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  • How to deal with parents fighting?

    Long story short, my family just got into incredible money trouble and serious debt. Me, my mom and rest of my family just found out about some gambling my dad has been doing over the past few years. Im going to pay for my college and apartments in the future, which is fine. Im 19 at a community college living at home right now and next year im going to a 4 year college. My room is upstairs and everything else is downstairs. My mom is literally always angry at my dad and they are always yelling (understandable) and it often turns into her being really sad and not wanting to talk to my dad. He texts me to see if i can go talk to her, which i do. My thing is i feel weird being here now. When they are downstairs yelling, am i supposed to do nothing and just sit upstairs? I feel useless in this scenario. My dad comes and talks to me and always is fighting back tears bc he knows he messed up, and im nice to him bc even though he messed up big time i feel bad. I hear some of the things she says to him and its just absolutely brutal. Gambling is very addictive and a disease. How do i handle this and how to act?

    4 AnswersFamily2 years ago
  • Mucus leakage?

    Where my nose and throat connect, I have large blobs of mucus get into my mouth and throat. I can often feel it just sitting in the back of my nose, and when i try to breathe in to breathe it into my mouth hard, a huge blob of mucus pops into my mouth or drips down my throat, and it randomly drips down too. I got my adenoids removed about 8 months ago because my ENT doctor thought they were swollen and thought this was the problem, but it didnt help and he didnt know what else could cause it. Any help?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases2 years ago
  • Tremor in my head?

    On just the right side of my head when i touch it or move my head vertically(doesnt happen when horizontally) i get almost like a shock feeling in my head. It happens when i touch the right side of my nose and face too. I have had this spot on the top of my ehad that has been really itchy and burning almost for i dont know how long, and i dont know if that has anything to do with it but its right under it. I just started taking a new antidepressant, thought that was a few months ago so i dont know if that is it. Any help? Im scared

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management2 years ago
  • would nursing be a good career for me?

    I am a freshman in college, so obviously im very lost on what i want to do in life. What im looking for in a career is : satisfaction(the feeling i am helping people), not sitting at a desk all day, decent pay. I am struggling to find a career where i help people (which is a big thing for me) that interests me. My mom is a registered nurse and she has always felt very rewarded from it, and my sister is a newly registered nurse. Here are my concerns: My sister currently has to work night shifts very often, and I would not be able to do that. I need a normal routine and social life outside of work, and i know i would not be able to do it even for a couple years. Im not sure if there are jobs right out of college where you wouldnt have to work night. Also im not too certain how i would do in high stress situations, but maybe that would come with time. Can anyone give me insight or advice? thanks.

    3 AnswersHealth Care3 years ago
  • Car all the sudden loud?

    I drive a 2005 hyundai tiburon, it has 108,000 miles on it. It usually is pretty quiet, but out of no where it has become a lot louder, almost like the sound of a go cart. I havent noticed any performance changes at all necessarily, but it still kinda worries me that it just randomly started doing this. Is this normal?

    10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago
  • My career path scares me?

    Im currently working an internship as a programmer for a small nearby company im 18 and about to start my first year of collegr. I know what your thinking, im too young to be worried about making the wrong choice. The problem is i feel im stuck in the computer science field because of its security, but i cant find what i am passionate about. I grew up being told “work is to make money, not enjoy yourself” and up until this point i just followed without questions. But ive learned a lot about myself this summer. A desk job is not for me. I want to feel accomplished and energetic and passionate for my job. Most importantly, i want to help people in some way, i dont know how but that just sounds fufilling to me. No matter where i look i cant find anything that seems right for me and its discouraging. Any help?

    3 AnswersOther - Education3 years ago
  • Doctors cant help me?

    I have been dealing with a throat issue for the past year (at least) where i feel a build up in my throat that is very uncomfortable and it gives off a terrible metallic/fishy smell. Im really insecure about it and im ready for it to be gone. Doctors have tried acid reflux medication(did nothing), nasal drip medication(did nothing) found out i had hypothyroidism and put me on medicine for that and it did nothing for my case (though my thyroid is normal now), they did a endoscopy and said it was normal and they checked my thyroid for cancer and saw nothing. They dont really know what else it could be and dont really have an answer for me, and it sucks. Its not just in my head bc I can hack up mucus-like fluids(almost as big as a ping pong ball at its worst) from my throat that taste like my breathe, but it never goes away. A few people have pointed out my breathe and it makes me feel even worse, and even gum makes it worse. there is nothing that seems to trigger it to be worse or better so i cant really illeminate things to see if they are the cause, and im just lost. Any help?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases3 years ago
  • Is this acid reflux?

    Symtoms: constant build up of yellow/green gunk in my throat, terrible(almost metallic?) taste in my mouth, feeling of bad breathe though everyone says i dont even doctor NO heartburn.

    About 6 months ago i went to my doctor and he said it had to be coming from above or below, so i tried nasal drip medicine and it didnt work so i went on acid reflux medicine and that didnt work either. He passed me on to some specialist, who gave me some antibiotic(dont know the name sorry thats not helpful) and it seemed to help for maybe a week, but ultimately it didnt help. He was gonna pass me on to someone else but we decided to stop bc it was too much to keep getting moved to other doctors. The gunk built up in my throat is really noticable and annoying, especially in the morning. I can spit it up with some force but regardless its still in my throat. I take a probiotic now to help and still the acid reflux medicine though neither seem to be helping. Im really sick of this at this point lol. Any help?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases3 years ago
  • More power behind my voice?

    Im a guy in chorus class, and i can hit the notes (for the most part atleast) but when it comes to power, i find it very hard to get a lot of it behind my voice. I dont want to say my voice sounds breathy, but thats almost the best way to describe it. For a few notes i can get a lot of power behind, but i just dont sing the same way for the rest of the notes. Ive found that even if you hit the notes it doesnt mean your voice sounds good, and its making me self conscious about it. Any advice?

    3 AnswersSinging3 years ago
  • Can a concussion do this?

    I got a concussion 2 years ago, and around that time i developed anxiety and depression. I have been on medicine ever since for anxiety and depression, and my doctor suspects they might have something to do with the concussion i got. Well, i just got another concussion, and it seems like my anxiety and depression have gone away (?) i halfed my anxiety medicine (my doctor said i could try it) and i still havent had any anxiety or depression problems. Could the second concussion reverse it?

    3 AnswersInjuries4 years ago
  • New travel ban question?

    My friend was in the US on a visa from venezuela, but it expired so she went back home, and now she is supposed to come back because a dance school offered her to go to school with them. The problem is the travel ban starts on the 18th, and her flight is the 19th. Is there any exception because she has already had her ticket for a while? Or because shes been here?

    1 AnswerImmigration4 years ago
  • Left handed drummers?

    So i want to play drums and i am a lefty. Naturally, it feels right to use my left hand on the hihat and right hand on the snare, except the kit is still set up like a righty kit, meaning i dont cross my arms. I havent seen anyone else do this from my research, and i dont know why. Most leftys switch their kit around or learn to play righty, can anyone explain why/ whats wrong with my method?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop4 years ago
  • College essay help?

    I am currently writing college essays, and i feel very unrestricted and clueless. All the essays i write are for class, and the teachers have never been good on letting us do it by ourselves and basically gives a layout for us. Is there a website you can send your essay to for free and they will look over it and give advice?

  • Best i can do as a white right now?

    What is happening in charlottesville disgusts me. All these white supremacists who have their feelings hurt just because other races want to be treated equal. Im an 18 year old white, and i wanna know what is the best i can do in what is happening in our country right now to help? A lot of people say to stay out of it completely if im apart of blacklivesmatter because its not my fight, but imo, i think we need to unite against white supremacists, but i also dont go through what minorities/other races go through everyday, so what can i do?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture4 years ago
  • Overcoming insecurity?

    Me and my girlfriend have been dating for a little over a year now. She moved 7 hours away, and we are doing long distance in hopes that when i finish school after this year, i will move over there if we push through long distance. I have always been really insecure about myself as a person, ive been ****** up a lot and it has scarred me mentally. It only gets really bad when im alone, and as a i dont have close friends anymore because they all graduated already, i am quiet alone. I have tried to keep busy with work to keep my mind off of it, but it hasnt really helped. My anxiety and depression have really started to slowly creep back on me, though i do take medicine that helps a lot. My girlfriend has been so helpful and understanding with me feeling this way and always reassures me everything will be okay, but with a year of long distance i cant be so reliant on her to fall back on when i have problems with myself, because that isnt fair to her and if i was her, i would leave if this kept on. Any help? I cant really go to therapy as i have had bad experience before

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Hiding a tattoo?

    Hi, i have a tattoo i wanna get on my upper arm that describes some hard things ive gone through already, but my dad threatened if any of us ever get a tattoo, we better be moved out because if we arent we will be doing so. I am almost 18 and i will be going to college, and the tattoo will not be visible with a shirt on, but i feel like when im home ill slip up and he will see it and drag me out of college. Anyone ever been through something like this or have advice?

    4 AnswersTattoos4 years ago
  • Chest pain? Please help?

    Im 17 years old, im active(but not too active), and i get sporatic chest pain. It occurs probably 1-2 times a month. It will randomly happen and it feels like a really bad aching feeling right at my heart when i inhale and exhale. A while ago i kept exhaling to see what would happen, and i heard a pop. Any help?

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases4 years ago
  • Adderall side effect?

    I have had a terrible metallic taste in my mouth for a while now. Unfortunately, i cant remember when it started, but i know it has been getting a lot worse, and it also makes my breathe smell. It comes from the back of my tongue and throat, and i have spit up daliva that tastes like medicine. I have been taking adderall for about 6 months, and this is what i suspect is the problem, but i need to take adderall for my ADHD. My mom has acid reflux, but im not sure if this is the cause. Do you think it is the medicine? What can i do?

    2 AnswersMedicine4 years ago
  • Getting in shape diet?

    So i play soccer for my high school team, and the season is coming up. Last season, i weighed 150 pounds, i was fast slim and had tons of stamina, which was necessary as a mid fielder. During the off season, i took a break from cardio which was a mistake. I havent gotten fat, but ive thickened out some since last season and weigh 163 pounds. I still can run some ways, but i can tell not as much as last year. Ive been working on my running, but i need help on what food i should eat to help get me energy to get me back and shape and hopefully lose weight? thanks

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Antidepressant erectile dysfunction?

    So i have been on my antidepressant for about a year, and ive noticed i cant get a fully hard penis. I figured it was because of my antidepressant, lexapro, so i went off for a week because me and my girlfriend tried to get intimate but this stopped us. My doctor said it would be okay to try since he wanted me coming off of it soon anyways. After a week, i was able to get completely hard, and we did have sex. This was great, but then my depression came back hard as ******* hell. We have a very important event we have been looking forward to for months this saturday and we want to have sex after, but i need to stay on my medicine so i cant get erect. What are some things i could possibly do to get an erection and stay on my medicine? If viagra is not over the counter that is not an option, plus i would like to avoid that. Thanks!

    3 AnswersMen's Health4 years ago