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  • why do people still confess to priests?

    when Christ died on the cross the veil of the temple that seperated man from God was torn in two. this was God telling us that we no longer need a mediator between us and him. for you to go to another person and ask forgiveness of your sins against God is wrong. all christians are equal no one is higher than another here on earth.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what is with all this talk of enlightenment lately?

    God is the true enlightenment. put your faith in him and you will see the world a new way. your eyes will be opened.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what is going on with our country, why has the christian voice been silenced?

    i heard on the radio today about how some states are making it mandatory for schools to make a special room for muslims to go and pray five time a day. but the same schools will not let you in if you have anything to do with christ showing, clothes, bibles, stuff like that.

    i also heard places like frisco and santacruz are making the kids know the five fundamentals of islam before they are allowed to graduate. this is making me sick. why have we allowed them to choke us out.

    im not bashing any political party, but i think we need to watch those who are running in the next election to see if they are going to be fair, or if they already have an agenda

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • what is going on with our country, why has the christian voice been silenced?

    i heard on the radio today about how some states are making it mandatory for schools to make a special room for muslims to go and pray five time a day. but the same schools will not let you in if you have anything to do with christ showing, clothes, bibles, stuff like that.

    i also heard places like frisco and santacruz are making the kids know the five fundamentals of islam before they are allowed to graduate. this is making me sick. why have we allowed them to choke us out. every day we continue to let this happen we bring Gods wrath closer to us.

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • are you as amazed as me?

    i wrote a question earlier about jesus and went to work, when i got home i had an email telling me that it had been erased cause it was inappropriate. i can't beleive how far our nation has slipped. i know the muslim questions won't be erased because it wouldn't be "P.C.". seperation of church and state was set up to keep the state out of the churches buisness, not the other way around. this is why the wrath of God is brewing and the ungodly will be spewed out of his mouth.

    i just want all of you who post evil things against God, to know that you are light weights. he has converted far worse people than you. some of you better get ready cause he has his eyes on you. it wont be too long before your praising his name along with me. i pray for you all that none of you will be left behind.

    to all of you that love God, bless you and may God have his way in your life.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • the time is getting short, do you want to perish?

    one day every knee will bow at the foot of Jesus. God will throw all Muslims and Mohamed, atheists, pagans, heathens, Buddhists, and the dali lamma into the lake of fire. all those who have not repented of their sins will be throw in. all those who have set themselves up as gods and their folowers will be thrown in.

    you can escape this eternity in hell very simply, just accept jesus today

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • a little change of heart?

    steve the croc hunter was a great guy. it's so weird to think he's gone now. i didn't like his politics but does it even matter anymore, this was a cool guy and he's gone now. i started to wonder if he had christ in his life, and i thought, i would give anything for him to be saved and go to heaven. then i started to think about my time here in yahoo Q&A.

    i wonder if i have changed even one persons mind with all my petty bickering about politics. for every website i post about democrats, a democrat posts one about republicans. i have made more enemys than freinds i'm afraid.

    God already knew who was going to be pres. before they were born, what can i say to change that.

    i could be dead tomorrow and be standing before God, and have to give an account of what i've done with my life. i think im going to leave the politics to you guys, to those i have offended i am sorry. i'm going to keep my focus on Christ

    this is onefatwhiteguy signing off

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • just wanted to say good bye to steve?

    even though he was a huge lib i still loved that guy. when i was bored and flippen channels he would always bring a smile to my face. i would watch his show over anything on t.v. i feel terrible for his wife and kids, if any of you out there are into praying can you say one for the family of the croc hunter

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • are the democrats responsible for sabotaging America?

    they want the terrorists to have the same rights as we do.

    they don't want us to win

    they get happy when troops die, cause bush looks bad

    they did away with the wire tapping that clinton started, but when clinton did it it was ok.

    they go to arab countries and give speaches saying bush started wars cause he doesn't like muslims

    they don't want the patriot act

    they cut the troops funding

    they want to cut and run/surrender

    they want to impeach bush, but two thirds of the democrats voted yes on going into iraq

    all of this sounds like treason to me, God help america if they regain power

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • im a little confused, can you help me?

    Christ said "no man comes to the father but by me." why do the catholics think Mary will save them, and the mormons think Joseph smith will save them?

    they might have been good people, well one of them anyways, but they don't have saving power. Mary needed to put her faith in Christ the same as we do

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • rebuild new orleans?

    I'm going to pose a great contradiction, if you can figure it out first i will give you ten points. if liberals are for returning "mother earth" to it's original state why do they want to rebuild new orleans so badly, why not leave it bare? i've talked with many liberals that tell me we were never meant to build buildings or drive cars, that the earth needs to be natural like it was before man

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • liberals only want to regain power, truth no longer matters?

    when confronted by the truth the liberal agenda becomes clear win back power by any means necessary. they do not care about you or your family. if you show them their lie they try and slip out of it through more lies. liberals hate america and everything good about it. if they regain power God help us.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • why doesn't the media give America the truth?

    i think the media should tell America the truth. they should show these quotes and make the democrats answer to them. why can't we get some honesty? if the republicans did any thing like these flip flopping democrats did, the media would want to bring back death by firing squad. I'm begging for justice and equality. do we need to have another civil war to get some justice?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • check out these awsome quotes john skerry found? im not trying to steal your stuff but the short memory democrats need to be reminded of this stuff.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • i think it's time for a big change?

    i think it would be a great idea to make some changes in who is able to take office. i would like to see future canidates pass a difficult test that would include: common since, morality, decision making, and strong convictions.

    i would like these people to be so smart that they could fix our debt and social securety with out even breking a sweat. they would love God and family and put their lives on the line for what they belive.their pay would be low so those who truly cared for america would take the job.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • why do we spend so much for social programs?

    i am a contractor in California and I've recently been working in some section 8 apartments. the people that live there are very nice people and also very poor, my heart went out to them. i can see why a lot of people feel we should dump tons of government money into places like this, but i don't think it's the right thing to do.

    im a christian first then a regan conservative. jesus said helping the poor, orphans, and children is true religon. i feel it's the churches job to feed and house these people through the donations of its members out of a servants heart.

    the government should not be in these neighborhoods because free money produces crime, a lack of strong work ethic and character. it is also generationaly binding. if you give an animal free food all the time it will eventualy become lazy and will not find its own food. if you then remove the food the animal dies. do you understand?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • i'm getting very nervous about the election.?

    are the american people so war weary that they will vote the democrats in. if they are tired of war now wait until the democrats get in and the war comes to our home soil.

    i've never seen a more power hungry bunch than the democrats. they have done nothing but try and ruin america since bush got in. they did away with the wire tapping which bill clinton started, they don't want the patriot act or any thing else that keeps us safe. they want to cut and run, to let the terrorists to regroup. they got rid of liberman, who votes liberal 90 percent of the time, because he wanted to keep us safe.

    i can go on but why, the concrete headed liberals will never listen. they hate bush and americans.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • what is with all you stupid liberals?

    why do you want these terrorists to have all these special rights? were at war with them. what about the rights of the people they are trying to kill. i think there are a few liberals that died in 9/11 that i would bet money, would have a different out look on the war and the president if they survived. you liberals don't care about the terrorists, you just hate bush. you don't even care about your fellow American, if you did you would want these terrorists dead.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • did you know george bush is a child of God.?

    he has put his faith in Christ. im just throwing this out for all of you bush haters out there. if your a christian but you hate your brother your in danger of hell fire. i know he has a few problems, but who is perfect enough to throw the first stone?

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago