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Opinion about how to deal with my mother!?

This is a little different type of question for baby names section, but i have twin sons who are 2.5 years old. Their names on their birthcertificates are Kaden Jeremy and Kodee Justin. Kodee Justin does by "Justin" He was named after his daddy, Justin. We did not want a Jr. so we did it this way. Well, the problem i have is after 2.5 years my mother still hates it that i call my son Justin, because she likes the name Kodee better. She argues with me, has even told me i F****ed up my sons name, and its getting old. How can i politely put her in her place without causing hard feelings? I'm sick of hearing about what i SHOULD have called my own child. Now that im pregnant again, she thinks ill "screw up" this childs name as well. What would you say to her? She lives out of state, but even on visits this comes up! Thanks to all who have read this far and answer!


Someone stated maybe my other doesnt like my husband, she seems to like him fine. I dont get it though. And Kodee she just perfers to Justin i guess, the name didnt come from a relative or anything.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    don't worry about it you didn't f*** up Justin and kaden's names and you won't f*** up your new baby's name either. you should politely tell your mom that it hurts you when she is constantly nagging about YOUR CHILD'S name, it has been a long enough time for her to get used to it and you shouldn't have to justify calling your son after his father. if she is hard headed like my parents it might take a little time to sink in but don't give hope and don't stress out about it. you should be enjoy this time in your life and not be worrying about your children's names pleasing other people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know your Mom may be upsetting you about this, and she need to be confronted, however, you don't want to hurt her feelings because you will regret it. Just tell her that she got to choose her children's names and what they were called, now you are a mother and it's your turn to decide what your children will be called. If Justin would rather go by Kodee when he's old enough to make that decision then you will call him that, but for now he will be called Justin because that it what you want. As for her saying you will screwing up your child-to-be's name, ask her to help you look through the name book so that way she will feel involved in the decision and won't give you such a hard time when he/she is born and given a name. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I do not think you are f***** up by any means. Does your Mom think that it's weird you use his middle name or she just simply likes Kodee better? I go by my middle name, and I don't even know why---it's just been that way for as long as I can remember. I would just tell your Mom that they are your children and that it is your choice and that you are not by any means harming him in any way--and maybe you could let your Mom call him by his first name. Kinda like a Grandma/Kodee only thing--not sure. My nieces name is Sara middle name Jo and both her grandparents won't call her just Sara, they all call her Sara Jo. Mother's will be Mother's though and they have to tell you every little thing that they would do differently! LOL! =) GOOD LUCK!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Where did the name Kodee come from? Was it a relative of your mothers? That may be a big part of it. She may be trying to preserve the memory of someone she loves, while you call him by his dad's name.

    Does she not like your husband? That could affect it too.

    But really, it's not her place. You didn't screw up his name, and you won't screw the next one's name up. Just say, "Mom, I understand that you don't like that I call my son Justin. But he's my son, and we planned on naming him Justin, but didn't want him to be jr. So we have chosen to name our son this, and making a decision isn't screwing up. You can suggest a name for the next one, but it shouldn't matter what we choose to call our son." If this doesn't work, get someone, like an uncle or cousin from her side that you both like to intervene (trust me, it works!).

    By the way, I like the name Justin. It's really catchy. Good luck with the twins and the next one.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I would probably say something like this:

    "Look Momma, since we are both mothers, I know you understand that naming a child is a mothers privilege. You named your child(ren) and I named mine. Now, you are more than welcome to call your grandson "Kodee"--since that IS his first name and you favor it, but as his parents--we prefer to call him by his middle name, "Justin." Rather than constantly argue with you about Kodee Justin's name, I really need for you to respect me as a mother, stop harping on my taste in names and be as supportive as you can."

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, that's a hard one. Maybe ask her how she would have felt if people criticized her for what name she gave you. Try to make her see that you understand that she doesn't like the decision you made, but you don't need to be constantly reminded of her opinion. Ask her for her thoughts on names for the new baby, too. Maybe if you use one of her suggestions, she'll forget about little Justin. Good Luck and Congrats!!!

  • pebble
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I just want to vent with you too, because I know exactly how you feel. I named my son Richard Alexander. My husband and I asked my dad to help us come up with a name since he had no boys and this was his first grandson. He chose family names John White or Richard. I liked Alexander so I went with Richard Alexander. My husband's family hates it! When he was a baby they kept saying why don't we just call him Alex and why did you name him Dick and all sorts of other things. I told them I was calling him Ricky, they could call him Ricky and when he went to school he could choose for himself. That was the end of that! The funny thing is that most of the family didn't originally know that Dick was a nickname for Richard until a certain someone threw a fit about it! Oh well I still love Richard Alexander. To each their own.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yo, that is a really hard one, i would like to answer you but i don't known if i can without asking what does the father say? Can he not control his mother, if she is being disrespectfull to you then isn't she disrespecting him and what about the poor babies when the get old enough to understand won't the feel tension from her? ( to say the least anyway?)That woman needs to be put in her place and i don't think u should even consider saving face especially if the father cannot keep this under control!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have issues about my own mom. My mom is very judgemental person. And I am very open minded. When I was prego, I did not talk to her on the phone for 8 months because all she did was criticise. I did not want her stress during my pregnancy.

    If your mom doesn't like your son's name, write her a letter. Tell her in your letter that you can not see her until she quits being judgemental and opinionated. You can't have her stress in your household. It's very toxic and unhealthy. What gives her the right to judge about your children's names? These are your children not hers. Don't call her on the phone and argue about this. If she calls you, let the answering maching pick up. Do you want the same stress now that you are pregnant again? Don't talk to your mom until she learns not to criticize about your life or your kids. Writing a letter will force her to listen what you have to say.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gee whiz! Sorry you have to deal with this - aren't twin boys enough to handle? Anyway, I might consider being kindly frank with her. Say, "Hey, I know you don't like our choice of names. But, these are our children and it would really help (your husband's name) and me if you could just give us the support you're so good at and try to forget about any mistakes you think we made 2.5 years ago. Thanks for being such a terrific grandma to our kids! It means so much to our family." Be sure to use words like us, our, and we, so it sounds like it's coming from both your husband and you - so it's not just you picking a fight.

    She's just got to back off. Best wishes on that!

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