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  • How to refinish metal shower trim?

    Okay, so in my house there are some really out dated fixtures. Ugly brass fittings mostly and ugly brass trim around the shower.

    Faucets and door knobs I can replace easily enough. I want to know if I can either refinish the brass trim on the shower walls and door?

    Preferably I would leave the metal on and not have to remove anything. Like just tape the glass and sand and paint the metal?

    Or if someone knows a trick for removing the trim without too much trouble, that would be awesome.

    So yeah, that's my thing, just want to refinish the metal fittings.

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling7 years ago
  • How to make fake snow for outdoors?

    Okay, so the holiday season I coming up soon, and for Christmas I was wanting to make my whole front lawn look like it is covered in snow.

    medium or thick coat is preferable.

    I was wondering if anybody knows of any method of making fake snow that won't disintegrate or melt because of morning dew or the possibility of rain?

    My only thought so far is a combination of spray on texture for drywall and white spray paint. But that seems like it would just look cheesy, and too thin.

    I don't really care if the grass itself dies, I am tearing it out later this year.

    And seriously, no stupid answers please.

    6 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Is there an invisible ink like this?

    Okay, so first an foremost, I'm a dork. lol, now since that's out of the way, it is a bit easier to get why I am asking this.

    So I am wondering if there is any kind of invisible ink that would be only visible to me because of something like some special glasses something like that?

    Like I can write a note, and then nobody can read it unless they have this particular kind of glasses.

    (Maybe I could also use it in some sort of prank too, lol)

    If anybody knows of anything like this I'm cool with links, how-to's, whatever.

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • Probability of a random number generator?

    I want to find out if it is possible to "crack" a random number generator. Here is what I mean, I want to take a set of multiple random number generations, such as from my TI calculator, or from any random number generator. Then based on the past sets of random numbers, find the most statistically likely outcome for the next set of random numbers generated. (I think that wording is easy to follow? I tend to get wordy and weird)

    So is there a way to statistically "predict" the outcome of a random number generator, based on previous random number generations? (this is on the assumption that there is no such thing as "real" random numbers)

    Is there a existing statistical analysis program where I can input such previous data, and then have the most likely numbers spit out?

    *bonus question* is it possible to reverse engineer the coding for the random number generator itself based on the numbers it spits out? (or any program for that matter?)

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Probability of a random number generator?

    I want to find out if it is possible to "crack" a random number generator. Here is what I mean, I want to take a set of multiple random number generations, such as from my TI calculator, or from any random number generator. Then based on the past sets of random numbers, find the most statistically likely outcome for the next set of random numbers generated. (I think that wording is easy to follow? I tend to get wordy and weird)

    So is there a way to statistically "predict" the outcome of a random number generator, based on previous random number generations? (this is on the assumption that there is no such thing as "real" random numbers)

    *bonus question* is it possible to reverse engineer the coding for the random number generator itself based on the numbers it spits out? (or any program for that matter?)

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • How to vote multiple times on a poll?

    Okay, so I want to vote multiple times in an online contest. The site requires the user to login through facebook, so I can't figure out how to vote multiple times. And Idk if the site allows for voting through other sites like google+ or twitter, its just that I am a member of FB when I did my first vote, and that was the only option it gave me.

    I am not voting myself up, it is for a friend so I can vote her up.

    Bottom line: Is there a way to tally up multiple votes myself without making multiple facebook profiles?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • How can I find the Bortle Dark Sky Scale For my City?

    I live in a medium sized town, but I don't live that far from San Francisco, so I was wondering where my city lands on the Bortle scale. I know I can look at one of those maps of the entire US, but that is just too broad, I would like to know where specifically the city I live in lands on the scale. I tried searching on Google, and couldn't really find anything useful, but maybe one of you has.

    So where can I find the Bortle Dark Sky Scale for my city?

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • I want to change a couple of laws, how do I do it?

    There are numerous laws that I think should be changed/modified/abolished, whatever.

    But one that I want to address:

    The concept of the "diamond lane" or "carpool lane", because it violates the 14th amendment of the constitution (Equal protection under the law). So I think that the Diamond lane should be completely abolished.

    There are other laws that I feel should be changed, but this seemed like a doable feat.

    But my first step is learning how to challenge a law, I see people around all the time asking for signatures of petitions. I know thats not the only step, what else do I need to do?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How to earthquake proof my house?

    After all of these earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, and now Turkey, I am wanting to know how to earthquake proof some of my most valuable possessions in my home. Because unlike a storm or tidal wave or whatever, you never know when an earthquake is going to hit.

    The things that I want to protect the most of all is my pottery, I made so many pieces over the years, and it would kill me to see them destroyed. there is also some pottery given to us that I am attached to. All the pieces vary in size, so how do I go about earthquake proofing theses things?

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • How do insurance companies find out about full time student status?

    Okay, so I am in college, and I am currently registered for twelve units, which is full time.

    But I want/need to get rid of one of my classes and pick up a different one in it's place, but it's closed at the moment, I'm hoping once the semester gets going I will be able to get into it.

    This is all just a little back story, here is the point

    I want to drop the class that I don't want, which would drop me down to eight units, making me a part time student (technically), and I am on my parents insurance, which requires me to be a full time student.

    I just want to know, how the insurance company goes about finding out if I am a full time student?

    I'm still going to try to get into that other class, but I'll still be one unit short of "full time" which sucks.

    While I am thinking of it, what constitutes being a full time student? I know at the college that I am at its 12 units, but is it like that other places? and why is it such an arbitrary standard? why isn't it the amount of hours you're taking?

    Anyways... The main thing I want to know is

    How does insurance companies go about finding out if I am a full time student?

  • Walk Like an Egyptian original music video?

    Okay, so I love this song, I have it downloaded, and people have told me that the music video for it was pretty cool. Unfortunately, I was not born yet when the video was still on TV. I have been looking on the internet and cannot find many of the ORIGINAL music video, all I can find is a video of a live version of the song, and random people on youtube dancing to it and whatnot.

    So, does anybody know where I can watch the the full ORIGINAL music video of "Walk Like an Egyptian" by The Bangles?

    Give me a link or something, because I really want to see this music video!

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Where are my recordings?

    Okay so I have Dish DVR, and I have a bunch of recordings. up until recently I had about 185 recordings of a show. Then I recently went to my recordings, and all but 23 are gone.

    So where did they go?

    I noticed that the amount of space left on my DVR is the same as when I had the recordings, so I am thinking that maybe they're still on the dish's computer. I have checked with all of my family, and none of them deleted them, and half of them didn't know how to delete recordings anyways.

    I had them "protected" so that the dish would not automatically delete them, even if I ran out of space, or they were recorded a long time ago.

    The Dish is connected to two TVs, and before this all happened, sometimes I could access a few recordings from one TV but not the other.

    So I think I have given enough information, can anyone tell me how to access my recordings, or if they are even on my Dish's computer anymore?

    and if you were wondering, the show that I had 180+ recordings of was "Good Eats", I love to cook!

    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • How do I find a location that is central to four others?

    I want to know how to find a location that is central to four others.

    This isn't some homework problem, or anything, it's just me wanting to know something.

    I want to know what the central location is to four cities, using straight lines, as opposed to using driving routes between those locations.

    So how would I do this without printing a map out and just drawing the lines out?

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • What type of hat is this?

    Hats tend to look good on me, I don't know why they just go with my face or the shape of my head or something.

    So I totally want this kind of hat, but I don't know what it is called, and I have seen it in a few different shows, and I can't seem to find it anywhere. Maybe they just look much different when they are not on someone's head.

    Please I need to know what kind of hat this is!

    For a better view fast forward to about 4:10 on:

    or fast forward to about 19 minutes on:

    -this one takes a few minutes to load

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Does anybody else think that this is crazy?

    Okay so there is this guy, that is a big advocate for population growth, and in the 1960's his "solution" to the "population problem" was to taint the water supply to make everybody sterile! So basically he wanted to kill everybody in America off.

    If that wasn't crazy enough, he continued his belief in his "solution" and take a guess at where he is now.... he is in a position of power in the government, I am not sure what position, but any power this guy has is dangerous.

    Did anybody else know about this wack job?

    Does anybody else think that this guy is completely off his rocker? (because personally I want to have kids, and I don't want this guy to get in the way)

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I have been getting these really weird messages on my email lately? are they from hackers?

    I think they may be hackers, because the subjects have nothing to do with anything relevant to me. they say things about having my payment being sent, or an inheritance check or fedex packages. They always have a attachment, and say to download and reply, there is no way that I am downloading anything from something that isn't from a reliable source.

    I haven't had anyone close to me die, I haven't bought anything off the internet in about a year, and I don't use FedEx.

    So are these messages hackers? and how do I get them do go away?

    all I have been doing is deleting the messages, thinking that they will just stop if I ignore them, but they have not, I need a more permanent solution to exile these annoying bastards from my email.

    8 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Moisture problem down in my engine room?

    Okay, so this has been a repeating problem, that I just have excess moisture down in my private region. After I take a shower I dry very thoroughly, and if I happen to take a shower right before bed I let my fan air dry me down there for a few minutes. I wear boxers for ventilation, but I still have too much moisture down there.

    could this be caused by a some sort of fungal infection, or is this purely natural, am I not getting enough ventilation down there?

    I need to know because it's starting to gain some scent; I see the doctor in about a week too, this I just need some sort of clue.

    5 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • How can I find out about open casting calls?

    I have searched on yahoo before, but I don't know if sites are legit or not. And they all ask for money so you can see the contact info.

    So how can I find out about open casting calls in my area without having to pay money to a possibly bogus website?

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • What motorcycles are sidecar compatible?

    Since the internet, and it's infinite black hole of crap couldn't give me a straight answer, I turn to you all.

    I want to buy a motorcycle, and preferably I would want to buy one that is sidecar compatible.

    Because I don't want to get one that the side car is on attached to the motorcycle all the time...

    So which motorcycles can you attach and detach a sidecar from?

    *And no cracks about sidecars, I like them*

    8 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • recent acts of the government?

    People, please please, take a look at the government right now from an objective perspective. Throw party labels out the window, and just look at actions, ignore what party politicians are, and watch and think.

    Ask yourselves, are our government officials doing what is best for this country, really?

    Should the EPA be able to carry guns, while the men and women volunteering on the boarder are not allowed to carry a firearm?

    Are we still a free country, or is the government trying to slowly change America into a police state?

    Should incandescent light bulbs be outlawed, and we be forced to use florescent, even though they use mercury gas and are worse for the environment than incandescent?

    Do you think that the government is starting to push the limit, that they are taking their power a little too far?

    If you think this country is great, but the government is trying to take it down, don't stay quiet, there are less of them than there are of us; The government works for us, and I think that they and we have forgotten that, and we need to remind them.

    Ask yourselves, Is what our government officials (regardless of party labels) doing best for OUR country, really?

    (none of these questions are rhetorical)

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago