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misty n justin

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  • pregnancy right after vasectomy?

    My husband JUST had a vasectomy 2 days ago. We were told there is a window right after where we could still get pregnant. Has anyone had this happen or know how likely it is to happen? And for how long after?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • concerning BAH and BAS to active duty army only please?

    Ok this is an interesting question, i hope someone knows! I need to know what the penalty is for someone collecting BAH and BAS and seperation pay while deployed, when you are no longer married to the person you are collecting for. Like, when you divorce the person, but do not inform the military, what can your punishment be for continuing to collect dues owed to a married soldier? I ask because my ex husband is currently doing this and i would like to get a court order for child support but he does not want the Army to know we are apart, because he wants to continue to collect his entitlments. What can be done about this?

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • anyone have this happen?

    I am 36 weeks pregnant as of yesturday. I went into labor and delivery because i was having difficulty having a ton of pressure and intense pain in my pelvic area. They told me my cervix is thinning, i am dialated to 1cm currently and the baby is dropped into position. I'm wondering how long i could go before having the baby. The DR. guessed about two weeks max, but i am wondering if anyone else had the same thing long after the baby dropping into position and beginning to dialate could the baby be born? I am only concerned because my mother is coming out here from out of state and can't get here any sooner, and she will be caring for my other children while im having the baby so hubby can be with me. Anyone have any idea the longest i could go?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do you think of when you hear these names?

    For each name if you could write a little something, like does it make ya think of a nerdy person, preppy, jock would help!! I have a few names in mind i am still discussing with hubby but no where near settleing. I thought this might help!!


    names are:






    44 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • ok baby boy name suggestions, revised!?

    Earlier i asked for input on names i had in mind for a baby boy, due march 29th. I listed my childrens names, and i got feedback on what people thought of their names. I don't need to know about the names of children i already named so lets try this. What is your favorite baby boy name, i don't like 1 syllable names much, and the last name is LEWIS.......any suggestions? Also, i don't really pay much attention to meaning unless they mean something "bad" Any suggestions are welcomed!!! Thanks!!

    43 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Baby boy names, i need opinions!! (Again...sigh)?

    My husband and i can't agree for long, on anything. We are having a baby boy in 6 weeks and 5 days. Im getting worried the poor child will be nameless!!! We have twin sons, Kodee Justin and Kaden Jeremy, but we call the first one Justin. Those names are all used so out of the running for this baby. My husbands name is Justin, middle name Marshal but we dont want to use his middle name for this baby, because Kaden would be the only one not named after daddy.

    Some of our choices are:

    Jackson Tyler

    Landon Nicholas

    Zane Tyler

    Matthew Tyler, although we HATE Matt so are not sure of this one

    Anyone have opinons, or suggestions?!?!?!?!?!?!

    36 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Would you tell your husband? (military spouses?)?

    My husband is currently out in the field. We have two children, twins who are 2 1/2 years old. He has been to Iraq once but has been home (when not in field or schooling) since the twins were 8 months old. Lately when he has to do a field rotation, or go to some sort of schooling, hes been upset. He constantly asks me how the kids do, are they crying for him, are they asking for him. The truth is the ask 24/7 for him and cry the first few days hes gone. The next few months he will be gone 2 weeks gone, 2 weeks home, until march and that is when our next baby is due then its rumored his unit will be going to Iraq in the summer. My question is, would you tell your husband the truth about the kids missing him, me missing him ect....or say we are all doing ok? How much is to much to tell him?

    16 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Efiled taxes through site online....?

    Ok, i am wondering, i Efiled my taxes online, and the Efile was accepted by IRS Jan 13th. The company i went through emailed me once IRS had accepted and said i would have my return Jan 26th. When i checked the IRS website, however, they said BY jan 30th....not a big difference, but do you think i will recieve the refund the 26th like the company i filed through advised, or by the 30th like the IRS website indicates? Also, has anyone ever efiled online and recieved their refund later or earlier then told?

    4 AnswersOther - Taxes1 decade ago
  • Baby boy names?

    I have two sons, Kodee Justin who goes by Justin, and Kaden Jeremy. (justin and kaden) They are 2 year old twins. We are now expecting our 3rd son in March. After a ton of debates we thought we had a name picked, but guess not. Husband decided he didn't like it.

    Anyone have any good name suggestions??? Meanings don't matter much, but our last name is Lewis, so we try to avoid L names and names ending in S. Any suggestions appreciated!!!


    32 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Renting a rights?

    I moved into a house on friday. We still aren't even unpacked and have a huge problem....the house has fleas everywhere!! They are biting my kids and making us all misrable. Well the landlords had the house sprayed before we moved in, but apparently the eggs hatched and now there is a new flea problem. they are paying to have the house sprayed again to get rid of the problem. The only thing is, we have been advised by the pest control, since we have small children ( 2 year old twins) We should leave the house for 24 hours to make sure the chemicals on the carpets are all dry so that way the kids wont get them on them. The landlords won't pay for the hotel. Do you think they should? Would you push the issue or dish out the hotel fees? Anyone know what our rights are? Thanks!!!!

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Alexander or Xander??

    My friend is having a baby boy. She is deciding wether to give the child the name Alexander or Xander. If she chooses Alexander, she will call him Xander. Her husband wants to use Xander, so people FOR SURE call him that, but my friend wants a proper name, that will carry into adulthood. Whats peoples opinions? Also the middle names are between Alexander or Xander Mathew and Alexander or Xander Michael. Which sounds better? Thanks!!

    33 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • baby boy name?

    After a debate with hubby, i finally get him to agree on a name for our baby boy due in March. After fighting for this name, i now don't know for 100% sure if we should use it. The name we are thinking of is Jackson.

    The only problem, i love the name...but it is also a last name. Our last name is Lewis, which is also a first name. I'm wondering if it would sound like the child had two first names, or two last names...what are peoples opinions?

    His name would be Jackson Tyler Lewis

    Thanks for any input, good or bad!!

    3 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Anyone have or know where to get activation code for world of warcraft?

    We currently have the free 10 day trial download version and want to get full version. Anyone know where to get the full version free? Thanks!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Opinion about how to deal with my mother!?

    This is a little different type of question for baby names section, but i have twin sons who are 2.5 years old. Their names on their birthcertificates are Kaden Jeremy and Kodee Justin. Kodee Justin does by "Justin" He was named after his daddy, Justin. We did not want a Jr. so we did it this way. Well, the problem i have is after 2.5 years my mother still hates it that i call my son Justin, because she likes the name Kodee better. She argues with me, has even told me i F****ed up my sons name, and its getting old. How can i politely put her in her place without causing hard feelings? I'm sick of hearing about what i SHOULD have called my own child. Now that im pregnant again, she thinks ill "screw up" this childs name as well. What would you say to her? She lives out of state, but even on visits this comes up! Thanks to all who have read this far and answer!

    23 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Boys name decided but how do to spell it?!?!?

    Finally after begging my husband for the name Jackson he has come around to the name and agreed, so long as he picked middle name. The babies name will be Jackson Tyler, but we aren't sure if we should spell it Jackson as traditionally spelt, or if we should go with a different way, as Jackson is also a last name. Any thoughts suggestions??

    29 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • this might sound stupid but i dont know?!?

    I had an ultrasound done at 22 weeks and 6 days pregnant. They said everything on my baby measured as it should, he weighed 1 pound from what they could tell and everything looked great. Well i showed the ultrasound pics to some family and one person said his head looked big.....i don't know what it is suppose to look like, but if his head measured to big isnt this something the Dr who reviewed would have noticed??? Should i worry? Do babies heads look large in comparison to the rest of their bodies at this stage?? This is my first biological child, so i guess i am a bit nervous. Any help i can get would be great. Thanks

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Boy name ideas and what about this?

    I had a question up a few days ago asking for name suggestions. I am 24 weeks pregnant with my 3rd son. First two sons are Kaden who was born first, then Justin. We are considering the name Nathaniel Tyler for this one. I dont know how crazy i am about it, but i think its a nice enough name, and my husband has said no to everything else i suggested. I'm not sure Nathaniel Tyler sounds best, any other possible middle names? How many people who shortern the name nathaniel to nathan? We are not big on the name Nathan......any ideas suggestions? Thanks!!

    20 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Strep B while pregnant?

    I am 24 weeks pregnant, and for about the last 10 weeks or so i have had a sore throat off and on. I went to the DR. and they did a strepthroat culture which showed negative. They gave me some antibiotics and they didn't work. I heard about Strep B causing sore throats in pregnant women....anyone know anything about this? My next DR. appt. is in 2 weeks, so i am going to bring it up then, but i was wondering if anyone had this happen while pregnant? Anything i can do for the throat pain that won't harm the baby? Thanks!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I need help on baby boy names!?

    I am currently expecting my third son, i have twin sons who are 2 1/2 years old...names are Justin and Kaden....i am trying to find a name for my new son due in march and i am out of ideas!! Hubby is hard to please, and we are getting no where. I would like a name that kinda goes with Justin and Kaden.....ideas????

    19 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago