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I am a 34 year old Father of 4 wonderful kids. Who is trying very hard to bestow family values, manners, respect and traditions in this, the generation going wrong. Really I Love my kids and Love being at home with them; However, the other kids my kids hang out with... Are shall we say, lacking in these departments. I feel the time for the Parents to be a Parent is at hand, after all they (The Children) are the future leaders of the world... Think about it! " If not you.... Then who?

  • How you should spend the rest of your day? Here's a one-question IQ Test to help you decide.?

    There is a mute who wants to buy a

    toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing

    one's teeth, he successfully expresses himself to

    the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.

    Now, if there is a blind man who wishes

    to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express

    himself? Think about it first before answer...

    17 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Why is The President always to blame?

    Everyone knows that it is Congress that makes the law of the land, but when things go wrong its always the President's fault. Take for instance, the Trans American Express Highway ( Says "The Bush Administration", please! I know how the government works, its all about the money. I am not saying it would all be wrong, but why is it being kept quite? I know Bush tried to stringethin our bourders, but Congress stop what he was tring to do. Now there is all this talk about the Northerain Summit, between Canada, America and Mexico. It might be a good thing, but just like in England. America may lose who and what we are. I know this Country need imorgrants, heck we are all immorgants for a time long ago, but no other Nation has changed the US like Mexico and its people, I will be the first to say I can see many good things from this, but I have to ask this. Why is it being kepy quite? here are some links --

    18 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Santa at the Mall, What happen to him?

    I took my kids to the Mall last night to see Santa and the winter wonderland they have set up there every year. This year, the first time I may remind you was far different then the last years, not just the decor, that is to be expected. No it was Santa! My kids where not aloud to sit on Santa's lap and talk to him about their Christmas wishes. I asked Santa if this was his chose and if so I would understand that, but he responded in a eye rolling answer of NO. He said, he was told this year by the Mall that he was not allowed to have children sitting upon his lap, because some people have a problem with it, not every one, but some. So now Parents like me who want the pictures with the kids setting on Santas lap, smiling that Christmas smile only he can recieve is lost? Just stand there and avoid the stranger! In this time of Political Correctness even Santa is getting fubared, I mean really what is becoming of us and the time old traditions we all grow up with and injoyed?

    12 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • why do we use this African-American, Mexican-American went we are all Americans?

    My family is from Germany, and I am not German American, I am American. If you are born in the USA, your American, if you have moved into this Country and have decided to stay here, your becoming American. Keep your Culture, Heritage and beliefs, but drop the prefix and be Proud Americans or get out.

    So Say We All

    31 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Political Correctness, Life or Death to the USA?

    Is Political Correctness what it was meant to be when it started out or has it morfed into sumthing else? I see things that are good hell even great, how ever I see all the things that have limited our Great Nation to the point that we can not even say what we think of our Goverment, or the people who represent us. Our Troops are put in places where they can not open fire on a Hostel unless that Hostel has asalted or attached first, Because we dont want to look like "We" are Racest, Pregedest or Discrimitive to other Races or Religons... Bull Turds! Take the Political Correctness out of what it needs to be taken out of... Everything, You agree?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should we make this a Law, or are the ones in place now working?

    I think we should make a law like the "Miss American Pageant" has, when Miss America is not dong her job or gets into trouble. She is Fired and the runner up gets the job and so on and so forth. Why is it our politicians don't get the same boot?I mean in my State of NC, My senator voted on a $1.7 dollar bill for clean tags. Now I know everyone hates dirty Licane plates. He also voted on a new building at the State Zoo, that will do nothing but hold pooper scoopers, yes pooper scoopers. I say Fired and the runner up gets a shot and if he dont get the job done, "next"! There are kids walking from portable trailers that they call class rooms, in the rain and cold and there is a new $400,000 dollar building being built for pooper scoopers? I also think we should get a peice of paper stating very bill our representitives vote on Local, state and fediral. So what you think. Should we pass a LAW to be able to boot the Representives if they are not doing the job they said they would do for us

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you think a man would make a good home maker/ stay at home parent?

    I know women have one great big thing over a man, and that is maternal instinct, but can a man do the job as well as a women or is the point mute and useless

    33 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How long do you think it will be before we see a different President?

    I know in 2008 we will have a new President, but I am wondering how long it will be before a Women or a Black Male/Female will be elected? I mean after 9/11 we as a nation became closer right? So when do you think the timing would be right?

    21 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why do we send our kids out Trick or Treating?

    I Look at it this way, I tell my kids all the time, DON"T talk to strangers, DON'T take candy or gifts from strangers, DON'T go to strangers houses. But it's OK to do that one day a year on Halloween? I don't let my kids go trick or treating, instead I buy them the candy and rent scary movies and have a great Hallows eve here at home, is this a wrong thing?

    20 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • I am looking for official web site to fill out petitions/surveys or senses on topics concerning the US.?

    Example... Human Rights, Animal Protection, Freedom of Speech, Aquaculture and Forestry. I want to make my opinion be heard, count or make an impression to help in the strengthening of the United States of America. It is not for my want, as much as it is for my children's want. After all it is their planet I am borrowing from them, I want to do my part to make sure it is there for them to injoy.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago