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  • Are there any other options for a cat with fatty liver syndrome?

    My cat stopped eating, so I took her to the vet, and she was diagnosed with fatty liver syndrome. I've been feeding her by hand, and I took her to the vet again today to have her bloodwork done again, and the vet said she's worse and there's nothing he can do.

    Has anyone else been in this situation? Is there anything else I can do? I'm continuing to feed her, praying for her, and trying to make her as comfortable as possible, but I really want her to get well. I'm not willing to give up on her yet. If anyone knows anything that could help her get well, please tell me! Serious answers only, please!

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had problems with the Disney Movie Club?

    I've tried to join the club several times, because the introductory offer would be a great way to get Christmas presents for people without spending much money. But every time I try to join, I choose my movies, put in my name, address, and credit card number, and then when I press the button to place the order, it says the website is "temporarily unavailable." This happens every time, no matter what time of day I do it, and even if I wait a week or two. The "contact us" button takes me to a page with an incomplete form, so I can't even e-mail them. If you can't even contact them, I'm not sure I want to join the club after all, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had similar problems.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • How do you put a license plate holder back on a 2003 Ford Explorer?

    I was driving on a dirt road recently and hit a big bump, and my front license plate holder broke off. The holder itself is fine, but the plastic fasteners that were holding it on broke, so now I'm not sure how to get the license plate holder back on my car. Has anyone ever had this happen? If so, how can I put it back on? Serious answers only, please!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Would an inner tube that's too big cause a flat tire?

    I recently bought a used bike to ride to work, and one day I went outside to ride home and found that it had a flat tire. I tried pumping it up and it went flat again, so I took the tire off and pulled out the inner tube to see if I could find the hole. While examining it, I noticed the following numbers on the tire: 26 X 1 3/8. I looked at the tire, and it said 24 X 2.10. When I held the inner tube up to the tire, it actually fit all the way around the tire! You would think that whoever put that inner tube into the tire in the first place would've noticed that it was too big.

    Needless to say, I'm going to buy the right size inner tube tomorrow so I can fix my bike. But my question is, could the inner tube that's too big have caused the flat tire?

    3 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Is there a website where I can rent movies to watch online?

    This a movie I really want to see (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas), but the only theaters showing it are a half-hour drive away, and it's hard for me to find new places in big cities, so it'd be a pain to try to go see it. Is there some website where I can rent a movie and watch it online? I don't want to just find a website to watch it for free, because that doesn't seem right since it's still in theaters. But I wouldn't mind paying a couple dollars to watch it online. Are there any websites like that?

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • How much does a concrete parking bumper cost?

    I accidentally ran over a concrete parking bumper today and then noticed it was broken. I'm not sure if I broke it, but if I were to pay for a new one, how much would it cost? Serious answers only, please.

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of a scratch repair kit for glasses that works?

    My glasses have all sorts of scratches on them, but I can't afford to just buy new ones. My mom tried a scratch repair solution on her glasses once, and it just made them blurry, so she had to wash it all off. If you've used one that worked really well, please let me know.

    1 AnswerOptical1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of a DVD ripper that actually works?

    I bought a pre-viewed DVD from Blockbuster and it kept freezing/skipping at one point, so I had them replace it with another one, and I'm having the same problem. So I thought I'd try ripping the DVD and burning a new one to see if that solves the problem, but I can't find a free DVD ripper that actually works. I always get error messages. If you've personally used a free DVD ripper that actually works, please let me know. Thanks!

    7 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • If you live in the Cincinnati area, do you know anything about Bridgetown Pet Hospital?

    I moved to the Cincinnati area a couple months ago and need some information about local vets. Bridgetown Pet Hospital is one of the closest, and I've read one or two good reviews of it, but I'd like more opinions. I don't want to take my cats and dog to just anybody. If you've been to that animal clinic, please tell me how your experience was. Thanks!

    P.S. I'm getting really tired of "answers" that don't even answer my question because they're from people who have no experience with the issue I'm asking about. So if you haven't been to Bridgetown Pet Hospital, please don't waste my time and yours by attempting to answer my question. Thanks for understanding!

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to keep a dog in my apartment while I'm at work? Would a crate or gates be best?

    I've gotten permission to have a dog in my apartment, so I'm hoping to go to the animal shelter on Sunday to get a medium-sized dog (probably a Beagle mix). I have a crate and several other things for it. I work 7-8 hours a day Monday-Friday, and I have 15-30 minutes of driving time to and from work (1-way). I also have a class in the evening once a week, so I'm gone longer that day. I don't want the dog to be too cooped up while I'm gone. Does a crate really work well for a dog? Because I think it would be too small, and of course it wouldn't allow the dog to go to the bathroom. I could put the dog in the kitchen and use gates to keep it in, but what gate would be best for a dog that size? I don't have tons of money to spend, but I want to make sure my dog is comfortable and happy.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you remember a movie from the 70s or 80s about a dog named Hobo?

    I saw a movie as a kid in the 80s (1987, I think) about a brother and sister (I think) who found a stray dog and named it Hobo. I don't remember much about the movie, but I remember a song from the movie that had the words, "Hobo and me together." I don't remember the name of the movie, or whether I saw it on TV or video. It may have been a made-for-TV movie, but I really don't know since I was pretty little at the time. Anyway, I've always wondered what the name of that movie was, so if you remember it, please respond. Thanks!

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • How big is 40 acres of land?

    My dream is to have a bunch of land in Wyoming, where I can ride a horse all over the place and still be on my own land. I've seen 40-acre plots of land advertised for sale, and I'm wondering if that would be the right size for me. I don't have money to buy any land now, but I want to know for future reference so I can have some idea of how much money I'd need to save up for a down payment (that is, I want to know whether I need to save up money for more than one 40-acre plot).

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • How to loosen my cat's badly matted fur? Serious answers only, please!?

    I have a 7 year old female cat with normal-length fur (not long-haired) who has some really badly matted fur on her rump. I've been able to loosen some of it, but any time I try to do anything with it, she gets really upset and tries to run away. She's even tried to bite me. Normally she's a good-natured and really sweet cat, but touching that matted fur is where she draws the line. The mats seem to be getting worse, and I'm not sure what to do. I really want to get the matted fur out before it gets even worse.

    If any of you has had a similar problem and knows what works the best, please tell me. If you haven't had any experience with this, please don't waste my time by answering. Thanks in advance for your help!

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • When people have astigmatism, how old are they usually when they first notice blurred vision?

    I was reading on the internet that astigmatism is usually present when someone is born. I'm almost 26 and just found out that I have astigmatism, but I had pretty much perfect vision until it started getting blurry a few months ago. If I've had it since I was born, why didn't I experience symptoms until now? I'm just wondering if anyone else who has astigmatism didn't have any problems with it until they were in their 20s or older.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What's the weirdest mixture of foods you've ever eaten? It doesn't have to be something that tasted good.

    When I was about four, my sister (three years older) convinced me to try margarine in ice cream. It was just about the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted in my life! Did you try any weird food mixtures as a kid (or when you were older)?

    15 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Can carrots that have accidentally frozen make you sick?

    My refrigerator sometimes freezes things that are put in the vegetable drawer, so we have a big bag of carrots in there that's full of frozen carrots. Not only are they frozen, but they have bumps underneath the skin that are ice. The carrots also have ice in the middle. When the carrots are thawed, they're softer than usual instead of being really crunchy like fresh raw carrots. I'm sure the carrots aren't rotten, but they taste a little gross because of being frozen.

    On Monday I was feeling tired and then started feeling sick after I ate lunch (which included some of the above-mentioned carrots). That evening I still felt sick and got really bloated (gas). On Tuesday I felt better, but decided to stay home from work because I had hardly slept all night. I didn't eat any carrots that day. Today I was a bit tired, but otherwise felt fine until after I ate lunch (again, including some carrots). Now I'm starting to feel sick again. Could it be the carrots?

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on the time change?

    I think it's completely stupid, because it messes up peoples' sleep patterns, and it drastically changes sunset times, especially in places like Alaska, where the length of days changes very quickly anyway. Do you think the time change is good or bad?

    3 AnswersEnvironment1 decade ago
  • How can I get a job in the history field after college? Serious answers only, please!?

    I graduated in 2003 with a BA in History. I didn't have any luck getting a job in the history field after college, and now I'm 2/3 done with my MA in Military History, which I will finish in August--although I won't get my diploma until December. I want to work at a museum or do historical research, but so many jobs require experience. I've got education but don't have any work experience in the history field, and I can't just volunteer because I need to pay the bills somehow.

    I live in Alaska and want to move back to the Lower 48, but I need to get a job before I move, and it needs to be in late August or early September so I can move before winter comes.

    Does anyone have some good advice for me? If you work in the history field, I'd especially like to hear from you.

    7 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How do I manage my time better instead of wasting it?

    When I was in college, I was able to get things done on time most of the time and live on a pretty good schedule. But now, 3 1/2 years later, most of my self-discipline seems to have gone out the window. I live with my sisters, who are sometimes a distraction, and it's hard to stay focused enough to do my homework for my Master's degree online program. At work, I sometimes end up looking at stuff on the internet (like Yahoo Answers--not anything nasty, in case you were wondering) when I'm supposed to be working, and I get obsessive with it and have a hard time getting my work done. Maybe I'm just lazy and bored with my life, but I really need to manage my time better and get things done. I want control over my life again! Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago