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  • ok I am in a pickle here and i need your help?

    hi there

    I got in a argument with my boyfriend lastnight, it has been our worst one ever. he thinks that I am being to hard on myself all the time and its getting annoying I dont mean to be hard on myself so how do i not be so hard on myself? my other question is this he has been bugging me all week that he is not going to give me a hint when or where or how he is going to propose to me. Its because he wants to make it very special and he wants to surprise me and honestly its getitng me very annoyed because I like to know what is going on. well lastnight I told him that I am going to propose to him on friday that was his surprise I had everything all ready etc. he was a little mad because I would proposed to him instead of the other way around. he told me that right now he likes just being in a serious relationship as bf and gf with me however he said that my proposel is coming sooner then i think. and that he loves me very much he just doesnt want to be engaged right now he asked me why i want to be engaged and rush into it and to be honest I dont know its not about the wedding its not about being married. its that i can see myself being with him the rest of my life. he said he would not be proposing on saturday he swore to me he wouldnt be. so my questions are how can i not take things to litterly and not beat up myself too much and what does he mean when he says he likes being in a serious realtionhsip with me but he doesnt want to get engaged right now but then he says that my proposel is coming soon please anyone help me thanks

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • is anyone else sick of being called racist?

    hello everyone,

    I am so sick of everyone who did not for obama or who does not agree with obama racist. I am just so sick and tired of being called racist because i dont like his views why do people say mean things like this just asking

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • how to write a good profile for a daiting site?

    hello i need help with daiting i am 21 with two kids both by the same father and i am recently divorce so i am back to the by saying things like I want to know where i stand after the first date i need help on that so i decided to try online daiting here is what i have on my profile Hello,

    My name is Ashley, I was born and raised in Colorado. and currently I reside in a city i am not going to name right now . I am down to earth,honest,caring,sassy but most off I am a sweetheart. I am very respectful and very considerate. and I am looking for a man who will be honest and respectful and who has a good sense of humor. and who wont play head games. my interests are movies,football,baseball,Denver teams,family guy,the grizzly rose,bowling,and cooking. I respect all types of music however country and 80's music are what I listen to the most. well if interested please write me. take care and good luck fishing

    so does this sound good or should i redo it can someone help me with pointers or maybe re write it or tell me to include things i just need help and how can i talk to men where i wont have them run away please help thanks and good bless and good luck to the singles

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • ok am i putting to much into this ?

    hi everyone ok so me and this guy are daiting he says he has no feelings for his ex they are friends they have dated for 6 months but broken up she did alot of drugs in the past well he doesnt want him to know that we are daiting but he will tell her in a week he swears he would never cheat on me and am told he likes me alot so what do i do i am so confused please dont sugar coat it could it just be he doesnt want to hurt her feelings ps he stated that she wants to be with him again but he doesnt want to be with her what do i do please help

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • does this divorce settlement seem fair ?

    hi there i am going through my first divorce at age 21 and i dont mean to sound childish, But i feel what my soon to be ex husband is asking in his settlement is unfair, the reason why he is my ex husband is because he decided to shake my daugther. I am not being a gold digger i am not asking for money unless it goes to my kids. socail services got invovled and they are wanting me not to work until this case is closed. so here is what he is wanting in the settlement he wants the house the car which is both fine by me, he wants to keep the kids and only the kids on his insurance and not me. he wants me to pay for the medical bills of myself and the kids. he wants to only pay for the bills that was accumilated during our marriage my pregnancy but he does not want to pay for the bills that was put together due to him shaking my daughter. and he wants me to not get his profit sharing. I do not have a lawyer and i will not be able to get a lawyer since i dont have any money and one cant be provieded to me because my mother who is a god sent makes to much. i dont know what to do all i am seeking is half of his profit sharing be put in a trust fund for my daugther and son. and for him to keep me on his insurance and also for him to pay for all the medical bills that has came up since we filed for divorce. due to him loosing his temper my daughter has at least 1,000.00 in medical bills due to physical and occupational therapy a week and that is per week i am a struggling mother of two and i am doing all that i can to provide for them my mother is giving me money per month to take care of the house etc but that goes for my kids diapers i am not asking for sympathy i am just asking for it to be he is paying for child support 730 per month which is nice but i think i should be entittled to half of his profit sharing for the kids and for him to pay for the bills after the divorce what do you think

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • ok does this seem fair in a divorce settlement ?

    hi there i am going through a divorce and my ex husband and mind you the only reason why he is my ex husband is because he decided to take out his anger on my one month old daughter. well this is the divorce settlement and if i object which i do we will have to go to mediation he is going to be going to jail for at least two years do you think i will get anything out of this divorce i am not asking for alot i am just asking for insurance to be covered on me and my kids. for all medical bills to be payed by him for the kids right now due to social services i cant work long story dont want to get into it but i can work soon but my daughter has 1,000.00 a week in medical bills due to her physical theripist ocupational theripist, due to him shaking her. and i want his profit sharing to go into a trust fund for my daugther and son i am not asking for money for myself i am not asking for the house or car or anything like that i am just asking for my kids and myself to be on health insuarce mind you that he doesnt have to pay for a prenim every pay check his job does that for him so he gets free health insurace basicaly through his work so i dont see the point but here what he wants to see what happens Dear Ashley,Thank you for your offer, I have reviewed it and I am responding to you with my settlement offer. At your convenience please review and let me know if this is acceptable as I have tried to incorporate some of your previous requests in this all inclusive settlement offer.

    1. The marital home of Christopher and Ashley Dahl at 71. E. Ilex Ct. currently has a loan to value deficit of approximately -$10,000.00 1/2 of which ($5000.00) is Ms. Dahl's responsibility. Christopher Dahl will keep the house and relieve her of the $5000.00 amount owed from the loss.1A:Personal Loans from Henry Sarja to Christopher and Ashley Dahl during the length of their marriage:New Carpet: $1500.00Monthly Loan of $400.00 for 26 months: $10,400.00Emergency Loans of $2200.00 (asked twice by Ashley Dahl to cover the house payment for them)Total Due to Henry Sarja: $14,100.00 Ms. Dahl's share is $7050.00 due to Henry SarjaChristopher Dahl will also relieve Ms Dahl of her responsibility to Henry S Sarja for personal loans made to Christopher and Ashley Dahl during the marriage.Ashley Dahl agrees to sign a quit claim deed to Christopher Dahl within the next 30 days on the property known as 71 E. Ilex Court Milliken, CO 80543 if needed.2.The 1998 Dodge Stratus is also of negative loan to value which is approximately --$400.00 1/2 of which is Ashley Dahl's responsibility ($200.00). This vehicle is now in need of significant repairs which are Steering pump and HVAC control module. Christopher Dahl will keep the car and accept the financial responsibility for Ms Dahl's amount owed.3.Christopher Dahl will accept responsibility for all medical bills for Ashley Dahl and Wyatt and Nichole Dahl for the entire length of marriage and up to the date of divorce filing provided that all dates of service (appointments) must be prior to date of filing of divorce December 13, 2008 and must have been from an approved Medical provider through Mr. Dahl's health insurance plan.All other medical bills after December 13, 2008 for Wyatt and Nichole Dahl will be split equally between the parties, Mr. Christopher Dahl and Ms. Ashley Dahl.Ms Ashley Dahl also agrees she will make sure that any medical necessary treatments, and check ups for Wyatt and Nichole Dahl shall be from medical providers through Mr. Dahl's health insurance plan.All medical and dental bills for Ashley Dahl incurred after the date of divorce filing of December 13, 2008 are her responsibility in their entirety. All medical bills incurred after December 13, 2008 will be split equally between Mr. Christopher Dahl and Ms. Ashley Dahl provided they are for Wyatt and Nichole Dahl only. All medical and dental bills for Ashley Dahl incurred after December 13, 2008 are entirely Ashley Dahl's responsibility.4.Christopher Dahl will continue to provide medical coverage for the children Wyatt and Nichole Dahl as long as he is continually employed and it is available at reasonable costs.5.Both parties agree that no maintenance payment shall be made to or from either party.6.In return, Ashley Dahl will release all interest in the house at ******************, and the 1998 Dodge Stratus and all interest and/or amounts due her from the Profit Sharing account at R&R Engineering under Christopher Dahl.

    Respectfully yours,Chris Dahl

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • will i still be able to get a divorce even though he is in jail ?

    hi there here is the situation my ex husband is going to jail due to shaking our daugther i am divorcing him my question is can i still get offically divorced even though he is in jail

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • my wedding colors are ?

    hi there my we4dding colors are black and pink with little touches of white where are good websites where i can find these colors for my wedidng thanks

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • ok i have chosen my colors what do you think ?

    ok well i narrowed it down to two either

    light pink and light yellow

    or light purple light pink and light yellow what do you think

    i dont want it to be tacky please help any ideas

    19 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • what colors please help?

    hi there i need help with colors its a spring wedding please help me the only colors i dont want is pink and white had that at my last wedding and black and white please any other colors would be very appreicated

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • drama drama drama please help?

    ok so i am seeing this guy who is nothing short of amazing he treats me very good we have been going out for awhile well we were talking about IF i capatalized the if because we are still getting to know eachother and i told him since i have kids and stuff that i would make him wait a year until he proposed. so IF we got engaged this november that is our year anniversary then i would want to get married the following spring. like i said nothing is set in stone i am not picking out a date or anything like that its just hypotheticaly speaking so here is where the drama comes in my sister who has dated this guy for over two years ok when i say date its hard they are in a long distance relationship and they have only seen eachother four times six days each time and that is it and he is going to propose to her this year she is all mad because IF everything goes right between me and my bf we would be getting enaged the same year and she wants to have her own year. and then she asked IF we were to get married what year i said most likely 2010 and she is like that is my year i dont know why we both couldnt get married the same year. i think she is being selfish yes i have been married before but i got a divorce since my ex shook my daugther so after my divorce i met my bf and he is a very nice guy so i guess my question is how do i deal with that me and my bf are getting pretty serious and to be honest i dont care if we both have the same year its just seems like she isbeing silly what can i do to live with this bs nonsense please help thanks

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • what colors would look good please help?

    hi i was wondering what colors would look good for my wedding

    here are my scemes and you can tell me what you think

    light yellow orange and pink

    or burgendy and pink

    or purple and blue

    purple and pink

    and white would be in all of them just a little bit what do you think

    and also i was thinking of putting the brides maides in diffrent shades of one color for example the first bridesmaid walks down in a light pruple dress then the next one in a darker purple what do you think is that a bad idea well let me know what colors you guys think thanks

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • how can my boyfriend be more enjoyable please read i need help?

    hi ok i have been going out with this great guy named geoff. i am having a few problems with him and i need help on how to address them to him with out being mean. he is very obnoxious and sometimes annoying i mean he likes to bring stuff about the past up it seems like just to get attention and he is very loud what can i do to stop this behavior and sometimes he smells i bought him colnge i hope that works i need help on how to make him less obnoxious please help thanks

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i have some cavities and i dont have insuarnce?

    hello i have at least five cavities i havent been to a dentist in years i dont have dental but i have health insurance will they still take health? and also i have bad credit please help i need to see a dentist now please

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • i have a few cavities in my front teeth i need help?

    hello i have been through financial hell and i couldnt be able to find myself a good dentist the past few years i got pregnant twice and since then i have realized i have a few cavities that i need to be taken care of the problem is i dont have dental insurance but i have health insurance united health please what can i do to get my teeth fixed also i dont have good credit its bad pleasehelp

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • does my 21 month old have the flu?

    hi there so tonight is hell my son who is 21 months old is throwing up four times in the last 2 hours and he has had dirreh all day can he have the flu if so what should i do his temp grew from 97.5 to 99.5 in the last hour um he is not wanting to eat or drink anything he is exausted please help i dont know what to do

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • how to deal with a not so nice family member?

    so i am just about to go insaine with my aunt she is causing alot of nonsense drama here is what is happeing so i met a man who i have been with for now a month and two days so when we first started daiting he came to my house but stayed in the car and gave me a vase with the prettiest pink roses i have ever seen anyways my aunt saw him and said that he had long hair a beard sunglasses and looks like a devil person someone who believes in the devil a satianist that is the word.and the guy he saw that i was talking too was thin and so she copied the license plate number well later that night after much yelling he arrives to take me out to dinner well my mom checks the licence plate number and my story turned out ot be true anyways first off he is not thin he is pretty hefty second off he doesnt have a beard and he is a full hearted cathlioc it just seems like she starts drama and then today ok to be honest i have a child who was shaken and i lost custody temperarly so they can figure out who shaken her my ex husband shook her well she wrote a note to social services saying i dont love my kids and all i want is money and i put my needs before theres excuse me that is further from the truth first off i always put my kids needs and wants before my own i havent boughten myself anything in a long *** time and second off i love my kids with all my heart and she is being a big pain in the rear so my question is how can i handle someone who has made my life hell without hurting her feelings i am pissed espically around the holidays i need help any good answers would help thanks

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • please help with a lousy kisser and sex partner?

    ok so i am with this amazing guy and he treats me well. the problem is he has a very small penis. and we tried to have sex the other day and i couldnt even feel rather it was in or not when he was all the way in me. i know sex isnt a big part of a relationship but it is a part. so what can i do besides to pleasure myself to make it where we are both pleasured. he tried to finger me and he did it wrong to where it started to hurt and also he is a bad kisser i mean he like shoves his tounge down my throat in and out in and out and i am like stop dear lord what can i do he is a great guy but lousy at sex and kissing can anyone help me thanks i dont want to hurt his feelings but i dont know how to make someone better at sex and at kissing

    1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what do i do how can i find pleasure?

    hi ok so i have been dating a guy named geoff now for a month to the date. and last weekend we had sex for the first time and it was the worst i ever had. geoff is a big man he does weight Lot but is getting Castro bypass done soon well he is a sweetheart and treats me very good well i am a very sexual person and so we decide to have sex lets just say he is small and when i mean small i mean small to the point where he was in me and i couldn't feel him in what can i do to have myself pleasured because it is driving me crazy that he cant pleasure me but also for him to feel like he is doing a good job i mean i have told him that i am sexually frustrated and that he wasn't very good at it but i was willing to teach him but i dint know how to teach someone who is that small i am so serious please someone help me he tried fingering me and it hurt he was rubbing way to hard he tried eating me out and he didn't know what he was doing he cant kiss worth **** i mean he french kisses like he sticks his tongue in and out of my mouth like freaking humping my mouth with his tongue please someone help me what can i do how can i teach someone what to do in sex thanks i am sorry to be bitchy but i need to be satified

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • can i be pregnant with merriana please?

    hi there i have the meriana iud placed in on the 14th of october i was 6 days into my period when i had it placed well i had sex that following saturday which was the 17th i didnt use protection and i had sex on the 24th and 25th with out protection in november i had my period one day early then i was suppose to but itwas a normal period but i did bleed a little long er this month i am suppose to start today i have had cramps and the past three days all i have had is discharge so do you think i am period since i had my period last month and i am having bleeding discharge its brown also has anyone ever been on meriana when you have been on it for 9 weeks have you had any light bleeding when it was suppose to be your period thanks sorry for the typing errors i am typing with one hand

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago