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  • J names for #9?

    My best friend's mom is pregnant with her 9th child. She is due in September, but will find out the gender soon with a blood test. A boys name has already been picked out, but everyone is struggling with picking a girls name. Here's other kids names so you can know the style

    Jaylynn Annette

    Jalaine Anise

    Josylyn Avery (Jocelyn) "Josy"

    Jordan Arrow

    John Alvis III "JT"

    Jilian Alexis

    James Alan

    Jennalyse Amaris "Lysie"

    If it is a boy it will be Justus Abner most likely.

    Girls names that are currently in the lead:

    First names:





    Middle names:

    Adeline (everybody loves it)



    My overall favorite choice is Jessalee Adeline, but are concerned that Jessalee is too similar to Jennalyse.


    Must contain an L

    Cannot end in Lynn

    Not allowed:

    Jacqueline (spelled any way)



    Please add any further ideas and tell what you would pick from the list.

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting5 years ago
  • J names for the 9th child?

    My best friend's mom is pregnant with her 9th child. She is due in September, but will find out the gender soon with a blood test. A boys name has already been picked out, but everyone is struggling with picking a girls name. Here's other kids names so you can know the style

    Jaylynn Annette

    Jalaine Anise

    Josylyn Avery (Jocelyn) "Josy"

    Jordan Arrow

    John Alvis III "JT"

    Jilian Alexis

    James Alan

    Jennalyse Amaris "Lysie"

    If it is a boy it will be Justus Abner most likely.

    Girls names that are currently in the lead:

    First names:





    Middle names:

    Adeline (everybody loves it)



    My overall favorite choice is Jessalee Adeline, but are concerned that Jessalee is too similar to Jennalyse.


    Must contain an L

    Cannot end in Lynn

    Not allowed:

    Jacqueline (spelled any way)



    Please add any further ideas and tell what you would pick from the list.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Can you tell what my tattoo is?

    I just got it on Friday and already 2 people have said they can't tell what it is. I can tell what it is and adsolutely love it but I just want to know whether or not it's very readable.

    This picture was from Saturday.

    1 AnswerTattoos6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    How old do you think I look?

    I'm not gonna tell you my age or how old people think I look to avoid getting biased answers.

    This picture was just taken on Thursday

    1 AnswerAdolescent7 years ago
  • Girls names?

    My best friend's mom is 25 weeks pregnant and just found out they're having a girl. They had a boys name picked out but are stumped on girls names. Here's the guidelines...

    Names of their kids already:



    Josylyn (Jocelyn)


    JT (John the third)



    So since all the girls names have Ls it must start with J and contain an L.

    If you want to do a middle name is must start with an A.

    Any ideas?

    6 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • When to graduate?

    So here's the situation.

    I'm homeschooled so I can do my work at my own pace. I've already skipped a grade (6th). I'll be turning 15 in less than a month and I'm going to be a sophomore this year.

    My best friend who's a year older than me and in the same grade approached me with the idea that we graduate a year early. It's not an impossible idea. I would only have to do a science and half an English credit over the summer to graduate next year with 25 credits. I would be barely 16 and graduated. I think that sounds pretty nice.

    I wouldn't lose anything besides an elective that I didn't know what I was gonna do with anyways.

    So what do you think?

    Class of '16 or '17?

    1 AnswerAdolescent7 years ago
  • What should I do for my birthday?

    I'm turning 15 on the 15th of next month so I need a plan soon. Here's some things that might help you give me an idea!

    - I live in Texas

    - I'm a girl

    - I like to swim

    - I don't have much money

    - I don't have many "friend" friends that I would consider inviting

    - Best friend is turning 16 ten days after I turn 15

    2 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • How would you pronounce Ronan?

    I like it pronounced Row-nan but I don't know if that's how it's really pronounced.

    So how would pronounce it?

    BQ: do you like Ronan Scott (my uncles name)? What else would you pair it with?

    4 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • What color cast should I get?

    I broke my ankle on Tuesday and I'm going to the orthopedic surgeon to probably get a cast sometime this week.

    I was wondering if y'all have any ideas of what color I should get? I'm a girl but I hate pink and purple so neither of those are options.

    9 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • What would you name a sibling to them?

    I need a sibling name that goes well with

    Jaylynn Annette

    Jalaine Anise

    Josylyn Avery "Josy"

    Jordan Arrow

    John Alvis III "JT"

    Jilian Alexis

    James Alan

    For a girl it must have an L in it.

    Right now Jennalise and Joseph are in the lead.

    4 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • What do you think of this name?

    My parents friend (and my friend too) just had a baby girl who they named Atlyss Cage. They've had this name picked out for months and were gonna use Atlas Cage for a boy too.

    I for one think it's adorable but I would have spelled it Atlas.

    5 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • Survey time!?

    1. Chocolate or vanilla?

    2. Coffee or soda?

    3. Apples or oranges?

    4. Ocean or snow?

    5. Seattle or Houston?

    6. Summer or winter?

    7. Chocolate chip or suger cookies?

    8. Soup or salad?

    9. Tater tots or French fries?

    10. West coast or east coast?

    11. What color are you eyes?

    12. What color do you wish they were?

    13. What color is your hair?

    14. Ever had lice? If so how many times?

    15. What's the best vacation you've ever been on? where was it to?

    16. What's the farthest you've been from your home?

    17. What's the longest you've stayed away from your home?

    18. What's the worst name you've ever heard? (Has to be somebody you've met)

    19. What's your middle name?

    20. What's your favorite sport?

    21. What country do you live in? If America what state?

    Here's my answers:

    1. Chocolate

    2. Soda

    3. Oranges

    4. Ocean

    5. Seattle (I want to work at Seattle children's hospital and I've already been to Houston 100+ times)

    6. Summer

    7. Sugar cookie

    8. Soup

    9. Tater tots

    10. West cost

    11. Brown

    12. A stunning blue

    13. It's currently red but it's naturally brown with red, blonde, dark, and light brown highlights.

    14. Yes. 2 times

    15. California

    16. 2000 miles

    17. 12 days

    18. Journey

    19. Elayne

    20. Volleyball

    21. Texas :)

    18 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Do you have any idea what I could have?

    I've been sick for the last year or so. It all started with my bout of whooping cough which I still haven't recovered from. I've been to numerous doctors and none know what to do or even have an idea of what kind of doctor I should see next. I'm a fourteen year old female by the way and was healthy for the most part before this.


    • Migraines

    • Stomach pain

    • Nausea

    • Lung pain (kinda like stabbing)

    • Irregular heart beat (not enough to make the doctors worry but I can feel it if that makes since)

    • Easy bruising

    • No immune system (I catch anything and everything)

    • before I got sick I always had a tempature in the 99s and now it's always in the 97s and doesn't ever reach into 99s... Even when I had the flu I didn't get a fever.

    • I'm always sweating

    • The lymph nodes in my next are always swollen and sting when I swallow sometimes.

    • I have terrible lung capacity.

    • I can't sleep

    Well I think that's everything. If you have any more questions just ask in your answer and I'll comment the answer.

    2 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • Survey time! All sorts of questions!?

    This is just a random survey because I'm bored :)

    1. What grade are you in?

    2. Are you a boy or a girl?

    3. How old are you?

    4. What do you want to be as an adult?

    5. Do you want to have kids? And if so how many? What do you want their names to be?

    6. Do you have a boyfriend/girl friend?

    7. Any crushes?

    8. Do you think you know who you want to marry?

    9. Do you have your drivers licensee or permit?

    10. If you could be any where in the world right now where would you be?

    11. Beach vacation or ski resort?

    12. Do you have any piercings or tattoos?

    13. Any siblings?

    14. Are your parents divorced or married?

    15. What's your favorite animal?

    16. Use three words to describe yourself.

    17. Are you a Virgin? Do you want to be until marriage?

    18. Have you even been kissed by somebody romantically?

    19. Do you want to do to college?

    20. What's the worst you've ever been sick?

    Here's my answers.

    1. 9th

    2. Girl

    3. 14

    4. Pediatric surgeon

    5. Yes. 4-5. Ella, Lillian, Florence, Maxwell, and Nikolai :)

    6. Nope

    7. 2

    8. Nope

    9. In 6 months I can get my permit!

    10. The beachs of Belize

    11. Beach vacation

    12. I have the normal ear lope piercing and I'm getting a tattoo this summer

    13. One older brother

    14. Married

    15. Dolphin/sea turtle

    16. Smart, beautiful, and attractive...

    17. Yes and will be until marriage.

    18. Not yet

    19. Yes

    20. Last year when I had whooping cough. I have no immune system now.

    17 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Do you have a toilet trained cat?

    I'm going to toilet train my kitten this summer. Starting in about 3-4 weeks. She's only 4mo now so she'll be 5ish months when I start. She's quite smart and has been litter trained since she has been with us (month and a half). She knows what a toilet is and wants to use one so I think it will be pretty easy.

    I was just wondering if any one has any times or tricks to help her?

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Teens: what type of swimsuit do you wear?

    What type of swimsuit do you wear? This question is more for girls because guys don't have different styles.

    So what type do you wear?

    Are you into the high wasted retro suits that are in this year?

    9 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
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    Which of these is your favorite?

    Which of these four tattoos is your favorite? I will be getting one of them on the inside of my right heel (think below ankle bone). I'm not sure which one I like the most though so I need your opinions!

    Please say top left, bottom left, top right or bottom right and why you like that one the best!

    1 AnswerTattoos7 years ago
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    What should I name my kitten?

    What would you name this kitten?

    We just got her from a shelter where she was called Rory but we are gonna change it. We are thinking about calling her Indy or Valley

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • I want to apologize....?

    I want to apologize for asking the same question so many times. I couldn't see it so I though it wasn't posting so I kept reposting it without realizing that y'all could see it!

    So I'm sorry if I had known it was posting I would have only asked once! I swear!

    Do y'all forgive me?!

    7 AnswersTattoos7 years ago
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    What do you think of this?

    What do you think of this tattoo?

    3 AnswersTattoos7 years ago