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  • Are 3rd person servers for monthly-fee multiplayer games legal?

    I would see that they are legal, no matter what one has to "agree to" in the end user agreement. I mean, if one has purchased the game after all, isn't it up to oneself how one uses it?

    It is kind of loading store-brand capsules into a nespresso machine, if nescafe forbade it.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What would you trade for free education?

    From where would you take the money to pay for universal education?

    The military? Social welfare? Farm subsidies? From private companies?

    Or something else?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is it ethical by websites to feature ads without warning first?

    For some, this is a moot point. But if I wanted to stop receiving advertisement in my (snail)mail I'd only need to put a sticker on my postbox. Should this principle be expanded to cover information sent to my computer through the internet?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Will the weakening dollar solve the "immigration crisis"?

    Will the dollar sink so low that wages in the US are comparable to those in Mexico? If so, immigration could stop, if not reverse completely. What are your thoughts?

    4 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • How many of the deaths at 911 can we directly blame terrorists for?

    The planes that crashed had in them about 250 people, so most of the casualties came from the collapse of the WTC- yet the building was supposed to withstand a plane crashing into it.

    Why aren't people also blaming the people who designed and built the WTC for the deaths?

    25 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in the human mind and free will?

    Do you believe that the thoughts in our head are borne independently from a sense of self, or do you think that each thought and action are caused by matter interacting with each other in predictable ways?

    How does your belief affect the way you live your life.

    9 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to take a home loan on a house abroad?

    I have an Australian wife, and she is looking forwards to moving to Australia one day, however, the home loan rate over there is usually above 7% which is much more than the relatively low 4,25% offered here.

    Is it possible to pay off a house in Australia with a home loan from my country? If so, what kinds of fees are there? Any personal experience is appreciated.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Are the politics discussions in Y! dominated by deranged people?

    When I ask questions I get a wide range of answers, most of them stemming from a sad dark point of view of the world bordering on the mentally deprived. Is this a sample of humanity or is Y! a playground for children out of touch from the world?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do you think Barack Obama is more popular abroad...?

    Than any of the other US presidential candidates? (excluding of course some countries with dubious racial equality records). If you disagree motivate, please.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How can the US government afford to have a 9 trillion debt?

    I mean, surely some day money has to be raised to pay it off? Is running a budget deficit "healthy"? Who do you think is most likely to decrease national debt?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which Christian Churches acknowledge evolution?

    The (Catholic) Pope has publicly acknowledged evolution and called those who disagree deranged. What other churches have this official stance? (Evangelic Lutherans, Anglicans, Orthodox and so on...)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in "The Big Bang"?

    The big bang theory basically says that the universe was created by an explosion of energy and matter.

    I disagree. There might have been a bang (there certainly was), but I feel that the permanent state theory describes the infinite nature of space and time- in the past as well as the future. Permament state theory also refutes the existence of a higher being, as there is no time "before" the universe for something to actually create the universe, while the big bang does not attack the notion of a god, but in fact it supports it.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's with the "who's more conservative?" questions in the rep. debate?

    I didn't think that conservatism was a value in itself. Why are the republican candidates trying to prove that they are the most conservative? Shouldn't they try to prove that they are right?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Wealth spread in North America?

    How is the wealth from US and Canada spreading to their neighbouring countries?

    Tourism, investment or by migrant workers?

    What do you think is a good way to help neighbouring markets grow? Why is the US-Mexico trade ties so different than the ones in Europe?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where and how (and why) did the "as seen on TV" male gay-culture come about?

    I assume it is not a natural state caused by sexual orientation to talk nasally and act like narcissists. Can someone shed light on this for me?

  • About the Harry potter books?

    Now, I've read them all, but it seems to me the whole series would've been better if it had been condensed into a trilogy (3 books). The repetition of the books where harry goes to school is disappointing, and totally not worth writing 6 books about. What do you think? Would this make the series rereadable?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on how WW2 ended?

    It seems to vary from country to country, even from person to person. Eastern Europeans generally hold a view that the occupation of Russia was not an improvement on an occupation by Germany, but the Western European nations as well as USA seem to hold themselves as saviors of the rest of Europe.

    In my view, the Western Europeans were fighting two imperialists factions, the Axis and the Communists, and ended up losing half of Europe to one of them. It was only half-a-victory.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • If some countries were "saved" by the US' intervention to WW2...?

    Then what about those countries that weren't saved-either because of being allied with Nazi-Germany or by falling under communist rule?

    What parts of Europe did the US actually contribute to "save"? Britain and France? Should the whole of Europe be grateful for that?

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What do the different colour of berets stand for?

    I know quite a few, but I'm interested in some of the more exotic colours like yellow, and so forth.

    Dark Blue- Navy

    Light Green- Army

    Dark Green- "Green Beret"

    Light Blue- Airforce

    Black- Anti-Tank forces

    Red- Paratroopers

    What standard are these? And is there a site that lists them?

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Who would you vote for...?

    A plague that targets american politicians regardless of political party ravages the political system in the US. To the next presidential election the country is forced to import a politician to rebuild to country...

    Running for president are:

    Jacques Chirac

    Kim Jong Il

    Kofi Annan

    Hamid Karzai

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Hugo Chavez

    Jose Manuel Barroso

    These people, as presidents, would excert the same effort on your behalf as they had for their own countries/causes. Who, takes it all, who reigns supreme?!?!?!

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago