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  • How do I remember what I've read or watched and form an opinion?

    This is rather embarrassing to ask, but I enjoy reading and watching television and I'd really love to talk to people about my interests and form opinions about them.

    But quite frankly I'm an idiot with poor memory recall and I forget the details of what I've seen or read when I try to talk about it. Not to mention I can never remember the names of characters or things in books or shows.

    Are there any methods to help me remember important details of what I've read or seen?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Adding more fiber to my noodles?

    I've started a vegetarion diet recently and I love making noodles. So far I just boil my noodles with carrot slices and spinach. I tried adding broccoli but it gave me gas.

    I'd love to add some more fiber to it via cheap vegetables, does anyone have any ideas of what would work?

    I only season my food with salt by the way, at least so far. I'm not using sauce.

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • How do I ask my ex to not come to my work for a while?

    I just broke up with my ex the other day (with zero resistance from him), we've decided to be friends still but I obviously need to get over my feelings for him before I can do that (though I haven't communicated this to him yet),

    I work at a grocery store by his house and he shops there all the time. I really, really want to ask him to please not come in for a while because it'd honestly hurt to see him there and be reminded of us.

    How do I communicate this to him? He's very sensitive and has social anxiety.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Pokemon GO: Can 2 of the same species of pokemon (ex. 2 ponyta) have different CP caps? How can I tell before maxing it?

    I'm well aware that the higher lvl a trainer is, the higher the CP cap for caught and wild pokemon. But can two of the same species (like 2 ponyta) have different caps or are they all the same? How can I tell without capping their CP?

    This is the one question so far I can't seem to answer via Google, sorry if it's a repeated question.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • How can I find friends?

    I don't connect with anyone at work really. I want to make friends I can relate with, but I have no idea how to even really find people. My family's only advice is to try and make friends with people I'm introduced to or go to a bar. Um, I don't have anybody to introduce me to anybody and I certainly don't want to go to a bar; I don't even drink.

    What kind of place can I go alone and introduce myself to people without looking weird? I'm totally clueless and stuck, lol.

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • What should I do if I regret getting a guy's number?

    Soooo recently I decided to try and make new friends and not long after this guy at my story makes me laugh and he's wearing a t-shirt of a game I really like. So I impulsively get his number, telling him I'm looking for make more friends.

    It's not long before he talks more & I start realizing I don't actually like him. At all. And thinking back, he even looked like a loser (as in the kind that don't take care of themselves). Crap.

    Should I text him with a lie like my boyfriend told me it wasn't a good idea? Ignore it? I don't want to hurt his feelings, honestly.

    Also I really hope my coworkers don't find out, lol.

    2 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • Can only a psychiatrist prescribe ADHD meds if I'm already diagnosed?

    I've decided to try ADHD meds again (yes I've been diagnosed and I'm struggling with it), but my insurance covers no psychologists in the area. There's no way I can afford it without insurance.

    Can a regular doctor give me ADHD meds or something if I'm already diagnosed? Or am I screwed?

    2 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Anxiety & paranoia during PMS?

    When I PMS, I can have terrible anxiety and paranoia. Like right now I m ruminating about my last texts to my boyfriend, fearing I ve come on to strongly to him and I m feeling really anxious that he hasn t texted me yet today.

    I m trying to feel better by reading and studying to distract myself, but I keep catching myself brooding over it in the back of my mind & the anxiety is only getting worse even though logically I know I m just being silly. Help? :(

    2 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Look up words from my book without pulling back to reality?

    While reading a book, I try to learn new words & the writing style -- but I m realising that constantly pulling away from the story to write down a word, turn of phrase or whatever kills my immersion. I m pulled out of the story and back to reality.

    Can anyone else relate to this? What can I do?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Is it rude to text in sick to my manager?

    I have anxiety, so calling in sick is hard for me and because it's a bladder infection ontop of a period (imagine the worse cramps possibly lol), I feel like my voice will sound fine and peachy as if I'm lying or something or maybe they don't think much of bladder infections. Plus he's a guy, I have this weird fear he'll scoff or something at the sound of a period.

    Yesterday I texted sick saying my period was ridiculously bad for some reason and wasn't letting up (surprise, turns out it's also a bad bladder infection ha) but that I'll be going to the doctor and getting a note, also I had an excuse to text because they didn't answer my phone call. He never replied to the text, but it showed as read. Could not responding mean he found it rude?

    Today I got a note excusing me, and to top it off the antibiotics I got are making me sick and dizzy even though I take them with meals (keep in mind my job is physically demanding and I ride a bicycle to work).

    Maybe it's just my social anxiety talking but I feel so nervous calling in a second day when I don't even have a fever, even though I have a note excusing me and I know the store director will act kinda grumpy on the phone like the last time I called in the past -- although it's rather rare that I do call in.

    What do you guys think? Should I text or swallow the anxiety and let him know I have a bladder infection and a note saying to stay home?

    11 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • How can I "restart" my Facebook account?

    I have a bunch of stranger friends from an app game I played for a while, a bunch of pages I liked that distract me on the newsfeed (I have terrible impulse control lol), I want to clear my posts, etc.

    I was going to delete Facebook because I find it distracting and for other reasons, but it also makes it far easier to connect with family & sometimes if I go out with a coworker they prefer to contact me on FB.

    My first thought was to delete my Facebook, and then recreate it but I don't know if they'd let me make one again with the same email & I think it takes like 2 weeks or something for it to fully delete anyway.

    I tried to clear stuff manually but there's way too much and I've been avoiding FB completely because of it lol.

    What can I do?

    2 AnswersFacebook5 years ago
  • Should I give up if I can't follow the steps of a simple tutorial?

    I decided to give drawing a try again and I'm using my Draw 50 Cats book to learn, but no matter how hard I try to follow the steps my lines look almost nothing like the one in the book & the outcomes are horrid. Ive even tried tracing with tracing paper to get my hand used to it, but then once I try to copy the steps on my own Im still just as lost.

    Its not just this book either, my drawings always look really wonky with the shapes and sizes all wrong trying to follow seemingly simple anatomy tutorials. I just cant seem to draw what I see even if it's a single line... I'm really heart broken over this.

    Should I just give up?

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration5 years ago
  • I think I blew it with my crush...?

    Ive known my crush for over two years now as coworkers. I started my job with crippling social anxiety and pretty bad social skills so Ive made a million and a half mistakes with him already lol.

    But my social anxiety & awkwardness are much better now, so I asked him to doodle in my sketchpad yesterday which now I rather regret. The entire time I was so nervous that I avoided a lot if eye contact with him I think and I kept getting off my chair to walk awkwardly in the room while talking.

    I remember the small talk being alright but I wasnt myself really and my responses may have come off as timid sometimes.

    After that experience I felt like I could run a marathon I felt so anxious lol. Im really paranoid I mightve made him uncomfortable and that I ruined it as Im constantly reliving the moments in my head and wondering what I can do to fix it - especially because hes leaving in a couple weeks.

    I know I need to find a way to be more confident around him for sure, but any advice I find seems to dissapear in my brain when I see him lol. Im confident with other people now, just not him.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What bicycle would be good for me? What should I look for when looking at bicycles specifically?

    I don't want to drive a car (not sure if I could even afford one anyways lol), and my current cheap bicycle just doesn't feel 'right'. It's too short, slow and because the tires are REALLY 'tread-y', it puts kind of a lot on my poor knees after a couple miles which makes me not want to ride it.

    So I'm hoping you guys can help me pick out a new bicycle. :)

    I'm a woman about 5"8 (maybe slightly shorter) that wants a faster bike with a smoother ride (in terms of how easy it is to push the pedals if that makes sense) I ride at least 6-8 miles total everyday on road or sidewalk if there's no bike lane.

    Also: What size tires would you recommend for someone who's 5"8 and what kind of tire liners+inner tubes would you recommend (I do find lots of little rocks, glass and the occasional thorn)?

    My budget for the bicycle alone is $350-$400. Not sure about the inner tubes and the liners.

    5 AnswersCycling5 years ago
  • Can I set my computer to lock after being on too long?

    I have an addiction to my computer. I've been working on my self-discipline, but it seems once I'm on my PC, the world around me stops mattering even if the voice in my head is nagging me about what I actually need to be doing. I don't want to stop completely, it's a wonderful device that inspires creativity and has helped me in many ways but I need to force a limit on myself somehow if I want to live a fulfilling life.

    I've scheduled it to turn off at certain times in the past. But sadly I'd just jump back on with the intention of finishing w/e I was doing really quick, but well... then hours would just fly by. :P

    I need it to just lock up. Maybe there will still be a way to turn the lock off if I want to go back, but if that requires a lot of effort, it'll allow me time to rethink my actions rather than quickly press the power button on my PC through an impulse, ya know?

    I'm not expecting this to be a fix for my terrible self-discipline and lack of impulse control, but it will certainly help bring me back to reality. :)

    Sorry for the rambling. Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.

    1 AnswerSoftware5 years ago
  • recommended budget smart phone?

    I don't know much about phones, I just know that I want one capable of having a: good dictionary app (omg i need one D: ), some games, internet, and some kind of decent map app for getting around. I work a minimum wage job, and my dog has vet bills... so I'm not looking for anything great. At the very, very least one that can handle a good dictionary app would do. But internet would be a plus for sure... I can only print out so much for studying at work during breaks and lunch.

    What do you guys recommend?

    Or maybe it'd be cheaper to get like a kindle for that stuff and like a flip phone or something? I don't freaking know. x___x Dumb monthly phone bills making stuff all confusing and jazz.

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Studying to be a Youtube reviewer (also want to do short animated stories).?

    I know it sounds silly to people, but making my own review channel is something I've been really wanting to do for years.

    Essentially, I just want to learn how to be good at explaining my views and learn how to analyze videos.

    Right now I'm trying to memorize character traits as well as literary terms.

    I'm also trying to learn how to make a great story.

    Anyone know of any great websites or books that can teach me? Any good advice on what to try and learn maybe? :)

    Books & Authors6 years ago
  • How to learn new words?

    I desperately want to expand my vocabulary so I can explain my opinions better and have a better understanding of things like symbolism or character traits... but when I try to learn new words I struggle to remember them or get used to using them.

    It'd be easy for me to just blame it on my ADHD, but there must be good strategies in learning new words and remembering to incorporate them in everyday speech. I'm trying to memorize flash cards, ut I seem to suck at that lol. I'm also trying to learn from reviewers and game theorists on Youtube (I'd love to be one), but that's not really working...

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Confusion about countable and uncountable nouns?

    I'm looking at examples of countable and uncountable nouns and I'm confused as to why some are countable while others aren't.

    For example, some examples of countable nouns are: Ocean, sunset, and rain.

    Examples of uncountable nouns: butter, beer, and cheese.

    I'm so confused as to how you can apparently count sunsets, but not cheese for example. If anything I would've assumed that it'd be the other way around.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay6 years ago
  • Should I get a small or medium sized drawing tablet?

    My computer screen is 1920x1080 and I remember someone saying to not get a small drawing tablet due to the size of my screen but medium and large tablets are sooo pricey. What do you guys think?

    5 AnswersDrawing & Illustration6 years ago