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Cato Says "Kalamaloo"
So here it is....I'm a young and free Aussie girl and damn proud of it... I'm 21 and will be 22 in a month.. I'm getting so old hehe... I live with my gorgeous boyfriend and our baby (puppy)... I work full time as a receptionist at a senior college and study communications full time by correspondence... I love anything to do with animals, music, movies, my friends, my family or the beach.... I'm a water baby for sure... I have two motto's in life... No one can make you feel inferior without your consent... And fall down seven times get up eight... I've fallen down enough to know how to pull myself back up... Anything I can help people with I will... I might not be an expert on things but kind and helpful words never go astray...
Will a two and a half year old Tom Cat that has just been de-sexed still wander?
Because he was two and a half when he got de-sexed, will he continue to wander?
3 AnswersCats10 years agoI think I should break up with my boyfriend?
My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 and a half years, and we have been very happy. He recently went overseas for a month and a half and he will be back on the 22nd of June. I have been feeling unhappy in the relationship for a while, but before he left to go overseas I had never felt more in love with him. I cried for a week before and then after he left. I have gotten used to him not being here though, and I Skype with him almost every night but I'm not really missing him.
I kind of feel like maybe I was just bored in the relationship before he left, but then I realized how much I love him. I suffer from an anxiety disorder and I hate change, so I think maybe I'm just freaking about him coming home again?
We don't live together, I live with my parents, and he wants to move in together when he gets back. So I think maybe I am just freaking about that and am thinking I'm not happy.
What do I do? Should I wait a while after he gets back and see how I feel? Do you think I don't love him anymore?
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow many days after cutting out caffeine before you suffer withdrawl?
I was drinking up to 350mg a day of caffeine and I was suffering heart palpitations. My doctor advised me to drop my intake to 1 cup of coffee a day, which I did today. I'm just wondering how long it should be before I start feeling the affects of caffeine withdrawl?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWill eating over my calorie allowance one day a week make me gain weight?
I normally try and keep my calorie intake to around 1300 a day.... But today I have eaten KFC and my calorie intake has rocketed up to 1800.... Will this one day make me gain weight if I go straight back to my normal diet tomorrow?
11 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoStrange shortness of breath same time every year?
Every year around February/March for about a month I get a strange shortness of breath. It is like I can't take a full deep breath and I am constantly yawning. It's odd because otherwise throughout the year my breathing is fine. Any ideas what it might be and why it only occurs for this short period of time??
3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade agoTongue piercing and the dentist?
I have my tongue pierced and am going to visit the dentist. I'm just wondering if I need to take the piercing out before I go, or can I leave it in?
3 AnswersDental1 decade agoHow many Fantail goldfish per tank?
I currently have 3 smallish sized Fantails in my 40 liter tank and I was wondering how many could live comfortably in that sized tank? The tank is filtered.
I have read that this species are happier in larger groups.
8 AnswersFish1 decade agoSweet, Yellow Vegetable in Nori Rolls?
What is that crunchy, yellow vege that is in vegetable Nori Rolls? It tastes sweet and sort of like it is pickled?
2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade agoSmelly Menstrual Flow?
I have had vaginal itchy for about a week, and then my period began. I had some watery discharge for about a day before my period. I still have some minor itching and my menstrual flow is very smelly. Could the odour be a sign of yeast infection?
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoItchy vagina!!!! Driving me cccccccrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzyyyyyyyy?
For the last week I have had some serious itching around my vaginal opening! It comes and goes during the day and is pretty much gone at night. It is worse when I am sitting rather than standing or lying down. Also, my period smells quite strong this month and not at all pleasant! The bleeding is no heavier than normal, it just smells a bit strange.
I had some watery discharge just before my period began, but it didn't have an odor.
What might this be? Could it simply just be itchiness?
5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoHairballs in Rabbit... Home remedies?
So my bunny has some weakness in his back legs. I have taken him to the vet where they ran tests and checked him for diabetes, kidney & liver damage which were all eventually ruled out so they concluded that it was an injury to his back. They gave him a shot of cortizone to help with pain and inflamation.
That was a week ago and he is still very weak and wobbly. I have also noticed he is pooing a lot less and they poo's are smaller then they used to be.
His legs are bald like he has been licking them so I am wondering if he may have a blockage in the gut from excess hair?
He is still eating and drinking and hopping about.
I read online that pineapple and papaya are good for loosening blockages but he absolutley hates fruit and sweet things.
Are there any other remedies?
7 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoHole in tooth with fragments falling off?
I have a hole in one of my teeth that is getting bigger. I am on a waiting list to get into the dentist. I bit into a onion ring the other day and one of the crumbs from the breading went up into the hole in my tooth and hurt a lot. I managed to get it out but later that night a small fragment of my tooth came out. Then the next day an even smaller fragment fell out. It doesn't hurt at all! I am worried because the tooth is at the front of my mouth so if it deteriorate any quicker I will have a gap!
My question is, will the dentist fill a tooth that is falling apart or just extract it? I really don't want it pulled! Also, how quickly will the tooth disintergrate??
1 AnswerDental1 decade agoArthritis in Rabbit? Could this be the problem?
Over the last 2 days my bunnies back legs seem to have gone a little lame. He was hopping around fine a week ago, but a few days ago I noticed he jumped then sort of tripped and fell onto his side. It looks kind of like his leg is asleep. He can hop around quite normally and then his legs seem to go jelly like. It seems to mainly affect his left leg, but occasionally it seem to trouble his right side. The furn over his legs and hips is thinning like he has been licking it a lot, and his skin is very warm to touch like there is some inflammation.
He is eating, drinking and pooping normally and seems quite bright and alert he just isn't moving around a lot.
He is five years old.
It has been quite humid here lately and I know that can affect arthritis.
Could this be arthritis?
I couldn't get him into a vet today, but he seem healthy other than the legs. I will be taking him tomorrow.
1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade agoMy Rabbit's left back leg seems lame?
My Bunny is having trouble hopping and standing on his back left leg. At the moment he is hopping around my room and he seems fine and is hopping ok, but then he seems to have trouble turning on his leg and it seems a little lame.
He is five years old and he has been healthy his whole life. He is still eating and drinking as normal.
Also, his skin on his legs is red and very warm and the hair seems to be falling out, sort of like he has licked his legs alot.
The vets are closed right now but I will be taking him tomorrow.
Any ideas what might have caused this?
5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoMy Bunny seems to have lost the use of his left back leg?
My bunny went to hop out of his cage and it appears that his back left leg is lame. He can't seem to stand on it kind of like it is asleep. Also, his fur over his hips and his legs is thinning and his skin seems very warm to touch over these spots.
He has been fine up until now.
He is 5 years old and is still eating and drinking like normal so I don't think he is in pain, it's just like his leg is numb.
The vets are closed right now and I plan on taking him tomorrow I'm just worried about him and am wondering if anyone might have any idea what could be wrong??
2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoAlcohol Poisoning & now feeling depressed and anxious?
I was hospitalized with alcohol poisoning four days ago, my blood alcohol was .3 and I was almost comatose. I am well aware that it was completely my fault and that it can all be put down to utter stupidity, so there is no need to remind me of that.
Ever since I sobered up the next day I have been really anxious and have an overwhelming feeling of depression. I just want to sleep and I don't want to do anything.
I take antidepressants already and suffer from anxiety, but I just can't seem to shake this overwhelming feeling of sadness.
Is this usual of alcohol poisoning?
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoAlcohol Poisoning no stomach pump?
I was admitted to the emergency room a few days ago with alcohol poisoning, but the doctor didn't pump my stomach. They just monitored my heart rate and put me on a drip.
I keep reading that when you are being treated for alcohol poisoning the first thing they do is pump your stomach.
I had already been vomiting continuously for about 30 minutes before arriving at the hospital. Is that why they didn't bother because I had gotten everything out already??
Just curious.
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoYour experiences with alcohol poisoning?
So I have just had a very bad experience with alcohol poisoning which ended with me in hospital on an IV. I am not sure what happened because I don't remember drinking enough to put me in a hospital bed.
I was vomiting uncontrollably, i didn't recognise my own family, i was flailing my arms around like a crazy person and dropping in and out of consciousness.
My blood alcohol content was .3 but I just don't remember drinking enough to make me THAT drunk.
Has anyone else out there had a similar experience? If so, how long until you felt "normal" and like yourself again afterwards.
Please no sarcastic answers because I am genuinely upset by this whole thing.
5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoSubletting property in Victoria Australia?
My boyfriends sister and her fiance decided to move in with her mother and leave the lease 3 months early... So my boyfriend and i moved into the house to run out the lease for the 3 months... We pay rent to his sister who in turn pays it to the real estate agent... I understand that this is illegal but we have never missed a payment and have actually made various improvements around the house.... So we've just found out that his other estranged sister has told the real estate agent that the property is subleased.... What kind of proof do they need to evict??I mean they need proof to evict so what can they use? they can't evict just on hearsay... The electricity was changed into my name (dumb I know) but can they use that as proof of sublet? If we deny and so does the sister can they really prove it and evict?? Cause we have nowhere else to go so I'm a bit worried!
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoSide effects on Yasmin?
Anyone had any side effects on Yasim
I have been tired, stomach cramps, dizziness and a general feeling of wierdness...
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago