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Jim I
Nice guy in Bloomington, IN.
I need a list of single-cell genetic diseases/disorders. Can someone help?
I know there are more than 6,000 single-cell diseases that have been discovered and diagnosed. This includes cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell anemia and polysistic kidney disease (PKD).
I am trying to find a complete list of these single-cell genetic diseases and disorders. Can someone help? Google and Yahoo have not been able to supply an adequate option.
Thank you!
2 AnswersBiology9 years agoWho has information and history about the Caroleers?
The Caroleers were a vocal group that appeared on Peter Pan Records during the 1970s (and some time before and after). They would sing songs on books-on-records. They had a great harmony, and a wonderful musical personality. Many of their Christmas songs are posted on YouTube (so search for "Caroleers Christmas" and you'll hear them).
I've been trying to find more information about them - who the members were, where they recorded their music, their albums, etc., but it seems as though there is nothing out there about them.
I'd love to find out more about the group. Any help would be appreciated!
2 AnswersChristmas9 years agoMicrosoft Publisher locks up computer and won't open - why?
I am running MS Office 2007, including Publisher. For the past few days, when I go to Start -> Programs -> MS Office -> MS Publisher, it starts to open the program, but then stalls... and eventually locks up my whole computer. I end up having to manually power off (even doing Control/Alt/Delete and using the task bar doesn't "close" MS Publisher), and then trying again.
I can go into My Documents and find an individual file, and open it ok. But if I try to go File -> New, it locks up again.
Word, Excel, Outlook --- all working fine.
I have done an update from MS Office Online, and everything seems to have gone through.
So... I'm stuck now.
Any suggestions? Anyone?
1 AnswerSoftware10 years agoWhat would be a good last meal for a dog that needs to be euthanized/put to sleep?
My ten-year-old black lab has developed a cancerous tumor, and needs to be put to sleep. He's a sweet baby boy, and still has some life to him. But, the tumor is affecting his sight, and I don't want him to suffer any longer.
So... I'm asking fellow pet owners... what would you give your dog as a last meal? My initial thinking is steak - seasoned and everything. But, perhaps there would be something else that would be good.
I'm open to reasonable ideas - obviously a rarity of cuisine won't work. But steak... chicken... special dog food... I'm ready to listen.
13 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat do I do with old working refridgerator, stove, washer, dryer, etc.?
I'm considering upgrading some of my home appliances. I just read ( that there may be a Cash for Fridges program this fall, so it might be a good thing.
But... my appliances are still working great. They are just outdated, white and... well, boring. I don't know what to do to make the most of them. Would donating them be a good idea? Trying to sell them? Recycle them?
I'm sure I'm not the first to ask this, but... there has to be a good option for a homeowner to change things out.
4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoAfter using Facebook on my iPhone, I have to log back in on a PC. Why is that?
I got an iPhone about three weeks ago. I downloaded the Facebook application, and have had great success with it.
However, everyday I have to log back in to Facebook on a computer. I use a work and home computer, and every morning at work I need to log in, and the same thing at night.
Is there a setting I can adjust? Does an iPhone log me out of the PC version and log me in to the application?
4 AnswersFacebook1 decade agoI have lost my Yahoo email address book when I synch'ed my iPhone. What do I do?
I had a LOT of contacts in my Yahoo address book. Several groups as well. But, since my iPhone synch'ed up to Yahoo last week (I just got the phone), I've lost the contacts.
Any suggestions? Where could they be? This sucks!!!
2 AnswersCalendar and Contacts1 decade agoCould we live in an environment with "lighter" gravity?
I was just reading an article about water beneath the surface on one of Saturn's moons, and it made me wonder about the gravitational pull there.
As I recall from junior high science, our moon's gravitational pull is about 1/6 of ours on Earth.
So... putting the two concepts together... I'm curious if humans could live on a planet that had all the necessities (oxygen, water, etc.) but had a difference gravitational pull? We would "bounce" probably more than walk... and transportation would be different... and our habits would modify...
BUT... could we live with it?
Thorough answers appreciated and will be considered for the ten points. And, of course, if wouldn't hurt to mark this as interesting as well (so more people might comment).
Thank you!
6 AnswersPhysics1 decade agoWhat should I do to my lawn in the spring?
I've been in my home for almost four years now. I've never treated the grass, done fertilizer, areated, etc. I just mow, rake and leave it alone.
Any suggestions on things I could do to have a nice lawn? I don't want golf-course perfect, but I would like to know what to put down, how to bring grass back to a hilly area, etc.
5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoHow do I heat a my living/dining/kitchen area/room with tall ceiling?
I have a living room, dining area and kitchen all out in the open. It's about 350 square feet. The ceiling is vaulted, and at the highest point around 12-14'.
Since heat rises, it makes it hard to heat this big of an area. However, if I go watch TV in the evening it's usually under a blanket.
Any ideas on how to best-heat this area? There is a ceiling fan in the middle of the room.
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoI can't find the title of this song - starts with claps, words are "Hey, turn it over & turn it around now"?
I heard this song on the radio today, and I'm trying to find the song's title and artist.
It started off with claping sounds, kind of like the beginning of the old John Denver song "Thank God I'm a Country Boy." And then it had the verse, and the chorus was something like "Hey... turn it over and..." "Turn it around now."
I think it's a fairly recent tune, but I can't find anything to go with it.
Ten points to the first person with the correct information!!!
Thanks for your help!!
1 AnswerLyrics1 decade agoI'm trying to hang a curtain rod over a window. However, I can't put a screw in for a center bracket. Why?
I'm trying to hang a curtain rod over my mom's dining room window. I've drilled the pilot hole, but I can't get a screw to go as deep as the hole. It's like the screw hits a point where it can not go any furthur.
The same thing happened at my home years ago.
Any suggestions on what to do? I don't want to put the curtain rod way high, because it won't look right. But why can't I put a bracket right above a big window??
5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoWhat are some good investment/financial gifts to give this holiday season?
I work for an investment company, and we're trying to come up with a list of items our clients can give friends and family that have a financial or investment background.
I've found (buy one share of a stock and have it framed), (old stock and bond certificates), and looked at for coin sets.
However, I'd also like suggestions on books... games... etc. Anything is an option, but I'd like it to be money related. Books on debt are great... board games about the stock market would be fun... cuff links... jewelry... anything.
Best suggestion or the most suggestions are up for ten points!!!
2 AnswersInvesting1 decade agoHow can a man improve his flexibility?
I'm 32, 6'2, and about 240 pounds. I've been taking strength classes and body sculpting to help tone my body up. In two months I'm down three belt notches and a full shirt size.
However, I'm not able to do a lot of the stretches like other people in the classes. I can't stretch my legs out and bend over. I still do certain cool-down stretches because I simply can't reach.
I know about Yoga and Pilate's, but I'm doing MY stuff 5-7 hours a week, so there isn't much time for other things (plus the potential cost).
So... can someone give me some suggestions on how to improve my stretching and flexibility at home?
1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade agoWhen a major tragedy occurs, how is the death toll calculated so quickly?
Today we saw the devastating effects of the 7.8 earthquake in China.
The inital reports were the 900 students were trapped under rubble... but then it grew to 2,000... 4,000... 6,000... now I see over 8,500.
How is this number calculated? The earthquake happened less than 24 hours ago, so the number of bodies couldn't be counted that fast. Is it based on rough population? Do villages have a census, and if so, how accurate is it? Is it just a guess?
Please, serious responses only... and star the question if you find it interesting.
3 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade agoWhat can I give to a family at a funeral besides flowers and/or food?
The father of a very good family friend passed away yesterday. The initial discussion was to do a nice floral arrangement, as they have done that in the past for my family. However, I just don't want to spend $75 on a bouquet that will die. And I'm not a fan of silk arrangements either.
The family won't need food... they are active in a lot of groups that have already offered to provide meals for a few weeks.
There is no mention of providing a donation to a charity, so that's out.
The man's hobbies included oil painting; woodworking; fishing; watching his children’s, grandchildren’s, and great-grandson’s athletic events; basketball; decorating for Christmas; and working in his yard.
Any suggestions on something we could do that would be more long-lasting and memorable (for his family, not for our gift).
16 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoWhat's the proper etiquette when leaving a funeral and NOT going to the cemetery?
I'm going to a funeral service for a friend's father today. I will not be able to go to the graveside service.
Is it okay to leave, once I've left my condolances to the family? Or should I wait until the hearse leaves and the family has left as well?
It really doesn't matter to me either way (I'm not rushed for time), but I don't want to look bad by "cutting out."
Please, serious replies only. And don't forget to mark this question interesting (if you feel it's worthy).
12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoAt Paris - Las Vegas... is it a male or female voice as you ride up the Eiffel Tower elevator?
I was at Las Vegas "Paris" last month, and I have a bet riding on this one.
When you ride the elevator to the top of th Eiffel Tower, there is a voiceover that tells a bit of the history of the Eiffel Tower, Paris, etc. It says something about spending the evening with "someone you love," and all that stuff.
I swear the voice in the elevator is a woman (named Yvonne Eiffel, I thought). My buddy says it is a man. We have a steak dinner bet on this one.
I may call them up, but I like Yahoo Answers, so I thought I'd give this a shot. Please respond "Male" or "Female," and how you know that to be true. And, also... what date you were there (since the voice might have changed over the years).
3 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade agoI want to see points of interest landmarks. How do I find interesting stops driving from Indiana to Arizon?
I am driving from Indiana to Arizona at the end of the month to see Indiana University play in the Insight Bowl in Tempe, Arizona. A buddy and I are wanting to drive out there, since we've never seen that part of the country.
We won't have lots of leisure time, but we would like to see some cool things along the way - the world's biggest ball of foil, the tallest cow... anything like that.
Is there a place online where you can put in your route and it will give you interesting stopping points? Please let me know!
2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoMy budget is $50-ish each... What are some good Christmas gifts for kids 18 and under in foster care?
Last year, my office worked with a foster care program in our community. We bought gifts for the kids and the families.
The family gifts included:
* a gift certificate to Wal-Mart
* a gift certificate to Blockbuster
* A box of popcorn
* Small boxes of candy
* McDonalds gift certificates
* A board game
* A disposable camera
For the kids, we bought different gifts based on ages:
* Portable CD Player
* Barbies
* Stuffed animals
* Disney toys
* Art supplies
Well, it's that time of year again, and I need some suggestions. We spend approximately $50 per kid/family, and there will be some attendees from last year. Santa doesn't want to bring the same gifts again, so he's trying to come up with some new ideas.
I'd love to hear of good suggestions for these kids... this is largely what they get for Christmas. They are in attendance for the event, but Santa does hand out the presents.
Thanks, and Merry Christmas!!!
10 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago