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I'm just your average know it all. (Not really)

  • Is this a symptom of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

    My entire childhood was one traumatic experience after another. My mother was a screamer and my dad was a beater and a psychological rapist.

    Needless to say I have gone through quite a bit of therapy over the years. More than one of my many counselors alluded to PTSD when I would weep while recounting the horrible experiences I had growing up.

    I thought in the past 10 years or so I had a pretty good handle on it and on life in general. But recently I was placed as a supervisor over a team of employees and a technical lead.

    The technical lead started yelling at me one day, and I fell to pieces. When she saw how I reacted, she started doing things behind my back to undermine my authority. The team and other managers told me she had been horrible to the team the whole 3 years she was there and the last manager did nothing to stop it.

    She brought the union in when I started writing her up for unprofessional behavior. When I would not back down, she went weeping to the big boss, told him untruths to try to get me in big trouble (didnt work) and begged him to let her go to a different position away from me. He agreed. He even let her announce to the team that she was leaving, which was a huge mistake. She made a big scene and alluded to me being a bully and harrassing her. My team was not amused.

    Today she waited until the big boss left for the day and came into my office and shoved a piece of paper in my face and started yelling at me to fix it. I told her three or four times that was what the paper was about, it showed I had fixed it. She kept yelling no, fix it, fix it! She had this little grin on her face while she was doing this. My heart was racing, I was gasping for breath and my head was pounding. I finally (loudly) ordered her out of my office. She just stood there. I ordered her to get out. She threw the piece of paper at me and stepped two steps out of my office, and I slammed the door after her and locked it. I was shaking so badly. I could hear her telling the people around her that I was crazy. She was laughing!

    I think she's the one that's crazy. What do you think?

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • My male cat does not get along with me nor my female cat.?

    Anyone else ever have this problem? What did you do to fix it? He seems to dislike all females! Kind of hard to take good care of him when all he wants to do is avoid me like the plague! He also beats the crap out of my little female kitty. So I keep them separated when we are not around to watch them. Now he is jealous of her because she stays in my bedroom all the time. He sneaks into my bedroom and will eat up all her food and drink up all her water and then knocks her bed off my bed!

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My son might be receiving SSI benefits soon. Does that mean I can no longer claim him as a dependent on my ?

    income tax return the following year? (He is 18 years old but has the capacity of a 10 year old).

    4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • My two teen sons and I were given 20 days to get out of our apartment before eviction occured.?

    Question: The reason given for this by the resident manager was that my boys had too many friends coming to visit our apartment, that our apartment had become a teenage "hang out" and that was breaking the lease. They sited making too much noise after hours (before 6am and after 10pm) as the lease breaking point. But I never ever got any warnings from anyone and the resident manager said it's your son, he is the one that is the cause of all of this. Isn't this breaking Federal Law?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Who else on Y/A loves the Laurell K. Hamilton series?

    Anita and Merry are SO strong, sexy, and spicey!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • All of you pregnant ladies out there, have you heard of: "Dr. Bradley's Husband-Coach Childbirth Method?

    I was reading the answers to a question asked last week about whether you would choose to go through labor or have a broken bone. It is quite evident that too many people are not educated on how to ease the pain of childbirth. If you are presently pregnant, I urge you to get this book (it comes in paperback as well as hardcover). It is well worth the read! Also, if you do a search on Yahoo for it, you will find the website too. I delivered two of my three babies this way, and it definately works! (NOT PAIN FREE by any means, but so much LESS PAIN)

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Blood Type/Parentage Question: Both of my parents are deceased. My Dad's blood type= O positive. My Mom's

    is AB positive. My blood type is A positive. My other three siblings have O positive. Is my Dad my natural father?

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I am considering having a Gastric Bypass.?

    I would like to hear back from anyone on this forum serious answers please! Pros and cons! Thanks! Don't worry, I am doing my homework on this one. Just need a little input on the pros and cons.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Legal question: How can I get a low-cost Divorce?

    Only people that work in the area of law need respond. I have been estranged from my husband for over 20 years now. We have lost track of each other, I don't even know if he is still alive.

    I have been told several times that I have to post a legal message in at least two newspapers in the last known area he lived in for a certain length of time. That is EXPENSIVE! I have checked it out.

    Also, if I get lucky and find him, I have to pay someone to serve papers on him, which is VERY EXPENSIVE. I don't even know if he already got a divorce, how do I find that out? I live in a different state now.

    Anyone have any ideas for me?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Many moons ago, I lost my high school class ring. Does anyone know of a jewelry company that could recreate t

    Class of 1971. Sharon Hill High School. The school no longer stands by the way, so (Jostens jewelry) will not be able to recreate it because it does not exist. Would really like to replace it even though it has been nearly 36 years now.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • If I raise it from a puppy, will a collie (Lassie type) do well in an apartment?

    My vet told me a collie would do just fine in an apartment as long as I take him for a walk in the morning and in the evening. Anyone have any personal experience with this?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago