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  • 1995 Ford Range....where is the EGR valve?

    Can someone tell me where the EGR valve would be located in a 1995 Ford Ranger???


    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • New TSA Recommendation - this WILL work!?

    Here's the new TSA recommendation (not sure from who)...but i really believe this would solve the problem of bombs on planes! (lol!) Best idea yet...what do you think?

    “New TSA Recommendation

    Here's a solution to end all the controversy over full-body scanners at the airports.

    Have a booth that you can step into that will not X-ray you, but will detonate any explosive device you may have on you.

    It would be a win-win for everyone. There would be none of this crap about racial profiling and this method would eliminate a long and expensive trial.

    Justice would be quick and swift. Case closed.

    This is so simple it's brilliant. I can see it now:

    You're in the airport terminal and you hear a muffled explosion.

    Shortly thereafter an announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention standby

    passengers, we now have a seat available on flight number..."

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So Obama is going to visit Chicago on Memorial day.....?

    Instead of going to Arlington to honor our fallen soldiers....

    One more time he proves what our military means to him...nothing!

    Doesn't this just piss you off????

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I Just Had an Answer Deleted for a Rant because Someone.......?

    Didn't like my answer. And i thought the liberals were so "tolerant" of others! Ha! Does anyone else think this is a rant, or just an opinion that someone didn't agree with so turned me in?? It wasn't directed at the person that asked the's just my opinion. But, we all know we can't say anything negative about Obama!

    Question: Did Netanyahu deserve the cold reception by Obama yesterday.?

    Deleted Answer: No he didn't deserve it and i'm very ashamed of obama for the way he acts. But, this was predicted in the Bible that this would happen - Isreal will have no allies in the last days. It's only going to get worse from now on....and especially worse for the U.S., thanks to our narcissist president!

    Violation Reason: Insulting or Ranting Content

    In Yahoo! Answers you may not demean or insult others, or post tirades directed towards persons or groups.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • IRS Outsourcing to INDIA! Do You Realize how dangerouse this is?

    I posted this questions awhile ago but thought i would reword it some. I was surprised i only got 3 answers!!

    Yes - our Govt is outsourcing jobs that Americans could do! Just goes to show you how much they DON'T care! This is dangerous for all of us...please read the link. Also google "IRS outsourcing to India" and you'll get alot more information. What's your thoughts??? I'm pissed!

    12 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • So what do you think of.....?

    So it's been reported that the majority of our income tax submissions to the IRS this year are actually going to INDIA instead of staying here in the US. Our great govt is now OUTSOURCING work to another country! I'd say there's plenty of problems with this....Those workers in India will now have ALL our personal information infront of them.

    How many people do you think will have their identities stolen out of this?

    Why aren't those jobs here where millions of people need them??

    This just shows us that our leaders DO NOT CARE!

    Personally this really pisses me off...what do you think???

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How many other situations like this has Obama staged?

    Back during his campaign, many of us watched one meeting where a black woman told her story of being homeless and needing help. At the end Obama told her they would help her and said some of his people would get with her. She said later that Obama gave her a new home! Wow, what a wonderful guy....and now we find out the truth about this woman...what's your thoughts?

    How many other people has he used to make him look like a saint? How can anyone support a person that is so deceitful?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think about Obama wanting to pass?

    a law that anyone over $250,000 / yr will not be able to write off contributions to charity any longer?? Maybe he's already passed this in one of his "stimulus" bills. Do you know what that's going to do to people that need help? Why should they give any money to these organizations (cancer, heart association, Aids, etc) if they can't write it off? It's like just giving away their money and you know they aren't going to do that just to be nice! (most anyway). The churches aren't going to get as much money from their congregations either. These places are going to really suffer...then they'll all have to turn to the government for help. I think that's what our government wants anyway...they're making it so we'll have to turn to them for everything and it's NOT RIGHT! Obama wants everyone and everything dependant on him. Why aren't we fighting this??? I can't believe people are just letting this happen.

    26 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • This is the FIRST year that?

    I'm placing a Presidential sign in my yard! I have NEVER had one before....but this election is so different!

    Is there anyone else on here doing the same?? Just wondered :)

    By the way, mine will say McCain/Palin (and most of my close neighbors are democrat...should be interesting!)

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • WHO AM I ? First correct answer wins 10 points!?

    I'll give you the correct answer after I see your answers.....

    I am under 45 years old

    I love the outdoors

    I hunt

    I am a republican reformer

    I have taken on the Republican Party establishment

    I have many children

    I have a spot on the national ticket as vice president with less than two years in the governors office

    Have you ever heard of me before now?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If you you havent seen this...PLEASE check it out!?

    I came across this article..and I think it's very important that people see this. Especially the democrats that think Obama is so great....please read the whole thing before answering! I'm not bashing the democrats, I'm hoping that they realize their mistake before voting for this man. I'm very worried about him getting into office. I'd like to hear the responses to this...what do you think?

    23 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What does everyone think of this?

    This is out of "Investors Business Daily". I came across and want to know what everyone thinks about this? Why isn't the media talking about it? Oh ya, it's the media...well, look it over!

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Remember Obama's Birth Certificate???

    Well, now it seems there's more of a chance that it's fake. From a message board that i go to, someone put a link to the "divorce" documents of Stanley & Lolo Soetoro. Obama said his mother never married him! There wouldn't be a divorce if they were never married. AND, since she was married to him...that would meann he's an "Indonesian"...not an "American". The Divorce Decree PROVES the marriage existed! It was filed in 1980. I have the pdf file of the documents, if someone would tell me how to post the link to it I will.

    So, how does it feel to the democrats that their "man" may not even be eligible to be POTUS????? I think it's kinda neat!

    18 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • If Earth began as a "Big Bang", how come?

    we have all the natural resources that we have? Why do we have all these beautiful trees, lakes, oceans and wildlife?

    Why don't other planets in the universe have these things? I know there are many planets that we haven't seen, but what we have seen have nothing like what we have here.

    If all planets were born from the Big Bang, then we should be just like they are. How do you explain that we're so blessed with all the beauty this world has, that there's people here, and all the different things of nature and species. If earth was born the same way as other planets, there should be nothing here. Why don't other planets (that we know of...and we know of ALOT) have anything at all like we do?

    The only answer is the "someone" did this. How can you deny that God exists and still know these things?

    37 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do all Unbelievers Celebrate the same Holidays as Christians??

    Just wondering. I'm questioning mainly Christmas & Easter. We get days off school or work for these holidays. Even though many believe Christmas was originally a pagan holiday, it hasn't been that for many's the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Easter is the celebration of Jesus rising again. So, do you celebrate these days with presents, etc...or do you just take the days off because your place of employment is closed?

    I'm being serious, NOT picking on anyone. But I often wondered about this. If you say you don't believe in God, then you probably aren't celebrating this Christian holiday??

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do atheists really think all Christians are alike?

    I've only been on this board for a few weeks, and it amazed me how many atheists seem to want to be here just to ridicule the Christians (or any other religion).

    I noticed how you usually answer a question either with a smart remark, or you put the person down for asking it (not all athiests...there are some that are grown up about it). I know there are MANY hypocrites that say they're christians. I know there are MANY that say they're christian, but then go around condemning anyone that isn't. I know there are many real WACKO'S out there that say God is glad our soldiers are dying (and that it's because of the gays in the U.S.). By the way, my son is an army soldier and couldn't be more proud!

    We're not all like that! I have NEVER told anyone they were going to hell for their lifestyle (I like to have a few beers once in awhile too!).

    So my question is as you think we're all alike?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What if Millions suddenly disappeared from the Earth???

    I'm a Christian, and I believe in the rapture. I know many that don't (including some Christians). But, what would your thought be if all of a sudden millions of people were gone, and there was proof that they were all Christians? And then all the plagues mentioned in the Bible that would happen, did happen...would this change your mind?

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you believe the Bible prophesies are being fulfilled today?

    I'm really into Bible prophesies. I read anything I can find to learn more. It's said that there are no prophesies left to fulfill before we are raptured and the tribulation begins. The Bible tells us in the end days evil will run rampant. Look at all the evil things people are doing (people killing their kids, kids killing their parents, perversions are thought by many to be ok now...and on and on).

    It also says knowledge will increase rapidly, people running to and fro - look at all the changes in the world in just the last 20-30 years! Never has there been a time that so much has changed in this short of time. When I was a kid, I would have thought it was impossible to have what we have now!

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Any information on this gun?????

    A friend of ours at work has an old pistol that was owned by his father. We've searched all over the internet trying to figure out what it is and what it's worth. The only markings on it is "Cambridge Express" and the number 27 on a few of the parts. No model # or anything else. Its a 25 caliber, semi-auto, 7 clip. Anyone heard of these???

    4 AnswersHunting1 decade ago