long as it doesn't look like my 19month old drew it.

    I read

    Serpah Inn, PVP online, Wapsi square, No Pink Ponies, Looking for Group, The Dreamland Chronicles, You'll have that, Real life, Girls with Slingshots, Dead days, Piled Higher and Deeper (PHD comics), Penny and Aggie, The ZOmbie Hunters, Fantasy Realms, Geebas on Parade, Fairview High and many others) WHEW.

    5 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Why do people believe that requiring a picture identification to vote disenfranchises the poor and the elderly

    Do you honestly believe that poor or elderly people are too stupid to get one? Or do you honestly believe that they can not afford the 10-20 bucks to buy one every (what is it?) four years?

    I have taught high school with over 90% of my students being from poverty level. They claim they can't afford anything, but they always seem to have:

    TV with cable/sat.

    playstation/game console

    Enough cash to buy pop/chips/etc every day at school.

    I know this point mainly applies to my students, but it just always comes up in my mind when I hear people say requiring an ID to vote is wrong!

    This is also my point when I read an article stating that dead people voted.

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think about Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his talk to the United Nations?

    Chavez calls Bush the devil. Is this something we should care about considering the nature od Chavez's government?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago