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27 years old Happily married for 3 years now! Hubby & I had our first son Sept 28th 2007. His name is Amos Lane. We had our second son on March 29th 2009 and his name is Asher Linus. They are truly the best things that ever happened to me. I have been a stay at home mom ever since my 1st was born and loving it. I am deeply into fitness and after having 2 babies lost over 40lbs in less then 10 months. my website is ... I'd love to help anyone with a fitness goal!

  • Just paid for Breast Augmentation on Tuesday/Husband just lost his job! Please read ...?

    My husband was making a good amount of money.He was laid off in March and found his dream job and was reemployed in June. We were just starting to pay off our debt from being so behind and putting a little money in our savings that we spent from him being unemployed from 3/10-6-10. Things were looking up and we have great ins and he my whole life I wanted a breast aug and now especially after having 2 babies and nursing. We thought now was the perfect time since he was going to have time off during the holidays and we were going to put it on a credit card and pay it off with our tax return which is usually rather large. We went to the final appt on Tuesday and paid not knowing he was going to lose his job today! The paper clearly states no refunds ... I guess due to it being surgery and not something as easy as returning some pants to the mall. And also b/c they have to reserve a hospital room for u and that is why they require payment 15 days prior to surgery but the hospital reservation deposit (650$) much earlier. Even tho it states no refunds do u think there is a way I can get my money back? I was scheduled for surgery 12/15 so less than a month... I guess when things are to good to be true, they are!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Best Birth Control w/ less side affects ... ?

    I have 2 babies and do not want any more for the time being. I was going to get the mirena only to find out it is not covered by my insurance. I was on the nuva ring once but I had horrible discharge and no sex drive. The pill is iffy due to weight gain and I NEVER rem to take it LOL! What do you take and what is your experience with it.


    8 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Abortion Pill Question ...?

    I think I am pregnant again. I have a 1 yr old and a 2 yr old and my husband and I use condoms but I guess one did not work. We are not ready for another child nor do we want another. I have been researching many diff types of birth controls for a few months now and I guess I was a little to late. I have an appt to get the Morena "started" since it is a process this coming thursday but I have a feeling I am already pregnant. Seems impossible since I had sex once and it was 5 days into my period but I have all the signs. Brown discharge, heavy breasts, cramping ... If when I go to my appt on thursday I tell them all of this will they order me a pregnancy test? It is to early to even show tho. And where would do you get the abortion pill if I opt to that IF i am indeed preg? Do I get it at my obgyn or do I have to go elsewhere to a clinic?

    Please no harsh comments. I just need experiences or info.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Light Brown discharge in between my period?

    Just looking for similar experiences, I had my last period on August 3rd. On the 5th had unprotected sex with hubby b/c it was our first night since having our babies out alone over night LOL! We were drinking heavily and did not use protection... bad move! Altho since we had to much to drink we both never "finished" LOL! On the 13th I had this light brown discharge when I wiped but shortly went away. Now today I had the same thing! I am cramping and just over all annoyed at the thought I even may be pregnant. And the kicker is I have an appt to have the Morena inserted next Thursday LOL! Any ways could this just be cramps from ovulation or what? Now when I got pregnant with my second I had my period , made love, then had light pinkish discharge when I wiped and boom I was pregnant! Just asking what u think ...

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Light Brown discharge in between my period?

    Had my normal period on the 8/3. Now on 8/13 I went the the restroom and there was the lightest brown discharge when I wiped. After a few wipes it was all gone and now tonight I had it again. Why on earth is this happening? I have never had this. I am healthy, have 2 babies already 16 months and almost 3) I am not on BC but waiting to hear back from my insurance about the Morena Insert. I did have unprotected sex on day 5 of my period ... it was just about gone yet it was "unsuccessful" LOL. Me and hubby had a bit to much to drink since it was our first time out over night w/o the kids. Of course there is always a poss I could be pregnant but so slim since chances are I wasnt ovulating since I was still getting my period and also he did not ejaculate. So what else could the discharge be ???

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Light Brown discharge in between my period?

    Had my normal period on the 8/3. Now on 8/13 I went the the restroom and there was the lightest brown discharge when I wiped. After a few wipes it was all gone and now tonight I had it again. Why on earth is this happening? I have never had this. I am healthy, have 2 babies already 16 months and almost 3) I am not on BC but waiting to hear back from my insurance about the Morena Insert. I did have unprotected sex on day 5 of my period ... it was just about gone yet it was "unsuccessful" LOL. Me and hubby had a bit to much to drink since it was our first time out over night w/o the kids. Of course there is always a poss I could be pregnant but so slim since chances are I wasnt ovulating since I was still getting my period and also he did not ejaculate. So what else could the discharge be ???

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Black Rug Bled into My $$$ Bras - HELP!?

    I made the mistake of not sorting thru my laundry and washed a new black rug with 2 new wonder bras that are kind of expensive! One was white and one was nude. The key word is was LOL! They now have black dye from the rug that bled over more than 90% of them. What can I do to get the dye out or at least most of the dye out? I did not dry them. I have them soaking in dish detergant and cold water for the time being until I find out a remedy. Thanks! and I know not to mix colors ... I was just in a hurry and now I am so mad at myself !!!

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Best online Resume Writing Service?

    my hubby has had a hell of a time trying to find a new job. We are thinking of doing one of those online resume writing services that guarantees interviews or money back. Any one ever tried one or had a fav one to use? Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Trading in my Jeep Commander 06' for a Hummer H3 06' any reviews on the hummer?

    sad to say i love my commander but it leaks water like no ones bizz! took it to the dealership too many times to count to fix this problem but it never is fixed... always leaks once it rains again. now the warrenty it out and i had to contact lemon law and file a suit! i won but can not take this water issue ne more. so i found a 06 h3 in my price range with 30k on it. any bad things to say about the hummer?

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • What is a GREAT Double stroller?

    looking for a double stroller for y 2 yr old and 9 month old. I would like the wheels to not be "cheap" since i will be taking my kiddies on may walks with me :) Also need it for shopping a little, like when we go to the mall or to the local outlets. Mostly need it just for walking outside tho in our development. I do not want a jogging stroller b/c they are to wide and not versatile to get into tight spots. Please send me links to the strollers as well since i hope to purchase one asap! thanks!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Is STATE FUNDED Health insurance income eligibility go by net or gross?

    I live in PA and my husband makes 49k a year. We have WIC and my 2 babies have Free CHIP and I have a State funded program for woman which covers birth control,yr exams... anything that deals with woman. But if I have a cold or break my leg, I am not covered... go figure! I just renewed it and now they are saying they are going by gross income. I thought they went by net. I am confused b/c now this is going to screw up all the things the state helps my family out with. Thanks.

    1 AnswerInsurance1 decade ago
  • Sellers Accepted our offer finally but still no contract?!?

    we put a lowball offer in on a house 2 weeks ago. they straight up rejected it. so after that happened they said that they had another offer on the table so this past friday they said they wanted our highest, best, and final offer. so we did just that. on friday night our agent called us and said that they were closely consider the offers and thanks for our patients and that they would let us know very soon. omg we were like on the edge of our seats for a day! saturday afternoon our agent called us and said they accepted our offer and were asking proof of funds and a new pre qual letter. so we got on it and since it was the w/e we couldnt do to much but by 9 30 am today we had everything they asked sent. although we still have not heard anything from the sellers agent! i am getting nervous bc since we didnt sign a contract that means they can still show the home and still get offers. what do u think is going on?!? we offered 2k below asking price so it was a pretty strong offer and in 60 days we were the only offer untill supposedly someone put an offer in right after us... i really think they were lying tho. what r ur thoughts and does it nrmally take this long to go under contract once offer is accepted? 1st time home buyer btw.

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Under contract with new home, 1st time homebuyer and hoping they extend the 8k tax credit, BUT...?

    i am wondering if they do extend it how much money will i get back? all 8k? my husband makes 50k a year and i am a stay at home mom. the purchase price is 94k. we have 2 babies and would love that money to fix up the home and make it ours :)

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • As of 10/31/09 Did congress extend the 8k first time home buyers tax credit? what going on with it?

    just wondering b/c we just put an offer in on a house but found out the previous bidders did an inspection and it failed due to termites and who knows what happened after that. either way we now know that its unrealistic thinking we could make the 12/1 cut off. any news on this?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Does my family have to move out (rented property) if bank puts a lien on the house?

    we were trying to buy the home we rent which is my mother in laws. unfor her other home went into foreclosure and now we no longer want to buy the property we rent from her. it became to much of a risk/headache! long story! any ways since she owns the house we rent with no mortgage the bank told her they will put a lien on the house we rent since she owes more money then her other home is worth. if she can sell it to some1 else at market value b4 they put a lien on it good for her but in the mean time if we just stay here and continue to rent it do we have to move asap once they do put a lien on it? what will happen? just trying to ride the winter out and try to find another home to purchase.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • should i get the h1n1 aka swine flu shots for my babies?

    i have a 7 mnth old and a 2 yr old. im a stay at home mom so they dont go to day care. im still worried about my boys. whats are ur feelings about this vaccine? and should i move forward and get them vaccinated so they are protected?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • 1st time homebuyer worried about closing by 11/31 to get 8k tax credit!?

    well if we do not make it even tho we are trying to ... if congress desides to extend it into 2010 does this mean if we close on say.... 12/13/09 then we will get whatever credit the are going to offer whther its the 8k credit or the new up to 15k credit they are talking about! or will we get screwed and them totally skip the rest of 09' and begin it in 1/2010? just wondering what ya think?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • 1st time home buyer... will i make the 8k tax credit cut off?

    just put a bid in on a home? we are 1st time home buyers... we were buying another home but it fell thru due to the seller. so now tomorrow we are signing the papers to put in an offer on a foreclosure. our real estate agent is making our closing date nov 30th which is the cut off for the 8k tax credit but that is depending on if everything goes perfect lol.... which is never the case when u are buying a home. do u think they will extend it thru dec?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Can a bank take our home since the 1st home is in foreclosure?

    in process of buying our 1st home. prob is we are buying it from my husbands mother and her other home is in active foreclosure. we are now renting this home but she offered to sell it to us. 2 days ago the bank called her and said since she is so far behind on mortgage payments for her other home they will freeze our home we rent and put a lien on it and try to sell it to make up for the money they are losing on her home thats foreclosing. i am scared they we are losing our home! we are in the process of buying and less than 40 days from closing! the bank said even if we buy the home they can still put a lien on it b/c we are related "arms length transaction". can they really do this?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Another ? about foreclosing homes and 2nd properties...?

    ok i just asked a question about this but need further help since our lawyer is busy. my mother in law owns 2 homes. both are rented. one by us one by family friends. we live in the small house family friends live in the big house. the big house is being forclosed on and even though they are paying her rent she is living off of the rent bc she lost her job 2 yrs ago and is to lazy to get another job. the small home... the one we rent she owns/no mortgage on this home. she also loves off of the rent we pay her from this home. she offered to sell us the small home and we accepted and are less than 40 days from closing. 2 days ago the bank said the big home is now in active forclosure and she is more than 5k behind in payments, they said even is she pays that they will prob still foreclose on it. they also said they will freeze the home we live in and try to sell it to make profit. what can we do now since we were supposed to be buying it. even if we bought it now they said they can still take it away from us since we are related. any way to fix this? help!

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago