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Favorite Answers24%

being rewritten to cash in on the best fictional writers can come up with. subjects include, rocket scientist bum on the street how i bought my noble prize i was a millionaire it should be good reading, i'm looking forward what i did, as soon as it gets written

  • what is the best software to archive a library?

    i have a library of 26 books that i need to archive on disk.  what is the best software to do this.   

    i have a 12 volume set of medical books on a single CD, so i know the software exists, i just don't know what it is.

    can you assist me?

    i'm not looking for cloud storage as i travel and not every place has internet.

    1 AnswerSoftware2 months ago
  • i have a question about cosmology and life, can anyone answer it?

    consider, you have a lifeless planet and now you have life. i think it was Carl Sagan who postulated that life must evolve in whatever environment it finds itself, but we don't see that when tested

    5 AnswersBiology4 years ago
  • anyone having problems with H R block tax software?

    your thoughts please

    such as it does not deliver until it updates at some random date?

    1 AnswerSoftware5 years ago
  • after many years of exploring everything i can i know much more than most people i come in contact with, so here is my question?

    as much as i know, i know that the level of what i know is very remiss of the larger picture

    when you make an important decision, such as the existence of God, or personal sin in your life, or an eternal judgment you are taking in all that you know.

    i ask you to be honest.... do you really think that you have all the information that exists?

    this is not to accuse, it is to ask, do you really have enough information to make a decision that carries eternity as the choice

    (please do not attack what is said to those who feel they must do this. i have recently started new studies in a feild of science which is physics at a level few ever even know about. i call it black magic as it works, it is best guess work, and it is a mix of physics, chemistry and the brain trust working these one alive can answer all the questions in this feild, so be nice)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • am i the only one that logs into email and immediately has to watch another commerical advertisment to log in?

    i have grown very tired of having to log in repeatedly to read emails when I just logged in mere seconds before

    anyone else going to start using a different email

    yahoo is so messed up I see no reason to continue using it

    your thoughts?

    4 AnswersPassword and Sign In7 years ago
  • how do you remove apps from windows 8 computers?

    tried removing this through the remove programs window but the trash apps I want gone are not listed.

    such as weather app

    getting rid of this trash would be helpful, on startup I was not given a chance to opt out of the junk

    4 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • is yahoo trying to run users of away from themselves?

    i have yahoo email and have always liked the service, however it has become such a nightmare that I am looking for a better (any) service (not gmail, I don't like that one either)

    what makes me use is that I have email here. before excite trashed their site, I used exite almost exclusively then switched to yahoo where I have been for almost 10 years now, maybe 11.

    anybody got a clue what has caused management at yahoo to lose all sense of business ????

    3 AnswersYahoo Shopping7 years ago
  • yahoo answers are equally bad?

    I am using answer for the first time since some lunatic changed everything up,

    I am pretty much done with this

    anyone else dumping answers, as well as the email as I am about to do as soon as I write my contacts?

    would like to hear from you

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • any one going to drop yahoo email?

    the new email is horrid,

    is anyone else looking for a better email and going to abandon yahoo?

    I am looking as it is crap, if I wanted something as useless as google I would use google email

    would like to hear from others on this

    10 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • is the president brain dead?

    north korea is and has been for many years a problem. given the new threats and the president attending fund raising campains and working for a new speaker of the house, (and i do believe he is a muslim faithful) is this president also brain dead to the threat of his fellow faithful overseas.

    i note that in islam, it is okay to take any stand, the outcome is not based on the way it is gotten.

    (my words, not others in the above)

    this country was bought at the price of men and women who wanted freedom and believed that self governing peoples who did right as they are free to do, would make our country great.

    i do not see a free people anymore and i see a president that i think is ignorant if not stupid

    i only ask for honest answers here,

    lets have an open dialog and not hit the report button.......

    ya, i spent 24 years in the military risking all to give you the right to speak, please exercise that right and do not be PC

    4 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • are you with me on a boycott of applebees for the month of febuary?

    a waitress was tipped zero, by a paster who said, god asks for 10 percent (obviously ignornant), and she was fired

    will you stand with me to boycott applebees for the month of feburary

    i like a lot of what they have, but if they are so annoyed over snubbing a servant to waits tables they do not need my money are you with me?

    3 AnswersOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • i am trying to identify a flower, any help here?

    the flower comes from a bulb, about the size of a duck egg, placing wide (about 1 inch) leaves that are flat, strait and stand about 1 foot tall, not unlike most lillies do.

    the thing puts up many leaves in the early spring while the freezing weather is still hitting, and then dies off.

    mid jun or early july, it will put up a single stalk and there have several flowers (no leaves) and then it dies off until the next winter/spring when it puts up leaves

    the flower has the typical lilly petal combination, it is a very light blue with a vigorus silver sheen to it.

    so far, all the website helps with flower photos i have not been able to find it

    go any clues?

    thanks in advance

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • anything new in the theology of evolution?

    if life started randomly or if it was created as the evidence supports, life is theological

    in the off chance i have missed something since dawkins died that proves life just started when the best scientist with the best tools cant make it happen i would like to know. i was talking to someone the other day and proved butterflies are the random offspring of spiders as they were born to spiders and try often to find their way home proven by the fact you will sometimes find them in spider webs. the only explaination. (grasping at straws? no, just observing the evidence and following the money to a conclusion)

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • do dogs have mental telepathic powers, here is the question?

    i read dogs have telepathic powers

    i tested this out, i took my dog outside and thought car, as he looked at me, he ran to the car

    reaching the car, i told him i had read he could read the masters mind, all dogs can,

    he looked at me and in a disgusted tone replied, "you idiot, you have the car keys in your hand"

    you agree a dog can read the master/mistress' mind?

    i think they can

    i believe this as my dog is a horrid liar sometimes

    6 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • have you studied the evidence for a resurrection of the dead?

    this is easter, the day the Christ rose from the dead,

    there is excellent proof he did,

    those who have actually studied it do not refute this, and i mean atheist

    what are your views,

    please, no thumbs down, no reporting answers, lets talk like adults, disagreeing perhaps, but still open dialog

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • abuse from a boss, how do you deal with it?

    how do you deal withwork place abuse

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • wild hog problem, anyone finding good solutions?

    in the area that i am in, they are having hog round ups with prizes for the most hogs, largest hog and so forth, as well as shooting them on site but the infestation is continuing to grow at a fast rate. I read that the attempts to limit reproduction with chemically treated foods was not working but i am wondering if others are finding working solutions to reducing the population from sinking ship rat numbers to residual background numbers.

    thanks in advance,

    i will leave this open to voting

    3 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • if god is real, how do you image god to be?

    my idea of what God is, exceeds my mental ability to understand his righteous nature, his holinature and such, what would you concieve God to be like if he exists

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • non christian scholars agree Jesus rose from the dead, read on?

    non christian scholars who set out to disprove the resurrection have come to the conclusion that Jesus did rise from the dead, some become christians, some do not, , my responses from a previous post was that these were red herrings, (C.S. Lewis, is one of them) who came to consider the truth of the resurrection,

    another reply i got was it was 2000 years ago, how can we know,

    rome did not exists by that last answer, and evolution is far older

    to those who chose to respond, how do you chose truth that you believe?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago