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How can I support my dad?
My dad has advanced stage terminal cancer. I obviously want to support him all I can but he is shutting my siblings and myself out. He was admitted to hospital last week and didn't tell us. My auntie called my brother to let him know and he called me. When I visited him he was annoyed that we had found out. Throughout his fight he has told me that I need to carry in with my life as normal and will tell me/us what we need to know when we need to know it. In his mind this is the best way to deal with it and will make it easier for us. My brother, sister and I aren't kids anymore, we are all in our 30's. My auntie said we have let him down a little by not visiting in the last week or so at home and although he says he doesn't want to see us he does and it lifted his spirits seeing us.
I have been trying to respect his wishes even though it's cutting me up, I want to do all I can for him and spend as much time as I can with him but he gets annoyed sometimes angry.
Thankfully he was allowed home on Friday and I have visited on Friday and Saturday, I had a rest day yesterday and had told him I wouldn't see him yesterday but when I called to check in with him he got annoyed because I was supposed to be having a fun day.
I don't know what to do for the best do I respect his privacy and wishes or ignore what he is saying because he is in a lot or pain and broken hearted that he has to leave us and continue to visit everyday anyway. My dad has always been a proud and strong man am I taking that away from him by not respecting his wishes. Your thoughts please.
2 AnswersFamily8 years agowall preparation advice?
I have emulsion covered walls which have had gloss painted on near window sills (previous owner) and hairline cracks which I want to make good before re painting with emulsion. I don't have the budget to re skim and to be honest I think that would be overkill. I need advice on whether a good sanding and filling would do the job or one of those 3 in 1 poly cell base coats would fit the bill or any other solution available that I don't know about. Thanks.
2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years agoI am trying to find out info on my dad's army career?
He served in the Para Regiment in the British army and left in 73. I have no idea which regiment other than it was in Scotland or his number but would like to know more. Anyone one know how I can get any info?
4 AnswersMilitary8 years agoAm I being unreasonable???
I am off work sick with a two week sick line, my partner works for the same company. When I first met him I was on holiday from work, he decided to call in sick to be with me which I thought was kinda sweet then last year I had a painful kidney infection and had to take time off, he also phoned in sick, we had a big row at that time about how it looks to the bosses if we are off sick at the same time which he could not see as a problem. So I am off at the moment with stress and guess what he did yesterday and today? I told him if he wants to be off sick today he can do it elsewhere and i'm now not talking to him. Am I being a big drama queen or do I have good reason to be peaved?
14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHair straighteners and hairdryer in hand luggage.?
I'm travelling light from Scotland to Amsterdam so only taking hand luggage, are straighteners and hairdryers allowed?
2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade agoI plan on staying at the Botel in Amsterdam?
I'm looking forward to staying in the quirky Botel but I'm a bit concerned about getting back there in the wee small hours. I know they operate every 15 mins or so but how late at night do they operate?
3 AnswersNetherlands1 decade agoHero or thug??????????????
My 5' 5" 7 and a half little sis came out of the bank on Friday after withdrawing a fair bit of money from her daughter's savings account, when a junkie scumbag appears behind her, grabs her by the hair while grabbing the money from her her hand. My sister in panic threw her head back into his face then turned around punching him in the face a few times before he gave up and ran away. She went straight to the Police station and reported what had happened.
Today the police can to see my sister. They had found the little sh@te who is known to them for housebreaking. He had been in hospital over the weekend being treated for a broken nose, fractured eye socket and concussion. The police recognised him from CCTV as a known thief and housebreaker, but because he had his back to the camera they couldn't see him trying to grab the money.
He denies trying to rob my sister, claiming that he had attacked my sister because she had given him a dirty look and because he was high, he had a go. He wants my sister charged, and because of the injuries she could be charged with GBH. So my sister is left with the prospect of a criminal record unless she drops the charges.
So to my Question:
Did he get what he deserved, was justice done or is my sis no better than him?
3 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade agoSome advice on shedding weight, please?
I am trying to lose weight after xmas taking it's toll on my waistline, the problem is that I work in a call hall on constant back shift and don't get home until at least 9pm. I have heard that you shouldn't eat potatoes or pasta after 5pm. So what can I have as a meal that is nutritious, tasty and filling so late at night?
5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoAny idea where I can get a sledge in scotland?
3 AnswersOther - Winter Sports1 decade agoSome advice please, I'm not sure what to do?
Unfortunately my mum has been detained in a psychiatric ward today as she has become very ill with paranoid delusions. She thinks someone is trying to kill her, that people are chasing her in her car and that my brother, sister and I have all turned against her. She hasn't been showering, eating or drinking at home because she thinks they are contaminated. She thinks the house is bugged, the car is toxic and that someone broke into the house and stole her medication and spare car key.
I need some advice on a few things. She is on income support and lives in a council house, do I need to inform the DSS or the council? Will she loose the house if she is in the ward long term?
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? I don't know if the delusions are the symptoms of an illness or if the delusional thoughts are the illness. Will I get my mum back?
Any advice please?
5 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoUp to what time do you think.....?
it is acceptable to use your vacuum cleaner if you live in an upstairs flat?
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoAnyone else sucked off with the bank of scotland?
Got a letter in today about my current account, telling me they wanted to reward me for banking with them.
My reward........
£5 paid into my account every month for putting my wages in the account and charging me £31 a month for using my £800 overdraft.
5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoHas political correctness spiralled into an excuse to rip the p*ss?
So a teacher has been suspended for getting late pupils to do press ups as a punishment for being late for class, a punishment that was suggested by pupils. WTF!!!
The way things are going pupils will not have to face the consequences of their actions because teachers will be too afraid to deal with issues that arise. Then what happens is someone gets seriously hurt. The teachers will get the blame for not stepping in.
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoDoes anyone remember the name of....?
those magnetic joke fingers you could get for the boot of your car in the eighties? Can you still buy them?
2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoAnyone been in a similar situation?
A few weeks ago I was introduced to a guy by a friend that I liked the look of, I mentioned this to my friend and a few days later he invited me back to his place for a party after work.
The guy that I was interested in was paying me loads of compliments and we were getting on well.
After a while my friend said he was going to bed and left us alone, I got thinking about what might happen next and got scared, made my excuses and left.
I quite like this guy, he seems to be one of the good ones and quite handsome with it but I just freaked out.
Has this ever happened to you? Did you get over it and if so how?
Maybe I should mention that I'm 32 years old so not exactly new to the game.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoXbox advert??????????????????
Does anyone else find the new Xbox campaign completely freaked out?
1 AnswerXbox1 decade agoAny hints or tips????????????????????
I am starting a new job on Monday in a pub. I have never worked behind a bar before, any hints or advice from anyone with experience would be great.
9 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoDid he do anything wrong?
My ex husband has recently split up with his partner. She left because amongst other things he was spending too much time with a girl pal.
We have always stayed amicable after our divorce so when I told me about the split I spent a little more time with him so he could talk it all through.
He had been spending a lot of time with this girl. They went out for the day and ended up kissing. He was besotted but she just wanted a one night stand so he didn't take it any further.
He claims that they haven't done anything wrong. This made me flip because he did something similar to me shortly after we got married.
I found out about a year after we had married that he fancied a girl we worked with and had been visiting her. The day we got married she split with her boyfriend and a few weeks later they started fooling around.
Have I over reacted or what?
15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoSun bed question?
I was told years ago that after using a sun bed you shouldn't have a shower or bath. Anyone know if that is true or not?
8 AnswersOther - Health & Beauty1 decade agoThe HTop Royal Beech Hotel...?
Have you ever stayed there and what did you think?
My sister and I are going there in August.
1 AnswerCatalunya1 decade ago