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Kitty C

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  • Flirtatious Girl and Boy?

    So I like to flirt. Like harmless flirting with sometimes a spicy little talks every now and again. Nothing serious or slutty. I made sure of it because I do have values in myself. So a guy I met about three years ago seems like the male version of me expect for the fact that my IQ ranks higher than his, I'm punk-rock almost gothic, I don't pay much attention to the "in-crowd" or gossip, and I fight for my opinions. Basically he has a weaker will and IQ. Other than that he's a lot like me. He's became my best friend. We flirt with each other almost everyday. His flirting style is a bit different than mine. He's very hands-on. I tell him when to stop and he listens. We've dated other people, but I have feelings for him. Way stronger than best friend feelings.I've had them for a while, but I suppressed them because I thought we could never really be together.

    Lately, I've been thinking about just admitting to him how I feel and the more I think about it the more people can see how I really feel about him. He's been showing me more feelings, too. Like simple girlfriend-boyfriend things like lending me a jacket or wrapping his arm around me when it's cold or holding my hand just because.

    It's now or never, right? But here's the thing: He can never stick to one girl for very long. Maybe it's because of me, maybe he is really into me, but if it's not that and we date, what would become of that? I am a very aggressive person. If you cross the line with me, I will hurt you. In his case, he might cheat and there would be a very severe punishment for that. I've also been thinking that I like to flirt,too, even in relationships.

    I've run this over with my friend and she said "Do what you do best: Dive right in. You've gotta trust him. I've seen the ways you look at each other. I think it was meant to be."

    But she's a romantic so it wouldn't hurt to have a second opinion.

    So my question is: Can a very flirtatious girl and boy work out in long-terms? Would he stop flirting with other girls if I asked? And I him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Classic Question: Soo there's this guy...?

    Well, I'm confused. This guy who rides my bus is cool {Yeah, I'm a junior in high school}. I liked him last year, but a summer passed and I figured I didn't like him anymore. But the year started and I still like him. I've started talking to him more. We have an insider about his pants. I always sit really close to him and listen to his Ipod with him. He let's me play with his hair {Which is weird because he doesn't really like people touching his hair} and well, things seem like they could work out for us. Maybe. I like to flirt. A lot. I was wondering if that could impair his thoughts of me. Should I cool it with other guys and just focus on him? Or should I just keep doing what I'm doing?

    I really like him and I want him to like me, too. But I don't want to be pushy or annoying. I don't want to make him uncomfortable. And I don't want to rush into anything, but I really want to date him. Should I just ask him or should I wait? I don't like using a friend to ask a guy if he wants to go out with me, but should I do that? Should I just wait until he's ready to ask me out, assuming he likes me? Gosh, I'm confused. I want him, but I don't want to be embarrassed. And if he doesn't like me and I ask him out..Well, things will be awkward for our friendship. I don't want that. Should I just take a chance?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Should I go with the new guy or the old one?

    I've liked Cody since the 10th grade. We've talked and flirted a little, but mostly we got just stare at each other. Whenever I try to make I move on him, he resists. His friends tell me to let him approach me, but I don't like to wait. I waited for him. Yeah, I dated other guys like 8 or 9, but Cody knew I still liked him because I gave him hints that I do and I know he picks them up. I smile and he blushes and turns away.

    So this summer I figured since nothing has happened with me and Cody maybe I should move on. And that's what did. I started seeing this guy, Ayman. The thing is Cody and Ayman are one and the same. They're so much alike. My friends think I'm trying to replace Cody with Ayman, but I really think I like Ayman just for himself.

    Lately, Cody's been flirting harder with me. He wants to go to the movies every Friday, go to the waterpark, and basically just go on dates. I convinced myself it's a friend thing. But yesterday when we were hanging out at the food court, he tried to convince me to go out with him instead of Ayman. Then he kissed me. And I did absolutely nothing to stop him because I loved it. Anyways turns out Ayman's friend, Malik, was at the mall that same day and saw me and Cody. He actually took a picture {Wtf} and showed Ayman.

    Ayman says that he really likes, but I need make a {f*cking} choice and that he's not going to {f*cking} wait forever. He said I'll give you an hour.

    I managed to make him give me a day, but I still don't know. I'm confused.

    Should I just go on with Ayman or just try with Cody?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How do I get my ex-boyfriend back?

    So I'm in the tenth grade and I broke up with my boyfriend, Jay, three months ago, but I have remaining feelings for him. I don't even remember why I broke up with him! I dated another guy and felt nothing. I still like Jay. We have no classes together so I can't talk to him. I'm grounded from my phone so I can't text him. But I notice he looks at me at lunch. We recently got into the same Health class. We look at each other a lot, but I don't know if it's because he feels awkward about having a class with his ex or if he wants to be with me again. There's a dance this Friday and, well, I just don't know what to do. My main question is: How do I get him back? Any ideas or advice? Please! Don't you guys remember high school boyfriend-girlfriend drama?! Lol. Thanks.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does he like me or what?

    So I'm in the tenth and most people think dating should be like 1-2-3 in this grade. Well, it isn't! Or maybe it's just the guy. I've liked Cody since the beginning of year {In August!} and I still confused if he likes me or not. He stares at me and smiles and blushes. All that good stuff, but we hardly speak unless we're joking around with our mutual friends. I didn't spend all my tenth grade year trying to figure this out, I've dated other guys, but those relationships don't last long because they're not Cody. Cody is everything I ever wanted in guy including stubborn. I asked my friend to ask him a simple question: Do you think I'm pretty? Simple, right? Pathetic? Some what, but it's all I got! Don't judge me! So she asks and he smiles at her and says I'm not telling you. Then walks away. What is that? I mean is he trying to prevent me from getting my feelings hurt or is he shy or does he just like stringing me along? Should I just man up and ask him out point blank?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • To any guys that are striaght..?

    send me a picture and you name. and ill tell you why i asked.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Gawd, i made a mistake.?

    im 16 and i had sex with my boyfriend. i feel guilty. should i break up with him or hope for the best?

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • boyfriend situation...?

    what does it mean when your boyfriend tells all his friends on facebook that you had sex with him?i mean i know it was our first time, but did he really have to put it on FACEBOOK?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does he like me or will he ask me out or...both?

    A guy i like, santiago, he just found out i like him. is he going to ask me out or does he like me? ok no girl ever liked him, no one wants to be around but me. i like him. he flirts like rubbing his legs nd smiles at me. flicking my hair when he walks by nd stuff like that....and i wanna kno if i should ask him or get some1 to ask for me or wait till he asks me. i'm afriad if i ask someone elses to do it he might say no. but its wroth a chance rite?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would he date me if he knew how I felt?

    Ok the guy I like barely talks me but when he does its like we're in our own bubble. we stare into each other eyes for breif moments sometimes. but i want to know if he would date me if he actually knew how i felt about him. all my friends say he's ugly and no one ever liked him but me. but he has this thing that makes me go wild for him. what should i do? should i tell one of my friends to tell him? because i know i don't have the nerve to do it. even though my ego is HUGE!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why isn't he talking to me?

    This guy he's my recently new boyfriend, but he anit talkin 2 me!! Like before we were going out he wuz cool with me talking to my best guy friend and now it's like he is trtying to make me choose between them. Last week my boyfriend said: Marc <guy best friend> is in love with you and you know it. Yall also flirt, you've better get your self straight.

    I asked him if he wanted to break up. He said: H*** no!! If you even try I'm going to slap you so hard!!

    Erik <boyfriend> must've lost his mind for a sec he apologized for that. But ever since then he acted like he dropped off the face off the planet. Everyone on campus...we're in high school but it's this high school that you sleep away at private school i guess you can call it...hasn't seen him I know it's summer vacation and he probaly took off some where but...he's not anwsering my phone calls or texts..or anyone's...

    I told Marc I was going to put up a police report...he thought I was over exaggerating..i did too but weird enough erik's best friend, Orian, dropped out somewhere too!! I guess they went some where.... Im worried..

    Senie...a friend sort of....said that Erik texted him,,,he's probaly lying but Senie also said Erik was coming back next week (some students stay on campus during the summer...some leave...) and Erik wasn't anwsering any of my phone calls or text because he wanted to dump me in person...i don't what to believe...but if Senie's right...why do you think Erik wants to break up with me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do u get a guy to notice u?

    A very nice and sexy <if i do say so myself> iz in my high skool n we talk cuz we hve PE/ Gym 2gether n he wrote : Nick luvs ya in my year book cuz we out of skool goin in2 the 10th grade. i hve his fone# n he has mine he calld me once n we talkd 4 an hr n 1/2 mostly sayin: So wat r u doin? or Wanna sit 2gether on the bus? then close 2 the end he askd me 2 the movies 4 friday n DUH! i sed yeah!! but i still dont think he notices me. i want him 2 ask me out, cuz we're not rlly a couple......yet. i dont no but my real question iz <i guess> Should I ask him out 2 b my boyfriend or should I wait n let him ask me.? girls i rlly need ur help n it wood b cool 2 hve some gu point of view! :]


    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Guys: What and how does a girl to turn you on?

    A guy likes me and I like him, we are dating. And he's acting like he likes this new girl a geek. Glasses, buck teeth, braces, i mean her glasses are huge! and she acts like she's everything with her wild hair and baggy clothes. I'm trying to figure out why he is turned on by her. I mean he starts shaking and nearly/ almost starts humping my leg.And togunes me to the sight of her. What's going on?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any long Teen Romances?

    I loved:

    Twilight saga

    Evermore (cant wait for the new book: Blue Moon)

    Uh, a lot of none romances

    oh and Dreamland.

    i know im so freakin picky but a need a book!!

    1 AnswerMagazines1 decade ago
  • There's a guy.....and read on for,like, more details!?

    There's this guy named, not telling, and he's a great friend. Cute, Short, and talented like me so I've been told. And I want to ask him out but I keep thinking:

    'If he says no everyone is going to know!'

    My friends say I should take a chance and move on if he says no. And I know and think they're right. But every time I'm about to ask him. I get scared and walk away! I really like this guy and I was never shy...What should I do?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ummm, not sure how to post it...?

    Okay, a guy (no name said so we'll call him,..,Bob) Okay Bob, wink; wink, likes me and I like him back. Every one says we look adorable together (6 and 7th graders, we're in middle school) we look like little kids, short, squeaky voices, I'm 10 (skipped 5th grade), Bob's 11, um-mm same B-Day month 10 days apart, he's 10 days before my B-Day..Any who what should I do? I mean we already know we're totally in to each other. What's wrong, I mean who's keeping us back. I mean we are not dating anyone I'm highly popular in school and turned down so many cute/ sweet because Bob keeps telling me every day he's going to ask me out at the end of the day and he never does. So like is he waiting for a special day? Is Bob trying to play me? Is he trying to wait for a special time? Help me!

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Hi, read below...Its bout this guy?

    Okay, um this guy named Sean really likes me and I like him...but we wont go can ask him out without him or ME being totally embarrasse...I mean its like ALMOST true love....I mean we really like each other but everyone says we dont look good together...but when I stare into his big brown eyes I think I love him and hes the one who will be my lover, the one who will stick up and by my side forever, the one who I will marry, the one who will call every day and say hey baby..and when older he just wont come over to have sex...hes the one who will last me through middle skool, high skool, college, and marriage...So wat should i do/??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Hi! So simple! 4 those who dont read da details..get ur tail up and read them!! It work without them! Enjoy!?

    Simple as pie....speaking of which i want some pie! OKay goes:

    How da heck do u know if a guy likes you!!

    Im a middle skooler....dont suggest sex on the next item:

    HOw do u get a guy to like more than friend??

    And gurls its not love were in middle skool true betold we

    dont even know how to spell luv...if u know wat im sayin...

    and same with high skoolers dont know wat luv iz!!

    but im totally off subject that i asked so go 4 it!! Answer my quest-ion and i might choose YOU as the perfect/hot winner!!! Yeah!! LoL!!:)

    P.S: Im always happy ull get use 2 it!!!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do you find out if a boy likes you?

    I like this guy (we're in MIDDLE SKOOL so im not going to have sex with him, get it out your mind) but we're just friends and he hits on me but has a girl friend and i have boyfriend. i really like this guy but i dont know how to show him without ruining the friend ship. I think he feels that way too. that if he tells me he likes me more then a friend and i dont like him back he'll ruin the friend ship. So he's probaly not goingt to make the first move. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago