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  • Environment sticker, "Umwelt Kleber" in Germany?

    I am Dutch and have planned a holiday in the Black Forest, Germany.

    I would like to know in what cities near Freiburg in Germany I am obliged to have a sticker for the environment on my car and what to expect when I have none?

    Without an environment sticker I can't cross certain cities, even if I'm only passing by?

    You can answer me in German also.


    2 AnswersBlack Forest9 years ago
  • What does this turkish text mean?

    What does this turkish text mean, translate into english please:

    "Sayin Veliler, 20 december cocuklarinizin son resim dersi. Dersten sonra cocuklarinizin yaptiklari resimler kantinde sergilenecektir. Sizleri aramizda gormekten seviniriz".


    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Macular degeneration.?

    Is there a treatment for macular degeneration? A friend of mine suffers from macular degeneration and she says she won't see anything anymore in certain time. Can macular degeneration be treated or stopped or is it incurable?

    2 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • What's happening to my Yahoo account pages?

    Everytime I log in my Yahoo account , the pages I am on get more and more narrow because at every mouseclick the bottomline shoves up and up until I can hardly scroll and read it. This happens in my mailbox and other Yahoo sites.

    Anyone knows what is wrong?

    1 AnswerMy Yahoo1 decade ago
  • Can a dog have diabetes/diabetics?

    Our guestdog is very thin built, doesn't eat that much but drinks lots of water.

    This drinking makes me think the dog is very thirsty, and I wonder if it's possible a dog can suffer from diabetics/ diabetes like humans?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Babytalk at 2 months?

    Is it possible for a 2 months old baby to say something in a controlled way?

    My daughter showed me how she taught my 2 months old grandson to say the word "Goo". It doesn't mean anything and I thought he just said it by coïncidence, but she showed me several times that her son repeated her, saying "Goo". I was very surprised a baby of 2 months old could repeat a sound or word. I thought they just express some sounds accidental.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Hotel in northern Finland?

    I'm looking for the name and website of a certain hotel in Finland.

    It's situated north of the town of Oulu, about 20-30 min. by car.

    It is surrounded by woods and some small lake. At the hotel there is also a sort of prehistoric exhibition centre.

    Does anyone know the name, it's something like Kierriki, I don't know the exact spelling. I lost the website . Thanx in advance..

    2 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • Why do cat and dog-flea's bite me?

    Always when a dog or cat with fleas has been in our house, later on the fleas take me for their blood-meal. They bite me which is very uncomfortable. But other persons seem not to be vulnerable and aren't bitten by those little parasites.

    Why me and not my family?

    When I'm bitten the owners of the dog or cat hardly ever believe that their pet has fleas, when I tell them (carefully). They become angry.

    Anyone who recognizes this??

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Is hard, dry food really healthy for dogs?

    We have a guestdog who is staying with us for a fortnight. His only food are dry hard pieces of something, which he gets because of preventing dental plaque and tartar. We don't believe this nice doggie has much pleasure on his meals.

    The foodpieces are about two fingers broad and square.

    Thanks God his teeth are still good otherwise he even couldn't eat anything.

    Why are dogs tortured with these hard tasteless foods?

    I suggested his boss to give him some other foods also, or at least give him the same food but in some smaller size, which is also to obtain. But she said the vet prescribed this food so she believes it is the right thing to do.

    OK he's a doggie,(mixed breed from sheltie, about that size)

    but how would you feel if the only thing you got daily were hard pieces, ( lumps)?

    I remember, that when I was a kid , how my mum made cooked meat and bread for our dog, and he loved it!

    So I wonder, is hard dry food really healthy for dogs and their digestion?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Seedless grapes?

    I like to eat seedless green (white) grapes, but I wonder if these seedless grapes are genetically manipulated before growing?

    13 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Why is it so hard to find a name for your baby?

    When I read the questions in this section, I am really wondering, why are so many pregnant women so uncertain about the name of their child? There are thousands of beautiful names to chose from.

    Really, how can this be so hard?

    When I got my girls, I never ever consultated my family,they couldn't force me to call MY baby as they wished. I never asked my friends. Only me and my husband decided how to call our children.

    Finding a name is so why is everybody asking here and making it such a dilemma?

    15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Songtext translation from Italian to English.?

    What does this text mean in english?

    Caro mio ben

    credimi almen

    senza di te

    languisce il cor

    Il tuo fedel

    sospira ognor

    cessa crudel

    tanto rigor

    It's the text of the wellknown song by Giuseppe Giordani.

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Dream about a lion, what does it mean?

    I dreamt I was in a warm country and I had to walk home over a sandy path upwards a hill surrounded by fields and bushes. At the side of the road I first saw a foal laying down. I didn't want to scare the animal, so I passed it carefully. But when I walked on I suddenly saw an old lion in front of me, laying next to the road. I got scared and decided to turn back but when I walked back, another, younger lion was also waiting at the side of the path and looking at me. I felt trapped. Then I woke up.....

    What does this mean? I never ever dreamt about a lion before, so I wonder what this might mean.

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Men suffering from diabetics 2.?

    Do men that suffer from diabetics 2 always immediately lose their virility?

    5 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Barack Obama's chance.?

    Does Barack Obama have a fair chance to win the elections or is it possible that things will be manipulated to prevent that he might become America's most powerfull man?

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Ashera cat, experience?

    I would like to know more about the giant Ashera cat. It is a mix between an normal cat and a cervalcat and some other animal. It is breeded in the USA. I wonder if it is dangerous, violent towards normal cats? Is it hazardous in a family with young children? Experiences please?

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Has the New Year arrived in your town/village/city?

    Happy New Year from the Netherlands! It's very misty here.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Pictures in my message?

    I want to send a message with a picture included (inline).

    I know how to attach pictures but I want the picture in the message. I received messages that have it done that way.

    And lots of spam also.

    How can I send a message from my yahoomailbox where the picture I want to send is included, or isn't this possible?

    1 AnswerAttachments and Photos1 decade ago
  • Classical music in movie "Babe"?

    I watched this old movie Babe about a little pig. The musical theme in this movie I think is some classical composition.

    It's also the melody of the song "If I had words to make a day for you..." You can hear it when the farmer is dancing.

    Does anyone know what original classical piece of music this might be?

    6 AnswersClassical1 decade ago