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  • lyme disease test results?

    First I will explain why I had the test. For 1 1/2 years been treated for depression, doctor said was out of shape at 125 pounds 5'4, she told me to get a job and stop being a stay at home mom. Called my a are the symptoms, hands and feet tingling and falling asleep alot, pain in feet, legs, hips, back, severe neck pain, racing heart, fatigue.

    Doctor gave me lyme test..result letter came saying first test was positive, 2nd test negative so I dont have lyme. Well I called a friend who has 3 family members and 3 friends that got so bad they had to be spoon fed before they finally spent over $100,000 and found a doctor far away that took them seriously. I cant afford this and I really feel I got a false negative. I tried to find a doctor on the web but the only site I found is not working for me and not letting me register for some reason. Do you think it sounds like I may have lyme and doctors in New England? Know any? where do I start because I know my doc is not

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • 1st time pool owner with chemical questions?

    Hi! Just set up our pool. It is 15x48. They easy set up one with the metal bars not the blow up easy set up. I bought the starter kit for the chemicals and it says I should put the stabilizer in when I begin to fill the pool, dissolve the shock iand add after pool is full around the perimeter of the pool and to add the chlorine granules daily? I have searched on ya and seen people say to test the water before adding anything. So now I am hesitant to do anything so any advice would be great. Would it be easier to just have a chlorine floater in the pool rather then adding granules daily? If the pool is full and all this stuff is added how long do I wait to test and how long before being able to swim?

    1 AnswerSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • Friend wants to elope?

    HI! I have a good friend that just got engaged and wants to elope sort of...Just her her fiance and her 2 kids. They would like to go to Arizona but I guess they require witnesses. Other states she has checked out also require witnesses. How does she get around this? I told her to ask the Photographer if she would sign as a witness and maybe pay a little extra for the photographer to bring a date. I was sort of joking I guess. Any tips on how you work it out if you want to elope but dont have adult witnesses and no she doesnt want to do Vegas with her kids. She really has her heart set on Arizona. Thanks!!

    15 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • the cost of weddings with recent economy?

    I guess I am just kind of throwing out an I'm curious question. We all know of course how horrible the economy is now. Gas Prices, Heating, Food just everything. How do people afford such extravagant weddings these days while many Americans are losing their homes? Are only the wealthy getting their dream weddings if infact your dream wedding is an extravagant fairy tale one or are people going into debt just to get married?

    I am also curious....Why most woman want that princess wedding? I had one and hated it but its just my personality. I think they are fine if thats what you want. I am just curious behind the reasons. Is it important in general for the feeling of satisfaction for example...having the best food, the best dress, the prettiest flowers and the most extravagant cake. I am not judging those who want those things just really curious mostly because of the economy. I have a good friend who got married 6 years ago..she likes the best of everything and wanted a huge show. Her

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • coolant leak?

    Hi Last fall I noticed my heat would come and go in my 99 grand voyager expresso 3.3L. I dont drive it much and it happened just a few times. About 5 weeks ago I noticed the temp gauge rising fast and cold air blowing. DH filled with antifreeze and was running fine till 2 days ago...again Temp gauge rising fast but I didnt let it get to overheating. We noticed a leak only when the vehicle is running on the passenger side of vehicle. Not a steady leak but more of a drip. Only happens when car is running? Waiting for my mechanic to get back to me but getting impatient lol. Could it be just a hose or most likely the pump. A messsed with all pullys and they all seem to be nice and tight and not ratteling at all. (not sure which pully was the right one so tugged on them all). BTW Oil looks fine so I am pretty sure its not a cracked head. Is it difficult for one to change this water pump or should I just let a garage do it? I have a friend that is a former mech. but if big job will take in .

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • 6 flags Montreal ticket prices?

    I checked the site and they only have season pass prices up. Does anyone know what it cost last year? Going to Vermont this summer and going to be equal distance from Great Escape Lake George and La Ronde Montreal so trying to figure out which is better and the cost of each.

    4 AnswersMontreal1 decade ago
  • Another flying question...easy check in online?

    I checked in online and have my boarding passes. I have 1 suitcase to check...should I use Kiosk..go to the desk or let the skycap check my luggage? I am traveling with a 4 year old. I would like to do what is easiest but safest as far as my luggage is concerned.

    3 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Weather and delays?

    Have not flown in 20 years. Suppose to be rain and wind 10-15 mph with 30 mph gusts in Boston where I am departing but weather fine in Denver where I am landing. Should I expect departure delays. I know I can check in the morning but I have this huge huge huge fear of flying and am very stressed. Would like to relax and know if I can expect the weather to add to my stress. Thanks :o)

    5 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Dr. Phil show yesterday about Chester Stiles?

    Can anyone give a summery. Missed the show due to school events. I did hear some of the interview online with the mom but the feed stopped for some reason and it seems Tina Allens son said his mom knows more then she is saying? Whats up with that?

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Have you ever heard of Jacqueline Saburido?

    I just received this in an email from a friend and thought I would share it. This Brave young woman has decided to use her tragedy to help others. I think it is something important to pass along especially to teens and young adults who may think they are invincible when it comes to drunk driving.

    27 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Curious American and the Postal Strike?

    How have you gotten your bills in order to pay them? Or do the majority just pay them online? Here in the US the elderly get their pension checks or social security checks via snail mail? Is it the same in the UK? How are people getting checks if so? The bills not so much a big deal because most people know when their bills are due but for those relying on mail to recieve their pay? Yikes!!

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • 4 year old falls to death at Grand Canyon?

    I do hope they take safety measures to prevent this in the future. I would be to scared to take my kids to the Grand Canyon. You would really have to glue them to you. Is there anyone here that has been there? Are their not fences up all around it?

    13 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • The insanity plea?

    Couldn't it be easy to say that the most horrible criminals out there are insane? A woman who cuts a baby out of a womb, anyone the murders someone just because they want to kill someone but most of all pedophiles. It must take a really insane mind to want to have sex with a child or touch a child sexually? I would guess to say that person is mentally ill. It seems most of the time when a parent kills their child it is an insanity plea to? Insane or not don't you think Insane people deserve same punishment as sane? Get them on meds yes while in prison. I know alot of people that have mental illness but still no right from wrong. Does anyone else feel the insanity plea is abused and they deserve the same sentence regardless of their mental state? I am not talking about developmentally disabled individuals I am talking about people with mental illness. They can easily get out of prison and go off their meds and do it again.

    6 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Yahoo taking a breather and a lot of coffee breaks today?

    Is this happening to anyone else?

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Did anyone see Chester the Molesters girlfriend on Larry King Last night?

    I felt really bad for her. Did you hear what the America's most wanted guy said about other areas of child neglect and abuse being investigated towards the mom? What is your take on that?

    It is bizarre that he would have that kind of access to a 3 year old seeing as he was just an aquaintance of the family. Don't ya think?

    2 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Has there been a trial for the Portugese Police detective?

    The one that was ACCUSED of beating a convicted murder who was sentenced by a judge? Or is it still being investigated? Because I just saw someone make some pretty harsh and horrible accusations about him when he has not even been shown to have done anything wrong? Where is the evidence that he did beat this woman? I have not seen any except that she said he beat her. And well she is a convicted murderer so it is his word against hers. Isn't he innocent until proven guilty just like the people he was investigating?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What time is the news conference for little girl found in Nevada?

    Someone said 7:30? Is it on CNN and I live on east coast so need to know if mountain or pacific time. Would like to see it. thanks

    3 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Should Jane Tanner be charged?

    I am just curious about what you think. Both supporters and non I welcome all opinions.

    Jane Tanner (friend of the McCanns) out of her own mouth as well as her partners said they were late going to dinner because their child was vomiting. Well since she is not suffering so terribly for her mistake because her daughter is not missing shouldnt she be brought up on child neglect charges? She pretty much confessed to that publicly thinking she was helping the McCanns. All the children in the home video were all to young to be left alone and one of them was surely her daughter. Most parents I know would not even leave their child with a babysitter to go out to a pub if their child was vomiting. What do you think? Please be respectful and don't bother to answer if you think it is ok to leave toddlers alone for a lengthy amount of time and don't compare it to your garden. Because if you child is sick and you are in your garden at least your child is familiar enough with home to find mo

    27 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago