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  • Does anyone know what living on Roatan in Honduras is like?

    Ex pats please or people in the know. Provide some detail on the real life on Roatan, good, bad and ugly.

    2 AnswersOther - Latin America1 decade ago
  • Do you agree that Christians have a mission to lead America to preserve the country ?

    Do you agree that it is the job of "Christians" to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost. That as Christians are the vice regents of God, Christians must exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect and institution of American society. Christians must govern America to preserve our great country for future generations. Members of other religous minorities should willingly concede that the Christian majority leads our country.

    36 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you agree that Christians must lead America to preserve the country ?

    Do you agree that it is the job of "Christians" to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost. That as Christians are the vice regents of God, Christians must exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect and institution of American society. Christians must govern America to preserve our great country for future generations. Members of other religous minorities should willingly concede that the Christian majority leads our country.

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • My dog seems to understand and speak english, is this possible.?

    My dog seems to like to speak in growls and other dog noises. He has done this from the time he was a puppy and now he is 8 years old.

    I started to teach him words and he is getting pretty good at saying walk, out, food, and drink and a few other words.

    Yesterday I was sitting on the sofa and he came to me and said "help". I followed him to the window and found that an older lady had fallen dwn in front of our house and really did need help.A few days before this I found him staring at a beer advertisement in an open magazine nad he said "beer". I am not sure but I think he is starting to readover my shoulder as well when I am sitting in my chair. Should I ignore this behavior or invest in a tutor or something to encourage his development as time goes on?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is this ethical behavior or is the lawyer correct when filing this lawsuit?

    I participated in a friendly wager with a local attorney. He bet me $1,000 that pigs can really fly. I took the bet since I have never seen a pig fly and know that they do not have wings. If pigs did have wings I am pretty certain that they would be sold in buckets with Buffalo Hot sauce at Applebys, so I think I am on pretty safe ground here.

    Well my lawyer friend produced a new filing from the FAA that allows pigs to fly as "service animals" working to help their owners on domestic USA flights and a picture of a pig flying with his owner in the aircraft.

    I refused to pay the $1,000 since the pig was not clearly flying under it's own power nor was it acting as pilot in command. Saying that a pig in the passenger compartment of an aircraft is flying is like saying that the passengers are flying. No passenger is flying under their own power nor do they operate the plane. They are being flown, they are not flying.

    The lawyer, now a former friend is suing me. Is he ethical?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Which Twin should go to heaven ?

    A mother gives birth to thwo children.

    Child one lives a life of goods deeds. Gives in a generous fashion to the poor from his own pockets. Raises fourteen disabled and economically underprivlidged foster childern of a different race sending most to college and the rest to a life of self determination and self sufficiency, all are happy and feel loved and respected. This child follows the ten commandments and the finest teachings on how to be a righteous man from Judaism, Christianity and Islam. While a believer in the message and the philosophy this child remains an atheist, a non-believer in god untill death. A death where dozens crowd around the ersons death bed to give comfort and support and even thanks to this fine person. The persons funeral is attended by hundreds of people. he was respected and loved by all.

    The second child is a drunk and a sinner who beats his spouse and curses his poor luck in life. He believes in Jesus.

    Who goes to heaven and why, make sense.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • PHD in Business or International Business?

    Which Universities offer a PHD in Business or International Business with residency clustered around three weeks of on campus study(or similiar timeframes) with remote study the balance of the semester or trimester?

  • Christians - reconcile this if possible?

    Buddhists believe that human suffering could be overcome by following a particular way of life. The first precept of Buddhism is 'non-harming' (ahimsa): Buddhists reject violence. Buddhism is clearly pacifist in its teaching and there is a heaven, sometimes called Nirvana.

    1) What happened to all people who wanted to go to heaven or nirvana before Christianity?

    2) Did they go to another non-christian heaven?

    3) If a man murdered a buddist pacifist and then prayed for forgiveness how is it that the murderer can go to heaven and the good buddist is locked out of heaven by practicing his good and righteous religion?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Dilemma - Do I turn in my neighbors Parrot?

    My neighbor is a retired merchant marine. He has a wonderful African Grey parrot. This bird was a talker, maybe a hundred or more words and he does tricks.

    I was sitting at home and heard a terrible racket coming from next door.My neighbor was drunk and decided to give his pet a bath. All was well untill he decided to dry it off in the microwave. I pulled the parrot out of the Sanyo and found it was not doing too well. I think it is blind and fear it may now be sterile.

    Now, all day long all I hear is this parrot reapeat the same two words - Help me, help me, help me...over an over.

    My question is this...should i make a complaint about this bird making a nusiance of itself with this non-stop crying for help. I mean it is really getting on my nerves. Or, should I ignore this as the microwaves seem to have affected it's little parrot brain? suggestions please.

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Neighbors dog drowned in my Pool and I panicked and hid the evidence. Should I confess to the cover up ?

    My neighbor and I share a fence. His seven year old girlchild is a hell raiser. The child loosened up an old fence board between our yards leaving a hole big enough so her dog could enter our back yard.

    This dog is 150 years old in people years, it's blind and deaf. It would wander around my neighbors yard seeing nothing and hearing nothing. The only reason it survived is it still had a sense of smell and could find it dog food and water.

    This dog somehow wandered through the hole in the fence and fell into my pool. I watched in horror as it sank to the bottom. I ran outside and jumped into the pool in my suit and dress shoes and got it on the sidewalk. As I pushed on its back water pumped out of its nose and mouth, try as I moght the dog was dead. Drowned in my pool.

    My neighbor wasn't home. So I dried the dog off with a towel and dried its body with a hairdryer,snuck onto my neighbors yard and placed the dogs body there with its face in the water bowl. Should I confess?

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Cat committed suicide and I am being blamed?

    I was visiting my neighbor who stopped by my car window to chat when I pulled into their driveway. After a few minutes I pulled ahead and parked the car. My neighbor and her daughter walked over to the back of my care and I opened my car door, got out and faced them. I noticed their cat was lying very still on the driveway behind them, and then it would flip in the air, and lie still, and flip in the air, and lie still, and finally it flipped in the air and lied completely still. While the cat was jumping I said...look your cat is doing tricks. Only to realize that I had run over the poor beast and snapped its spine with my tire. The cat died as we watched. The family is blaming me for killing their cute kitty cat.

    Here is my question...should I get a free pass on this cat death since it was truly an act of cat suicide when it layed in front of my car tire. If it helps any, the cat seemed to be depressed according to the family.

    25 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Who is behind hate crimes in America?

    From the FBI -

    Percentage of all known perpetrators of hate crimes in 2005 who were white: 60.5%

    Percentage of all known perpetrators of hate crimes in 2005 who were black: 19.9%

    From the USA census -

    White persons, percent, 2005 - 80.2%

    Black persons, percent, 2005 - 12.8%

    It appears that Whites are under represented in hate crimes and blacks are over represented. Why is this and what type of hate crimes do blacks commit to support this the numbers above?

    12 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What does this say about the Democrats compared to the Republicans?

    The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 (Public law 107-243, 116 Stat. 1497-1502), by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

    The house of Representatives had a number of people who voted no. 133 voted against the resolution, 126 of the votes cast were from Democrats, 6 from Republicans, and 1 from the sole independent.

    The Senate, 22 Democratic Senators voted against the resolution as did 1 Independent Senator.

    Does this say that the Democrats have high road in Ethics concerning our War in Iraq?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did we get our Moneys worth in Iraq?

    Iraq facts - cost $370 Billion to date of our Tax Money ( Or borrowed and neeeding to be paid back in future )

    This money could buy the following in the USA

    1 million teachers for six years

    8 million police for one year

    6 million port inspectors to protect our ports (99% of freight enters country this way )

    700 elementary schools in each and every state

    Not to mention the billions lost to fraud and theft.

    Or, the over 3,0000 American dead soldiers and countless Iraqi's dead.

    Does anyone , republican or democrat, really believe that this money was well spent? Or, do you believe it was largey squandered by an incompetent government?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why are Gas prices not causing protests in the street?

    Gas was about $1.25 per gallon when Bush took the Presidentail reins in his first term.

    Last week, Big Oil's first-quarter profit reports came rolling in with more bad news for consumers. On April 26, Exxon/Mobil reported that even though it produced less product than last year, it earned profits of 10 percent on unusually high refinery margins (source: MarketWatch) and that the margins were so high that the company "overcame lower crude oil and natural gas prices" (source: Associated Press).

    Gas has exceeded $3.50 per gallon in San Diego, don't worry your pricing will soon catch up to this number.

    Record prices and record profits for the Oil companies. Why are we sitting on our butts and not protesting in the streets untill we force the government to take action and curb these abuses?

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Was President Reagan as good as the Republicans claim?

    Ronald Reagan is often cited as the shining example of how the Republican party leads the country to prosperity for the American people.

    Best answer goes to the individual who lists the top five things that Reagan did to help our country and our people. And the top five things that he did wrong which hurt our people and our country.

    Please....all you rabid Republican dogma kings and queens do not get engage the fearfull power of your Sean Hannity/Bill O'Reilly/Rush Limbaugh infected brains to demonstrate without a doubt that President Reagan was all good and saved us all from the scourge of the Russians and the certain end of our civilization from nuclear holocaust.

    I really want to collect the good and the not so good....and please after you list your answers a final statement....good or bad president. If good, the best? If bad, the worst(no fair citing GW Bush...he has time yet to make things event worse)

    34 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should Gun laws be changed to protect our society?

    Do you believe that access to guns need to be much more restricted and controlled? Should the permit should be issued by the police only after an interview occurs and the individual passes the following tests:

    A) The purpose of owning the gun is clearly established by interview by a police officer. They need to keep the gun in a safe at home,show a need for hunting, target shooting or self defense. The need to permit each gun. No need,no gun.

    B) The individual must produce an affidavit stating he has no police record and is a member of society in good standing with good morals.

    C) The individual must produce a letter from a physician stating that he examined the individual and found that person to be of sound mental health with annual re-certification to maintain ownership of the weapon.

    D) The gun must be issued by the police department. The police should confiscate weapons from individuals who fail to produce annual certification reports on mental health and safety training.

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Placing Pea Gravel over Asphalt.?

    We have a very long driveway made from asphalt. I am interested in placing pea gravel over the asphalt surface. Some of the surface is flat with a mild grade. Some of the asphalt driveway is a fairly steep section. I want to put pea gravel over a portion of the steep drive and then end this leaving the asphalt intact for the balance of the driveway. I do not want the pea gravel to fall off and roll down the driveway. I do not want the pea gravel to be kicked off by car tires. What would be the best way to do this project and the best products for placing on the asphalt to embed the pea gravel, and what sort of pea gravel would work best.

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Should Christian Grave Markers in National Cemeteries allow Jesus to be shown on the cross.?

    Many Christians worked to build this great country and fight the wars that have kept us free.

    Should we take back our Christian heritage and replace the generic cross marking graves and monuments with a cross that shows Christ suffering for all our sins hanging crucified on the cross as it happened in Judea when he was killed by the jews?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Was the Whale at Seaworld correct in it's actions?

    On 11/29/06 the captive Killer Whales at Seaworld struck another blow at their oppressors by attacking and almost killing a trainer/guard holding them captive. Should this example be followed by other Killer Whales held against their will? Should the trainer expect to be almost killed by a "Killer" Whale?

    7 AnswersZoology1 decade ago