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Should Jane Tanner be charged?

I am just curious about what you think. Both supporters and non I welcome all opinions.

Jane Tanner (friend of the McCanns) out of her own mouth as well as her partners said they were late going to dinner because their child was vomiting. Well since she is not suffering so terribly for her mistake because her daughter is not missing shouldnt she be brought up on child neglect charges? She pretty much confessed to that publicly thinking she was helping the McCanns. All the children in the home video were all to young to be left alone and one of them was surely her daughter. Most parents I know would not even leave their child with a babysitter to go out to a pub if their child was vomiting. What do you think? Please be respectful and don't bother to answer if you think it is ok to leave toddlers alone for a lengthy amount of time and don't compare it to your garden. Because if you child is sick and you are in your garden at least your child is familiar enough with home to find mo


with mom and sorry not all opinions but most opinions.

Update 2:

You wont get one from me Scary and to be honest it feels good to agree with you. :o) thats twice in one day.

Update 3:

Confused yes I totally agree with you but this sort of has been overlooked it seems because of all the other stuff going on and well someone out there is having a grand time giving everyone on YA it seems thumbs down.

Shambo seen the sketch..worse one I have ever seen in my life. How many people in this world have short hair and egg shaped faces.

Update 4:

Well dozy I guess you did not read on because I edited that before anyone even answered. Read the whole thing.

Update 5:

with mom and sorry not all opinions but most opinions.

Update 6:

Zail oh definately time for a change but just a month after Madeleine went missing an upper class British family was on holiday in Florida. While they were watching fireworks outside their 5 year old was found wondering about the resort looking for her mommy.

Update 7:

KOKO sorry it was posted about a month after Madeleine disappeared. Obviously someone in the media wanting to bring it up again without putting the date in. Guess it just goes to show you cannot believe everything you read..but anyway it happened and was still wrong you dont have to be so mean about it. People make mistakes remember.

Update 8:

Sorry Ruthy tried to give you thumbs up but told me I couldnt do and to try again later. You have said alot of things that I have also thought. Not accused but thought. Something just is not right with the whole thing. I hope I am wrong and If I am I am also. And like I believe snaffle said. Leaving a sick child alone just sickens me more so then the McCanns just leaving theirs alone.

Update 9:

gosh its bed time when I cannot even understand my own sentences. Sorry for all the confusion and typos. Good night.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Both her and her husband, yes.

    The only trouble I have with the whole thing is that I think they're more suspicious than the McCanns and I'm at a complete and utter loss as to why they haven't been further questioned.

    Vomiting child left alone in order to go for meal with friends has to be the single least caring and against all parental instincts thing I have ever heard.

    Alledgedly changing sheets causing delay in return (but none found by complex staff)

    Seeing a man walking down the street with a child in a blanket/child in pyjamas/walking towards Murats house.

    That ridiculous sketch - What was the point?

    Not being seen by Mr McCann and independent witness in the same place at the same time.

    And purely that dreaful photograph they keep printing of her isn't helping.

    What on earth was so important about this meal that these people did all these dreadful things in order to be there? Is Tapas really that good?!?

  • 1 decade ago

    Certainly the Social Services or police should be looking into it. No mother in her right mind would leave a child alone after she had been sick or vomiting. If it was my child I would be terrified that she might choke on her vomit. I remember when my children were small and had been ill, I would sit with them until they went to sleep then all connecting doors were left open and the television was turned off and I would sit reading a book all night listening for the slightest sound they made. And even at that, I would be constantly checking on them. Surely that is what any reasonable mother would do.

    God forbid, but just supposing one of those kids had found a cigarette lighter somewhere during the day. What damage could have been done before the parents noticed something wrong and managed to get back from the Tampas bar. Would the parents have been to blame then? Or would the pro brigade just say it wasn't their fault their kids had been burned alive.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been less than admiring ot the whole bunch of them leaving their children alone but Jane Tanner and her partner really take the biscuit. How cold hearted can they be to live a 3 yr old to vomit on its own? Is it too much to ask that one of them could have remained in their apartment to look after this child? Dear god, what a bunch. One sick child is left alone and one child goes missing. I hope the meal was worth it.

    Jane Tanner should also be done for wasting police time. She has changed her story three times about what she allegedly saw the night Madeleine disappeared.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I totally agree. I could not believe that a parent would leave their vomiting child alone while they went out for dinner. I know whenever my daughters have been ill, they have been really frightened of physically being sick and I could not imagine leaving them alone to face goodness knows what! I agree, I wouldn't even leave my kids alone with their grandparents - it's not fair on other people or on the child. When a child is ill, all they want is their Mummy.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely. Though the more I had read, this is a common practise and has been for many years, leaving children alone while parents stepped out for

    "adult time".... It is time for change wouldn't you say?

    Edit, I hear you ladybug.

    Edit, Mackadoo, I agree. Check this out. Her story has been discredited by 2 people so far and why tell me out of 400 people in that resort was it just the mccann party that saw anything? Secondly her and her husband just moved 4 weeks earlier to where murats sister lives, where he was just retuning from, k whatever. Though get this there was a man traveling with murat (not fully identified b/c of a hat) though his build fits the description of a man that was in the photo where the mccann's were in the park (remember random guy?) and has been seen in other pics with murat now. click on the links.;_ylt=Ar...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well you can ALL give me the 'Thumbs Down' if you wish..but i think the answer to this mystery is staring us all right in the face and we just can't see it YET....and i think Ms Tanner plays a part somewhere amongst this web of scenarios..don't ask me why i feel that..i just do !

    I mean leaving your sick child is not just simple neglect.. it's totally unforgivable...who ever's side your can't deny that surely.......but i just find the whole group strange...infact when i think of the Tapas Team..WHY does the Klu Klux Klan always spring to mind ? I'm sure i will receive triple thumbs down for that comment...but they do seem very very strange and secretive..maybe they have been told to be silent..i don't know..but i bet they have ALL been under surveillance from day one !

    However there is still a huge chunk of this puzzle missing...and I'm convinced it lies amongst those friends....that Praia De Luz...and the sooner they do a full reconstruction..with those very same people...i think the sooner we will have some answers !!!

    There is going to be a real twist to this story I'm sure....and if I'm wrong..I'm wrong...but I'll keep waiting for that news flash !!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes she should and social services should pay her a visit. It is DISGRACEFUL that a parent would leave a child who is vomiting alone in a foreign apartment to go out on the bevy. She doesn't deserve the title of mother.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jane Tanner is partner to Russell O'Brien (RO), and not his wife. The child is his, not theirs. So R.O. would have been the one to comfort the child and was.

    Tanner (the miserable looking thing), doesn't have children, maybe she was jealous of the other couples being married and having children between them. Maybe it made her feel left out.

  • 1 decade ago

    To leave your children on their own while you go off gallivanting is bad enough, but to go and leave them whilst they're not well is even worse. And with their friends being Doctors as well !!!!!

    Haven't all us Mum's at one time or another had a night out all planned and babysitter booked only for your child to go down sick. Most responsible Mum's then cancel the night out and unbook the babysitter and stay in and look after and comfort their sick child.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    weird....I was thinking this exact same thing about 20mins ago! You should always stay with your children, and especially if they are sick and I definately thing that she (even moreso than the McCanns) should be done for neglect. You do not leave a vomiting child by themselves while you go and dine in the local restaurant...

    Edit: scarymary, that is a perfectly reasonable answer, don't see why you would get a violation for that...though this is the news&events section. They seem to love giving them out in here...

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