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  • How to get past a password on an used laptop?

    Hi, my Dad gave me an old laptop that a friend gave to him. Unfortunately it is locked with a password and we have no idea what it is. Anyone know how too bypass it and then wipe the computer so I can start new? It's a Toshiba L300D

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • How to pick a healthy bearded dragon?

    Tomorrow I am getting a beardie hatchling there are no breeders in my area (well 8 hour drive away but that is too far with young kids...) Anyways Petsmart has a bunch of hatchlings in and I have a 30 gal set up and ready to go. What should I look for in one? There is one that is a bit bigger then the rest so I was thinking that one would be good because I will know it has been eating. Is there a difference in temperament from male vs female? I looked up sexing online but hatchlings are going to be hard to tell right? Any tips will be great! I want a nice healthy dragon. Thanks!

    2 AnswersReptiles10 years ago
  • How long after bunny neuter are they sterile?

    My Bunny Smokey was neutered a week ago. I have been hearing mixed messages of when I can introduce him too my female with out worrying about babies. My female is only 4 months old and vet wont spay until she is 6 months old.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets10 years ago
  • ear piercing a 6 year old?

    Its my daughters 6th birthday friday and she has been bugging to get her ears pireced. I know she is too young too look after them herself so I will have too, is this too young too get them done? She has the clip on ear rings but they fall off too easy. Any suggestions?

    11 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • What do you recomend?

    I am debating on what too get for another pet.

    The 3 I have it narrowed down to are:

    Ball python

    Box turtle

    Bearded dragon.

    I raise feeder mice, which I sell since I don't have anything that can eat them. I am going too start a colony of meal worms for the mice and will have extras. I have several empty tanks, 5gal, 10 gal, 20 gal, 30 gal, 50 gal and am buying a 100 gallon tank.

    I want a pet that can be handled, friendly and easy too care for. I have had snakes and lizards before and a red ear slider turtle. I am going too the big city next month and plan to find something there, It's a 5 hour drive home.

    What makes the better pet?

    3 AnswersReptiles10 years ago
  • Can rabbits breed through cages?

    I have a 13 week old female Hotot netherland cross female(2lbs) and a 6 month old Holland lop buck(3lbs). Well one morning I woke up to find Nova, my female sleeping stretched out besides Smokey's cage. Smokey is getting neutered July 19, soonest my vet can get him in. I just want too know if it's possible that Nova's "Sleep" over was innocent lol. Smokey lives in a C&C cage, it has 1inch x 1 inch openings. I have discovered how Nova has been escaping her cage and it has been fixed. When she has free time loose in the house we pen off the living room. Smokey's cage is in the dinning room. So now what I would like too know is if I should worry about my girl...

    I don't intend on ever breeding my rabbits, Smokey was purchased as a pet only bunny, he is a retired stud, he was bred to 1 doe then put up for sale. Which is how I found him.


    4 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Pop spilled on my hard drive...?

    My kids put a full can of coke on my computer when it fell off some spilled into the vent where the hard drive is, I took it out and wiped all he pop off it. It clicks when I turn it on, like a turn signal light in you car. Then it just loads the HP screen with the f10 reboot type page. Id there anything I can do or is it fried??? The computer was new this december...

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Horse acting up help?

    3 weeks ago we had the horses out for the 1st ride of the year and they where perfect angels! 1 week later we went again, didn't make it very far when a deer in the bush spooked my friends horse, and the one I ride decided too bolt away with him. We ended up on the gravel, I had some nasty rope burn and sprained my shoulder, Tracy broke a vertebrae in her back. So since she can't ride I promised to ride her horse and get some experience. So last night we saddled them and tried a quick ride. As soon as I got on Hunter he started acting up I don't know if he was trying too buck, rear, kick or bolt. I instantly pulled his head over and made him circle until I had him under control, I tried too get him too walk but he would tense up so he did more circles. I waiting until I was in control and dismounted too calm myself down. I walked him over to where Tracy's husband was riding the other horse, Hunter kept trying to walk past me, so I kept making him back up and walked for a bit. After Randy finished riding we put a lead on Hunter, Randy lead me around on Hunter for a bit until I was confident enough to go alone and he was fine, he turned every time I asked and was very good. When I was done riding he walked nicely beside me and let me get his tack off etc.

    So did he act up with me because it was my 1st time on him? Did he act up because last time he dismounted his rider? He is getting his teeth and hooves done on sunday so I hope its something like that. Thanks for any help!

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Would you risk your life to save an animal?

    Sunday a friend of mine, my 2 dogs, her dog and my 4 kids went for a walk on the trails by a creek. We noticed a man on his bike with his dog running loose, we stoped put our dogs in sit/stay and waited for him and his dog to cross the bridge. The dog didnt cross the bridge instead he went down and into the creek, it is still pretty cold here (Northern Alberta), the creek is moving very fast and there is still snow around. Well the dogs owner didnt see him in the water, my Friend saw the dog and without thinking we both took the leashes off our dogs told the kids and dogs to stay up top and bolted down the bank to the creek. We made out leashes into noose's and I managed too grab the dogs collar and pull him up out of the water. Krystal and I both use too work in an animal shelter, we love dogs and all animals. We didnt even think twice about our safely we just had to get that dog out of the water asap!

    Now would you do the same thing?

    11 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • My rabbits are loose in the neigborhood?

    My dog jumped on the outdoor rabbit hutch and let my 3 female rabbits loose. I have tried for months too catch them again, I set live traps, chased with a blanket, tried sitting on the lawn with a treat ect. I see them every evening and morning, I left my shed door open so they can get their food and hay. I just would like too get them back into their hutch before winter. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Should I find another vet?

    My vet who I have used forever will not neuter my almost 6 month old( born may 14/08) kitten until his adult canine teeth are in. Nemo is ready too be neutered, his litter box smells like an intact male, he howls at night(we have a lot off strays and feral cats here). He is driving me crazy, I check his mouth every day hoping his baby canines are loose. Nemo is the runt(1/2 the size of his litter mates I only took him because the kids wanted an orange boy), he has a growth on his gums that my vet believes made nursing hard for him. He is the size off a 3 month old cat and is delayed(except for his reporductive until...) So too help settle him down, to prevent him from spraying and if he ever gets out making kittens I want him Neutered now. Should I call the other vets or just wait until Nemo loses his baby teeth?

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Who can guess how many I have?

    Today I cut 100 nails including my own, how many kids do I have?

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • What animal is the deadliest?

    What animal is it? I know 10 points too the 1st person who gets it :)

    8 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • How too get rid of the annoying pop ups on here?

    really I can't read the questions without a stupid pop up blocking the question...

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • bonding rabbits?

    I adopted 3 female bunnies, 2 are 7 weeks old and their 1/2 sister is 9weeks. They are currently living together peacefully. Will this peace last? Everything I read about bondng is introducing adults or unrelated bunnies together. Does anyone have any experience bonding litter mates? Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Why are people so hard on seal hunters?

    I know that the pictures of seals being killed are not pretty(the clubs are now banned and they mustt use a rifle to kill them) I personally would rather they get hunted then starve to death. A main part of a seals diet is cod fish. Since humans are huge consumers of cod everyone who eats cod is responsible for the seal's deaths. The hunters have no choice to control the population, if humans stopped eating wild caught fish and left them to the animals who need them to survive this world would be a better place. Now rember next time you eat fish and chips that fish could have been the meal that keeps a seal from starving to death.

    5 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Weird thing happend on world of warcraft to my toon?

    I was in the barrens with my lv 14 druid and I dueled a guy lost(he was 12 lvs ahead of me) then my charater said a nasty remark about homosexuality. Something I never would say. Did the guy I dueled make me say it? Is someone hacking the game? I'm confused...

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What is happining to these bearded dragons?

    My petshop got in 2 beardies a month ago, they where perfect and beautiful. Today I went in to have a look and now 1 has only 3 legs and half a tail and the other one is missing his tail and some toes. They are in seperate 20gal tanks with newspaper, drift wood, water dish, food and UV light. I want one but not now :( Can bearded dragons regenerate limbs and there tails. This is the only petshop that sells then here. Thanks!

    7 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • My Oscar has sever food aggression?

    My tiger oscar lives in his 120g with seveal convics and a jack dempsey. I have a problem when I feed him he'll attack me. He jumps almost the enire way out of the tank and usually knocks the food out of my hand I have tried feeding him 3 or 4 times a day, but he still does it. I have been bitten and so has my husband. I got Oscar this summer from a couple that had him living in a 30gal tank with a bunch of tropica fish. I fed him a few differnt kinds of chiclid pelles, flacks, krill, blood worms and meal worms.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • My bunny is over weight, should I wait until he slims down to neuter him?

    I adopted an 18 month old mini rex who is quite tubby. I want to get him neutered as soon as it is safe for him. He is fat should I wait until he slims down a bit before the surgary? I have him in a cage that is easily 6 times larger then the one he lived in before, plus he has free play, limited pellets and timothy hay.

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago