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Forever Young

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    What breed do you think my puppy is?

    So my puppy Tuukka, is a 10 month old Cavalier King Spaniel (or so we were told). I defiantly think he has Cavalier, but he is really tiny, and doesn't quite look full bred. If you think he's purebred please comment and if you think he is a mix please comment that. We are having a swab test done just out of curiosity.

    It really doesn't matter to me whether he is pure bred or not. We love him just the same :)

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • What can you buy for a part board horse?

    I part board a horse and he has all his tack, grooming supplies etc etc, but I would like to buy some horsey items, because I do plan on getting my own horse some day.

    Is there anything I can buy that isn't specific to one horse (and if I use it with my part board horse I can wash so I could use it with another horse)?


    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Puppy with 2 pea sized lumps?

    Yesterday night when I was playing with my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, I noticed that he had these 2 pea sized lumps behind his groin area, and below his bum area. The lumps are not his testicles, they are behind that area.

    He is 7 months old, and so far has had no health issues.

    The lumps feel like tissue and are pea sized. I will be calling the vet as soon as they open this morning, and taking him in, but I was hoping someone with experience with the breed, or experience with these sort of lumps could give me an idea of what it could be?

    I am taking him to a vet, but I just like to research things and possible illnesses, so that I am not going in blind. Thanks :)

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Volunteering overseas as a teenager?

    I would like to volunteer overseas next summer. I would be 15 at the time and this would be my first big trip alone. I am a hard worker, enjoy children and other people, and I am very social, plus I pick things up very quickly.

    I am planning on applying for a scholarship with an organization that would cover almost the whole cost of the trip. I could choose to go to Kenya or India. If I didn't get the scholarship though I have the option of Nicaragua, Ecuador, Ghana, East Africa, China, or India. I am not sure which my preference would be as a I have not done a reasonable amount of research on any of the above places. I just had some general questions.

    1: Do you have any experiences volunteering in some of the above places, or anywhere else as a teenager, or any other age? What was it like?

    2: What are some pros and cons of volunteering?

    3: Is 15 too young to volunteer overseas? (I have heard opinions saying yes and some saying no).

    My parents have not made their decision as they need some more information. Any information, past experience or stories you have would be really helpful! Thank you so much! :)

    4 AnswersOther - Destinations7 years ago
  • I told a guy no when he never asked me?

    I have Grad coming up and people are starting to get dates. This guy who has liked me in the past told a whole bunch of my friends he was going to ask me, and so when my friend texted me saying "Would you go with ______?" I thought it meant she was asking me for him because he is really shy. Dumb I know lol. Then we (my friend and I) talked about it, and I just want to remain friends with the guy. Me and the guy were texting about Grad and it seemed like he had asked her to ask me, so I dumbly replied saying I am really sorry, but I just want to be friends... He then said I never asked. So I was like omg sorry my friend made it sound like you were. He was like now I no not to ask.. I feel bad, and I don't know what to say at school tomorrow to him! I am really embarrassed and its a misunderstanding. I told the guy that and he said "Lol". What do I say to him tomorrow? I am really embarrassed and need a way to play it off.

    Thanks! :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What is your opinion on fostering dogs?

    A local shelter in my area is "urgently seeking" foster homes. My family and I have the space and time but we are just looking for maybe some tips or stories about your experience fostering dogs.

    We would be fostering adult dogs or puppies. This is a large breed dog rescue which is fine for us because we love big dogs, and have lots of experience with them.


    9 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Best beginner fish? And other fish questions.?

    I want to get a 7-12 gallon fish tank, however I've only ever owned 2 goldfish... What are some of the best beginner fish? I don't want betas or guppies. I would like a couple different fish in my tank, but it's not nessecary. The tank would be freshwater. Also if you have any websites on the fish that'd be awesome. Thanks!

    6 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • What is your favourite toy breed?

    What is your favourite toy breed (like under 12ibs) and why? This is just a question out of curiosity. Thanks :)

    7 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • How to use my iPhone in the US without data charges?

    I am going to Michigan, and I would like to use it for games and wifi while there. What/how do I turn off my Carrier services??

    It's an iPhone 4S.. Incase that helps haha.


    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Where should I go on vacation?

    So my mom and I (I am 14) are planning on going on vacation for about a week and a half too two weeks depending on where we go. We both want to go somewhere with beaches and pools. It has to be hot out. We would like the place to have many cultures and places for us to visit and hike through. We are looking to spend under $7,000CA, but that doesn't include spending money :)

    The US or Caribbean would be ideal.. But any suggestions help! Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations7 years ago
  • What do you think is wrong with me and how can I get better?

    Yesterday I felt dizzy and had a headache so I just slept it out and I was fine. This morning at about 2 am I woke up and I have been waking up to throw up since then. I have nothing left in my system except water and I throw that up to (I think it's kinda hard to tell). I feel really hot and sweaty and my stomach hurts on the side and in between my lungs. I can't sit up and I can barely move I'm so weak. Is it a simple flu or something worse? No I'm not pregnant... for sure haha. If you have anything I could do to help me feel better that'd be great. Thanks :)

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Does this horse sound like a good first horse?

    11 yr old  Percheron TB QH X approx. 16.2h

    Some previous educationg but has out of work for a while , when restarted he  presents as kind and sensible with no bad behavior.

    Working on basic ring training WTC, small jumps

    A kind sociable horse, loves attention, gets along well with others and is sound and vice free.

    Would make a nice hunter, dressage, trail buddy, field hunter, eventer or nice “All Rounder”!

    3 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • How much would sharing the cost of hay and shavings cost?

    So I was recently on a barns website and under the section DIY boarding it says you have to share the cost of shavings and hay? How much would that cost a month?

    This is just a question out of curiosity. Thanks!

    2 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Am I ready to own a horse?

    I currently part board a mare who I adore. I have volunteered at ranches, volunteered with a local equine vet, and I have been taking lessons for about 4 years. I am able to get a job in a couple months. I really love horses and would love to keep part boarding but I'm moving about an hour away and won't be able to continue to part board. I've been looking online for other horses to part board, but I'd really like to own a horse. I am committed to riding and love it very much. I feel ready but I'd really love a second opinion. Thank you so much :)

    8 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Shetland pony as a first horse?

    So, I do currently part board, but I am looking to get a first horse of my own. I always thought that I wanted a larger horse (TB for example), but I was looking through horse and pony ads and saw a 14 year old shetland mare, who I would not ride, but I was thinking that for my first horse I could get a shetland and work with her with ground manners and such, as a good experience for me.

    I have a couple questions about them though.

    1. Are they kid friendly? I have a 6 year old sister who has ridden before who would really want to be near the pony.

    2. Is what I stated above a good idea?

    3. Are there any health problems typical with the breed?

    4. Do you have experience with them? If so, what is your opinion on them?

    Thanks so much!

    5 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Homemade horse treat recipes?

    I want to make some homemade horse treats for the horse I part board and was looking for some recipes that your horses like? Also, if you need oats in it can you just use any old oatmeal? Thanks so much!

    3 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Fun things you can do with a horse?

    I am going to be at the barn on Saturday with the horse I part board for a while, and I was wondering what some fun things to do with her would be? Thanks!

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Should I focus on show jumping or eventing?

    I will be starting to show in the spring/summer and I am not sure what to show in. I have done jumping and cross country for 2/4 years I have been riding and do not know a thing about dressage, but I really want to compete in eventing as I get to become a good rider in 3 different riding styles. I'm about 5'5 and I have a short body and super long legs, not sure if that will help any lol. Thanks so much :) btw I think I would be showing on a Clyde hackney cross, that I will most likely be part boarding.

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • What is the difference between adopting a horse and buying one? Which is better?

    What is your opinion on adopting vs buying?? Just wondering!! Thanks!

    6 AnswersHorses8 years ago