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After job interview, what isnt employer calling?
I wanted your opinion on this. I interviewed for this job and I met the team on the 1st interview and they all liked me and sent me to the 2nd round of interviews. After the 2nd round, I met 2 higher up members and I had a good vibe throughtout the interviews. The next day, the hiring manager emails me to fill out a job employment form and conviction history form as well as provide 3 references and the manager would be in touch the following week. I emailed him the end of the 1st week and he told me he was out sick and no decisions have been made yet and he would email me the following week to let me know. It's been 2.5 weeks now and still I have not heard any word. What is going on here? It seems like they all liked me at first and is this his way of telling me I am not going to get it? What should I do? I have emailed him once already and dont want to seem like a pest. I dont mind getting a rejection as I can move on, but why hasnt he let me know what is happening? Am I like a backup person and they have a #1 person in mind? I really dont get why he would ask for references after the final interview. Also, I called 1 of my references and she told me no one has contacted her.
thank you for all your responses, have a wonderful day.
2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years agoGirls I need your opinion...Is this girl being fake towards me?
Here's the story. So this co-worker of mine when I 1st started working at this new job 1 year ago, we would hang out a lot at work in the begining, i.e coffee breaks, emailing, and occasional lunches. She wanted to be more than friends, but I said I wasnt sure yet cuz I just started working there. Also, I got her a gift as a friend on her b-day. So she starts dating another guy and we both stop communicating with each other for 4 months. She always tells me she always busy and that understandable so I stop going out on breaks with her. It just gets ugly and we totally ignore each other and I have done nothing wrong. I did not know this, but a co worker told me she broke up with that guy see was seeing, then she asks this other female co worker I was working with "are we dating and does she like me, which is very strange. My b-day is comes up and the week before she apologizes to me and says she sorry for ignoring me and etc. I accept it and says I dont wanna leave things as they are and she says I'd take u out for lunch, but I am very busy, we can just do coffee. I agree. Everyone in the office knows we have made up, so a month later, I find out from other people in the office that she organized a b-day lunch for everyone's b-day's that were the last month and the upcoming month, but I am not invited. All the other co workers asked and said we were surprised you werent on the email or there, but they kept their mouths shut. I been playing it cool as if I know nothing. Also to note, before the lunch, she saw me with a group of my old female co worker friends I was hanging out with at an event that I was at the week before. But I did say hi and acknowlegde her. So my question ladies, what is wrong? I thought everything is cool, and we made up. They whole apology was fake right? She only did that cuz' I got her something on her b-day right? My take is she fooling me and she still have ugly feelings inside her, but y does she wanna know who I was dating. All this is really confusing.
Thanks for your responses ladies, have a great day!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoNeed some girl advice.?
I would only like women to respond.
Ok, here's the situation. I started a new job and this girl co-worker was helping me alot by training me and showing me what to do at the new job. We started to hang out alot on breaks alot, get coffee, and lunch. We would also text alot and email each other. Since I was still getting to know her, she asked me to be more than just friends and I wasnt sure yet since i was new there and i have reservations dating a coworker, so we decided to stay the way we are. So a month later I decide ask her to become more than friends with her but she is seeing a guy, so the conversation turns into lets just be friends then, which I thought was genuine. She seemed ok with that too. So then, after that conversation we dont even speak for 2.5 months, we ignore each other at all costs. She doesnt want to go on breaks and when she sees me she tries to avoid me. I get the evil eye and everything. For me, its just a girl and I am fine if we don't ever talk again. So recently, she starts being nice to me again and trying to talk to me, but I strictly make it just work related as I was bothered by the friends conversation we had, which was complete lies. So girls, what is going on? Why all of a sudden she wants to talk to me again, when I am made to be the jerk/******. I don't get it. I keep everything courteous and acknowledge her back when she talks to me, but I keep it strictly work related as to not fall into this emotional trap with her again. What is really her intentions? To see if I will bite again?
thanks ladies! Have a wonderful day!
6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoGirls I need your advice...Why is she acting this way & will we ever be the same again? Are we still friends?
Hi Girls! I need your advice. Please tell me what she is thinking, is she mad or just doesnt want to talk to me anymore. So I work with the female co worker and we really hit it off. She was really into me. We would hang out on breaks and go to lunch together and email each other everyday and we even started texting each other and talking alot for like 1 month. After 1 of our lunch breaks, she asked if we can be more than just friends and and I told her I wasnt sure it was a good idea yet and I hesistated and wanted to find more about her. She told me she didnt want to pressure me into doing something I didnt want. So after that talk we were still hanging out and stuff. So 1 month later, I asked her about that conversation we had and I was ready to be more than friends and would like to see her more. She told me she couldn't anymore since she was dating someone else. So we talked about being just again and she seemed ok with it and I told her I wouldn't get in the way of her new bf. Now at work, she is avoiding me, ignoring my emails, and doesnt even want to talk to me at all. What has happened? Did I hurt her feelings? What is she feeling? Did I say something wrong? Was the friends conversation bogus? It's like I am a bad guy now, but we never even really went on a date yet. What should I do? I was told not to go out of my way to see her or talk to her. If she wants to talk to me, let her come to me. But I guess we will never talk to each other again. I heard she even said some negative stuff about me from another female coworker, like I dont know anything about relationships and etc. It sounds like she bitter about something and her pride is hurt.
thank you for the advice!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoGirls, need your advice! What did I do wrong or didn't?
Here is the story. I started a new job last year and work with this co-worker and we hit it off initally. Her best friend co-worker 1 day came to me and wanted me to date her so that's how we started talking more. For the 1st 3 months, we started talking about relationships and dating and what she likes and her hobbies were and what I like and etc. We were both totally attracted to each other and let each other know about our feelings at that time. I even asked her if she would be my date for my friend's wedding in a few months. She accepted. Next she wanted to know if this could be more than a work relationship and I told her I didnt think it be a good idea yet if we did and I wasnt ready for it yet. She said ok, I dont want to pressure you into anything, so take your time. After this, we were still hanging out on work breaks and lunches and we were still chatting everyday texting on a daily basis for another 1 and a half. I tried to ask her out, but she became really busy and canceled on me once, which I didnt think much of. So 2 weeks ago, I noticed a change, she didnt seem very responsive to my emails/texts and didnt want to really hang out on breaks anymore. Then I texted her what she's been up to lately, how are things going and she told me she was at the movies with someone said she couldnt respond right away cuz she was on a motorcycle. So my question is, my friend's wedding is coming up, does it mean she will some how not go? I know it's cuz' she dating another guy and that's why I am being ignored, but I am concerned cuz' that her name is on the reservation and I will be left without a date and I told my friend that's getting married that I will be there with someone. Girls, is she trying to make me jealous? I think she is, but that doesnt bother me at this point. I know she's dropping me hints and ignoring me recently to try to let me know she doesnt want to hang out.
She's probaly not interested in me anymore right? But what about this wedding we are going to. I know I probaly acted to slow in asking her out and it is what it is. So girls, what should I do now? Act normal like I dont care? I hope whoever she is dating is what she wants. I just didnt think I was the right guy for her in the long run and it probaly would have ended bad, that's my opinion.
thank you for all your answers and have a wonderful day!
4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoNeck pain and tiredness & cognitive dysfunction problem?
Please someone tell me what is wrong? Last 7 days, I been experiencing neck pain and I have been feeling really tired lately. It so hard for me to concentrate and I feel like i need to lie down or fall over sometimes. My neck pain doesnt seem to be going away. I also feel some pressure in my neck and lower head area. I am a male in my late 20s and have had hyperthyroidism in the past, had that treated but overall healthy, normal cholestrol and etc. Could this be hypothyroidism, or some sort of infection i have?
thanks for the responses. I will consult with my MD soon, but want to know what people think.
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoWhat is the name of this song?
I need help with this song I heard on the radio. It was on SF 92.7rev.
I wrote this song...lay your heart next to mine. It must be new and sounds alternative.
Does anyone know the name?
thank you!!!
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade agoHypethyroidism question?
I'm a 24 year-old male and just be diagnosed with this thyroid disease and I have been started on 4-6 weeks course with the drug tapazole. I actually started on it like 3 days ago. How long doese it take for my symptoms to resolve? The insomnia and the frequent perspiration. Also, when I see in a month, my MD recommended the radioactive idoine treatment and I will need to talk to him about scheduling the ablation since he says there's a higher relaspe rate in men for this disease taking the tapazole drugs. Should I opt for this and how long for my symptoms to go away? I am tired of feeling miserable all the time.
6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoDo you think UCLA has the worst offensive talent in this year's NCAA tourney?
It's painful to watch this team and I choose them in my bracket to go to final 4 and lose to Florida. They remind me of the NBA NY knicks team in the 90s where they only play defense. But sooner or later you need to score. If I was playing against UCLA as an opponent, I'd be so pissed off and frustrated. If anyone likes to watch low scoring NCAA games, WATCH UCLA! I wonder what the odds of them winning the whole thing is.
2 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoWho's the greatest defensive flopper of all time in the NBA?
I can remember Arvydas Sabonis against Shaq & Vlade Divacs against Shaq. I know David robinson did it a few times too. I always found it interesting that these 250 lb centers fall to the floor that easily. It was hillarious watching it back then. James Posey does it a lot too nowadays and it gets really annoying.
16 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoApplying for a creditline increase?
My question is that I want to consolidate my total 8000 debt onto one credit card by asking for an increase in my lower APR credit card which is 5.99%, but they keep denying it. They keep saying I have too much revolving credit. If I payoff one of my lower credit card, which I am about to do soon for about $4000, and ask for a credit increase will they give it to me? Also if I pay off all the 8000 debt and ask for an increase, will the credit card companies give me the increase right away? I've had these credit cards for almost 4 years now. I just never understood credit increases.
3 AnswersCredit1 decade agoThyroid problem or what?
Any health care professional that knows what's wrong or have any suggestions. I'm a 24 year old male that has been having insomnia and heat intolerance problems for about 1.5 year. I've been sweating a bit more than usual during the day if I am at work sitting down or even standing in line at the store. Even on cold days.This is mainly during the day and I seem to have difficulty sleeping every night. I am fatigued sometimes, but it's hard for me to even go to sleep. I've asked several people and they told me I may have a thyroid problem. Is that what it is or can it be something else. I've have a blood test concerning hepatitis panels & STDs and they all came back normal. Any ideas on remedies or what I am suffering from, please let me know.thanks!
3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agoDoes anyone think Bin Laden & his crew will be attacking the US homeland again soon?
I am sure that they are planning something and if he hasn't attacked yet again, does this mean GEORGE BUSH is actually doing his job on terror? BUSH does say ever since 9/11 there hasn't been any attacks on the US homeland, so what's going on? Or is this a timing issue with the terrorist?
26 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoThis is a hypothetical question about the China, Taiwan, Koreas, & the Asian peninsula there.?
When China does take back Taiwan, does anyone think this will create a domino effect in the Asian peninsula there? How likely is this of happening soon? Will N. Korea get invovled which will invovle S. Korea & Japan. Also would if the US tried to invade N. Korea, would China come to it's aid?
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoIf Arnold Schwarzenegger were able to run for president in 2008, realistically, would he win?
I always wanted to know if the terminator did run for prez, would he win? He is a more moderate Republican and would it be like Ronald Reagan back then?
50 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDoes anyone think the Lakers will trade for Kevin Garnett? What's the chances of this happening?
It's obvious if the Lakers want to go deep into the postseason, Kobe will need some help. Kobe's no MJ, but he needs a sidekick, like when MJ had Scottie Pippen. Will the Lakers every return to the championship?
16 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoWhich time NFL teams do you think has the "UGLIEST UNIFORMS"? Now and back then?
People told me the old Tampa Bay BUCs logo was hideous, the orange with the pirate face with a knife in his mouth. Also the old New England Patriots logo, with the patriot hiking the ball. Any other thoughts?
19 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade agoWhy do the SF Giants always trade for offensive hitters every year?
I am a big Giants fan, but I am sick & tired of the stupid GM idiot we have Brian Sabean. He always trades for hitters and he should be thinking about defense, especially our pitching. The bottom line is our pitching sucks, we got no relievers & no closer. Benitez? He freaking weak, that guy can't save nothing.
6 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago