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  • I'd like to translate this into Russian. "You always have to sacrifice a few pawns before you get your checkmate."?

    Here's what I currently have:

    Вы всегда должны пожертвовать несколько пешек, прежде чем вы получите ваш мат.

    How accurate of a translation is this?

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Translation of a phrase into Latin, please?

    I'm writing a novel and in it a character has a blog. I want the character to be known by a pseudonym in Latin, but my Latin is extremely rusty and quite limited. I tried Google translate, but I had tons of variations so I'm sure none of them are probably grammatically correct.

    My first choice was: I think therefore I survive (a play on I think therefore I am)

    (And here's what I got from translation sources: ego reputo proinde ego superstes // cogitationis exstaret, neither of which seems right to me.)

    Another choice is: Always thinking (a play on semper fidelis)

    (The translation sources said: usquequaque reputo // semper cogitans.)

    I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi so I'd really like for my grammar to be correct, even if it's in a language I haven't studied for 30 years. If I have to choose, I'd choose the second one in each pairing, but I'd really appreciate if someone could help me with this. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • What do you think are the top 5 political issues facing the US today?

    I have the opportunity to write some political opinion pieces for my local newspaper. If you had such an opportunity, what would be the first 5 topics you would tackle? I'll be writing from a conservative point of view, if that makes any difference.

    7 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • How can I accomplish this task? (what software/experience do I need to use)?

    I want to set up a web page for writers who are part of a 1000 word a day challenge. Each day they would put in their word count and if they achieve a minimum of 1000 words that day, they would receive points to motivate them. The more days they meet it without breaking the chain, the more points they would get. The results would be available for public viewing to see how they compared to others. (Like a leader board.) What would I need to accomplish this task? I really don't have much coding experience, but I do know HTML and have worked with some Flash in a non-Adobe cheapy program (Swish Minimax 4) to do basic animations. I also don't have big bucks to do this (meaning $100 or less for the software).

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • How can I keep this critter from digging in my raised bed?

    I have a small 4' x 8' raised bed that is 16" high. This morning I found a hole dug in the bed (fortunately in the part I haven't planted yet!) that was about 3" in diameter and 8-12" deep and lined with grass that the animal had carried up there.

    I suspect I'm dealing with a raccoon because I did find raccoon prints in that area a few weeks ago when it was rainy, but I'm not ruling out a possum either. I live in a small city, but we have a river and woods about 3 blocks from my house so we do get them occasionally, along with skunks and then rabbits and squirrels. Since it happened at night, I'm ruling out a squirrel and since I can't imagine a rabbit jumping 16" up to get to the bed (and there's a small decorative fence around the outside of the top of the bed that has openings, but still, it's a type of fence), I'm leaning toward raccoon.

    Would this behavior be consistent with a raccoon and if so, do you think a 3' tall chicken wire fence around the bed will keep him out?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • If I sold stock this year and pay taxes on the profit, could I get a refund to offset business losses?

    I was very ill this year and couldn't work a regular job. I have a small sole proprietorship business that had a net operating loss this year (because I was too sick to do what was needed to help it grow and turn a profit). I sold off stock that I had and used that to live off of.

    While I realize there are a lot of factors in this, let me put in some basic numbers just for a more tangible hypothetical situation.

    I made $6000 profit in stock sales (I sold more than that, but I'm estimating this amount of actual profit).

    I had a net negative $1500 in business income.

    I had no other income.

    Since I paid no federal taxes except those on the stock sales, will there be any way I will get a tax refund on those taxes since my income was obviously below the standard deduction for a single person?

    5 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • What do you think the odds of survival are for this feline leukemia positive kitten?

    Two weeks ago I got a kitten who was 7 weeks old. I took him in to the vet last week for shots and he tested positive for feline leukemia. I've read that sometimes in kittens that small, it can be caused by antibodies from the mother's milk. I've also read that basically 1/3 of cats will die from it within 2 years, 1/3 of them will fight off the infection with their immune system, and 1/3 will carry the disease and be able to infect others, even though they might not get sick because of it themselves or they might live a long time before they get too sick from it and die.

    Now, all the rest of the kittens from this litter died, although I'm not sure if it was from feline leukemia or other reasons. The lady didn't tell me. (The kitten was riddled with fleas when I got it so who knows what it might have had from those!) At 9 weeks, though, he's extremely active and seems to be very healthy in every way, even though he's small (only about 1 pound 10 ounces).

    The vet told me to come back in 2 months to have him retested for the feline leukemia and he could test negative. I'm thinking if the rest in the litter died and he's still alive, maybe he has a much stronger immune system so he'll fight it off (or maybe it's just caused by his mother's antibodies). I wonder what the odds are of kittens surviving even 9 weeks if they got it from their mother. Anybody have any ideas?

    I have another cat, who is negative, and I've had to keep them totally separated so the kitten has been kept shut off from the house on the back porch (which is okay for now and I do go and play with him often, but it's not like having him in the house with me and the cat). If the kitten tests positive, I will have to find him another home because I can't risk the other cat getting infected.

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Is my kitten scared of me or hurt?

    I have a new 7-8 week old kitten who is normally very active and quite playful, to the point where I usually can't even hold him because he's running and playing. Today I was on my knees playing with him and I thought he ran off one direction. He ran behind me and when I started to move, I felt him under me and immediately moved to get off him, and I got overbalanced (I sometimes have balance issues) and smacked the back of my head on the wall in the process. I don't really remember what happened so I don't know if I hurt him or not. Since then he's been very docile and even hides from me and has been shaking when I go near him. I picked him up and held him for a while (again, not at all like him normally!) and he stopped shaking and almost went to sleep. When I set him down, he ran away from me again and I had to try to coax him out. He doesn't cry when I pick him up so I don't think he's hurt. I really think I took the brunt of things in trying not to fall on him, but he's just so different from what he was right before it happened. He has gone to the bathroom okay and he drank some water, but I don't know that he's eaten anything for a few hours (again, not like him). He walks cautiously, and every time I move or any noise seems to scare him. I did see just a faint spark of his playfulness, but then he would get scared again and move to a safe place. It's late at night so he would normally be sleeping so I wonder if he's just sleepy from that or if maybe there's something hurt that I don't know about. Any ideas?

    6 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Need to file for disability from the start or not?

    I've had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since March 2000 and in 2009 it flared so bad that I have not been able to work since. I filed for ss disability in October 2009, but my regular doctor moved at the same time and I didn't have a doctor to go to anymore. (Besides, all my doctor could ever tell me was to take it easy and work within my energy limits. There was no medication and in 9 years of dealing with it, I'd had pretty much every test and they all came back saying I was normal, which is typical of people with CFS. In other words, I didn't go to the doc much because he and I both knew there wasn't anything he could do for me and it was just a waste of time, energy and money for me.)

    Anyway, by the time I got to the hearing stage, my lawyer had pulled out on me because I didn't have enough medical evidence (because the judge wouldn't allow any of my medical records from before October 2009, which is when all my testing was done for my condition). I tried to get another lawyer and he turned me down as well. I faced the judge alone and realized the CFS brain fog had made it too hard to think so I wouldn't be able to really respond to his questions well, and without any of my earlier records, I had no chance to win anyway. I sent a letter to the court and withdrew my application.

    Now I've had a doctor for the past 8 months (and I've spent a lot of money for him to tell me the same thing the other doctor did...nothing he could do for me, rest, and work within the energy I have). Do I need to start the process from scratch or do I reactivate my application? I'm not sure what to do now and I have to have an active application before I can approach a lawyer to represent me.

    4 AnswersPeople with Disabilities9 years ago
  • What kind of formula can I use to figure out this problem?

    No, this is not a homework assignment. I'm just curious how is the best way to approach this problem.

    Let's say that Adam and Eve had 1 child every other year with the first child born in year 1.

    When those children reached 20, they paired off (assuming exactly 50% were male and 50% were female) and had 1 child every other year.

    When those children reached 20, they paired off (again, assuming a 50/50 split with male/female) and had 1 child every other year as did each new generation once they reached 20 years old.

    They all (including Adam and Eve) continued producing children at this rate for a total of 110 years.

    At the end of that 110 years, how many people would there be?

    (Whether you believe in the Bible or not is irrelevant. This is a Math problem. Please don't spend time discussing the religion behind it here.)

    How do I form a formula or formulas to solve a problem like this?

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • Help with German translation of these 3 phrases, please!?

    I need to know if these phrases are translated correctly. (I did them with Google, but I want a REAL person to tell me if they are actually correct.)

    He likes to eat = Er gerne essen

    He has to go to = Er muss gehen

    then = dann (like first he does this then he does this)

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • What are the chances of a boy named Tucker being teased about his name?

    Do you think it's a possibility a boy with the name Tucker will be teased or bullied because of his name? Or do you think it's not very likely that other kids would call him the f-word? (I'd especially like to hear from people who are named Tucker to see what they experienced growing up.)

    So, teased or not?

    6 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • French grammar: Using "de" after negative question?

    If I want to say, "I'm not afraid of cats," do I say, "Je n'ai pas peur de chats" ? Please help me get this right. Thanks!

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • When I open up a Word 2000 document in Word 2010 it comes up blank.?

    Yeah, I just upgraded my 6 year old laptop. It was running Word 2000. I transferred over my documents and now when I open up some of them in Word 2010 they come up blank. I've opened up others and they are fine. I can't figure out why some of them come up as multi-page blank ones. (One had about 10 pages in the original and had 160 blank ones when I opened it.) Any ideas??

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • Is this a video card issue or a screen issue with my laptop?

    I have a Dell Inspiron 600m. It's getting old, I know. Just suddenly started putting lines on the screen, sometimes. Most of the time, off and on. The lines change when the base where my wrists rest moves (as I type). Sometimes parts of the screen have lines and other parts are perfectly clear. Some text will appear faded, especially when it is a color other than black. I believe this is an integrated video card so that means if it's the card, it's the motherboard, therefore a new computer is best. Is it a screen that needs replacing? Could it be something loose inside that I need to check? Btw, when I did a screen shot of it and sent it to my desktop, you can see the lines in it (which makes me think it's more a video card issue than a screen issue). Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Have you ever taken/would like to take a language class online?

    If you have, what kind of class was it? How did it work? How often did it meet? Was there a textbook? Was it run through assignments and bulletin boards or did you get to talk to the teacher live? Can you give me a ballpark figure for how much it cost?

    If you haven't taken one, would you ever consider it? What would be the most important considerations you'd have for taking one? How often would you expect it to meet?

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • How much would it cost to buy snacks for 20 people?

    I know you're going to say, it depends on what you get. I understand that. So, here's the situation. I'm having a one-day workshop (9 am to 3 pm) and I need snacks for about 20 people for mid-morning and then again mid-afternoon. It will be rather informal so it doesn't have to be fancy at all. I'd also be open to ideas for what kind of snacks would be good. I need to have a ballpark figure so I can put it in my planning.

    3 AnswersEntertaining9 years ago
  • Suggestions for a lower priced yet very good digital photo editing program?

    I need to do some editing on my photos, but the result has to be artifact-free and high quality. I don't have a lot of money to spend, but I want to get something more than just a basic program for the home user. Does anyone know of any good programs for less than $150? (Yes, I want to sell my photos, but right now, I can only sell ones that are perfect straight from the camera. I need to be able to do basic cropping, etc.) I'd like to hear people who have used these programs and know what they can do.

    4 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • Which verb form is grammatically correct in this English sentence?

    If I am talking about this sentence: Plants grow in the spring.

    And I want to make a question, which of these questions is correct?

    What grow in the spring?

    What grows in the spring?

    4 AnswersLanguages10 years ago