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Lv 2508 points

Painted By Numbers

Favorite Answers12%

My name is not important. The Sounds is the best band in the world. Period. I have a crush on Maja Ivarsson. I'm gay and if you don't like it you can go fcuk yourself sideways. The Suicide Girls rock my world. Add me up on AIM... Screenname - cccrunksauce

  • Does increased acidity slow down enzyme reaction?

    Does increased acidity have any sort of *effect* on enzymes in a chemical reaction?

    *(Involving the overall speed of the reaction in particular.)

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Why do I feel so sick?

    Some of the symptoms include:

    1) Consistent respiratory/sinus/ear infections for the last year or so

    2) Running a low grade fever almost always for the last few months

    3) Waking up in cold sweats in the middle of the night and morning everyday for about 2 weeks

    3) My muscles feel really weak like when I've been sitting down for a long time or when I wake up it takes me a minute or so to be able to walk completely normal

    4) I've been having really, really bad pains all throughout my body but they feel like the pain is actually in my bones and not my joints

    5) Just recently (like only this past week) I have had almost no appetite at all

    6) And a highly severe pain right in between my sternum and my rib cage on the right side (my left) or an even worse pain in my collar bone (usually on the left side also) that comes at random times

    I have no idea whats wrong with me and neither do the doctors I have been to but maybe these things could be connected, does anyone else have an idea?


    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I need help with a metaphor...?

    "He is like a ship in a river; he runs against obstructions on every side but one; on that side all obstruction is taken away, and he sweeps serenely over a deepening channel into an infinite sea" - Ralph Waldo Emerson, 'Spiritual Laws'

    I need to rephrase that but I dont get it that well to begin with cause it sounds stupid, can you like rephrase that so I can understand it better?

    7 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Biology Question?

    How do we differentiate living things from nonliving things? (Be serious/precise)

    3 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • This is what I want?

    A girlfriend... that doesnt treat me like a douche or look like one. Im cool. I wasnt a girlfriend from england or something like that. Or with her lip pierced. That would be cool. So I guess the question is, do you know any and where the hell do I find them??

  • What is the most kickass song title that you have ever heard of?

    I wanna know the most kickass/funniest/stupidest/though provoking song title you have ever heard of. I don't care if the song totally sucks I just wanna see what your answers are. Best answer goes to the person with the song title I like most.

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What are the best bands (in your opinion) in the following genres?

    Rock (Pretty much any type of the sort since "Rock" is such a broad genre)

    Indie Rock (Independent rock bands)

    Pop (The kind that I cant stand like Britney Spears and Nsync)

    Rock-Pop (Such as 'Boys Like Girls' or 'Cartel' and that kinda stuff)

    Rap (Even if you don't like it I shouldn't have to tell you what it is)

    Hip-Hop (I cant tell the difference between the two [Hip-Hop and Rap] these days)

    And any other genres you can think of. Dont just answer for one genre because then you wont get the 10 points. Best answer either goes to the person with the most similar taste to mine or to the person who introduces me to some new bands. I'll tell you my favorites after I get 5 answers. GO!!!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Any ideas for a new email address and domain?

    Im gonna get a new email address at aol domains and dont know what it should be so I want your ideas. I have NO ideas for the actual email part ( and I only have a couple for the domain. Help me I want something funny/creative but no stupid.

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why is it so hard for me to get a girlfriend?

    I'm not ugly (Then again, I dont think I'm "hot"), I'm not fat, I'm the most generous person you'll ever meet, I'm a total flirt and I spend all my time and money on other people. I HAVE definatly had girlfriends but we always either break up or it turns out they were never gay in the first place (Who would have guessed that one)

  • Suicide Girls vs. Playboy?

    Okay, so... Suicide Girls vs. Playboy Bunnies... who would win and why?

    Person with the Best Answer by tomorrow morning gets 10 points.

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If you could meet anyone in the world alive or dead, who would it be and why?

    I'm bored and I just wanted to know who peopl ewhould want to meet and why... you can tell me up to 5 people but dont forget to put your reason for wanting to meet them. Who ever has the funniest/most unique answer gets best answer (10 points).

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • On a scale from 1-10 how butch do I look?

    Just curious. On a scale from 1-10 how are my looks over all (1 being buttass ugly and 10 being whatever you want it to) AND on a scale from 1-10 how "butch" do I look (1 being not at all and 10 being totally) (Answer both)

    I dont look like either of those pics anymore but I still wanna know anyway.

    And yeah, I'm gay so dont bother asking.

  • Do I even have a religion anymore?

    I used to try really hard to be the best Christian I could when I was younger (Like ages 8-12) but I could never seem to put up with all the other Christians I met. I quit going to church and associating with them because of the standards they had. Anytime I ever did something wrong they would always tell me that it was wrong and that I needed to repent and all that jazz. I guess they just pushed me too far and I totally started to drift away from all religion. In a way, I want to have some sort of religion and I think Christianity would be nice and all if all the other followers weren't complete jackasses. I also hate the people that tel I see sermons on television, and some of the religious people on Y!A or anywhere I go and they just make Christianity seem like a huge covered-up cult system. So what should I do, take the path my own way, not have a religion at all, or put up with a bunch of flaming idiots that I don't believe for a second and want to make me punch their lights out??

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If I have parental consent can I move out at 15?

    Okay, so I just turned 15 a day short of a month ago and my parents (grandparents. but they are my legal guardians) told me that I could move out IF I had the money to pay my own rent, a job, and I could still go to school all at the same time. I just wondered if there were any federal laws that would prohibit me from moving out even though I have parental consent. Also, someone told me that you have to be at least 16 to get a "real" job. Is that true and if it is does anyone know how I could make some money to pay for my rent???


    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • If I have parental consent can I move out at 15?

    Okay, so I just turned 15 a day short of a month ago and my parents (grandparents. but they are my legal guardians) told me that I could move out IF I had the money to pay my own rent, a job, and I could still go to school all at the same time. I just wondered if there were any federal laws that would prohibit me from moving out even though I have parental consent. Also, someone told me that you have to be at least 16 to get a "real" job. Is that true and if it is does anyone know how I could make some money to pay for my rent???


    8 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to fix my Creative Zen?

    My little cousin brought her 1GB Creative Zen up today and the screen on it wont work but its on and fully charged. It got dropped 2 days ago and there were red and green lines on the screen and now when we try to use it you have to turn all the lights off in the room and look really hard at the screen and even then its not legible. Does anyone know how to troubleshoot this or maybe just reset the whole device?

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know a good website for DIV Overlays?

    I have been loking really hard for a QUALITY DIV Overlay for my myspace and the only website I could find that had some pretty good ones was www [dot] createblog [dot] com but there was nothing on there that I like all that much personally. Does anyone know where I could find other high quality overlays??? Thanks.

    3 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Is the Subaru Impreza 2.5i a good car?

    I am looking at a 2007 Subaru Impreza 2.5i for $18,000 new... is that a good deal and what can you tell me about the car?

    10 AnswersSubaru1 decade ago
  • What is the formula used to calculate interest?

    Yeah, I need to know that

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • What would I type in if I wanted to get more images like this?

    Where can I find more images like this? Like what would I type in to the search bar to find them? Thisis what I want...

    3 AnswersInternet1 decade ago