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  • (100 votes) would you be with your bf/gf if they email'd a porn star?

    to a bunny ranch porn star:

    (along the lines of)

    hello brooke ive been infatuated since the first time ive seen your beautiful face on hustler. now that i have a car and im just shy of 21 i would love to make you my wife! LOL as we both know you are way out of my league, so i can go only as far as to vist my most beautiful queen, YOU! thank you for taking the time to view my comment and i will be seeing you soon, Muah!

    he leaves his email and phone #..

    he ALWAYS calls me his queen, and would introduce me as his fiancee.

    i SERIOUSLY need some votes, cause i dont know what to do!

    i feel like i can get past it, but is it worth it?

    we've been together 2 years, this happened less than 3 months ago.

    thanks lots! -alyssa :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • would you forgive a rapist?

    my mom's dad had sexually touched my sisters/cousins(me included) when we were young children.

    me when i was in the 6th grade he would usualyl kiss us, but he stuck his tounge in my mouth. and when i was younger before that i remmeber going ot my mom and aunt telling them it owuld hurt down there cause he would rub it so hard it was all red at points..

    to this day i honestly do not know how far he has taken his actions among my sisters/cousins ..

    however, giving that it would be "chinese new yr" today" my mom cooked him food and i went to see him with my father.

    i was just curious if he deserves forgiveness?

    ..i honeslty pity the man. because hes old and alone with his 2nd wife, who used him for his money. and i know in my heart that he must be so alone and not in the best health. and hes living the ends of his years knowing his grandchildren despise him and proabbaly his two daughters knowing what happened too.

    10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • where can i find purple corn? its peruvian.?

    i live in LA county, near alhambra/rosemead/pasadena

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • buddist and christianity?

    thie whole Q of religion has been mind boggling.

    well yeah so, i talked to a guy who is a hardcore christian. he had no intentions whatsoever on trying to "convert" me. and he was telling me that he wanted me to check out his church because jesus is about all about love.

    and i know its a sitcky issue when it comes to religion and God but i would love to hear all your ideas and opinions :] thanks!

    (my family is buddists.

    i believe in buddism.)

    and i do not feel that one god is more superior than others.

    and i am open to new gods and religions... and i don't doubt whatsoever that jesus is gods son.

    but it makes me question.. where do you draw the line? where do you draw the line between believing in two gods from two very different religions? or can you even at all?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • presidents help end cold war?

    examples of how each presidents: Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon/Ford, Carter, & Reagan help end the cold war

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • should i feel bad for smoking?

    sometimes i feel like smoking is something i should feel ashamed of when it comes to God but..its only because society places this image of how "bad" it it something i should feel bad or ashamed of in terms of God? cause i know its not im doing in physically hurting anyone...

    and for those biased people, please dont respond if youre goign to tell me that smoking is bad, i need answers to my Q


    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • why do batteries drain overseas?

    i went to china the other day, and i had charged my ipod full. only listened to it for like 40 minutes and by the end of the week it was already on the red. same thing for my cellphone. i had charged it fully but since i couldnt use it i left it off ( only turning it on like 3x to check the time) when i came home from the airport, it was all out of batteries. any ideas? thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • good music?

    looking for foriegn songs like idan raichel's "mima'amakim"...anything soothing to the soul :] please and thank you

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • santa monica's shutter on the beach wedding?$$?

    MY sister is planning to get married next summer, and is considering the shutter. has anyone ever wed there?? i know its expensive but how pricey is it?eveyrthing from the main event, reception and catering?thanks lots :]

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • what do you do when...?

    an ex you're really trying to be friends with ( argues all the time) says that every single time that you've ever apologized to someone you didnt mean it ?

    :: i obviously got offended and mad-cause he doesnt have the right to say that to anyone. over reacting? or enough is enough?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • wanna hear sad love story? (family friend)?

    when the woman was 17, living in cambodia, the communists killed her whoel family, ended up living wiht her aunt who had 6+ kids, forced to clean and cook. her neighbor tricks her to marrying a ex communist man. ends up have daughter #1. they move to thailand, then escape to america. ends having 3 girls total, husband = bad and uses all welfare # to gamble. ends up renting a apartment from man's ( mas has 4 years in medical school) aunt. then one day woman refuses to give $$ to guy becuase she needs it for the 3 kids, he puts a long knife under the bed, says " when i come back at 12 you better give it or ill kill all of you" .. she calls the cops they find knife and arrests him. the man feels sorry for her, he helps take care of her and her kids, she gets pregnant w/ him. hides it from the aunt for 7 months. when discovered, she yells saying his mom left him with her to make sure he finsihes med school. she tells him "you can get married after she gets an aborption". and so she does.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • possible for aunt to lose mind?

    my aunt has been going through rough patches. husband left home, 2sons under 18 got arrested for the sell of marijuana, and on top of that the husband and her only daughter left to viet

    what happened:

    my mom and i go to her house... shes totally blank, dark puffy eyes, in her room just pacing, and pacing, no contact or verbal

    .. my mom and another friend tell her im her neice and im tlkaing to her, she looks at me, not saying a word..

    i go on about whatever i can, then 2 mins later she steps two feet away.. looks at me like imma stranger and doesnt know me...

    shes very quiet, continues pacing. one son tells her he loves her etc that hes a a good boy etc, she has somewhat of a response..tells him to get some sleep..

    later on thorugh the night we're all still there tryign to talk to her, give massages.. and one point she doesnt even know her son, she asks him who he is. and its NO JOKE seriously, i was freaking scared. could it be possible to stress so much for that?

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • new windows vista + dell, a scam?

    my sister and her boyfriend had recently purchased a brand new dell-where windows vista is the primary program for internet explorer. and apparently there is a virus called "spylock" and what it does is, it keeps restarting windows explorer, has a pop up window stating that it needs to restart and it occurs every 5 secs.

    you cant open control panel/programs, or anything else because of that as well.

    so i searched online and foudn out that many others had the same similar problem. "spylock is a spyware that automatically downloads onto your comp" and apparently to get it removed, people have to go to dell and pay a fee.

    my theory is, dell is the villian behind it to earn extra cash since windows vista has not been as successful as they had hope. what do you guys think?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • monroe's modivated sequence?

    speech class, please help with ideas to go for..

    topic: pursuade people to use hand sanitizer.

    or outline ideas pleasee

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Boredddd in class...make me laugh?

    started a new comp tech class, not willingly. had to take it to go with my computerized acct. bookeeping class ><

    teacher : " this is a 3.5 diskette, this is where the label goes"

    its from 6-9:30 pm.................and all chatting is blocked!

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • to smoke or not to smoke?

    if i made a promise to my ex (while together)

    i wouldnt smoke with other guys..

    should i keep my word ...since its my word?

    or not care since we're suppose to be "best friends"

    but he sucks at being a friend?

    11 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • monitor doesn't work, only blinks green light?? help?

    so my cpu and monitor is all plugged in etc. if i leave for a period of time, my monitor wont turn on. i dont know why because it's "on" and all it does is flash a green light. in order for me to have it funtioning normally i have to plug everything in and out over and over. help please anyone??

    5 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • full ep. of O.C. online?

    ive never watched the OC before, but i recently started too since soap. net started to play it from the first season. but i missed a couple of epsiodes..anyone know where i can go to watch it online for free w/o dowloading if possiblee?

    1 AnswerTelevision1 decade ago