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  • Is my ex bf just trying to mess with me? Mature people only please?

    My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday after about a year of being together because he was tired of having to "reassure" me all the time (aka he would say or do stupid **** that planted insecurity in my head and I would ask him questions about it). He basically told me yesterday that he was tired of me and wanted me out of his life only worded a bit nicer. So today I get a text from him asking if he could meet me later to talk (he also sent a text the day before but I didn't respond). I called him after the text today to ask what he is trying to do- like does he want to be friends, is he regretting his decision or what? He told me he doesn't know. He still thinks it's the right decision. He isn't sure... basically he told me he didn't know what he wanted to say or how he felt. I was very annoyed because it felt like he called just to f with me then and I told him so. He then got mad and yelled at ME saying that he should've known better than to try to talk to me, etc. Then he h/u on me. Does anyone have any ideas on why he would text me that he wanted to meet up and talk if he wasn't sure if he wanted to be friends, what he wanted to say, didn't think he made a bad decision and just generally didn't know what he wanted? What is going on here? Should I just ignore him if he tries to contact me later? My main problem with him was that he could never admit when he did something wrong, he would just blame it all on me and he basically just did that again by saying it was "my" fault because he should've known he couldn't talk to me instead of realizing that telling someone to get out of your life one day and then asking to talk to them the next day and then saying you stand by your decision could be confusing. Ugh. Thanks for any help/input.

    p.s I am reposting this from earlier to try to get more than 1 response.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is my ex bf trying to mess with me?- mature people only please?

    My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday after about a year of being together because he was tired of having to "reassure" me all the time (aka he would say or do stupid **** that planted insecurity in my head and I would ask him questions about it). He basically told me yesterday that he was tired of me and wanted me out of his life only worded a bit nicer. So today I get a text from him asking if he could meet me later to talk (he also sent a text the day before but I didn't respond). I called him after the text today to ask what he is trying to do- like does he want to be friends, is he regretting his decision or what? He told me he doesn't know. He still thinks it's the right decision. He isn't sure... basically he told me he didn't know what he wanted to say or how he felt. I was very annoyed because it felt like he called just to f with me then and I told him so. He then got mad and yelled at ME saying that he should've known better than to try to talk to me, etc. Then he h/u on me. Does anyone have any ideas on why he would text me that he wanted to meet up and talk if he wasn't sure if he wanted to be friends, what he wanted to say, didn't think he made a bad decision and just generally didn't know what he wanted? What is going on here? Should I just ignore him if he tries to contact me later? My main problem with him was that he could never admit when he did something wrong, he would just blame it all on me and he basically just did that again by saying it was "my" fault because he should've known he couldn't talk to me instead of realizing that telling someone to get out of your life one day and then asking to talk to them the next day and then saying you stand by your decision could be confusing. Ugh. Thanks for any help/input.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Was I right to break up with him?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 3.5 months but we are really close- he always wants me around and we already said we love each other, etc. Tonight, I met his mom for the first time because she was in town. Instead of telling her I am his girlfriend, he told her that we were just friends/"hanging out" and not only that but he is flying home for Thanksgiving and Christmas when he knew how much it meant to me that we spend it together and I already made plans and told him how important spending the holidays with him were to me (plus, he isn't the one who told me this, his mom was). I think this is indicative of how he doesn't really love me or care much about me at all so I dumped him. Did I do the right thing? He said he didn't tell her because they have only recently started talking after a strained relationship and that he doesn't want to share personal stuff with her yet but that all his friends, who are important to him, know I am his girlfriend. I think this is a bs excuse. Please tell me what you think? I am 26 and he is 28 if that matters

    I am reposting this as I didn't really get a response

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Was I right to break up with him?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 3.5 months but we are really close- he always wants me around and we already said we love each other, etc. Tonight, I met his mom for the first time because she was in town. Instead of telling her I am his girlfriend, he told her that we were just friends/"hanging out" and not only that but he is flying home for Thanksgiving and Christmas when he knew how much it meant to me that we spend it together and I already made plans and told him how important spending the holidays with him were to me (plus, he isn't the one who told me this, his mom was). I think this is indicative of how he doesn't really love me or care much about me at all so I dumped him. Did I do the right thing? He said he didn't tell her because they have only recently started talking after a strained relationship and that he doesn't want to share personal stuff with her yet but that all his friends, who are important to him, know I am his girlfriend. I think this is a bs excuse. Please tell me what you think? I am 26 and he is 28 if that matters

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Will this affect my credit?

    I ordered a trial from the acai berry people and the product didn't work so I sent it back but they have no record that I sent it back and are threatening to report me to the credit bureau if I don't pay the $80.... they don't have my SSN so is this threat valid?

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Vegans only please answer?

    I was vegan for 2 1/2 years until I met my current boyfriend last month... seeing him eat all the delicious food I forgot about and going to his restaurants where I had to have the hassle of asking 13 questions about the ingredients before finally settling on the steamed broccoli got to be really annoying and last month I went back to being just vegetarian. I gained 12lbs. And I felt horrible guilt. I am trying to go back to being vegan but I am having a hard time being motivated this time because I don't feel like I am making a difference and it is hard to go back now that I realize how annoying and restricting it is. (I originally became vegan because I said I would just try it for a month and see if I liked it and then I just stuck with it for 2 1/2 years) Can other vegans please offer some encouragement? Words of wisdom? Possibly an inspirational story about what keeps you going? I really want to go back to being vegan, if for nothing more than keeping my weight down. It just feels pointless right now. I was doing good this month until last night :( Advice please. Thank you. Oh, and if you are just going to condemn me, that won't help so don't bother.

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Is this rape? Serious answers only please?

    This guy I work with has been flirting with me the past 2 weeks but he and his gf got back together and he said he wanted to start over with me and just be friends. That night, I went to his house to play video games with him and his friend. He tried to have sex with me when his friend was right there but I said no and was leaving. He followed me like he was going to walk me out but instead he pinned me on the couch and tried to force penetration. I begged him not to and tried to fight him off but he was stronger and we had intercourse. After a while I gave up fighting and tried to enjoy it. I asked him at work 2 days later why he didn't stop when I asked him to and he got mad that I waited so long to bring it up and told me I was crazy. I really don't know how I am supposed to feel. My friends said it was my fault for going over there and believing him when he said he just wanted to be friends given our flirty history. But I really did believe him. Was this rape? IS he right to say I am crazy or is he the one with the problem? Thank you.

    26 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If any doctors actually read this, please answer?

    I have gained 10 lbs. in one week. I am vegan and eat fruits, vegetables and nuts and I usually don't go over 1500 calories. I took 2 pregnancy tests and they came out negative but the weight gain seems to only be in my stomach. I look pregnant. What else can this be? It happened during my last period and I thought it was just water weight that would go away when my period stopped. It hasn't. I tried not eating for 3 days and the most I could lose was 3 pounds. I also run for 30 minutes almost every day but I do not think it is muscle gain. Please help!

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • I'm curious... what does it mean when he says.....?

    I like this boy and we have had intercourse once. I didn't want to keep in touch afterward since he wasn't interested in anything serious and I had started to like him but he said we should be friends. He texts me every 3-4 days but never calls and he told me yesterday that I can hang out with him anytime as long as he isn't busy or doesn't have any prior engagements. What does this mean? Two more things you should know: 1. He is more attractive than I am and I am not really even sure if he is attracted to me because he said that I am hot but it just felt wierd when we were doing it and 2. he is a REALLY big pot head, like smokes everyday almost all day. And I don't do drugs at all which I think was a downer for him. Does it sound like he likes me at all? How can I get him to without resorting to drugs?Thank you.

    31 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Guys answer please!!! Why doesn't he miss me?

    After we broke up, my ex fiancee and I had been best friends for 2 years...neither of us had really moved on in terms of romance but he always said he didn't want anybody because he wanted to "work on himself". Then about a month ago, out of the blue, he tells me he likes this girl and wants to be with her and that most likely they were getting together. I was angry because I felt he had lead me on and used me and so I wished him well and left the phone very upset. So it has been a month now and I heard they are not together because she doesn't want anybody like that. If they aren't together, why hasn't he contacted me to see how I am? Did being best friends not mean anything to him? Please give some insight.

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when people describe you as "different" and "unique"?

    Is it a bad thing? The guy I like described me as this to somebody and I don't know what it means.... do I have a shot with him?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when you are talking to a guy and he stares you in the eye but doesnt smile AT ALL???

    I had to go to a company party today and there was this guy there that I used to work with who knows that I (he thinks used to) like him but I discovered when I saw him that I was still attracted to him. Anyways, I was talking to some people and he came up and was all, "Hi ____, how are you?" And I tried to talk to him but no words came out and I just kinda smiled, made a wierd noise and walked away. The look on his face was, "Um, okaaay". I felt stupid so I went to try and talk to him later but as I approached, he turned the other way like he was trying to avoid me and didnt respond until I said his name. Then he talked to me but he was not smiling AT ALL, and the conversation felt awkward. He was staring me in the eyes the whole time I was talking to him but that could just be because he is confident. My questions are... 1.) Do you think he hates me now? 2.) Do you think he thinks I am dumb? 3.) Did I embarrass him when I walked away 4.) Was it obvious that I still like him?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Please help me!?

    I had to go to a company party today and there was this guy there that I used to work with who knows that I (he thinks used to) like him but I discovered when I saw him that I was still attracted to him. Anyways, I was talking to some people and he came up and was all, "Hi ____, how are you?" And I tried to talk to him but no words came out and I just kinda smiled, made a wierd noise and walked away. The look on his face was, "Um, okaaay". I felt stupid so I went to try and talk to him later but as I approached, he turned the other way like he was trying to avoid me and didnt respond until I said his name. Then he talked to me but he was not smiling AT ALL, and the conversation felt awkward. He was staring me in the eyes the whole time I was talking to him but that could just be because he is confident. My questions are... 1.) Do you think he hates me now? 2.) Do you think he thinks I am dumb? 3.) Did I embarrass him when I walked away 4.) Was it obvious that I still like him? Thank u

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why are people so desperate that they will be with somebody who treats them like crap instead of being alone?

    You'll hear it all the time..... he's so controlling, I hate him, he's so mean to me.... and they stay with the guy! Why? This applies to both sexes, just substitute the pronoun.

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago