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  • My friends daughter talk back to her A LOT other issues with teen age girl ...?

    My best friend has a 16 yr old daughter, who is generally a decent kid. She doesn't drink or do drugs, she gets decent grades & she is generally an ok kid.

    She is with my friend A LOT of the time, the daughter isn't really interested in boys, but is VERY into boy bands & social media.

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Looking for suggestions for Halloween movie to show to grade school kids. Grades 3, 4 & 5.?

    Looking for suggestions for Halloween movie to show to grade school kids. Grades 3, 4 & 5.

    To be shown in school.

    Something that we can but or rent on a DVD or BlueRay.

    7 AnswersHalloween7 years ago
  • My guy & I don't have a song ...?

    Sorry this is kind of long ....

    We when a bit overboard at Christmas (we weren't frivolous but we got each other stuff that we needed: clothes, toiletries, snacks for him for school, new boots, winter coats, etc). He is back to school full time, his teen age daughter just moved in with us & she is also in school full time, and doesn't have a job.. So we have less money coming in than we did last year & more expenses.

    Last year I got hockey tickets & we went to game & dinner, year before we got a limo & did a wine tour & dinner for Valentines Day. This year I can't afford that .... I am going to get him a few small things & make some cookies. I want to type up & frame a song, but we don't have a song that is "ours" .... looking for suggestions ....

    We are in our 40's, we've known each other since we were kids. (we lost touch after high school, I moved back to area 6 yrs ago & we bumped into each other on FaceBook), we have been together almost 4 years. He likes country & classic rock. He is a full time student (taking 2 majors at once!) & Dj's for private parties. He likes hockey, football, cars, he is a paramedic & was a volunteer firefighter. I'm more of a classic rock, blues & jazz girl. I do like some of the newer country ....

    SO I was looking for suggestions for a song that i can type up the lyrics to & frame.

    any suggestions??

    2 AnswersCountry8 years ago
  • Sibling visitation (NY State)?

    My 19 yr old step daughter just moved from her Mom's house in with her Dad & me, to make for an easier commute to collage. Now her mother is refusing to let her see or talk to her 2 younger half brothers. This is CRUSHING her. She just graduated last year & has been primary child care for the boys for the last several years. She got them up in the morning & fed them breakfast, they all rode bus together to school & she had them for a bit after school too. She loves these boys & misses them. What rights does she have for visitation? We live in New York state. We live in Niagara county, the boys & Mom live in Erie county.

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • Sibling visitation (NY State)?

    My 19 yr old step daughter just moved from her Mom's house in with her Dad & me, to make for an easier commute to collage. Now her mother is refusing to let her see or talk to her 2 younger half brothers. This is CRUSHING her. She just graduated last year & has been primary child care for the boys for the last several years. She got them up in the morning & fed them breakfast, they all rode bus together to school & she had them for a bit after school too. She loves these boys & misses them. What rights does she have for visitation? We live in New York state. We live in Niagara county, the boys & Mom live in Erie county.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Mad Men Question. Season 5, Episode 7 At the Codfish Ball?

    at the end of episode Drappers daughter goes to bathroom, what does she see?? I just missed it

    1 AnswerDrama9 years ago
  • Bollywood movies on Netflix ?

    Can you suggest any movies to watch on NetFlix in English or Dubbed in English

    I really liked Monsoon Wedding ....

    4 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • How much beer, pop & water to buy?

    Grad party aprox 7 - 8 hrs

    aprox 90 - 100 people 50 adults 30 teens 10 kids

    no heavy drinkers

    how do I figure out how much beer, soda, water & juice boxes?? Thinking a 1/4 keg of beer plus maybe 1 case of a diff brand? ??

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago
  • What is a good dessert for a lot of people for St Patrick's Day?

    Patryof at least 30 people, most likely more. Something fun and easy to make. Has to taravel,I have coolers thogh so cold isn't a problem

    8 AnswersSt. Patrick's Day9 years ago
  • Where is OZ?? Oswald Correction Facility?

    What town or City is the prison in?? I know it's in NY state

    7 AnswersDrama9 years ago
  • one liners, poems, puns for V Day?

    I make soaps to sell at craft shows, for Valentine's Day (mostly for kids) I am making 2 different o ne, a puzzle piece & a knot (like a Celtic love knot) I'm looking for short poems, puns or 1 liners to put on the headers.

    Something like "Believe it or KNOT I love you lots" ...any suggestions??

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • A show with marionettes? (That Thing That You Do)?

    In the movie That Thing That You Do at abt 7 ins in, they are in appliance store & a show is playing on TVs. Black & white show with marionettes. Is that a real show?? If so what is it??

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • my "step daughter" is failing & lying?

    My boyfriend of almost 4 yrs has a 19 year old daughter. She is a Sr in High School, IF she passes this year she will be almost 20 when she graduates.

    Each year she does the same thing, 1 semester she does ok, grades in mid 70's, not great, but passing. Second semester she slips & fails a class or 2. Third semester she catches back up & is in high 70's last semester every thing is down to the wire & she passes by the skin of her teeth ....

    It's hard as per court papers we ave her every other weekend from 4:45 pm on Friday to 8pm on Sunday (and about every third time we have her there is a reason fro her Mom why we have to have her back sooner.) So we don;t have much control over her going to classes & doing homework.

    My boyfriend talks to her about every other day, he asks how she is doing, what's going on in her life etc. (I text her every couple days & we talk about once a week.) Also asks about school ... and she lies ... lies lies ... the report card we should have gotten for first 10 weeks of school never came to us (normally school mails it to him at our house) this time. So we called & it took 2 weeks to send it to us, so we were in the 13th week of classes. She is failing 2 classes, one with a 58 & other with a 64 (65 is passing). She tried telling us that the 58 was do to a discrepancy in a group project. He spoke to teacher teacher said she didn't do her full part of group project that others in group got a 90 & she got a 45. Other class she said it was because teacher always marks her as absent, he says she has skipped 7 classes in 10 weeks, she insists she was there. Also she is passing gym with a 67, but has skipped class 3 times, again she says she only missed 1 class ... maybe 1 of these excuses I might believe, but not all of them. ...

    SO ... I tired to bribe her,we talked & she really wanted a tablet, I told her that if she passed first two semesters & doesn't skip any gym classes I would buy her a tablet after second marking period. We talked to her Mom & she agreed to this ... NOW her Mom bought her a tablet. .... WHAT THE HELL ... ok maybe bribing wasn't the best way, but she said she was cool with agreement, now she is REWARDING her for failing ... this wasn't even a Christmas gift she gave it 2 her 2 weeks ago, she just told us tonight. I do not know what to do with this kid.

    Now every time we have her she shows us the list of stuff she needs for her dorm ... I want to say IF you ever pass ... She expects us to but this huge list of stuff she needs kitchen stuff, mini fridge etc .... My Boyfriend pays MORE child support then is asked for by the court papers, plus we buy her school clothes, guitar lessons, pay for her cell phone?? ugh I feel like we shouldn't be buying all this stuff because she isn't doing well now, how will she do when she is not living at home, with NO adult supervision?

    It's hard at her age I was already out of the house starting my second year of collage & living on my own.

    How do we get this kid to crack down & do well in school so she can go on to college & have a decent life working & doing well. She goes to community school, it's a vocational school. 1/2 day of classes in vocation & 1/2 day of classes in reg high school stuff. She does VERY well with vocation classes, has 92 average there.

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • What is a good gift for a UPS driver?

    I don't know our driver, but I got A LOT of packages this year ... any suggestions for a nice gift for our driver. he a guy around 30?

    5 AnswersChristmas9 years ago
  • girl with the dragon tattoo movie question?

    spoilers ....... if you haven't watched it this contains spoilers .....










    I am watching movie now, dubbed. What is the translation of what she tattooed on parole officer (guardian) chest?

    2 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • what are you getting your dad for Christmas?

    what are you getting your dad for Christmas?

    2 AnswersChristmas10 years ago
  • Tonights WALKING DEAD What do you think? and a quick question abt it too ....?

    First a quick question my power flickered, what did Daryl put on the cord around his neck?

    NOW for the

    SPOILERS .....










    BELOW ,,,,,,,

    Also what did you think of episode??

    There were some cool camera shots ... the ants on the branch etc

    and what's up with the walkers in barn ??!!

    3 AnswersDrama10 years ago